

In a cave, xie tian and xie bai sleeping.

Suddenly, xie bai ears moves in a direction as listening some sounds. With it's battle awareness it concludes someone fighting near them and shake xie tian to wake him up.

xie tian wake up and asks xie bai what happen. Xie bai turns his head and look in the direction where the sounds are coming.

xie tian seeing xie bai watching something, he listens carefully what's happening. He listens some sounds represent some one battling.

xie bai, someone is fighting there, let's go and see and don't be too close to them. If anyone find us, we will be in danger said xie tian and climb xie bai. Xie bai move towards the battle field slowly with xie tian.

xie tian and xie bai reaches the battle field and watch the battle.

A person with six spirit rings in tattered clothes surrounded by two soul douluo's and 7 soul emperors in black clothes. xie tian knows they are from zhu family in star luo empire by seeing their nether cat martial spirits.

xie tian didn't want to meddle with them because he is too weak and it's early to have contact with other soul masters and turn to move towards cave with xie bai.

At the same time, system release task: save zhu yu and repel others. Rewards: e bai 12,000 years cultivation to xie bai and 6 years cultivation to the host.

Seeing the task, xie tian confused because he didn't know what to do. After some time, he made up his mind to do the task. Xie bai attack soul emperors from long distance and injure them and roars at the two soul sages.

Two soul sages startled and look at the two double winged sword tiger emperor roaring at them. Even though xie bai is weak in cultivation but tigers are one of soul beasts at apex of food chain.

fear emerge in their hearts and they step back.

zhu zhen one of soul sages saying how could it be this tyrant appear here isn't their race extinct moreover it's cultivation base is in near 25,000 years.