This Is The Story Of A Mysterious Child, who was raised by the Elves. He goes on adventure of finding his origin. He wants to know, who is his mother and father, but is this simple. With each steps, he conquered cities, countries, empires, Planets, Universes, even the Beast Multiverse was not further apart from his rule. But unknown to him, his mother and father were not in the Beast Multiverse, for this he needs to crossed over the Multiverses. Are you ready to read this Mythical journey.
Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya have reached the Verdant Valley Gym, its design looks like the shape of a garden.
But before they entered the Gym, some girls stood in his way. But before they asked him some questions, they were shocked by seeing his cute looks. Although in the Mysticons World, people have the most craze for Mysticons more than handsome boys and beautiful girls.
Still some of them still fall for the boys and girls. Just like in the present. Before the girls asked Azlan something to Azlan, he had already entered the Gym.
"Hello, is anyone here?" Azlan asked.
"Yes, I am, what do you need?" A girl's voice came out. It was the same girl, who was present in the festival, Flora.
"Oh, so you are the Gym Leader," Azlan nodded looking at her.
"Yes, I am the Gym Leader of Verdant Valley Gym, Flora," Flora answered.
"Ok, I am here to challenge you with the Gym Battle," Azlan replied.
"Ok, as the Gym Leader of Verdant Valley Gym, I am accepting your challenge," Flora accepted.
"This will be the two on two battle between the Gym Leader Flora and Challenger Azlan Starwind. And the first one to lose both Mysticons will become the loser. Let's begin," The referee announced.
"Ok," Azlan nodded, "Blazekite, go for the battle." Blazekite jumped in the arena.
"Go Rangela, I choose you," Flora shouted while rubbing her Mystic Ring.
A Mysticons comes out, which has the vine over all of his body.
"Eeeewww, what disgusting Mysticons," Freya comments, as she closes her eyes.
"Rangela, use Vine Whip," Flora shouted, Rangela used her vine to hit the Blazekite.
"Blazekite, use Smokescreen," Azlan commanded. Blazekite created the Smokescreen, then Tangela was not able to see in the smoke, and Blazekite dodged the Vine Whip easily.
As the smoke vanished, "Rangela, use Stun Spore." Flora shouted, and Stun Spore came out of Rangela going towards the Blazekite.
"Blazekite, used Flamethrower," Azlan commanded, and then Blazekite used the Flamethrower, causing the Stun Spore to vanish, and some of them hit Rangela.
Before even Rangela became fine, "Now, end with Fire Punch," Azlan commanded, and Blazekite hands started gathering the fire, and then with his punches, he hit Rangela.
Rangela collided on a corner, then he fell with the swirling in his eyes.
"Rangela is unable to battle, this round goes for the Blazekite, Gym Leader sends your next Mysticons," The Referee announced.
"Brighty, go for it," Flora shouted, and then she threw the Mystic Ring, from which Brighty came out. It shows that Flora's Ralts also evolved into Brighty, from which Azlan deduced, maybe the Ralts group has reached their limits for evolving.
"Elysion, go for the battle," Azlan commanded, and from behind him, Elysion jumped on the stage.
"Which Mysticons is this," Flora was confused, as she took out her Mystic Phone, but its data showed an error.
"Brighty, use Confusion," Flora shouted, Brighty's eyes started swirling, and she was making Elysion confused.
"Elysion, calm yourself, and use Focus," Ben commanded, Elysion closed his eyes, and through the Aura, he focused on Brighty.
Seeing no results, "Brighty, use Psycho Cut." Quickly Brighty slBened his arm sending a circle of Psychic energy towards the Aura Mysticons.
"Elysion, use Aura Shield," Azlan commanded, and then Elysion created a Sphere around him to save himself from the Psycho Cut.
"Now, end with the Aura Sphere," Azlan ordered, then Elysion created the Aura in his hands and threw it on Brighty, knocking her out.
"Brighty is unable to fight, the winner is Azlan Starwind of this battle," The Referee announced.
"This Petal Badge is the proof of your Victory," Flora said, giving him the Petal Badge.
"Thanks," Azlan nodded, as he was ready to go out, then he noticed Ben Eleven with the black haired girl come inside the Gym.
"Hello, is anyone here, I have come for the Gym battle," Ben shouted after coming inside.
"Yes, I am, welcome to my Gym," Flora replied with a surprise to see Ben.
"F-Flora what are you doing here?" Ben asked, his eyes widened in surprise. Then he noticed the Azlan group. "Hello, Azlan, why did you come here?"
"Just like you, for the Gym Battle," Azlan answered. Ben nodded, but his focused return back to Pakura, when she questioned her.
"Ben, how did you know her?" Pakura asked, looking angry, she forgot Ben also knows Azlan, while she thought, 'I wonder how he knows someone like that, I bet they have a secret relationship.'
"Yeah, I kind of threw a Mystic Ring at her by accident, because I thought she was a Mysticons." Ben said, scratching the back of his head. "And also helped her in catching the Ralts."
"How do you get a person mixed up with a Mysticons?" Pakura scolds him by slapping him in the back of his head.
"It was an accident, and I am already apologizing to her." Ben confessed holding the back of his head in pain.
"Hi my name is Flora, I am the Verdant Valley Gym Leader." Flora replied, smiling at the two of them.
"Hi, my name is Pakura Goldstein," Pakura said, smiling at her, but from her expression, it clearly shows she was angry.
Ben noticed this, to break their staring battle, he decided to get their attention. "Hey come on, let's have a Gym battle. That is the reason I came here."
"That's okay with me, let's battle with the two on two Mysticons," Flora agreed, smiling at Ben, making him blush slightly. Pakura noticed and sent a glare at Flora, which Flora just responded to by sticking her tongue out.
"Hey Ben, you became ready," said Flora, ready to rub back her Mystic Rings.
"I'm sure that you will put up a good fight," said Ben reaching his hand towards his own Mystic Ring.
Both rubbed their Mystic Rings out into the field, Ben released his Brighty and Flora released her Ploom. Brighty first goes to Ben and starts hugging him before going to battle.
"This will be a two on two Gym battle between Gym leader Flora and trainer Ben Eleven, let the battle begin." Shouted the referee before signaling them to begin.
"Ploom, use Stun Spore," Flora said, before vines shot from Ploom and wrapped around Brighty. Stun Spore came out of Ploom and headed for Brighty.
"Brighty, use Light Screen," Ben ordered, and Brighty began making a barrier around itself preventing the Stun Spore from entering it.
"Brighty, use Confusion" Shouted Ben, Brighty quickly confused Ploom, making him let him go and walk around randomly.
"Brighty, now use Fire Punch," Ben commanded, and Brighty's fist got hot and began burning, she punched Ploom sending it flying.
"Ploom no," Shouted Flora. Ploom fell on the ground but stood up. "I knew you could do it," Flora cheered, but before she commanded.
"Now use Psycho Cut," Ben commanded. Quickly Brighty slashed his arm sending a circle of Psychic energy and hitting Ploom head on.
"Ploom," Flora shouted, before running up to Ploom who was knocked out.
"Did you have to be so harsh," Flora shouted, tears forming in her eyes.
But to Flora's surprise Ben hugged her and looked her in the eyes. "I'm sorry, it's my fault that your Ploom is in this condition," Ben whispered, before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a potion, which he sprayed on Ploom.
"There she should be feeling better," Ben said, getting up and putting his potion in backpack.
Meanwhile, Azlan and his wives looked over the battle, "How can Flora become like this? Soft and silly, she was not like this, when you battle her," Sabrina comments.
"She has fallen in love," Freya replied.
"Really," Sabrina asked, which Freya replied by just pointing her fingers towards them.
Sabrina then focused on Ben and Flora's situation.
"Thank you Ben," Flora said, covering her face with her hand's to hide her blush.
Pakura saw the whole thing and became really angry, she ran up to Ben and slapped him in the back of his head. "What was that all about Ben?" Shouted Pakura looking at Ben with a deadly glare.
"I was just helping her Mysticons," Ben said, rubbing the back of his head in pain.
"Oh really, it looked more like you were flirting with her." Pakura said, tears forming in her eyes.
"No it's not like that." Ben said, picking her chin up. "You know, I love you," Ben whispered, before leaning in and kissing Pakura on the lips.
"Oh Ben, you're so sweet." Pakura smiled, when they parted.
Flora just looked at the whole play and felt herself get filled with anger and got an idea.
Much to everybody's surprise Flora ran up to Ben and kissed him on the lips before sliding her tongue in his mouth, she then stopped and looked at Ben and gave him a wink before running off, knowing Pakura would kill her for pulling something like that off.
Ben just stood there in shock while Pakura ran after Flora. 'What just happened here' thought he before chasing after Pakura.
Azlan and his group left the scene, after seeing their banter, for their next Gym Battle.
Meanwhile, outside the Gym, after a lot of running Ben caught up to the two girls who were screaming at each other. "Hey girls, calm down," he said, separating the two girls.
"You stay out of this," Flora and Pakura said in unison, pushing Ben out of the way.
"How about a Mysticons battle, whoever wins keeps Ben and whoever loses has to go home," said Flora smirking.
"Fine then," Pakura shouted.
"Wait Pakura, I am not here for the prize of battle," Ben said, stepping in front of the girls.
"I forgot." Agreed Pakura scratching the back of her head.
"See stupid girl like you doesn't deserve Beny" said Flora nuzzling up to Ben.
"The perfect girl for Ben is me."
"Hey only I can say his nickname Beny,'' Pakura said, pulling Ben to her side.
"Beny is mine," Flora said, pulling on Ben.
"NO he is mine," Pakura said, pulling Ben to her side.
"Will you girls stop?" Ben shouted, before pushing the girls off.
"Oh Ben you're ready to tell that girl off, I knew you wouldn't betray me," Pakura said, running up to Ben.
"No Beny is going to tell you off," Flora said, running up to Ben.
"No, it's not my problem," Ben replied, and stood aside from the way.
"What about, we will share him," Flora suggested.
"That's ok," Pakura agreed.
"Girls, I am not like a candy to share," Ben did not like that idea.
"You stay out of it. I'll get him on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday is a day off for him," said Flora while pushing back to Ben.
"And I get him on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, that's an equal amount of days," Pakura agreed, she likes this idea.
"But what about that battle we never got to finish?"' Ben pointed out.
"Do we really have to battle?" Flora asked. "I can just give you the Petal Badge."
"Is it really fair?" Ben was puzzled.
"Actually there is something I need you to do for this badge," Flora said with a smirk.
"Really a battle?" Ben asked, getting excited.
"Yes, a battle," Flora said, before she ran up to Ben and began kissing him on the lips and slipping her tongue inside his mouth. Ben was in shock but after a while figured out what kind of battle she wanted and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. After kissing for what seemed like hours Ben pinned down Flora's tongue and separated to catch his breath.
"Looks like you win," Flora said, frowning. "How about a round two?"
"I think that's enough for one day Flora." Ben sighed.
"Fine, here is the Petal Badge." said Flora, handing Ben the badge and giving him a peck on the lips.
"Was that really necessary?" Pakura asked with a sigh.
"Alright I kind of got the Petal Badge." Ben said while doing his signature pose.
Flora also joined his traveling companion. After closing her Gym for a few days, Ben asked her, what about the Trainers which come very far here.
Flora replied, her assistant put a tough task for the trainers, which came in absent of her, if they completed the task, then her assistants gave the Rainbow Badge to them.
Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya have just missed a big drama.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!