
Ruler's Conquest

Tom is a teenage resident of Earth, a realm characterized by technological advancement, tranquility, and prosperity. However, the idyllic existence of its inhabitants was abruptly shattered when a haunting voice echoed across the planet: "People of Earth, the end is near..." This chilling proclamation reverberated through the air, slicing through the complacency that had settled over the world. In the midst of this unexpected revelation, a profound transformation had begun – one that would push Earth and its denizens to the brink of their known reality. Follow Tom as he tries to survive in this new world while protecting his sisters and those who are dear to him. *** Hello this is my first novel so this might contain some errors, also the cover is not mine, if the owner want me to take it down please say so. if you like the story support it. I will post on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday.

isyon · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Embers of Conflict

Tom and Leon stood face to face, locking eyes. Tom wore a smile, while Leon appeared troubled. They stared at each other in silence for a few minutes until Leon let out a sigh and continued speaking, still with a vexed expression.

"You really should stop meddling in things that don't concern you and stop getting yourself into trouble, Tom," Leon said.

Tom maintained his smile and replied, "You know I'm right. They shouldn't be fighting each other like this, especially not at school, where they could destroy the school facilities."

Leon looked around them, once again noticing the dilapidated state of the school, and responded, "But they're not wrong, you know. This school hasn't been the same since the day of the message."

Tom looked at Leon with a hurt expression and sighed at the end of his sentence. "You're right, but..." he paused. Leon looked at him and said, "You know what needs to be done to bring some semblance of order to this school." He looked at Tom with a mischievous smile and continued, "Beat up all those kids who have a stick up their ass just because they've become a little stronger."

Tom sighed again and replied firmly, "I've already told you that violence doesn't solve all problems."

Leon looked at him with an exasperated expression and said, "False! Since society changed due to the emergence of superpowers, violence has become the core of society. To be respected, you have to be feared, and that means being stronger than others."

Tom retorted with determination, "And where does that lead us? Look at the state of this school, for example, look at what it has become because of violence!"

Leon then said with a troubled tone, "Tell me, if you were stronger than those two kids just now, you could have stopped them from the beginning, and maybe this school wouldn't have turned out like this. If you had powers like us, you could-"

Leon stopped, knowing all too well that Tom also dreamed of having powers like the others and fighting to protect the Earth but simply couldn't because of his sisters. He changed the subject, saying to Tom, "By the way, how are Marie and Samantha ?"

Tom smiled at Leon, glad that he dropped the topic, and replied, "They're doing great. In fact, Marie just turned 14 two weeks ago." Tom's sisters, Marie and Samantha, are respectively 14 and 12 years old this year and are too young to fend for themselves.

Leon felt a cold sweat as he heard that he had missed Marie's birthday. Since childhood, Marie had a fiery temperament, and if she didn't get what she wanted, she would throw a fit. Now, he had missed her birthday. Tom looked at him with a smile, saying, "Don't worry, she won't harm you... well, not too much."


Looking scared, Leon spoke, "You should help me calm her down, especially since you owe me one for saving your ass earlier." Tom innocently smiled and said, "I had the situation under control." Leon replied sarcastically, "Yeah, right."

The two young men walked through the school corridors, discussing various things. Leon asked Tom, "Are you going to the gathering this year?"

After the message and the emergence of superpowers, Tom's school began losing students to other institutions that were better equipped for students with powers. Many of Tom's friends left the school, except for Leon, but the school former council members gathered every year at the same time to chat and stay in touch.

However, Tom had never attended. "No, I'm not going this year either," Tom replied. Tom looked at Leon with a desperate expression, and Leon asked, "It is because of Laila, huh?" Tom glanced at him, seemingly acknowledging the reason, but remained silent.

Leon smiled and said, "You two really need to resolve your lover's quarrel. It's already been two years now."

Laila was Tom and Leon's childhood friend, but after the message and the arrival of powers, Tom and Laila had a terrible falling out and had been avoiding each other ever since. Despite Leon's efforts to reconcile them, he had been unsuccessful so far. Nonetheless, he continued to try to bring them back together.

Leon continued, "You should come; everyone misses you, plus this year, Laila won't be able to make it. She said she had something to do." He said pleadingly.

Tom sighed and reluctantly said, "Okay, let's go."


Exclaimed Leon, and together they left the school.

shortly after the two friends arrived at a café. The exterior of the café stood as a striking architectural marvel. The building's sleek design featured smooth, iridescent panels that seemed to shimmer and shift colors with every angle of light.

Embedded LED lights adorned the outer walls, forming dynamic patterns that danced in sync with the surrounding ambiance. Transparent solar panels covered the roof, harnessing the sun's energy to power the café's various high-tech systems.

A holographic sign floated above the entrance, showcasing the café's name in elegant, glowing letters. Smart glass windows allowed passersby to catch glimpses of the futuristic interior while maintaining privacy for the guests inside.

Patrons were greeted by hovering drones that served as valet attendants, guiding them to designated parking spaces for hovercrafts and other advanced transportation.

The café's exterior was a mesmerizing blend of innovative technology and contemporary aesthetics, beckoning adventurers and connoisseurs alike to experience the wonders that lay within.

As they walked within, thoughts swirled in Tom's mind. He couldn't deny the longing he felt to reunite with his old friends, but the unresolved tension between him and Laila made him anxious.

The two friends continued their journey, unaware of the challenges that awaited them at the gathering. Little did they know that their presence would spark a series of events that would test their bonds, their strengths, and their resolve to protect what they hold dear. The fate of their school, their friendships, and perhaps even the fate of Earth itself hung in the balance.