

Chapter 30: Is This What People Consider... A Date?

The room was simple, with plain wooden walls, a bed, and a small wooden table beside it. There wasn't much in the way of decoration, only the essentials. A young woman was leaning over the bed, her hands delicately tending to a young man swathed in white bandages.

"Father told me that if you don't show signs of waking soon, he'll throw you right back into that river," she whispered with a soft chuckle. Brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, she continued, "He also mentioned he's not too happy about how much time I've been spending with you. Says you're nothing but trouble."

"It's just... there was something about you, I feel like I can't leave your side."

She paused for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts, before confessing further. "I know I shouldn't be saying all this to an unconscious stranger, but... you're a good listener."

A small smile played on her lips. "It's weird to think that just a week ago, father fished you out from that lake. Had he not acted so quickly, you would've either succumbed to your grave injuries or..." she shuddered at the thought, "become a meal for one of those monstrous creatures in the lake."

Engrossed in her monologue, she failed to notice the young man's eyelids flutter open. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room, he found himself staring into the beautiful face of his caretaker. A beauty like this... in the mortal realm? he thought, awestruck.

"It's time to change the bandages on this leg," she mumbled, moving to undo the bandages wrapped around Hughie's thigh. Suppressing his excitement, Hughie closed his eyes, feigning unconsciousness.

The room's stillness was broken when the door burst open with a bang. An older man stormed in, his eyes narrowing at the scene before him. Without a word, he marched up to the bed and delivered a resounding slap to Hughie's face.

Hughie, caught off-guard, winced from the sharp sting and exclaimed, "What the hell was that for, old man?"

The young woman, her face flushed with surprise and anger, stood up to confront her father. "Father! Why would you do that?"

The old man, unmoved by his daughter's outburst, glanced disdainfully at Hughie. "I knew he was pretending. Trouble indeed."

"But now that the scoundrel's awake, he can change his own bandages."

Hughie's eyes darted around, realizing he had given himself away. He hastily closed his eyes again, trying to feign unconsciousness. However, sensing the imminent arrival of the old man's fist towards his face, he hastily blurted, "Alright, alright, I'm awake."

"Father, he's still too injured," the young woman, concern evident in her voice, interjected. Hughie nodded fervently in agreement.

The father's face darkened as he addressed his daughter, "Oliviare, it isn't proper for a young woman like you to be doing this," his gaze then shifted mischievously to Hughie, a somewhat lecherous grin forming on his lips. "I'll handle this," he declared, grabbing a set of fresh bandages.

Hughie's eyes widened in alarm. Why do the old geezers always take a liking to me? he thought desperately. Pain flared across his body as he raised his hand in a stopping gesture. "Uncle is right, I can do it myself."

The old man laughed heartily and tossed the bandages at Hughie, who caught them despite the jolt of pain from the sudden movement. Oliviare smiled softly, providing him with a blanket for modesty as he changed his bandages.

"I'm Oliviare, and this stubborn old man is my father, Brom," she introduced them, explaining that they had found him three days ago, washed up by the lake.

Three days? Hughie was taken aback, not just by the time he'd been out, but also by the fact that mere mortals had managed to save him. I was sure I'd be dead unless some heaven-defying treasure intervened.

Noticing his confusion, Oliviare added, "When we found you, there was a healing herb, Starbloom Euphorbia, attached to your body. I guess it must have been carried by the current."

A sigh of relief escaped Hughie. Of course. Another one of those serendipitous occurrences in my life. He thought, trying to recall the moments leading up to the river. He had grown accustomed to these bizarre strokes of luck. In fact, he mused, I'd probably be more startled if these strange events stopped happening.

Two days had slipped by in what seemed like moments. Hughie sensed that activating his Bloodforge Ascension technique might now fully heal him. Yet, an unfamiliar feeling settled in his heart, he realized he wasn't quite ready to return to the sect. There was something that urged him to linger in this village, and as he listened to Oliviare animatedly discuss the upcoming Moon Blossom Festival, the reason became clearer.

"I can't wait for the Moon Blossom Festival!" she said, her eyes shining with excitement. "The entire village gathers, there's music, dance, and the best food you can imagine!"

I don't want to leave her yet, he thought wistfully. Hughie's mind wandered to his past — a time before the sect and the comfort it brought. Having been an orphan, he was familiar with loneliness until his master had found him, giving his life purpose. The thought of the sect made him wonder if anyone would truly miss him. While images of his master and senior siblings flitted through his mind, he dismissed them, They would probably be better off without me.

His train of thought was abruptly halted when Oliviare, her cheeks tinted a delicate shade of pink, asked, "Would you... perhaps, like to accompany me to the festival?"

Caught off guard, Hughie scratched the back of his head, a bit flustered, "I'd love to, Oliviare."

The door burst open, and in marched Brom, grumbling, "Don't think I won't have my eye on you, lad."

Hughie sighed internally. This old man is really something.

As nightfall wrapped the village in its embrace, Hughie found himself alone in his room. Laid out for him were the clothes Oliviare had provided - simple yet elegant village attire. He swapped his cultivator robes for them, noting that the bandages across his chest remained concealed beneath.

Gazing at his reflection, he wondered, Is this what people consider... a date?

He retrieved a small locket from his storage ring. It was an odd treasure he'd stumbled upon years ago, one that suppressed a cultivator's qi. Why would anyone want to seal off their cultivation? He had often thought, leaving the locket untouched within his ring. Now, he saw its purpose.

Slowly, he placed the locket around his neck. For a brief instant, it emitted a soft purple glow, and Hughie felt his connection to his cultivation cut off, as if severed by an unseen hand. "Hughie the cultivator is dead," he muttered to himself, "Tonight, I am Hughie the mortal."

A gentle knock on the door drew him from his musings. "Enter," he called.

Oliviare stepped in, and Hughie felt his breath catch in his throat. She was dressed in a beautiful gown that accentuated her milky white skin and large brown eyes. She looked radiant and ethereal.

"What do you think?" she asked shyly, her eyes twinkling like the first stars of the evening.

Hughie stammered, momentarily lost for words. "You... you look stunning," he managed finally.

Just as he spoke, Brom appeared at the doorway. His frown deepened as he caught Hughie's words. "You'd better take good care of her," the father warned sternly.

Oliviare's face scrunched into a pout, "Father! Don't be so hard on Hughie."

Brom shook his head, chuckling despite his feigned annoyance. "If I'm not careful, I'll have to answer to your mother in the next life," he said, a hint of longing in his voice.

At the mention of her mother, Oliviare's head dipped, a shadow briefly crossing her face. Hughie, seeing her sudden sadness, found himself at a loss for words. What should I say?

But then, as quickly as it had come, her gloom lifted. She raised her head, a determined spark in her eyes. "Are you ready?" she asked, her voice regaining its earlier excitement.

Hughie nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Yes, let's go."

The festival was a grand affair. Lanterns of every hue illuminated the village square. Musicians played their traditional instruments, filling the air with melodies both haunting and upbeat. Stalls lined the perimeter, offering an array of treats from steamed buns to skewered meats. Children ran around with joyous laughter, while the older villagers danced to the beat of the drums.

Amidst this jubilation walked Hughie and Oliviare, side by side, their arms almost touching but not quite. They moved through the crowd, occasionally stealing glances at each other but quickly looking away whenever their eyes met.

"It's lovely, isn't it? The Moon Blossom Festival only comes once a year, but it always feels magical," Oliviare tried to initiate conversation, her voice a mix of cheerfulness and nervous energy.

"Yes, it's quite different from what I'm used to," Hughie responded, his attention partially on the festivities and partially on her.

Gathering her courage, Oliviare asked the question that had been burning in her mind. "What is it like... being an immortal?"

He sighed, a sound tinged with unexpected sorrow. "Lonely," was all he said.

"And if you had a companion? Would you still feel lonely then?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hughie gave her a sad smile. "I've not found an immortal who has captured my heart." I always thought I'd build a harem of celestial beauties, he mused internally, then chuckled silently at his own foolishness. But then, plans have a funny way of changing, don't they?

"Hughie, do you think a mortal could...steal your heart?" she asked hesitantly.

Time seemed to slow as he gazed deeply into her eyes, causing a rush of color to her cheeks. "I believe she already has," he confessed softly.

Just as Hughie leaned forward, their lips nearly touching, a loud commotion shattered the moment. They turned to see four cultivators descending from the sky, riding swords of gleaming energy.

Hughie's expression hardened as he gripped Oliviare's hand. "Stay behind me," he whispered, a surge of protectiveness overwhelming him.

The cultivators landed with arrogant grace. The leader, brimming with the powerful aura of the Core Formation stage, exuded the haughtiness typical of a young master. His entourage, though only at the Foundation Establishment stage, shared his overbearing demeanor.

"Have any of you villagers seen an injured immortal around here?" one of the lackeys demanded loudly.

A brave villager shook his head, "No, sir, no immortals here."

In a swift, threatening motion, the lackey grabbed the villager by the neck. "You'd best not be lying, old man," he snarled.

Fear took hold, and the poor villager soiled himself, shaking his head frantically in terror.

Things are about to get complicated, Hughie thought, preparing for what might come next.

Chapter 31: What An Ugly Ring...

The leader, his eyes previously closed in concentration, opened them slowly, a hint of frustration evident. "I can't sense him," he murmured. "Either he's dead or he never came here."

Another lackey, more composed than his peers, spoke up. "We received word of a body thrown into the river. We're wondering if it washed up here." He paused, eyeing the villagers, "There's a reward of 100 gold coins for any information."

Eyes widened among the villagers, a flicker of greed flashing across several faces. They knew of the stranger Oliviare and her father had taken in. One villager, eager for the reward, pointed directly at Hughie. "It's him!"

The leader's gaze snapped towards Hughie, trying to probe for any signs of cultivation but finding none. He frowned, puzzled, and gestured to one of his men.

The lackey strode forward, stopping so close to Hughie that his breath brushed against his face. Hughie released Oliviare's hand, whispering, "Don't interfere, no matter what."

The lackey scrutinized Hughie, then turned back to his leader, shaking his head. "This one doesn't seem like a cultivator," he said, indicating Hughie's plain clothes and the absence of any detectable Qi.

"That's the outsider. Found him half-dead in the river," a villager piped up, eager to share information for the reward.

Hughie, feigning innocence, shrugged. "I'm just a hunter who had an accident. Don't know anything about these immortals you speak of."

The leader, however, seemed unconvinced. He gestured, and the lackey grabbed Hughie roughly, dragging him forward. "We'll take him back to grandpa. Even if he isn't the one, I'm in need of a new servant."

"No, don't take him!" Oliviare's voice cut through the tension.

The leader's attention diverted to Oliviare as she stood defiantly, her beauty striking him visibly. His eyes gleamed with a different kind of greed now. "Bring the girl," he ordered his men, his voice oily. "But be gentle. She will be... mine."

The second the lackey began his approach toward Oliviare, Hughie acted without hesitation. Tearing off the locket, it vanished seamlessly into his storage ring. With a breath, the Bloodforge Ascension technique surged to life within him, transforming his physique. His skin adopted a fiery hue as his injuries healed at a breath-taking speed. The potent aura of a Late Core Formation cultivator swept the area, causing the approaching lackey to stagger back in surprise.

"Stay away from her!" Hughie's voice was a growl, barely coherent, saturated with a rage he hadn't known he possessed. He lunged, driven by a burgeoning bloodlust. In a flash, he was upon the hapless Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The man, caught off guard, didn't stand a chance.

Hughie's hand, large and unyielding, clamped onto the man's face, and with a ferocious slam, he drove the lackey's head into the ground. The impact was catastrophic, the earth splintering while the man's skull caved in, brain matter seeping into the cracked soil.

A shrill scream pierced the air. "Demon!" A villager's voice echoed with terror, setting off a chain reaction of fear. Villagers scattered, seeking shelter.

Oliviare staggered back, her eyes wide with horror.

The sight stabbed him. She's afraid... of me, Hughie realized, heart sinking. He hadn't wanted her to witness this side of him, the side that veered closer to demonhood than the immortal cultivator she imagined. A battle began inside him: the beast craving bloodshed against the part of him that yearned to protect Oliviare.

His self-reflection was shattered by the leader's enraged bellow. "Get him!" he ordered, his command rallying the remaining two Foundation Establishment cultivators to encircle Hughie.

Each step they took, each battle stance they adopted, only fed the beast inside Hughie. But a sliver of his consciousness, fading fast, reminded him to finish it quickly. Oliviare... keep her safe, he struggled to think.

The leader unsheathed his sword, taunting, "You've done me a favor by killing my cousin, making me the heir, but—" His words ended abruptly when, in a flurry of motion, Hughie was upon him. His fingers, more claw than human, gripped the leader's throat. The man's frantic struggles only served to stoke Hughie's desire for violence.

Gasping, the leader tried wielding his sword. But with a feral snarl, Hughie batted it away. As his bloodlust threatened to consume him entirely, the leader's desperate pleas filtered through. "Please... you don't have to..."

But Hughie's grip only tightened, the rage blinding him to reason. With a sickening crack, the leader's neck snapped. Hughie tossed the lifeless body aside like it was nothing more than a ragdoll.

The two remaining lackeys, faces pale with horror, turned to flee, but Hughie was faster. In one fluid motion, he seized the leader's fallen sword, hurling it with deadly precision. It sailed through the air, impaling one lackey through the chest, pinning him to a tree. The man's eyes went wide as the life slowly left him.

The second lackey didn't even get a moment to process the scene. As he unleashed a blazing fire arrow attack, Hughie was already upon him. With a swift motion, Hughie brushed the fiery projectile aside, landing a powerful blow on the cultivator. The punch sent the man sprawling to the ground. But Hughie's wrath didn't stop there. With a powerful leap, he descended, foot first, onto the cultivator's skull. There was a wet, sickening sound as the head was pulverized, fragments of bone and gore scattering in all directions.

Chest heaving, he scanned the area. His blood-red eyes landed on Oliviare, standing alone beneath a market stall. A sinister urge prodded him forward. In a heartbeat, he was before her, teeth bared.

Hurt her, hurt her, hurt her, the whispers in his mind chanted.

Yet as he stared deep into her eyes, a hint of clarity pierced the fog of his rage. The weight of what he had nearly done bore down on him. "Am I...am I a monster?" he murmured.

Closing his eyes, he struggled to keep the tears at bay. I am a man. Cultivators don't shed tears. Not here, not now. Especially not in front of her. But the jovial mask he wore in the sect, the cheerful demeanor that masked his true feelings, was crumbling.

Suddenly, soft, warm arms wrapped around him. He felt Oliviare's comforting embrace. "You're not a monster," she whispered into his ear, voice shaking but firm. "You protected the village, you... protected me."

Sh-she doesn't realise how close I was to... Hughie shook his head, not able to complete the thought.

He tentatively hugged her back as his demonic form slowly receded. "How can you not be afraid of me?" he whispered back.

Her voice, tender, carried a weighty confession, "Father was right, you are trouble... but you're my trouble now."

Hughie shook his head, a wave of sadness washing over him. "I have to leave this village. Staying will only endanger you, and I... I can't bear that thought."

Oliviare clung tighter to him, her voice brimming with emotion. "But I don't want you to go."

"And I don't want to leave," he admitted, his voice breaking.

"Why can't we stay like this forever?" she murmured, her breath warm against his bare chest.

Hughie remained silent, lost in thought. Just a few days ago, he'd tried a simple qi sensitivity technique on her. All she had to do was sense the qi flow, he recalled. But like many others, she didn't show any signs of the gift. He wished things were different.

If she could cultivate... he mused, I could bring her to the sect, and perhaps we could have a future. But being with me, as a mortal? Too risky. I can't be selfish.

"I... I wanted to tell you that... I mean, I think... I... uh..." Words began to tumble from him, a jumbled mess of emotions he tried to shape into a confession. But his tongue seemed to have a mind of its own, tripping over the syllables like a novice on the training field.

She gently placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "I understand," Oliviare said softly.

From the folds of her clothes, she took out a pitch-black ring. Plain, without any ornate designs, it looked... well, rather unimpressive.

"This has been in my family for generations," she explained, pressing the ring into his hand. "It's always been with me, close to my heart. And now, it's yours."

He stared at the ring, his thoughts whirling. Seriously? Who in the world would craft a ring this... bleak? "I can't take this," he blurted, the words escaping before he could catch them. And not just because of propriety. The ring was... ugly. So very, very ugly.

"Just take it." She smiled, shyly.

His hand closed around the ring, the metal cool against his skin. Ugly or not, I'll treasure it. Because it's from her. He couldn't help but smile back.

She leaned forward, her lips briefly touching his cheek. "Something to remember me by, Mr. Immortal," Oliviare teased. As she slowly moved away, she murmured, "I will always be waiting for you. Always."

Just before she vanished from his line of sight, she hesitated and turned back. Her face was slightly flushed, and her fingers nervously played with the edge of her dress. "And when you come back," she added, mustering the courage, "I expect you to propose with that ring."

Hughie stood there, the warmth of her kiss lingering on his skin, watching her retreating figure until it disappeared. He sighed deeply, sliding the unattractive ring onto his finger. This is going to be an interesting story to tell the guys back at the sect, he mused, a bitter smile tugging at his lips.

And then, out of the blue, a disgruntled voice echoed inside his mind. "Insolent youngster! Daring to charm and woo my precious descendent! And you! Oliviare! How could you hand our ancestral ring to this... this stranger?!"

Hughie blinked, trying to comprehend the sudden intrusion. Am I... am I hearing voices now? he thought.

The voice continued to rant. "Back in my days, we valued traditions, not like these unfilial descendants. Gifting away family treasures to the first charming face they see! Bah! To think that our noble immortal lineage would produce such... such mortals."

The voice was old and cranky, and Hughie imagined a grumpy old man shaking his fist at the sky.

Has the ring got some sort of curse that includes a nagging ancestor?

"Hello?" Hughie ventured, hoping he wasn't going mad.

"What? You can hear me?!" The voice responded with genuine surprise.

Hughie nodded, then realizing that the voice probably couldn't see him, he verbalized his response. "Yes, I can hear you."

A throaty chuckle emerged from the ring. "Well, then, lad. It seems it's your lucky day. I am a true immortal. Not one of those half-baked 'I've lived for two centuries and now I'm enlightened' ones. Nope! A genuine, bona fide immortal!"

The voice paused, a sort of smugness emanating through the connection. "You know, if you manage to impress me—which is no small feat, mind you—I might just consider taking you on as a disciple."


Your Disciple Hughie Has Found A Heaven Rank Treasure

Alert: Your Disciple's Loyalty Is Being Tested

Special Condition Activated: For every action, there's a reaction. Should your disciple Hughie prove loyal, you will be rewarded.

However, if his loyalty falters, you will face consequences.

Reward for Disciple's Loyalty:

· 1000 Karmic Credits

· Comprehension Card (Level 1)

Consequences of losing a Disciple:

· Hidden

· Hidden

· Hidden

Chapter 32: Immortal Grandpa, Teach Me A Heaven Rank Technique!

Hughie couldn't help but let out a small, incredulous chuckle. "I appreciate the generous offer," he replied with a hint of sarcasm, "but I already have a master, thank you very much."

The old man's laughter boomed in Hughie's mind, so loud Hughie wondered if others could hear it. "Fine, fine! No need to be so formal. How about this: I'll take your master as a disciple too! With my unparalleled wisdom, I'm sure they'll leap at the chance to learn from a true immortal. Who wouldn't?"

Hughie's mouth twitched. This ring isn't just ugly, it's eccentric too! "I'm not quite sure he'd go for that," Hughie retorted. "He's a bit old-fashioned. Doesn't believe in switching masters willy-nilly, especially for ones living in...uh, jewelry."

The old man harrumphed, the sound vibrating through Hughie's skull. "Living in jewelry! I'll have you know, this is a highly sophisticated form of existence! Free from the mundane needs of the flesh! And besides, what's not to love? I'm like a wise mentor you can carry in your pocket!"

Hughie's eyebrows knitted as he glanced at the ring on his finger, "How did you end up in a ring in the first place?"

The old man cleared his throat, an awkwardness seeping into his usually boisterous tone. "Ah, well, you see, there was a minor incident where my body got, er, destroyed."

Hughie raised an eyebrow. "And you couldn't find anything better than a ring to inhabit?"

The old man's voice bristled with indignation. "Now, young man, I'm sure many respectable elders get trapped in rings! It's probably quite common in the higher realms, you know!" In his mind's eye, Hughie could easily imagine the old man shaking his fist at him, trying to appear intimidating while stuck in an accessory.

Sighing, Hughie asked, "Alright, what's your name? I don't want to keep calling you 'old man'." I have enough old men in my life, he thought bitterly.

Puffing up with pride, the old man announced, "I am Li Fenghao, the illustrious Sect Leader of the Heavenly Cloud Sect!" He paused for dramatic effect, letting his words hang in the air. "A 9th Stage Greater Immortal, I'll have you know!"

Hughie looked at him, or rather the ring, a little confused. "Never heard of it," he replied dismissively.

Li Fenghao laughed heartily. "It would surprise me more if anyone from such a...backward place like this had heard of it."

Hughie smirked. "You talk big for someone stuck in a ring, former Sect Master." He emphasized the word 'former', drawing out each syllable.

The old man quieted for a second, then muttered, "If it wasn't for that damned chicken, I—" He halted, then cleared his throat. "Never mind that. Just know I'll be out of here soon."

Not entirely convinced, Hughie simply nodded. "Sure."

Li Fenghao, sensing the skepticism, pounced on the opportunity to reassert his prestige. "Aren't you the least bit impressed? Me, a Greater Immortal, 9th stage at that! Almost at the—"

Hughie waved his hand dismissively, cutting him off. "Listen here, old man. How do I know you're not just trying to trick me? Anyone can talk a big game. Why don't you prove your grand claims?"

Li Fenghao spluttered, "Prove it? I'm in a ring! How do you suggest I do that?"

Hughie had to bite his lip to keep from smirking. Time to swindle an old monster. Memories of his younger days flitted across his mind—those times he'd scam unsuspecting victims out of their money. Initially, it was to fend off starvation, but eventually, it became a game. A game he was really good at.

With a contemplative expression, Hughie mused aloud, "Hmm, let me think..." He feigned deep thought for a moment before leveling his gaze at the ring. "You say you're a Greater Immortal at... what was it again?"

Li Fenghao's voice interrupted with a mixture of pride and impatience, "9th Stage!"

"Yeah, yeah," Hughie waved dismissively. "So, as a Greater Immortal, you must know some Heaven Rank techniques. I mean, any immortal worth their salt would surely possess one."

Li Fenghao burst out laughing, the sound echoing strangely in Hughie's mind. "Boy, I practically breathe Heaven Rank techniques! Heavens, I even know a few Obsidian Rank techniques."

Hughie's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Obsidian Rank? He'd never heard of such a thing. Yet he kept his expression neutral. "All I've heard so far is a lot of bragging, old man. Where's the proof? Show me these techniques!"

The old man huffed, sounding somewhat defensive. "Fine! Since you're so insistent, I'll teach you the Dimensional Slide. It's an Obsidian R-," he began, then stopped abruptly. "Wait just a moment! You're trying to pull one over on this old man, aren't you?"

Shaking his head with exaggerated innocence, Hughie retorted, "If anyone's attempting any tricks, it's you. Why on earth would a 'Greater Immortal' be desperate to take on someone like me as a disciple? Unless... you're hoping I might help free you from your... ring-shaped prison?"

Li Fenghao fell silent. How did this seemingly simple-minded brat figure it out? The old man wondered, genuinely taken aback.

Hughie leaned in, a sly smirk on his face. "I think you need to prove your worth to me. In fact," he said with feigned magnanimity, "maybe, just maybe, if you impress me enough, I'll consider taking you on as a master."

Trapped for millennia, the old man had grown frustrated, even as a Greater Immortal. No matter how powerful he was, life had its limits, and his was inching closer to its end. Not a single one of his descendants, neither cultivator nor mortal, had ever sensed his presence in the ring.

"You know, in my prime," the old man began, sounding irritable, "disciples would climb mountains, cross vast oceans, just for a chance to learn from me. And here you are, demanding a technique like you're asking for pocket change!"

"You really have some nerve, brat." With a sigh that sounded suspiciously like a defeated groan, he continued, "But so be it. You want to learn the technique? I'll teach you."

Hughie couldn't help the grin spreading across his face. Another one swindled, he thought gleefully. In truth, he wasn't entirely sure he could assist the old man, but it seemed his bluff had spectacularly paid off.

Li Fenghao started detailing the technique. "It's called the Dimensional Slide. It allows the user to momentarily traverse into a pocket dimension, enabling them to instantaneously appear at another location." He paused, seriousness creeping into his voice, "But this dimension is not a sanctuary. It's a viper's nest with its own perils. Linger too long, and it might just be the death of you."

Hughie's eyes widened in awe. This is leagues beyond anything I imagined he'd cough up.

Noticing Hughie's impressed expression, the old man couldn't help but chuckle, a sound that seemed to warm him slightly. "With this technique, lad, you'll be untouchable. No one could catch up to you."

Yet Hughie couldn't resist poking fun. "And yet, it didn't save you from a chicken."

Li Fenghao's voice caught in his throat, a mixture of irritation and embarrassment. "That was no ordinary farmyard fowl! That chicken was..."

Hughie interrupted, a playful smirk on his face, "A chicken is still a chicken, old man."

The old man let out an exasperated sigh. "Regardless of your... poultry opinions, know this: With the Dimensional Slide, you'll be unmatched in speed. Absolutely no one in this realm, will be able to catch you."

"Hmm, let's test that out," Hughie declared, searching for a suitable spot for training. After wandering for a bit, he found a secluded area distant from the village. Standing at the village's edge, he cast a lingering glance backward, nostalgia briefly touching his eyes. Will I ever return here?

Li Fenghao, seemingly oblivious to Hughie's introspection, piped up with, "Your talent shines brightly, lad. Quite impressive." He mumbled under his breath, "...at least for this realm." Clearing his throat, he continued, "I believe you'll grasp the Dimensional Slide without much difficulty."

Awkwardly rubbing the back of his head, Hughie couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Yes, breakthroughs in cultivation came somewhat easily to him, but learning new techniques? That was a different story. He'd always envied how his Senior Brother Caelum seemed to master numerous sword techniques effortlessly while he struggled. Hughie decided it was best to keep this bit of information from the old man.

"Now, listen closely," the old man started, his tone serious. "First, you need to focus your Qi, but don't rush it. Let it build steadily, feel it flow through your body, ready to burst forth, but under your complete control..."

As the old man continued, detailing the intricacies of the Dimensional Slide, Hughie found his teachings surprisingly clear and intuitive. But despite that, his mind stubbornly refused to grasp the concept. It's like trying to catch fish with your bare hands, he thought in frustration.

Sensing Hughie's readiness – or at least what he mistook for readiness – the old man asked, "Are you prepared to give it a go?"

Swallowing his apprehension, Hughie nodded. Taking a deep breath, he tried to summon the image the old man had described, focusing on his feet and visualizing... something. But instead of a rift, all he managed was a small puff of dust as his foot stomped the ground.

The old man's chuckle filled the air. "Well, at least you've managed to master the 'Dusty Foot Stomp.' Very impressive!"

Hughie grimaced, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "Well, practice makes perfect, right?"

The old man continued to chuckle, clearly enjoying himself. "Indeed, brat. But perhaps let's start with something simpler... like standing still."

After a few grueling hours of practice, Hughie had nothing to show for his efforts. Not even a hint of a rift had materialized.

Fed up, he flung his hands up, "Are you certain this move isn't exclusive to Nascent Soul cultivators?" He groaned. Nascent Soul practitioners held the ability to create minor rifts in space, albeit only stretching across short distances. The Dimensional Slide, on the other hand, offered access to the vast expanse of the void, a wholly different dimension.

Li Fenghao snorted. "Why, I utilized this technique all the time when I was at the Core Formation stage." He paused, his brows knitting in thought. "Although, now that you mention it, I don't recall anyone else managing it until they'd reached Nascent Soul..."

Hughie's eye twitched in exasperation. This ring-wearing, rambling old geezer... "So," he mumbled, "the technique's practically useless then?"

The old man's voice took on an intrigued tone. "Hmm, hold that thought, I might have a little idea to speed up your progress."

Suspicion flared in Hughie's eyes. "What sort of idea?"

Li Fenghao responded, "I'll impart my comprehension of the technique directly to you. An information dump of sorts."

Hughie's face scrunched in confusion. "If you could do that all along, why waste hours watching me fail repeatedly?"

The old man's lamenting sigh sounded almost like a deflating balloon. "You youngsters have no patience. Who even is your master? Didn't he teach you anything about the Dao?" He paused to gather his thoughts. "Imparting comprehension directly can be a double-edged sword. Yes, it can speed up initial learning, but it might hinder your personal understanding of the Dao later on. The Dao isn't a one-size-fits-all; it needs to be understood and interpreted by each cultivator individually."

Hughie grimaced, clearly unimpressed. "Everyone always goes on and on about the Dao. I just want to get stronger, plain and simple." He paused, tilting his head slightly. "What's so great about this Dao everyone keeps yammering about anyway?"

Li Fenghao's voice turned contemplative. "Ah, lad, the Dao is... well, it's many things. But that's a lesson for another day. Everyone's got a different answer, and it's up to each to find their own."

Then, in a more biting tone, he added, "Now, cease your relentless questions and let me concentrate!

After a few moments, a surge of green qi spiralled out of the ring, it slowly made its way to Hughie's temple, embedding itself there. It was like a river of knowledge, every twist and turn, every ripple, explaining the intricacies of the Dimensional Slide. For Hughie, it felt like thousands of pages of instruction compacted into mere moments of understanding.

After processing the flood of information, Hughie blinked a couple of times, looking bewildered. "Old man, why didn't you explain it like this from the start? It's so straightforward!"

Li Fenghao merely huffed, rolling his eyes. "Arguing with a fool is truly a waste of breath." He then nudged Hughie forward, "Give it another try. If my comprehension doesn't help you open a rift now, then I'm afraid nothing will."

Ignoring the jab, Hughie took a deep breath and began channeling the technique. The air around him seemed to shimmer, and then, with a tearing sound, a rift appeared. It was like a doorway to another world, the edges glowing with a bluish tint, and the center was pure, endless darkness.

"Do I just... walk in?" Hughie questioned, pointing towards the rift.

Li Fenghao's voice dripped with sarcasm. "No, you dance your way in. Of course, you walk!"

Hughie scowled. "Hey, I'm just being cautious. What if it leads to the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons or something?"

"If you had been paying attention," Li Fenghao responded with a huff, "you'd remember it leads to the void plane. From there, you can decide where to emerge next."

Hughie mumbled, "Sounds like an unnecessary extra step..."

Taking a tentative step, Hughie entered the rift. The world around him shifted. Everything was in stark black and white, like an old photograph. It was eerily silent. Just as he was about to question the aesthetics of the void plane, a cold shiver ran down his spine.

A massive, ethereal beast hovered in the distance. It was translucent, its body like that of smoke, but its form was clear. The beast possessed twisted, antler-like horns atop its head, long, jagged claws, and piercing eyes that seemed to glow.

Though it was a distance away, Hughie felt ensnared by its gaze, like a rabbit facing a predator.

Li Fenghao's voice screamed in Hughie's mind. "Move, you imbecile! MOVE!"

But Hughie felt paralyzed, ensnared by the otherworldly gaze of the phantom beast. All he could think was, Why didn't the old man mention this?


Your Disciple Hughie Has Encountered An Otherworldly Being

Warning: Your Disciple Is In Mortal Danger

Task: Save Hughie


· Disciple Loyalty Increases

· 10,000 Karmic Credits


Outcome 1: Death Of Disciple

Outcome 2: Your Disciple Has Been Saved By Another, Disciple Loyalty Will Be Adjusted

Chapter 33: Congratulations On Your Breakthrough!

"Move, boy, MOVE!" The old man's urgent voice reverberated in Hughie's head. Seeing the young man remain rooted to the spot, Li Fenghao released an exasperated sigh. "This is going to set me back decades!"

Suddenly, the ring on Hughie's finger glowed a soft green. He felt a rush of unfamiliar energy coursing through him, startling him back into action. Without a second thought, he leaped backward into the rift, re-emerging in the training ground.

Catching his breath, he heard the weakened voice of Li Fenghao grumbling. "You truly have dogshit luck!" Li Fenghao groaned.

Hughie's ears reddened. No one had ever accused him of being unlucky before. Everywhere he went, people often envied his fortune.

"What... what was that creature?" his voice trembled. The sheer pressure from the being was unlike anything Hughie had ever experienced before. Not even the Origin Realm expert he had encountered made him feel so… insignificant.

Li Fenghao let out a deep sigh. "They are called Voidwalkers, beings that inhabit the void plane. It's exceedingly rare to come across one, especially for a first-timer like you."

Hughie shuddered at the thought. If the old man had mentioned that these creatures were common in the void, he might've sworn off the technique altogether.

The old man continued, "Even Greater Immortals tread lightly around them." Trying to sound comforting, though in a peculiar way, he added, "Given your current cultivation, you're no more than an ant in its eyes. Had it truly noticed you as a threat, not even I could've saved you."

Hughie looked even more pale. "So... every time I use the technique, there's a chance I'll run into them?"

The old man chuckled, "Well, technically, yes. But think of it as crossing a busy street. You might get hit by a carriage, but with experience, you'll know when to walk."

That's his version of reassurance? Hughie grimaced.

Seeing Hughie's reaction, Li Fenghao huffed. "You youngsters need thicker skin. In my time, we faced Voidwalkers with just a twig and some good intentions!"

Hughie raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

The old man sighed, "No, not really. But it sounded good, didn't it?"

Hughie shook his head at the old man's antics. "Anyways, thanks for saving me back there."

The old man smirked, puffing up his chest. "As your master, it's my solemn duty to protect my disciples."

"Like I said, I've already got a master. And with that little adventure over, I think it's time for me to head back." Hughie hesitated, his thoughts drifting to Amelia. She probably thinks I'm dead by now.

Trying to reel Hughie back, the old man persisted, "You sure about going back to your so-called master? What stage of the Immortal Realm is he at, anyway?"

Hughie scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, he's in the Ascendant realm."

Li Fenghao paused, his eyes widening in mock shock. And then, out of nowhere, a roaring laughter erupted from him. "Ascendant realm? Hahaha! Your master would kneel and beg for me to take him in as a disciple! Why, back in my prime, Ascendants used to shine my boots!"

Hughie couldn't help but roll his eyes, trying to change the subject, he asked, "What kind of name is Li Fenghao, anyway?"

The old man's laughter died down instantly, his face reddening as if he'd been slapped. "In the Immortal Realm, we have names fit for men! As for here... well, you lot have the peculiar names." With a look of distaste, he tried to mimic Hughie's name with a mocking tone. "Hooo-ghie? Sounds like someone choking on a fish bone!"

Hughie chuckled. "Well, 'Li Fenghao' sounds like someone sneezing during a poetry reading."

Li Fenghao huffed. "You have no appreciation for the elegance and depth of an Immortal's name!"

Hughie laughed heartily. "You really are something, old man."

"I'm just speaking the truth. And remember, brat, it's 'Master Li' to you."

Hughie smirked, "In your dreams, Grandpa."

The old man grumbled, muttering something about 'disrespectful youngsters.'



You Have Reached Late Foundation Establishment Realm

Reward: 200 Karmic Credits

Slifer emerged from his closed-door cultivation session, rubbing his stomach. The rumbling in his belly was hard to ignore. Ah, the worldly needs of the flesh. Stretching his limbs, he thought with satisfaction, It won't be long until I enter the Core Formation realm. His confident smile, however, quickly faded when a system notification caught his eye.


Alert: Critical Condition Detected

Disciple Designation: Hughie Status: Fatally Wounded

Task: Administer Advanced Healing to Hughie Time Limit: 1 Hour

Warning: If Disciple Hughie remains untreated within the specified time frame, it will result in the disciple's unfortunate demise

Caution: Death of a disciple incurs severe consequences. For specifics:




Slifer's heart nearly stopped, but the real shock was that the alert had appeared five days ago!

In a frenzy, he quickly checked the status of all his disciples on the system. When he saw that they were all safe and sound, he let out a sigh of relief.

"I told that boy to stay out of trouble!" Slifer exclaimed, exasperated. He shook his head, Of course, this is the kind of drama I should expect when mentoring a protagonist disciple.

I wonder how he managed to wiggle out of this one though,he pondered. Several tropes came to his mind: A sudden power surge? An unexpected ally arriving in the nick of time? Or maybe a hidden legacy awakening within him?

Shaking his head, he decided to scroll through more notifications, it wasn't long before another one caught his eye.


Your Disciple Hughie Has Found A Heaven Rank Treasure

Alert: Your Disciple's Loyalty Is Being Tested

Special Condition Activated: For every action, there's a reaction. Should your disciple Hughie prove loyal, you will be rewarded. However, if his loyalty falters, you will face consequences.

Reward for Disciple's Loyalty:

1000 Karmic Credits

Comprehension Card (Level 1)

Consequences of losing a Disciple:




Slifer frowned, wondering. What kind of Heavenly Treasure could possibly test his loyalty?

He tried to piece together the events. Could the Heavenly Treasure be the reason he survived? But when Slifer compared the timestamps, the events were days apart. Nah, probably not related. But what could that treasure be?

He took one last glance at the notifications, shook his head, and decided to grab a bite. After all, he reasoned, an empty stomach won't help in deciphering Hughie's antics.

As Slifer left his courtyard, a sudden tear in space appeared before him. Reflexively, he retreated several steps, ready to defend himself. A woman with raven-black hair and piercing eyes stepped out of the spatial rift. The singular word that flashed in Slifer's mind to describe the woman was matron. The emblematic Black Rose Sect symbol on her robes made him swallow hard and straighten, feigning nonchalance as though her abrupt appearance hadn't fazed him in the slightest. Sheesh, you can't just pop out of nowhere like that, he thought.

"Ah," the woman remarked in a poised tone, "just who I was looking for."

Slifer raised an eyebrow, a hint of sarcasm in his thoughts. Why make it sound like a surprise when you literally appeared outside my courtyard? He was about to address her when he realized he couldn't recall her name. The original's memories were fragmented at best. Yet, from the aura she radiated, he figured she was a Grand Elder.

"Grand Elder," Slifer began, clasping his hands together and giving a slight nod, "what brings you here?"

The stern expression on the woman's face transformed into an awkward smile. "Supreme Elder Slifer is too polite," she said, waving off his formality.

Regaining his composure and recalling his newfound status, Slifer coughed lightly. "While my cultivation may have advanced, in terms of age and wisdom, I remain your junior."

The Grand Elder's eyebrows raised in surprise. The Slifer she remembered was notoriously arrogant. But his cunning nature also came to mind. This must be one of his games, she deduced.

She then gestured to the rift, and another figure emerged. "Regrettably," she declared, "Amelia will no longer be welcome at the Medicine Hall."

Slifer's eyes widened as he gazed upon Amelia. The young disciple appeared distant, her normally radiant face now pale, her eyes tinged with redness.

What on earth happened to her? he wondered, his gaze shifting between the Grand Elder and the disheveled Amelia.

Grand Elder Lydia continued, her tone heavy with disappointment. "Amelia has perverted the Essence Mend technique. She's broken the sacred oath taken by all healers — to never bring harm to patients. Instead, she's used it malevolently to torture disciples who were in desperate need for healing."

Slifer's eyes darted to the oath's specific wording. It specifies not to harm patients but says nothing about others. Every demonic sect boasted a division of healers. These disciples, unlike their brethren, weren't inherently malevolent. If they were, who would dare seek their medical expertise? Yet, these same healers didn't strictly tread the path of righteousness either. They existed in a gray zone; neutral when you were under their care, but possibly dangerous if you crossed them outside the healing chambers.

While Slifer mulled this over, memories of his recent notifications flooded back. Among them were several notifications of 'Karmic Credit Earned.' The only act he recalled that granted a single Karmic Credit was... torture.

He let out a weary sigh, not surprised in the least. "I see."

Slifer gestured for Amelia to approach him. She shuffled her feet, her eyes blank, and took her place beside her master. The ensuing silence was palpable as Slifer and Grand Elder Lydia locked eyes, each waiting for the other to break the tension.

Does she expect an apology? Slifer thought. Clearing his throat, he turned to Amelia. "Apologize to the Grand Elder."

Amelia's voice was hollow, devoid of emotion. "I apologize, Grand Elder Lydia."

The Grand Elder nodded slightly but kept her gaze fixed on Slifer. The air grew thick with expectation. She wants me to apologize too,Slifer surmised, his annoyance flaring. She can wait forever. It wasn't me who twisted Amelia this way. That blame rests squarely on the original Slifer.

As seconds ticked by, Grand Elder Lydia's patience waned. Without another word, she stepped back into the spatial rift. Just before she vanished, she muttered, "Seems you truly haven't changed, Supreme Elder."

Eh, she'll get over it, Slifer thought dismissively, but his gaze softened as he turned to Amelia. He'd never imagined seeing his spirited disciple in such a despondent state. A sudden realization struck him. Could she be blaming herself for Hughie's 'death'?

"What is troubling you, Amelia?" Slifer inquired gently.

Hidden beneath her cascade of silver hair, Amelia's voice came out as a whisper, "I'm a terrible Senior Sister."

Slifer, trying to exude patience and understanding, gently prodded, "Why do you believe that?" I feel like some school therapist. Next thing I know, I'll be asking her about her childhood.

"Because of me... Hughie..." Amelia's voice cracked, struggling to get the words out, "...died."

Ah, there it was. Slifer had suspected as much. With a gentle smile, he reassured her, "Hughie is not dead."

She shook her head vigorously, a hint of anger in her eyes. "You don't know, Master! During our mission, a Nascent Soul cultivator attacked us. Hughie... He sacrificed himself for me."

Suppressing a chuckle, Slifer mused, A single Nascent Soul cultivator? Please, it would take an army of them to threaten a protagonist like Hughie. If she had said a horde of them were after him, maybe I would've been more convinced.

"Did you check his Soul Lamp?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Why would I? He couldn't possibly have survived that!" she retorted.

"You underestimate our Hughie," Slifer grinned. "He is like a cockroach. Indestructible."

A slow smile spread across Amelia's face. With a delighted squeal, she leapt into Slifer's arms. "Hughie's alive?!"

Slifer's body stiffened. Oh no, why did I stand so close?

While Amelia's embrace tightened around Slifer, a sharp chime resonated in his mind. A System Notification floated before his eyes:


Your Disciple Hughie Has Encountered An Otherworldly Being

Warning: Your Disciple Is In Mortal Danger

Task: Save Hughie


Disciple Loyalty Increases

10,000 Karmic Credits


Outcome 1: Death Of Disciple

Outcome 2: Your Disciple Has Been Saved By Another, Disciple Loyalty Will Be Adjusted

His focus shifted from the clinging Amelia, who, for some reason, was burrowing her face into his neck with a peculiar grin, to the message. Guess I won't be getting food anytime soon, he sighed internally.

For a brief moment, he contemplated the idea of anchoring Hughie to the sect with some mystical chains. At least then, I wouldn't be on constant rescue missions. However, another thought wormed its way into his consciousness. With rewards like these, perhaps letting him loose and playing the hero isn't such a bad idea.

The weight of the reward troubled him. 10,000 Karmic Credits? I might need a miracle to save him this time. Like... a Deadly Strike Card.

Slowly, Slifer tried to disentangle himself from Amelia, who gave a reluctant pout. "I need to fetch Hughie," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck. Before some savior swoops in and steals his loyalty.

Amelia's face fell a little, "Can I come with you?"

Slifer was quick to shake his head. "No. And when I return, we will discuss your ban from the Medicine Hall. You will face consequences."

As he began to move away, his thoughts raced. He would need to get to Hughie as fast as possible.

I guess it's time to see Val!

Chapter 34: Warning! You Are Attacking Your Disciple

As Slifer arrived outside the guest quarters, where Leah was currently staying, the scene before him left him momentarily stunned. Val, in her smaller dragon form, was energetically chasing Leah around the courtyard, breathing out mini fireballs that Leah barely evaded.

Of all the things to walk into, Slifer thought, rolling his eyes. However, as Val transformed into her enormous form, Slifer's amusement turned to alarm. The fireball forming in her mouth was nothing to scoff at.

S-she's going to kill her! Slifer thought in alarm, knowing that Leah did not have access to her cultivation.

"Val, stop!" Slifer commanded as he took a hasty step back, he did not want to get caught in the blast.

Val froze in mid-air, reverting back to her smaller form. With a wobbling lip and teary eyes, she squeaked, "Mastew shout at Val."

Slifer sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I told you to watch over Leah, not turn her into a roasted duck."

Val, shaking her small head, protested, "Val only playin thow."

Slifer's attention shifted to Leah, who appeared rather peeved at him. Upon receiving a quizzical look from Slifer, she grumbled, "Yeah we were having fun. Until someone ruined it."

Val can't control herself. If I hadn't intervened, you would've been ashes by now, Slifer thought as he remembered the time that Val had gone overboard in their training session. Clearing his throat, he offered diplomatically, "Master didn't want our guest harmed. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding."

Val's eyes grew round. "Mastew sowwy?"

Slifer had to stop himself from sighing aloud. Why does everyone expect an apology from me? "Yes," he reluctantly muttered, "Master is sorry." But internally, he added, Well, not really.

Val's gloomy expression shifted to one of delight. "Val fowgive Mastew."

Smiling gently at the dragon, Slifer tempted, "Since Val forgives Master, would Val like to go on a mission?"

Val's enthusiastic nodding made it clear she was thrilled at the idea.

Slifer glanced towards Leah, whose posture tightened at his attention. "I trust you enjoyed your stay here?" he said.

She offered a timid nod, her gaze drifting to Val, her reluctance to let the dragon leave apparent. Slifer shook his head inwardly. Yet another heart bewitched by Val.


Task Name: Dragon Babysitting a Crazy Lady!

Task Description: Ensure Val stays beside Leah for…7 days!

Status: Complete

You Have Received 70 Karmic Credits

Suppressing a grin, Slifer felt a slight satisfaction. Not only had he earned karmic credits, but Val had indeed softened Leah's edges. At least she didn't try to spit on me this time.

Val's voice cut through Slifer's thoughts. "What our mission, Mastew? Val gettin tweats?"

The mention of 'tweats' drained the color from Slifer's face. A chilling memory surfaced: the original Slifer would take Val hunting for... humans. Hastily, he replied, "No, we're searching for your Junior Brother."

"Huwie missin?" Val's vibrant energy dimmed a little.

Slifer nodded solemnly. "Yes, and only Val can rescue him." Val's dragon pride surged, her chest puffing out in a show of determination. With a majestic transformation, she expanded to her gigantic form.

Without hesitation, Slifer leaped onto her back, signaling her to take off.

"Val save Huwie!" she roared, launching herself into the skies.

A sense of exhilaration washed over Slifer as they soared. He thought, No matter how many times I experience this, the thrill never fades.

Slifer felt Leah's lingering gaze on them as they distanced from the sect.

Hours of flying turned into a rhythmic blur, but Slifer's patience was running thin. There's still so much ground to cover, he thought with a sigh.

To assist in the search, he had been using a special treasure - a Soul Compass. The item connected with the fragment of soul inside the Soul Lamp, revealing the whereabouts of a cultivator. Yet, its limitations were glaringly evident. Instead of pinpointing an exact location, it marked a broad region. Not to mention, there was a delay of about 15 minutes, making tracking a moving Core Formation expert like finding a needle in a haystack.


Task: Save Hughie

Status: Failed

Your Disciple Has Been Saved By Another

Hughie's Loyalty Has Decreased By 30%

The sudden task notification caused Slifer to sigh, I was too late. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, then shrugged. At least the boy survived. Glancing at Val, he said, "Find a secluded spot, away from any humans."

Val tilted her head, "Huwie here?"

Shaking his head, Slifer responded, "Your Junior Brother is safe for now. I have something else on my mind." He couldn't help but glance at the dwindling timer indicating his remaining lifespan.

Lifespan Remaining: 23 Days

The urgency to use one of his Reversal Cards bore down on him. He'd been saving them, hoping to use several together when the right time came. But now, time itself seemed to be running thin.

When will I next leave the sect? he pondered. It's not like I can use it within the sect unless I'm fine with wiping out half the disciples as collateral.

Once Val touched down in a forest clearing, Slifer leapt off her back. "Val," he began, "stay away until I call for you."

With the Soul Bond, he wasn't worried about losing her.

Val's eyes lit up with mischief. "Val look for food?"

Slifer hesitated for a moment. He knew her predatory nature all too well. "No humans," he emphasized, "but anything else is fair game."

The idea of Val hunting humans made him uneasy. She's a dragon, and it's natural for her, he rationalized. However, the concern that she might go too far and attract unwanted attention was real. Yet the last thing I need is a vengeful protagonist on my doorstep due to Val's dietary preferences.

Val pouted. "Master mean!" Without waiting for a reply, she flapped her wings and soared away.

After making sure Val had truly left, Slifer chose a spot and sat down. He wondered briefly, is the lifespan given by the Reversal Card always the same fixed amount or does it vary with the amount of life essence it collects?

Well, I guess there is only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, he activated the Reversal Card.

Instantly, a brilliant white aura emanated from him, pulsating outward like ripples in a pond. As the light touched the plants, they wilted almost instantly. Tall trees, once teeming with life, became gaunt as their leaves crisped away and their bark turned grey and lifeless.

The creatures of the forest weren't spared either. As the aura reached them, they frantically attempted to escape, but their efforts were in vain. Birds mid-flight dropped from the sky, their life essence sapped. Insects on leaves paused, then stilled forever. Even the small mammals that had been hidden in burrows and underbrush met the same fate, their life force drawn into the white aura.

The further the aura reached, the more desolate the clearing became. What was once a lively and verdant place was now rapidly turning into a barren wasteland, devoid of life.

Slifer felt the surge of life essence flow into him. The sensation was intoxicating, a heady mix of vitality and power. Drawing in a deep breath, he couldn't help but exclaim, "This... this is true sustenance!"

This... this is far better than any delicacy I've ever tasted, he thought, a grin forming on his face. And for someone like him, who was known for his insatiable appetite, that meant something.

Hughie focused intently on the Dimensional Slide technique, silently praying that he wouldn't stumble into another Voidwalker. As the portal to the void realm appeared and he cautiously entered, a sigh of relief escaped him upon realizing that the space was free of those phantom-like beings. If there was one waiting for me, I would seriously question my luck.

Closing his eyes, he envisioned the sect's entrance and opened another breach. However, when he stepped through the new rift, he found himself amidst towering mountains and thick forests, certainly not at the sect's entrance.

Before he could fully comprehend his surroundings, Hughie felt a terrifying force attempting to pull the very life essence out of him. "W-what's happening?" he whispered, clutching his chest.

Li Fenghao's eyes widened in shock as his ethereal vision locked onto an elderly figure seated cross-legged in a clearing, casually absorbing the life essence around him.

How is this even possible? He pondered.

The Heavens hadn't merely forbidden the absorption of life essence through strict mandates, but had ensured it was fundamentally unattainable. Heavenly tribulation was the sole genuine method to lengthen one's lifespan without drawbacks. Over the eons, many cultivators had sought alternate ways to prolong their lives, yet they all had severe, sometimes debilitating repercussions.

Li Fenghao's vision went blurry as he felt a tug on his own life force. "Escape! Use the technique and escape NOW!" he shouted mentally at Hughie as a sliver of his life essence made its way to the mysterious figure.

Without wasting another moment, Hughie created another fissure in space. This time, he reappeared right outside his sect. Panting, he tried to regain his composure.

The old man couldn't contain his frustration. "Boy! In all my years, I've never seen someone with luck as horrid as yours! How can it be that every time you use the technique, you narrowly escape death? Do you have a death wish?"

Hughie's ears turned a shade of crimson. He felt the sting of the old man's words, but there was no counter to it. The old man was right, his recent encounters had been nothing short of catastrophic.

Is my luck truly that terrible? he wondered. He then recalled his master's attempts at holding his hand during past lessons. Did those touches somehow curse me? he shivered.

Li Fenghao continued to grumble, "I've taught numerous disciples and traveled countless realms. But never... NEVER have I seen a lad attract disaster like a moth to flame! Is this some special talent of yours?"

"I...I don't know," Hughie mumbled.



You Are Attacking Your Disciple Hughie

Hughie? Slifer's eyes snapped open in surprise. Of course, it's Hughie. Where did that boy suddenly pop up from? Despite extending his spiritual sense, he couldn't find any traces of the young cultivator.

While the delicious stream of life essence continued to flow into him, he kept an eye out for Hughie. I mean, if he could dodge some strange being from another dimension, a tiny life essence tug should be like a gentle pat on the back...right?


Cease Your Attack

The Death Of A Disciple By Your Own Hand Will Have Severe Repercussions

The message from the System felt like a slap on the face. As per the System's design, the Reversal Card, or any other card, once activated, could not be stopped midway.

Oh, come on, System! You're the one who gave me these cards! He grumbled internally. Why couldn't you add a "pause" button for those things?

Slifer began to feel a hint of anxiety, he genuinely wasn't sure if even a protagonist, however lucky, could escape the System's grip entirely.

He better be okay... For both our sakes.



You Have Absorbed 0.000001% Life Essence Of A Greater Immortal

Chapter 35: Val, Who Did You... Eat?

A rush of pure life essence unlike any other Slifer had ever felt surged through him, leaving him gasping, "G-greater Immortal?" The intensity of the energy sent him into a state of euphoria so potent that focusing on anything else became a Herculean task.

But survival instincts kicked in, forcing his eyes wide open as he scanned his surroundings fearfully. A Greater Immortal... here? The thought was as terrifying as it was perplexing. Aren't they supposed to be in the Higher Realms, not meddling in the affairs of ants like me?

He half-expected the offended Immortal to materialize from the ether, delivering a slap potent enough to end his existence for the audacity of stealing even a sliver of their precious life essence.

Slifer knew all too well that none of his cards could save him from a Greater Immortal's wrath, Deadly Strike Card against a Greater Immortal? Might as well throw pebbles at a mountain.

Fight or flight? Both seem equally futile before such a being, he pondered grimly.

But as moments ticked by and no divine retribution descended upon him, Slifer's tense muscles began to relax. That's odd... he mused, his thoughts drifting back to Hughie. Could there be a connection?

Shaking his head, he decided to find out how much lifespan he gained.


Name: Slifer

Race: Human

Alignment: Demonic

Cultivation: Late Foundation Establishment

Lifespan Remaining: 10 Years

Karmic Credits: 5700

Skills: Insight (Basic)

Items: Reversal Card, Peak Slifer Card, Whimsical Wind Card

Abilities: Mirror Mastery: Level 1

Techniques: Sunrise Slash: Level 2, Stellar Nova Strike: Level 1

Weapon Mastery: Sword: 5%

0.000001% gave me a whole decade? Good heavens, what kind of monstrous longevity do these Greater Immortals have? Slifer mused, his eyes widening in disbelief. Man, if only that Greater Immortal had been feeling a tad more generous. A tiny bit more and I could've seen the next ice age!

His train of thought was cut short by a sharp pain that pierced through his chest. He quickly extended his spiritual sense inward, examining his body. There, he saw the chaotic swirl of Pseudo Origin Realm energy battering against the Qi Condensation Seal, which now showed alarming signs of fracturing.

Dammit, is this the backlash of clashing with Hughie's luck? He wondered, his thoughts punctuated by pain.

A barrage of System notifications popped up, but Slifer dismissed them with a flick of his mind. Doubled over in agony, he hurriedly opened the System Shop, seeking something—anything—that could stabilize the situation.

The following cards appeared before his eyes:

Qi Purge Seal: When activated, this seal creates a temporary pathway for the excess qi to flow out of the body. Cost: 500 Karmic Credits

Qi Storm Dispersion Array: When activated, this array disperses the excess qi in the form of controlled energy storms. Cost: 700 Karmic Credits

Qi Conversion Meditation: Convert the unstable qi into pure spiritual energy, accelerating cultivation progress. Cost: 1,000 Karmic Credits

Qi Armor Manifestation: Gain the ability to manifest a protective qi armor around the body to enhance defense, strength and agility. Cost: 1,500 Karmic Credits

"Purging the Pseudo-Origin Realm Qi would be a waste," Slifer muttered under his breath. With risk comes reward, after all. The options to absorb the qi were tempting, promising an immediate breakthrough, but he knew it was an unnecessary shortcut with his Heaven Rank cultivation method and pills. If only it promised a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm...

Without any hesitation, he purchased the Qi Armor Manifestation. Without any Critical Block cards left, a reliable defense was paramount.

Stellar Nova Strike probably isn't enough, he mused.

Activating the card, he felt the rampaging qi within him quell, transforming into a smoke-like Qi Armor. It enveloped him, creating a defensive shell at the Peak Nascent Soul level. The minute traces of Origin Realm energy, overwhelmed by the conversion, was lost in the process.

With his body only at the Body Tempering realm, the armor's effect was clearly evident, he could already feel it enhancing his physical abilities. "With this, Core Formation cultivators shouldn't pose much of a threat," he muttered, a smirk forming on his lips. But as he moved, the armor fractured, fissures spreading across its smoky form until it dissipated into nothingness.

Slifer sighed, a touch of frustration in his voice. "Seems my body can't handle this armor for more than ten seconds." He shook his head, it seemed he would need to focus on body cultivation.

Slifer thought about the difference between body cultivators and their spiritual counterparts. Body cultivators tempered their flesh, bones, and blood through arduous and, more often than not, torturous training, transforming their very bodies into weapons.

As for spiritual cultivators, they sought internal harmony, meditating to refine their spiritual energy and Qi.

One path is like forging iron under relentless hammer blows, while the other is like nurturing a delicate flower, he mused.

He shuddered at the thought of undertaking the brutal regimen body cultivators endured.

But if I want to extend the Qi Armor's duration, I have no choice but to strengthen my physique, he concluded. With a shake of his head, dismissing the unpleasant thoughts, he decided it was time to return to the sect. He reached out with his Soul Bond, calling for Val.

Within moments, he noticed the silhouette of the little dragon in the distance, flying quickly toward him. But something was amiss. Val's posture was slouched, her head lowered, wings drooping slightly – she had the look of a child who knew she'd done something wrong.

"What's wrong, Val?" Slifer asked, though part of him wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Val covered her face shyly with her wings, her body language screaming guilt.

Time to check the notifications, Slifer thought with a growing sense of dread. As he feared, he was met with multiple identical messages.


Your Disciple Has Attacked A Righteous Cultivator

120 Karmic Credits Have Been Deducted

Had it been one message, perhaps Slifer wouldn't need to worry but attacking three righteous cultivators would definitely spell trouble.

"Val," Slifer sighed, rubbing his temples. "What did you do?"

Val peeked through her wings, her eyes big and round. "Pwomise Mastew won't be mad?"

Heaving another sigh, Slifer said, "Alright, I promise. What happened?"

Val looked up, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Val made wickle miswake. Now bad men chase Val."

Slifer's heart sank. Just what I needed. More trouble. However, seeing Val's earnest eyes, he couldn't find it in himself to scold her. "Alright, Master will deal with it," he said, forcing a smile.

I really hope it's something minor. It would be quite the scene if an Ascendant cultivator had to flee from 'lesser' cultivators.

His thoughts were interrupted by a distant shout. Looking up, Slifer saw a group of five Nascent Soul cultivators flying towards him, led by an old man whose aura suggested he was at the Origin Realm. Oh, Val, you're going to be the death of me, Slifer internally groaned.

One of the Nascent Soul cultivators laughed derisively. "You finally gave up running," he taunted.

Another nodded in agreement, sneering, "Your master will pay for your sins, beast."

"You dare devour my grandson," a third accused, his voice thick with grief.

Realising that not even the last Peak Slifer card could save him from the situation, Slifer felt a tremor of fear threaten to shake his legs, but he held his ground, he knew that he had to give off the aura of an expert if he wanted to bluff his way out of the situation.

Behind him, Val cowered, peeking out from her hiding spot. "Mastew, mean men," she whispered, pointing a small talon at them.

The Nascent Soul cultivators paused as their leader raised his hand, he squinted at Slifer, sensing something familiar. As recognition dawned, his complexion turned ashen, and he plummeted to the ground, bowing his head in a submissive posture. "Forgive me! Forgive me!" he cried out in horror.

What just happened? Slifer's brow arched in surprise at the sudden turn of events.

Two hundred years ago, the old man remembered with a pang of fear. He had been ambushed by none other than Slifer. The attack was swift, merciless, and almost took his life. By a twist of fate and sheer luck, he managed to escape with his life, but his treasured Luminance Blade was left behind. That cherished heirloom, passed down through generations, was taken by Slifer, who then corrupted its pure nature and left it to gather dust for years before bestowing it upon one of his disciples as a casual gift.

Foolish! The old cultivator chastised himself. He had always intended to retrieve his family's blade and seek revenge on Slifer. But news that Slifer had advanced to the Ascendant realm changed everything. It's certain death to provoke an Ascendant, especially one as ruthless as Slifer, he agonized.

Seeing the old man's reaction, the Nascent Soul cultivators exchanged confused glances. Their leader, on his knees and begging for mercy? This was a sight none of them had expected.

"W-what are you doing, Sect Master?"

The old man, his forehead still pressed against the ground, motioned with his hand, urging his followers to mimic his actions. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he addressed Slifer, "Had I known the dragon was under the protection of Ascendant Slifer, I would have gladly sacrificed a few more disciples to appease her."

The surrounding cultivators began quaking in fear. They looked at each other with wide eyes, realization dawning on them. This is Master Slifer, the rumored new Ascendant cultivator? They thought collectively, cursing their rotten luck as they quickly followed their Sect Master's lead, dropping to the ground. As a smaller righteous sect, lacking an Ascendant cultivator of their own, they had no choice but to swallow this bitter pill of humiliation.

And who said I had dogshit luck? Slifer cleared his throat, giving them a displeased look that sent shivers down their spines. "My disciple informed me you were bullying her," he said slowly.

Their eyes widened at the mention of 'disciple.' It was truly unheard of for a beast to be considered a disciple, but given the unpredictable behavior of Ascendant cultivators, they dared not question his choice. In their desperation to appease, they began kowtowing fervently, their heads thudding against the hard ground with each bow, leaving red marks on their foreheads.

Feeling emboldened by the turn in events, Val puffed out her tiny chest proudly as she stood on Slifer's shoulder.

"You bully Val!" she accused, trying to sound as righteous as possible.

The cultivators exchanged anxious glances. Bully? They thought incredulously. She was the one who attacked unprovoked!

They remembered how she'd ambushed a disciple in the forest, and when reinforcements arrived, she'd gobbled them up without hesitation. She had even made a snack out of an elder at the Nascent Soul realm! But they held their tongues, not daring to argue with the stubborn creature. With lowered heads, they mumbled, "Yes, we… bullied you."

Slifer, suppressing a smile, turned to Val. "How do you think they should be punished?" he asked.

Val's face scrunched up in thought. After a moment, she responded with an innocent pout, "Val weally hungwy."

Chapter 36: Grandpa In A Ring Trying To Poach MY Disciple?!

The men's faces went ashen at Val's innocent declaration. Slifer quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind. If I let her try to eat them, they'll fight back... and they will realize I'm not the Ascendant cultivator they believe me to be, he mulled over cautiously. "Beside that," he suggested to the baby dragon, trying to steer the conversation away from something that could end badly for him.

Val scrunched up her face in thought. "Val wike tweasures," she finally declared with a nod.

That might actually work, he pondered. If I let them go without any action on my part, it would seem out of character for the original Slifer they know. But demanding treasures... it's a middle ground. Not too aggressive to provoke retaliation, yet assertive enough to fit my perceived image.

Slifer's expectant gaze settled on the men, who hesitated only for a moment before they started to empty out their storage rings. A plethora of items soon littered the ground: jade pendants glowing with soft light, orbs infused with condensed elemental energy, and pills sealed in exquisite vials.

"P-Please, find it in your mercy to accept these humble offerings," stammered one of the Nascent Soul cultivators, sweat beading on his forehead.

The Nascent Soul elder, whose grandson had been devoured, stepped forward with a forced smile, his body quivering like a leaf in the wind. "May the Heavens bless me with more grandchildren," he said through gritted teeth, "so that Master Slifer's esteemed disciple can partake in more... gourmet feasts." The words tasted like poison on his tongue, but he knew that his survival depended on it.

The leader, with a resigned sigh, unhinged a splendid sword with an emerald handle from his waist, laying it beside the rest. He had once lost an invaluable heirloom to Slifer, and now, history was mocking him with its repetition. He then performed one last kowtow, his forehead lightly thudding against the ground. "Master Slifer, I will never forget this graciousness."

That sounded more like a veiled threat than a sign of gratitude. Lucky for him, I'm not an Ascendant cultivator; otherwise, a slap would've been the least of his worries, Slifer thought wryly as he dismissed them with a casual wave of his hand, the trembling men scampered away without a backward glance.

"Tweasures!" Val squeaked as she transformed, her form expanding enormously. The change in form seemed to have sped up the digestion of the cultivators she devoured because a Mid Nascent Soul aura came off her in waves, making Slifer flinch at the intensity.


Your Disciple Val Has Broken Through

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

100 Karmic Credits, not enough to make up for the loss but it's a start.

"Val's! Val's! All Val's!" She began to gobble up the treasures, each item disappearing with a satisfied gulp.

"Spit it out!" Slifer commanded, his expression stern. He realized that despite Val's current loyalty, she was still a wild beast at her core. Even though, he saw her more as a child than a pet, she was still a higher level being, albeit a baby version. A dragon's pride was tremendous, and he needed to show her that he was in charge, an out-of-control adult Val would not be something he would be able to handle.

I can't only blame her, she doesn't know any better, I need to do a better job as a parent figure.

Val's ears cowered back, and she reluctantly spat out the treasures she had eagerly consumed.

"Master told you to stay out of trouble."

"Val sowwy."

Slifer shook his head. "Sorry isn't enough," he said, pausing for emphasis, "You'll need to make up for the trouble you caused. You are to complete 10 missions for me. And no humans as a meal unless I allow it, understood?"


Your Disciple Val's Loyalty Has Increased By 5%


You Have Received 20 Karmic Credits For Discipling Your Disciple

Hmm, seems like I made the right choice.

"Val will be good this time."

A full sentence from the dragon surprised Slifer.

Has the breakthrough to the Mid-Nascent Soul stage affected her mental age? If before Val was equivalent to a five-year-old, she now seemed more similar to an eight-year-old, this was all guesswork from Slifer, he didn't really know enough about kids to be certain. When she breaks through to the Origin Realm, would she be in her teens?

The relationship between Val's cultivation and her mental age was comforting, Slifer didn't know the first thing when it came to taking care of a kid.

As for a teenager? Slifer mused, a smirk playing on his lips. First, there's the angst phase, where everything is the worst thing ever. Then, the obsession with the opposite sex – or the same. Ah, and can't forget the rebellion stage. 'You're not my real master!' That'll be a fun one.

Shaking his head, Slifer turned his attention to the spoils.

I'm rich!

For a Supreme Elder; he was, in fact, living in poverty but his true cultivation was at the Foundation Establishment realm so in reality he was drowning in riches.

As the treasures flowed into his storage ring, he felt a strange connection to one of the items. It was the sword the Origin Realm expert wielded. On closer inspection, Slifer's eyes widened.

Activating his insight skill on the sword, the information presented stunned him.

Name: Skyfade Emerald Blade

Rank: Heaven Rank Treasure

Realm: Adaptable to user's cultivation base

Condition: Perfect

Now, this is a pleasant surprise, he thought, his fingers tracing the intricate carvings on the sword.

Unlike the sword Elder Olakin had given him, which demanded an Origin Realm cultivation to even handle, this Skyfade Emerald Blade was perfect for him. It was adaptable, a treasure that grew with its master. Slifer couldn't help but murmur, "I should probably pay that old man another visit sometime. Who knows, he might have another treasure tucked away."

Just as the thought crossed his mind, Val shrank down to her petite form. Hovering over to Slifer, her face displayed a mix of confusion and embarrassment. "Master... why was Val scawed? Dwagons are never scawed," she mumbled, her voice tinged with a hint of shame.

Slifer put two and two together, realizing she'd been overwhelmed by the emotions transmitted through their Soul Bond. Ah, she felt my fear and assumed it was her own.

Gently patting her head, he reassured her, "Val is just a baby dragon. It's okay to be scared sometimes. But remember, Master will be here to protect you and then when you're big enough, you will protect Master."

"Master is Val's favowite," she looked up at him with teary eyes.

Slifer chuckled, ruffling her scales affectionately. "Then you should stop causing so much trouble for your favorite master."

Val puffed her cheeks out, nodding vigorously.

"When Val is big, Val will protect Mastew!"

Hughie was waiting in Slifer's courtyard, he had finally gotten the hang of the Dimensional Slide technique, landing him in the sect rather than in another near-death experience. He didn't know if his luck could save him a third time.

Beside him, Li Fenghao, trapped within a spiritual ring, was mid-rant, boasting about how he'd make Hughie's master bow before him.

"And then," Li Fenghao's voice crackled from the ring, "your master will be so impressed he'll happily hand you over to me."

"I'm not some ornamental pot to be handed around," Hughie retorted, though a part of him felt oddly flattered. He'd always imagined being fought over by jade beauties, not crotchety old men.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a dragon appeared on the horizon, winging its way towards them. It was Val!

Li Fenghao began to laugh, "Watch and learn, brat," but his voice faltered as his eyes narrowed on the figure riding the dragon. The old man's voice turned to a strangled wheeze. "H-how is this possible?"

Hughie, surprised by the old man's reaction, asked, "What's got your beard in a twist?"

"Keep my existence a secret," Li Fenghao managed to croak out, his earlier bravado evaporating like morning mist.

Hughie raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were going to 'show my master who's boss'? Why is the Great Immortal so scared all of a sudden?"

"This is no time for jokes, you brat!" Li Fenghao snapped, his aura retreating into the ring, shrinking smaller and smaller until it was imperceptible. "Humph, I'll explain later."

Hughie sighed in exasperation. "Great," he mumbled to himself, Even this old geezer doesn't want to be anywhere near my master.

Slifer and Val descended into Slifer's courtyard, where Hughie was already waiting with an uneasy expression. How did he get here before us? Slifer wondered.

Dismissing Val, Slifer walked up to his disciple.

Hughie, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, snapped back to reality and hastily greeted Slifer with a bow and clasped hands.

"Rise," Slifer said, noticing Hughie's discomfort. "Your Senior Sister was quite worried about you."

Hughie, feeling a twinge of guilt, awkwardly scratched his head. "I... um..."

Slifer waved off his concerns. "You have done well," he said, referring to Hughie's efforts in protecting Amelia.

Hughie shifted uncomfortably. He knew that when his master acted nice, he generally wanted something.

Slifer, curious about the Heaven Rank treasure Hughie found, probed further. "Did anything interesting happen while you were away? Perhaps you… found a treasure?"

Hughie stifled a nervous gulp. "If I had found one, I'd offer it to you, Master." But internally, he grumbled, I'm tired of 'lending' my stuff to Master.

Knowing that Hughie was lying to him, Slifer glanced at the loyalty stats of his disciples. Hughie's number flickered, settling at a disheartening 35%.

I guess the loyalty stat isn't just a useless number after all, Slifer mused with a frown. This sparked a troubling thought. Is someone trying to poach my disciple? He felt a twinge of unease. Could it be the handiwork of that Greater Immortal?

To clear his suspicions, Slifer started scrutinizing Hughie for any trace of the Greater Immortal, with his cultivation, he would be a fool to believe he would be able to spot anything, that is where the Insight skill came in handy, he doubted even a Greater Immortal could hide itself from the System.

Meanwhile, Hughie's face flushed. Why is Master looking at me like that?His master's gaze felt uncomfortably intense, and when a strange look appeared on Slifer's eyes, Hughie felt a shiver down his spine. I need to say something. I can't let Master think he can just... ogle me like this.

Just as Hughie mustered the courage to voice his thoughts, Slifer's eyes narrowed, causing Hughie to swallow his words. Can Master read my mind?Hughie pondered, feeling more self-conscious.

Clearing his throat loudly, Hughie asked, "Master, is there... something on my face?"

But Slifer's attention was firmly on the system message that had just popped up:

Name: Soul Bearing Ring (occupied)

Rank: Heaven

Condition: Poor

Occupied? A grim realization dawned on him—someone was trying to poach his disciple, and it was an old man trapped in a ring!

Focusing on the ring, Slifer once again activated Insight.

Name: N/A

Realm: Greater Immortal

Known Techniques: N/A

Disposition: N/A

Of all the clichés, Slifer thought with a silent groan. Is this one of the benevolent types, or the evil kind who'll devour Hughie's soul?Either way, Slifer was determined not to let anyone, especially a grandpa-in-a-ring, snatch away a protagonist under his watch.

Maybe the Greater Immortal provided Hughie with a technique, Slifer wondered. That would be a cunning way to poach his disciple.

Mirror Mastery!

Name: Dimensional Slide

Rank: Obsidian

Description: Allows the user to transverse through the Void Realm.

Obsidian Rank? Slifer pondered with a furrowed brow. What on earth is an Obsidian Rank technique? The highest rank he was familiar with was Heaven. His mind raced as he tried to fathom how a Core Formation realm cultivator like Hughie could use such an overpowered technique. That explains his sudden appearances. Protagonists really don't play by the rules.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Slifer thought, Well, if it's up for grabs... Without hesitation, he activated the Mirror Mastery Skill, and the technique's knowledge began to imprint itself onto his mind.

-500 Karmic Credits

Mirror Mastery Skill: Technique Copied - Dimensional Slide

As expected, no credit conversion needed for righteous techniques. Nice. Slifer's lips curled into a satisfied smile.

Almost immediately, another system notification chimed in:

Mirror Mastery Level Up!

Mirror Mastery Level 2: Copying A Disciple's Technique Will Be 20% Cheaper

You Have Gained 100 Karmic Credits!

Slifer mentally gave himself a pat on the back. This is exactly why having protagonist disciples pays off. They do all the heavy lifting, and I get the spoils.

Slifer's restrained his excitement, the old man likely still had access to his cultivation even if it was limited, Slifer knew he had to mask his discovery. The last thing I need is for him to recognize me. If he recognises me from the little life essence incident, I'm toast…

"Hughie, you were saying?" Slifer coughed, feigning ignorance, his tone as casual as he could manage.

"Master, I asked if there was... something on my face?" Hughie shifted uncomfortably, his master had been silently staring at him for the past minute, that coupled with the strange expressions on his face only worried Hughie further.

Slifer blinked, abruptly realizing how his actions must look. "Ah, no. Just... checking for... injuries," he replied, waving his hand vaguely.

Hughie, rattled by his master's lecherous behaviour, vowed inwardly, I need to get stronger so I can fend off... whatever this is.


Your Disciple Hughie's Loyalty Has Fallen To 30%

Warning: If a disciple's loyalty falls below 30%, there is a high risk of betrayal