
Rule: Assassin's of the system

Human wants to use people, Not knowing they are already used by other people.

ZeroPERCENTremains · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Abnormal creature

I tried to attack it with my blood drain but its not effective. and no matter how I attack it it never

turns back at all. seems like it has its own world!

so I just follow it and for whole hour of tailing it it ended up that i cant win at it in head on battle. because all living creatures that it face in its way were swollowed

whole . even cars and trucks , So i dicided to let it be

but as i see it was causing chaos on its way , then

i remember the title bound skill soul catch and it uses up 50 mp and luckily i have enough mp left.

skill " soul catch"

catches a soul like creature by 30% chance of catching.

catched soul can be tamed to became pet or turn over

to the contractor to receive rewards.

Wow it can be my pet . but first let me catch it!

activate !! skill soul catch!!! I I shouted while pointing on the creature.

a light in net like shape suddenly binds the creature !

the creature wants to escape!!

weapon!! "roulette"

the Roulette appears !

activate skill spin!!

the Roulette spins and the result weapon appears

its a base ball bat!

what a normal bat ?? how can this help , damn luck

lets just try it out !

then I just attack it with the bat . but it seems that it

does not take any damage. it only watched me and seems that it smile at mee.

Damn you i will kill you , you dare mook at mee


i hit it harder. and harder but its only the same no damage at all.



The abnormal soul lower

its guard soul catch success




the catched soul injoys your

massage it offers pet contact

accept decline



what!!! massage damn soul damn!! hitting the soul


wait it offers pet contract maybe im not that unlucky after all.



due to the contract

now you can access

pet storage!!

pet: abnormal slime

rarity: uncommon

rank: C

skill: passive

glutony - converts all that was eaten to mp and hp

shares small amount to the owner


devour - eats everything it sees

likes , food and massage

familiarity: 1%

( the higher the familiarity the more the pet will help the user)

10% of ex get by the pet goes to the owner.


Ok just stay there in the storage.

Now that i have pet! maybe it can eat Jhonny . heehee

first lets first go to the appartment to Seattle things.

at the appartment,

hey you!

what? whos calling me?

its me the pet!

wow you can talk to me?

of course im your pet our soul is connected.

wow. ok wait how dare you insult my attack to you

when i was catching you.

ohh so you call that attack i thought youre massaging this master , hahahah

you damn pet want me too beat you !

ha hahah try it if you can!

Im here ( exits the storage and shows to me)

damn you gets the bat( not the one in roulette)


smack!! smack !! smack!!

familiarity rises.


told you, thanks for the massage heheheh