

This is the story of a man name Vector Von Alver. Vector Von Alver is a member of a unique and strongest family of all. No matter where you go across all existence, the Family name Alver was well known and always appears in the history of all existence. Vector died in an Omniversesal War of the mortal realms and then he was reincarnated as the Ruler Of All Dungeon And King Of All. At this reincarnation, Vector’s race became God Of All. He will bring change to all and building the largest Organization that control and protect all. Follow Vector Von Alver in his adventure to a new life in the Otherworld. DICLAIMER- all my book cover are not my own, I all got the cover from Google, I don't know how to draw

Alfon_Soultan · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

First Step

I slowly opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling, I slowly sat on my bed while holding my forehead, "What is happened to my head it's very painful." after the headache disappear the memory of my past life and the memory of my current life merge making me understand what is happening.

"So I was reincarnated huh, luckily my face is still the same, the only difference was that my usual silver hair is now black and my originally golden eye is now red, also my strength is only on the level of a normal human."

In this new life, my name is Ren Wollstone, Wollstone family is an average family from the intergalactic Kingdom of Tormey, a kingdom that has a main profession called Metal Knights, in this Kingdom, your social status and your future are always dictated by your talent and your aptitude to become a Metal Knight.

Metal Knights were the people that has the ability and talent to pilot the main and Strongest weapon of the Tormey Kingdom known as the Mobile Gears. Mobile Gear is a robot powered by Magic, this robot has an average size of 200 meters and each robot has a unique ability that can only be activated by Metal Knights, Mobile Gear strength will depend on how powerful the mana of the Metal Knight that pilots the Mobile Gear and their talent and experience in combat.

Metal Knight ranking is divided into 10 ranks.

Pity Rank.

Beginner Rank.

Intermediate Rank.

Upper Rank.

Dominant Rank.

Master Rank.

Grandmaster Rank.

Royal Rank.

Divine Rank.

True Divine Rank.

Talent rank is a ranking created by the state of the Tormey Kingdom, this ranking will measure your possible Metal Knight Rank that you will reach in the future, talent rank is the one that will dictate your future in the Tormey Kingdom. Talent Rank is divided into 10.

E rank

D rank

C rank

B rank

A rank

S rank

SS rank

SSS rank

Eternal Rank


In this life, I was loved by my parent, and when I turn three my mother give birth to my younger brother, my mother, and father loved us both very much and they treat us equally with no favoritism or anything they just love us both, my life is very easy and fulfilling, but that's all ended when I reach 7, the age that every kid are waiting for in their whole life, in this age all kids must perform the Talent Rank assessment made by the State of Tormey Kingdom.

We were very excited at that time, but when the result came out my mother and father change their expression to disgust and contempt, the result of my test was Talent Rank E, the lowest rank in the talent rank regarded in the Tormey kingdom garbage and useless, and also this rank only appears one in a billion so the lowest E rank is very rare to appear, at that day onwards they never look at me or talk to me they only give me some food and a room where I suppose to sleep, they ignored me like I didn't exist, I cry a lot at that time, but I forcefully stopped my cry because my father beat me up shouting, "Stop crying you worthless dog!"

3 Years passed and my younger brother's talent assessment came the result was very outstanding he got a result of Eternal Rank a talent that only appears once in every billion years, because of this result, my younger brother become the young prodigy of the Tormey Kingdom and he was protected by the Govern and train by the government, at that day he becomes famous around the kingdom overnight.

My mother and father's behavior towards me become worst until they decided when I reach 16 they will kick me out of the house and cut their connection to me, and that day is supposed to be now, I am 16 years old in this day.

"Sigh," my reincarnation is a bit unlucky, but even so I won't complain, I will not regard them as a family or anything then, and I won't register them as new members of our clan, because of our clansmen's ability to reincarnate with our memory and personality intact, the patriarch of the Alver clan made a law that if your new family in your reincarnation treated you well you can tell them our clan secret and you can invite them to become a Clan member.

while I was pondering about my new life and my past life, my room door slammed open and a middle age man enter without any care. I was brought out of my thoughts by the loud sound of the slammed open door, I looked at the middle age man, the middle age man has black hair and black eyes, and he has a good look but not enough to call him handsome, his figure is tall and lean like a figure of an athlete. the middle age man wears a black shirt and brown pants.

This middle age man was my biological father in this present life. He looked at me coldly and said with a flat tone, "Pack up your things and leave this house, and before leaving sign this form." after saying that he put the form on my desk and leave.

(Author note: I will use the brackets[] for a conversation that happens inside the mind or if the character has inner thought).

[Isn't that a bit cold] I said to myself. I started to pack up my clothes, phone, and toothbrush inside my traveling bag, I only have three shirts, three pants, a single school uniform, and a blanket to pack up, which is why I finish packing up rather quickly, after packing up, I went to my study table and pick the terminal tablet containing a form, papers are not used anymore that's why all document and forms are all written in digital.

I read the form written on the terminal tablet. the form is saying that I can't use my surname anymore and all my connection with them will be cut off. "I hope they will not regret this decision in the future. "I sign the form and change my current name to my original name in my past life Vector Von Alver.

I leave my room and leave the house, I took one last look at my family house before continuing to leave the neighborhood. I smile and matter to myself in a whisper, "This is my new life and the first step of my journey in eternity."