
Rule: Assassin's of the system

Human wants to use people, Not knowing they are already used by other people.

ZeroPERCENTremains · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Get your watch on that side and go to the plane and choose a place to drop off.

After getting the Wacth I choose a place near the radiation. This will be the safest place for now

Participants ready for take off in 3 2 1

and the Survival event official starts

They let participants use parachute to land safe from the place they choose to land.

The total of Participants is 1000

and the place is quite big

so I First find Armour and bag with med

Thats the only Good thing about this game you dont need to rely on the system because they put wepons and sulplies randomly in the place

Now Ive got a level one bag

the storage capacity is low but its enough for my supplies. Mid kits and food

I ve been around in this area but I still cant see any weapons. Instead I found clothing and lvl 4 helmet

If We put it in the graph my defense is Quite high but

my Attack is so low,

Then suddenly I heard gunshots near at me

so I investigated and its in the building east from were

I am .

So I sneak a peek and see the situation

Ther are two Groups fighting in the building

I dont know why they think making a group in survival game will only result to death and in the center there was a supply box .

The supply box give the participant an Item that You'll

never see in the map.

There are only Three supply box the game given and you can see it in the map!

The battle for the supply box is fierce in the building

and i dont have weapons I'd like to get that supply box but I dont have any weapons , Suddenly I remember

my item roulette .

I activated it and hopes for a long range weapon

and the roulette gave me Balistic knife of Ice and fire

At first I feel disappointed there were only two

shots for me and there are almost ten people in the building. Until I read the description.


Balistic knifes of ice and fire

This knifes may cause burn and frost bite then slashed in an enemy And may cause combustion if shoot to an enemy .

burn dmg:50/seconds

frost bite: 40/seconds and drops speed by 50%

combustion range:50 meter radius


After seing what this knife can do I got pumped up

and feel that the supply box was for me.

But I didn't act rashly to insure my safety I left The joker card where Im hiding now. Then goes down

Its already half a day and then participants left are only

950 this means that fifty of the participant died in this damn game.

As I get near the Gunshots get fiercer the lower half of the building is full of gun shots the Widows broke and both team are hiding in a thick walls with holes.

Then suddenly

Are you from the team?

A guy ask while pointing a Calibre 45 gun on my head!