
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 8: Advice

A Day Ago

(Rias POV)

I was sitting on the sofa lost in thought. "knock knock" Akeno and Koneko came in. I got distracted by knock and saw them. "Please seat down Koneko, Akeno." I said. 

Rias: "Koneko, how is everything with Agawa? Is there something unusual?" I asked

Koneko: "He seems doing normal things and nothing unusual. " She answered.

I nodded. "We called you here for something that we have to inform you. Sona found a..." I started to explain the agreement with Sona to Koneko. As I was explaining, she just listened and nodded.

Rias: "Akeno and Kiba has no problem letting Hyoudou join us." I added. I looked at her with a gentle smile "Koneko, I want to hear your side. What do you think?" I asked. 

Koneko seems to hesitate but in the end she nodded and said: "Buchou, I don't have problems. It is all Buchou's decision."

I nodded in satisfaction. I can guess that Koneko seems reluctant that's why I also added that she can still become friends with him. Koneko nodded and I can see that she eased up a little. 

Koneko seems to remember something: "Buchou, Lucas told me that she will meet Sona Sama tomorrow for something." she told me.

I was a little surprise. "This friend of mine thinks ahead as always." I shook my head as it seems my friend is always calculating my move. I smiled and thought of something "hmmph, let's see if you can still smile when you see me" 

Student Council Office

I was sitting on the chair watching my friend playing with Agawa. I originally just want to tease her for playing with me but its seems this Agawa is not simple.

At first, I was a little surprised that Agawa could manage a draw with Sona. Sona Seems to be dissatisfied and want to have a second round. Before they started the second round, Agawa seems to become a different person. 

I and Sona were stunned for awhile. I can feel the aura, the temperament and the vicissitudes in his eyes. Sona also felt it and took a deep breath. They started to play again and Agawa seems to be calm and indifferent for the whole time. I was watching the whole process and Sona was totally beaten.

He seems to revert back to his usual self after the 3rd game. Sona seems frustrated right now. It was the first time I saw her like this. She insisted on continuing to play and forgot her purpose. Agawa made some condition with Sona. "It seems he likes money" I smiled inwardly as I heard Agawa's condition.

They continued for 3 rounds but Sona was utterly defeated without any breakthrough. I was also overwhelmed and revaluate Agawa's talent. If only I can have both, a sacred gear holder and a talented person.


(Lucas POV)

I was shaking my head helplessly. Sona insist on playing for another round. I want to shout at her and say "Why don't you marry me!! I will play with you all you want!!! Just take care of me!!. *cough*

I need to end this or she may have a mental breakdown. I raised my hand to stop Sona.

Lucas: "Okay Sona, that is enough, the moment when you first lost. Your calm and collected composure seems to be disturbed and that is where you are doomed to lose the next round. You just focus on defending and not attacking. You lack strong mentality as it seems you did not yet experience some set backs. I can also see that you seem to look down on me a little that is why you are not convince. Experiencing this frustrations will give you an opportunity to grow and learn. But too much frustration will lead you to destruction." I said it like an old man teaching the youngsters. "What you need is time, you just have to hone yourself and also learn from other people." I added.

Sona was silent from what I said. She took a deep breath and relaxed her body.

Rias: "What if you don't have time?" Rias suddenly asked. Sona at the side raised her eyebrows but did not say anything. 

I looked at her and said: "What do you mean?"

Rias: "What if your fate is already decided by others within 1 year?" She asked me curiously.

As I looked at her, I guess of something. Sona seems to be rich and Rias has a good relationship with her. Her every actions seems also like a young lady of a family with high status. "Is it a marriage between powerful families? It seems this two are not simple girls." I speculate some things in my mind.

Lucas: "I don't actually have an answer for that." I answered. Rias have a look of disappointment in her face.

Lucas: "But the answer lies in you. If you want your close ones not to get hurt, you can follow your fate arranged for you. If you want to break the shackles, you need "something" in possession." I said.

I paused and look at her in the eyes.

Lucas: "Let me tell you something." "If you want to decide what fate and destiny you want without the decision of others, there is only one road for you." with a serious tone.

Lucas: "Power and Authority. With power, no one will question you. With Authority, you can decide on your own and also decide everyone's fate. But to gain this... you need to pay a certain price,...your conscience, your emotions, your principles, your mentality, your close ones or even innocent people. This is the world of the ambitious."

Lucas: "You can also become an ordinary person away from all of this struggles and having just an ordinary life. But you might be one of those innocent person implicated on the struggle for supremacy." I looked at her. "So it depends on what path you choose." I continued.

Rias looked at me silently for a moment. After awhile, she lowered her head muttering to herself. I just kept quite and look at Sona in front. She was also silent for awhile now. "Okay, let's go to the main point Souna Senpai. If I guess correctly you were goin to invite me to join the Student Council right?" I asked. If I am in the world of fighting and killing, I would have accepted the offer. But I am in a world of a peaceful Era so there is no need for me to do this tedious tasks. What is more, its just a Student Council member. If its some position within the country, I may have some considerations.

Sona regained her senses and compose herself. She look at Rias on the side but she seems not to see her intention. "nevermind". Sona looked at me again and said "Yes, but there is mor---"

Rias: "Wait!". Rias interrupted Sona's words.

Sona frowned and look at Rias with a questioning look.

Rias ignored it and said. "Sona remember the agreement." she said seriously.

Sona was a little angry. "What the hell Rias." She controlled her anger and compose herself. She looked at me and smiled. "Sorry Agawa Kun, Rias and I will need a little discussion first. I will invite you some other time." She bowed at me apologetically.

I frowned the moment I hear "Agreement". "Are they planning something". I did not dwell on it any longer and stood up. "It's alright Souna Senpai. I don't mind it. I will take my leave first, Rias Senpai" I bowed to Sona and Rias before leaving.


(Sona's POV)

As I watched Lucas leaving and close the door. I turned to look at Rias with a frown "Is there a problem Rias?" I asked.

Rias looked at me "I did not yet choose. Give me until this afternoon after class. I just need to confirm something." She answered in a serious tone.

I frowned again upon hearing this. after awhile I relaxed and said "Okay, I will give you this time until after class to make a decision. But after this day, even if you did not make a decision, I will make a move." I said seriously.

Rias just nodded and bowed before leaving. I just watched her leave until she closed the door.


(Rias POV)

My heart thumped as I silently looked at Lucas after hearing what he said. I lowered my head "My own path" I muttered. I felt like someone understands me for the first time and its not like Souna's comforting words. I began to have second thoughts. "He is right, I need power right now". But I still concluded to choose power over wits. My mind randomly thought of the place I first met Lucas. I realize and thought of something.

"Wait!!" before Sona and Lucas entered into a discussion, I interrupted them. 

Sona seems to be angry but I just told her about our agreement. I need to confirm something before making my decision. May be there is something more to it. I hurriedly left the Student Council office after some talk with Sona.

Rias: "Akeno" I called Akeno.

Akeno: "Yes, Buchou? Is there something?" she asked.

Rias: "Go call Koneko. I need you to do something." I ordered

Akeno nodded and left. I watched her leaving figure "May be there is a chance".