

He smiled and got up from where he was and walked away from her. She could finally breathe. She adjusted her hair that had already stuck to her face as a result of the blood that dripped from the injuries on her cheek and lips, Her training clothes were messed up too with dust, sweat, and a little bit of blood. She looked up to him again as he walked away from her, but he suddenly stopped and turned to look at her."The most important rule of them all. Rule number 6" he spoke. "NEVER FALL IN LOVE This book is a combination of romance, sci-fi, action, and thriller.

Dark_Saint_4822 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"You are to be seen as a normal girl and nothing more. Try your possible best to keep a low profile as that would be the best for you and always remember that if anybody finds out about your identity, you would be killed" He said and Aanya nodded repeatedly.

"Have it at the back of your mind, you can't forfeit the rule because will be keeping a close eye on you to make sure you don't go against your norms. You would be schooling at Jexs college and we will let you know why you were sent to the outside world" he stated and she nodded. All she could do was nod. She wasn't allowed to speak except she was being asked a question. It showed disrespect.

"Do you understand?" He asked and she nodded repeatedly. He glared in disapproval of her gesture. She quickly noticed"I'm sorry master, I apologize. I understand" she said with a shaky tone, apologizing for not replying the normal way that she was being taught.

He continued glaring at her for a while and her heart kept beating faster than normal. She was still a little bit sore from the punishment that he had given to her the previous day, she couldn't stand getting punished in the state that she was in.

"Go back to your room. I will send for you when the time comes" he ordered and her heart leaped. She couldn't say for joy, but something new stirred in her. Something that she hadn't felt before. She was eager to see the outside world, no matter how bad it might be painted. She wanted to see for herself and tell the other girls the story of her adventure in the outside world. It seemed like an adventure to her because, for the first time, she was going to be very far away from Ghista.She went back to her room. No one was there. The other ladies had already gone for their daily task. Now she had the time to think, but what could she even think about?. She had nothing to think about. She wasn't even sure of the emotion to portray at that particular moment. She would have to wait for what the outside world holds.


Aanya blinked rapidly as she tried to adjust her eyes to the brightness that made its way to her eyes, harshly. She looked around and it took her a while to finally realize that she was in a moving vehicle. She panicked a bit, looking around, trying to figure out how she got here. She noticed someone driving the car and her heartbeat accelerated. The last thing she remember was talking to one of the ladies and now she was here, going to God know where.

She cleared her throat, trying to signal thedriver that if he had tried to knock her out then, he did a bad job. He didn't budge, instead, he just looked straight and kept on driving and it made her panic even more. What made her scared was the fact that she was in the outside world and a strange man was driving the car to God knows where. She had heard of how dangerous the outside world was and here she was. It didn't look dangerous to her as the car just went by numerous trees, hills, and valleys. They were driving on pavement and were surrounded by a thick forest.

"Who are you?" she called out in a raspy voice and she was quite amazed at the outcome of her voice. She almost didn't recognize it. "What do you want from me?" she called out again when he wasn't saying anything.

"Aanya" he finally spoke and turned to look at her. He looked well in his 60's and the look in his eyes held a menace and it madeher shriek. He even knew her name, probably master sent him to bring her to the outside world, but she didn't want to make any assumption

He turned back and kept his eyes on the road, totally ignoring her question and it made her blood boil slightly. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as fear and panic took control of her body.

"Relax," he said as though he was reading her mind and emotions. "Ghista ordered that I take you to your new school," he said and Aanya calmed down a bit. Her heartbeat returned to normal and she leaned back on her seat.

"Where is my new school?" She asked

"I thought in Ghista, you aren't allowed to ask questions recklessly?" He said and she could see him smirk from the car's rearview mirror."I'm sorry" she apologized for her action and he erupted into laughter and it took her by surprise.

"I said Ghista not here. That's the difference .I am not your master and you are no longer in Ghista. Here, we have what we call human rights and you most definitely have freedom of speech

"What does that mean?" She asked squinting her eyes in confusion

"It means you can talk whenever you want

"What about the rules?"

"No rules" he stated. "Well technically there are rules but not so restricting like the ones in Ghista"

"So this place isn't so bad?

"It depends"

"On what?""On how you choose to make it turn out for you"

"I want it to be great" she beamed with excitement

"It could be" he shrugged

"So what are you?"

"Aanya say hello to your guardian"

"Like a parent?"

"Yes, more like it" she didn't know why. But her heart leaped for joy when he mentioned those words. She had judged him by his look earlier, without really knowing that he wasn't so bad after all, but she couldn't still trust him. She wasn't trained that way. She could trust nobody.

"I will be keeping a close eye on you. Words from your master" he quoted

"oh," she said and nodded slightly, pressing her lips together as took in the view of theoutside world.

"Your certificates have been prepared, you have already been enrolled and you will start as soon as possible," he said and Aanya nodded. "All your business will be done in school, my only duty is to make sure that you are in check in all your endeavors. Your mission has not been assigned to you yet, so keep a low profile till then"

"Why won't they tell me the mission yet?" "Because your master is still figuring out the best way to strike"

"Strike what?"

"Don't worry your head over it" he said and she nodded. "And also remember the rules You being out here, does not mean that you are free from your master's watch"