
rule the cultivation world

man from earth reincarnated as prince of the strongest empire. He eventually became greedy and started world domination

granger_moscov · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 2

Emperor has was having a conversation with his old friend

"I Hearn that you're Bai family in not doing good business these day's want me to help you"

" No need . Since he didn't ask help from me I will not help him"

" I see. You have a huge trust for you're son"

" He might be a weak but he don't like asking help from others. Why did he take his mother's personality I wonder"

" Because you where not around him when he grow up"

" You might be right. I heard that you're 4th son will have his talent chaked tomorrow how about we have a bet"

" How unusual for you to want something from me. If you want something you can just ask"

" No . I just thought bet will be interesting. "

"Then we shall have a bet I will bet my son will have a green talent"

" That's a surprise I thought you will bet on dark or purple"

" Because I don't wan't my son to have have a good talent. Don't want my empire to spit in 4 pieces for the inheritance"

" I don't know what you're talking about. You still have like 500 years of life span it's too early for you to think such a thing"

" You might be right. "

" Anyway I will bet on dark color"

" And what will be the bet"

" I want your 4th daughter marry my son"

" I see your son was bothering my daughter for years until he married. But to think that he still think of my daughter"

" Yah you know since your daughter didn't really like my son I forcefully married him to Jin family. Since then he doesn't show his face around me"

" Hahah. Alright then if I win your granddaughter will marry my 4th son"

" What you want my granddaughter to marry greeeen.. you.. I thought we where friend's"

" It's only fair right. You're son also blue"

" How about marrying into your 3rd son"

" He already has an engagement. It's only fair to have my 4th son have a engagement. You're afraid of losing now?"

" Talk about fairness. Tch…"

" It's settled then Bai feng. I'll invite you to my sons test tomorrow so you can witness it by your self "

" Sure. See you tomorrow then"


It's already tomorrow. Prince Charles is having a hardest day since he reincarnated. Accompanied by ten's of maids.

" I didn't lift a finger yet im so tired why I wonder" said so while looking at the maids

his clothes where continuously changed by the maids. But that didn't bother him at all only their ever lasting argument made him very uncomfortable

" How about this one it will look good on the prince"

" No it has too many jewelry. We should make his wear this one"

"What do you think of this your highness"

"If you don't decide what should I wear now in 10 sec I will fire you all"

" Sorry to make you wait your highness. We already decided on what you will wear"

" Hey you don't take the credit"

" Shut up you idiot his highness is angry don't make him upset more"

" I understand" wile holding the her skirt she swore to her self. Emma you fool you will regret making enemy out of me once I get the head maid position you will be my first target. She swore to her self

" Her majesty is calling "

" Alright tell mom I'm coming"

After finished preparing he greeted his mom

" Morning mom"

" you look great . Any young woman will fall for you"

"Mom Im just 6 "

" your so adorable I could just hug you and kiss you"

"Mom stop"

" in the test what ever color you shine mom will always support you but make sure you do your best"

" Alright I will shine the red or white color"

In the hall where I would get tested there is one more person I don't recognize. But anyone here must be royalty so Charles assumed he was his uncle or grandfather.

"Now we shall begin the test."

" Skip the introduction "

"Yes your majesty"

First time seeing him talk he must be very busy.

" Alright kid I will start inserting my mystic energy inside you try to feel it ok "

"Alright "

Uncle toughed my forehead. a misting energy rushed into my body. The movement I felt the energy uncle withdrew his hand

I stared to sense the tiny particle like thing floating around me. "This must be the mystic energy"

" Kid now try to sense the crystals"

The crystal emitting mystic energy I will try to feel all of them

" Yellow …. Green …."

"Why cant I feel blue come on me"

" Is there something wrong with the crystal" the emperor friend Bai feng spoke

" There should be we tested it many times it is top quality crystal"

"My friend what's the matter. If you cant acknowledge the result you can test the crystal by your self "

" No need I lost since im little not feeling well I will leave first"

" Alright im also leaving " the emperor was smiling he was happy.

In the hall one person was really upset. Charles he really wanted to cry. Cause average talent meant no future. He read many novel's in his previous life after living as a kid for 6 years he knew he doesn't have any cheat like ability so only thing that he had hope on was his talent and it turned out to be trash talent.

A tear formed on his eye's and it started to drop like a fountain

" My son don't cry if man shows his tear to people "

" I know " I wiped off my tears and walked toward my room.

" Mom will accompany you"

" No need I want to be alone"

" Let him be so he"

" But brother"

" Man needs to grow and accept reality. You are only making him more dependent on you"

Im on my bed thinking . " I thought I was chosen. I thought I was special. Damn it I cannot accept this. i am ashamed to go to school everyone will compare my brothers with me "

In the emperor's room

"You majesty why did you order to change the crystal to fake ones"

" The alliance some how know's my sons talent's. There is only two way's to get information about royalty's talent's. One is from secret library and other is.."

" Someone from royal blood betrayed "

"Im currently suspecting my brother"

" Will he really do such a thing "

" My brother never wanted to be a throne. So there is only one possibility. He is in love with someone from alliance. My brother might have thought selling such information is nothing serious. He is stupid after all. But in reality alliance will not tolerate power balance shifting"

"I see. But don't you at least wanna know your 4th son's real talent"

" No we cant test his talent again. Cause my friend is monitoring me for a while"

another day has passed the engagement is announced to the world

People started to gossip about the 4th prince

" 4th prince sure got and engaged fast. I heard 3rd prince took month to get engaged"

" I think 4th prince got dark red talent "

" No wonder. They even publicly announced to the world"

Inside the Bai family the Bai feng was burning with rage

" You dare to announce it to the world. You have cornered me and my granddaughter to no where escape"

" Father why did you betroth my daughter I was gonna marry her to someone she like"

" Then make her like the prince"

" How can you say it casually. I despise you muscle head "

" Shut up. after 10 year if she doesn't have any interest toward 4th prince we will hide from the world's eye"

" Alright. I hope you stay true to your word's"