
Ruler's Conquest

Tom is a teenage resident of Earth, a realm characterized by technological advancement, tranquility, and prosperity. However, the idyllic existence of its inhabitants was abruptly shattered when a haunting voice echoed across the planet: "People of Earth, the end is near..." This chilling proclamation reverberated through the air, slicing through the complacency that had settled over the world. In the midst of this unexpected revelation, a profound transformation had begun – one that would push Earth and its denizens to the brink of their known reality. Follow Tom as he tries to survive in this new world while protecting his sisters and those who are dear to him. *** Hello this is my first novel so this might contain some errors, also the cover is not mine, if the owner want me to take it down please say so. if you like the story support it. I will post on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday.

isyon · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Healing touch (1)

In a secluded place a little distant from the encampment, Tom stood face to face with Midas.

They were this far from the encampment because for some reason Midas didn't want to be seen by the others wisemonkies, so they could neither train in his tent nor somewhere near, thus they had to come this far to train.

"Tell me, you can already use our concealment technique, right ?" Asked Midas.


"Good that's means that it's going to be easier to teach you" said Midas before adding:

"The crucial aspect in acquiring and mastering the healing technique is the ability to visualize Etherium in your surroundings. This step usually consumes the most time during the learning process. However, since you've already developed this skill through your training in mastering the concealment technique, your overall training time for mastering the healing technique will be significantly reduced."

Hearing this, Tom sighed in relief as he knew that they didn't have much time, and he couldn't just pass all his time for just learning the healing technique, there was also the {force shaper} technique, all of this without even mentioning his time astralum that he also needed to train. sure, the healing technique will be a great addition to his arsenal as it could literally save his life, but there wouldn't be any life to save if he couldn't beat his next opponent, so he also needed to train in other areas.

Meanwhile, Midas continued speaking "It might take less time, however it doesn't mean that it will be easy, far from it"

Tom nodded, fully aware that if the healing technique was so easy there would already be many earthling that can use it, but that was not the case.

"Okay, let's begin. Firstly, I will explain how the technique works," said Midas, as he materialized a shadow sword and positioned it on his arm, but refrained from making a cut.

"You see, if I were to cut my arm, what would happen ?"

"Ehh, there will be blood, and you will be injured ?" replied Tom, not quite understanding why moved was asking such an obvious question.

"I take back what I said, it's going to take a while" muttered Midas as he looked at tom like some idiot.

After a moment, he sighed and said "I know that if I cut myself I will bleed, what I wanted to know is what happen during the cut"

"Oh, I understand-"

"You know what, I will refrain from asking you questions and just directly explain as it seems that you are unable to answer my question"


'Did a monkey just question my intelligence?' wondered Tom, while Midas gazed at him as though he were mentally challenged.

Meanwhile, Midas let out another sigh and began to explain, "Normally, when a part of our body, like our arm, is cut deeply, it can result in the severance of muscle tissues, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves, right?"

'Great, now I'm being taught anatomy by a monkey' thought Tom in derision.

Unaware of Tom's thought, Midas continued his explanation:

"The goal of the healing technique is to restore all of those severed organs, to do that you need to know exactly what was severed and how much damage was done"

Tom nodded, then asked, "to do that I need to do an introspection of my body, right ?"

"Would you look at that, it seems that you are not as hopeless as I thought" replied Midas with a chuckle.


"It's as you say, to do that, you need to perform an introspection of your body to assess the extent of damage to muscle tissues, tendons, etc... However, you also have to examine the wound from the outside using the Etherium as your 'eyes,' instead of your real eyes, and then-"

"I need to use the Etherium for both introspection and external examination?" asked a bewildered Tom.

"Yes, I understand it may seem complex, but with enough training, you can achieve it. Once you understand the full extent of the damage, that's when you can initiate the healing process," explained Midas.

'It's might not be as easy as I thought' thought Tom as he realized that mastering that technique might take me time than expected.

After a moment, Tom finally asked, "how do I start the healing process ?"

"The healing process itself is relatively straightforward. You need to mold your Etherium into the shape of the damaged organs and position it where the injuries occurred, and then the Etherium will take care of the rest," Midas explained calmly.


As he heard Midas explanation, Tom didn't even know what to say, as what he had just heard was absurd.

From Midas explanation, one might think that the process of healing was simple, but Tom understood that it was far from that.

'From what he said, to heal myself, I not only need to know the exact form of the severed organ, but I also need to shape it in that form and then place it at the exact location of the missing organ. Something like that requires an insane level of manipulation,' thought Tom, his face showing a hint of distress.

Seeing Tom getting discouraged, Midas reassured him by saying, "Don't worry, you can achieve it through trial and error, and I'm here to help you."

Midas' words brought some relief to Tom, but he remained somewhat concerned, trying to stay positive.

"Now that the explanation is complete, your first task is to intimately familiarize yourself with the forms of the organs that make up your weird body," said Midas.

"You know that your body is not all that different from my own, right?" Asked Tom with an irked face.

"At least I'm not furless."


After a moment of silence, Midas continued, "Once you know the forms of your organs, your next task will be to shape your Etherium into their forms. And finally, after that, your goal will be to learn how to mend your organs and members when they are severed by using the etherium."

"Wait, how am I supposed to know how to fix severed organs if i'm fine?"

"Simple, you just need to not be fine," Midas replied with a chuckle.

"Wait, don't tell me that I need to hurt myself."

"Well, how would you heal yourself if you're not injured? Come on, let's get started; we have other tasks to tackle besides this."

My apologies for the delayed chapter release; I'm currently in the midst of exams, so upcoming chapters may also experience delays.

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