
Rule: Assassin's of the system

Human wants to use people, Not knowing they are already used by other people.

ZeroPERCENTremains · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Back to reality

Then i woke up. i was wondering about the help mode

that my dream talk about. So I try to activate it.

in my dream they just said help but i try it and it didnt work.

so i just manually search it in my own.

I activated my Soul system and then i found a settings sign. But when i said settings it says .

The user is still low level try again if your level is atleast two.

for now my level is currently one and i needed fifteen more exp to level up. and my current battle capabilities are low to finnish the Quest given to me.

I think of something , And remember that in games when you defeat a monster you get exp but if your a beginner you have to train.

So i try to run for laps and it really works my sped. and STR . adds one point every ten km. but at the end i only gets two points each and it made me exhausted.

when im back At the apartment . my body feels really weak so i directly lay on the bed. But then a sudden pain happened.

due to blood blooking users blood flow stoped

minus five hp per seconds.

I feel alarm i try to stand up so the blood will flow again the back the nomal state. but the pain keeps me from doing so.

as time passes the pain is still not gone and my hp is still reducing.

but when my hp is only15 left i dicided to indure the pain

and try my best to stand up.

10 hp left!

im still half way but the pain intensify as if i cant bare it

but still i endure

5 hp left

i try my all then ahhhhhhh

i mannage to stand up.


the blood flows

back at normal the effect worn off


Due to the user enduring

the blood miss calculation . user gets the skill

Blood drain- drains blood kills living things by draining its blood and adding hp to the user 20% of blood drain damage.( not useable to non living things). - 25mp


oh i got a new skill! but im still tired .

then suddenly a rat passes by

Oh a rat has blood maybe it can help my recovery


Use skill!!! " Blood drain" I shouted while pointing at the rat.

then a red line suddenly connects the rat and me

then my hp recovery boost but when time pass

the rat is fully drained and my hp is still not full.

and suddenly



you killed a rat


get 1exp


oh so i can get exp killing alive too.

i must level up to access settings.

i ended up going in the alley where the rats are

in groups hidding in garbage bins.

but after killing ten rats the system doesnt

given a exp any more.

I only need 4 exp to level up.

so i think of killing another kind of creature.

but when searching this creature i saw a

very ugly creature full of dark energy

it seems like slime but has mouth with sharp tooth.