
134-144 My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 134

They left the tiny village after they purchased as many food items that the villagers could spare and it only took them a couple of hours. The caravan did manage to fill their water tanks from the spring near the village and was glad that the villagers didn't complain.

During lunch, Lucas informed him that the next town would be four days from the village, and then two villages after that, they would reach the Merchant City of Ruandelle.

Everyone was grateful for Anton's enchanted wooden tablet since it allowed them to travel comfortably even during the hottest part of the day.

Once they left the village, Anton entered the world of Sanctuary and continued completing the Hell Difficulty. He entered Lut Gholein and proceeded to complete the quest in the sewers.

While Anton was battling the monsters in the sewers, he was also thinking about his first enchanted item. He thought of the need to experiment on how to find a mana pathway that would allow an enchanted item to gather the ambient mana in the environment to fill the mana storage but unfortunately, he didn't have a spell that had a similar function of which he could think. Basically, what it meant was, that he couldn't create a brand new mana pathway. The only thing that he could do right now was adapt an existing pathway from the current spells that he knew.

Anton thought hard about which spells had a similar function that would convert an existing energy like solar power to mana and he was doing this while fighting monsters. He was glad that his defenses were powerful enough that even if he were hit, his mercenary's aura would be able to heal him immediately.

He thought that he should be able to find the mana pathway or adapt an existing one from one of the spells in the Fire Spell Tree and then he remembered the passive spell Warmth.

Warmth was a passive spell that increased mana regeneration but where did the mana come from? Was it from the environment? Anton was highly excited at the prospect of studying the mana pathway of the said passive spell.

Anton then thought of other items that he could create like maybe an enchanted lamp that would summon a floating Fire Bolt and since the people would only use them during night time, if the pathway of the Fire Bolt lamp were efficient enough, a full mana storage could last a long time. If he was successful in getting the pathway from the passive spell Warmth that would allow an item to gather the mana from the surrounding, then he wouldn't need to recharge an item and they could even sell simple enchanted items and from what Frederick had told him, they would allow his family to become extremely rich.

When Anton first started playing his Diablo II game when he transmigrated to this world, he just cast the spells and didn't even notice the spell structure and the mana pathway of spells. He only noticed them when he first started to learn how to manipulate the mana of spells so he could adapt the spells for other things like getting water from his ice spells or controlling the fire from his fire spells. Now, he was so glad that Anton took the time to study the spell structures of the spells from Diablo II. That meant that the spell trees from the Sorceress tree alone would be able to provide him spell structures and mana pathways to create untold different enchanted items and soon, when he was familiar enough with the structures and pathways of the spells, he would be able to create his own personal spells.

Not only that, once he managed to get the other classes, the spells and abilities from those skill trees would also provide him countless mana pathways. Anton was glad that all the spells in Diablo II were powered by mana, unlike the other Diablo games that came after where the spells and abilities could be powered by something else like "Rage".

That meant one thing. He didn't need to learn the spell system of this world since his Diablo II system alone would probably consume an entire lifetime to explore but since he already started learning the arcane language, he was curious enough to continue until he was sure that he wouldn't need to learn it.

Anton also thought of the fact that once he learned enough of this world's magic, he could use it as a cover for his Diablo II system so that mighty archmages would not be curious enough to capture him for experimentation. Of course, he only imagined that archmages would be curious about his Diablo II system but it wouldn't hurt to be careful.

After he completed the sewer quest, he added the skill point to Telekinesis and proceeded to keep playing until he reached the Halls of the Dead and there he stopped since he noticed that someone was calling him outside the game. He immediately portalled to town and once he camped his character beside his private stash, he minimized the game.

It was Colin who was calling him trying to inform him that the caravan had stopped for the night. He had seven wooden tablets with him which meant that it was time for the tablet to be recharged so he spent a couple of minutes recharging the wooden tablets.

Frederick was still in awe at how fast Anton recharged a wooden tablet of air conditioner since if the mage did it, the process of charging the items wouldn't take long but learning the spells again would take him several hours.

"I don't know if there's much difference between what you do when you memorize your spells or with Anton staring stupidly in the air for countless hours on what he calls meditation," Anna commented.

Anton laughed when he heard what his sister had said though Frederick was appalled.

"The difference is, I don't really need to "meditate" and I can cast my spells anytime I want. I only meditate to increase my power. Frederick would need to memorize his spells or else he wouldn't be able to cast his spells."

Anna just snorted and they all went outside to join their Father for dinner. Colin gave six of the wooden tablets to Anders and kept one.

While they were eating, Anton informed his father that soon, he would be able to craft an enchanted item that they could sell, and that made his Father happy.

"What item is that?" Anna asked.

"The first item that I'm considering creating for us to sell is an enchanted lamp but it would probably take longer to create that because I'm still researching a method of recharging the item using the ambient mana in the surroundings, meaning that no one would need to recharge it and it would just collect the energy to power it up from the surrounding area. I'm also researching a way for the lamp user to choose the brightness and possibly even color of the light they would prefer."

"that's a good idea son but remember that you don't need to think of items that we can sell since once were successful enough as a merchant, you don't need to be the one who will always provide items for us to sell," Anders told his son.

"I understand. It's just that I find creating enchanted items highly engaging and I now understand why artisans are focused on their crafts. I'm also continuing my research on the wooden tablet of air conditioner. I would like the user to be able to control the temperature they wanted and also would like the item to be able to collect mana from the environment to fill its mana storage."

After dinner, Anton took a bath and provided mana water for his family and friends and went back inside the cold carriage to continue leveling up then he would rest for the night.

Chapter 135

Frederick informed Anton that they would arrive in the next village the next day and during the three days of travel, the inside of the carriage was comfortable. It was the height of the summer season and even during nighttime the temperature was still high but since Anton made the wooden tablet of air conditioner, the temperature inside the carriages in Anders's Merchant Caravan could only be considered heavenly.

Anna didn't even want to get outside even during meal times and Anders had to scold her to join them at the dinner table that was set up by the servants.

During the three days of travel, Frederick would teach Anton, Anna, and her maids the arcane language and today was the day they would start to memorize a spell book that contained a cantrip.

It was a good thing that all of the spellbooks that they had received from the vampires when Anton killed them were just cantrips. Anna decided to start memorizing the spell book Sleep and Anton decided to memorize Mage Light which was his original plan. Honestly, Anton would have preferred some other spell but they had limited spellbooks. The other two spells available to be memorized were Charm Person and Mage Armor so he reckoned that it was actually not important which spells he would choose to memorize first.

Frederick told them that they would start memorizing the cantrip after lunch since he would need to observe the two of them to make sure that there would be no accidents.

During the three days of travel, Anton completed Act II of the Hell Difficulty and was supposed to start with Act III and was also planning to begin studying the Warmth Passive spell this afternoon since he focused on leveling up and improving the wooden tablet of air-conditioner but since Frederick told them that it was time to start memorizing a cantrip spell, Anton would set aside that plan for now.

Anton managed to improve the wooden tablet of air conditioner during those three days of travel. He focused on the improvement of his first enchanted item instead of diving immediately into studying the passive skill Warmth. He successfully increased the duration to twenty-four hours and the mana storage would be full by just one cast of Frozen Orb.

Frederick could also fill the mana storage of the wooden tablet by using his seven cantrips but he did mention that in the next few days, he should be able to add one more cantrip to his repertoire.

Anton did discover that the wooden table of air conditioner would not last long. The tablet would probably break after around one-hundredth use by his calculations. That meant that he would need to find materials that would last longer than a wooden tablet but for now, the tablets were enough.

After lunch, Anton and Anna prepared to memorize the cantrips while everyone watched. The maids decided that they would try memorizing the spell once Anna was successful.

When Anna opened the spell she was surprised.

"Frederick, is this correct? It says here that the Sleep Spell was only this short sentence that I would need to memorize. Why is the book as thick as my notebook then and what are these other words for?"

"The adventurer who taught me magic told me that the spell in a spellbook that the mage would need to memorize is usually written on the first page and usually the first sentence or the first paragraph. The other arcane language in the book is the spell that would allow the actual spell to be retained on the book itself since normally if a spell was written on an enchanted paper, once the spell was memorized, the spell written would disappear as well. It also contained information about the actual spell like why the spell was arranged that way and how the spell structure was created but only learned sages would be able to understand the complex spell structure on a spellbook that was written to support the actual spell of the spellbook itself."

"What!" Anna asked confused by the mage's world.

"What Frederick said was the Sleep spell in your spellbook is just the first sentence, all the other words were just to describe the Sleep Spell, like how it was made and it was also the supporting magic that would allow the Sleep Spell to not disappear from the book once you memorize it!"

Anna then nodded but Anton was guessing that she still did not understand fully.

"Just go ahead and memorize the sentence and once you're successful, you will be able to see the glowing rune of the spell in your mind, and to cast it, you just need to activate the rune and your mouth should automatically utter the incantation of the spell. For a cantrip, the spell casting incantation would usually consist of just one to two words even though you memorize a whole sentence."

Anton found the concept of spell memorization utterly bewildering. The siblings then started memorizing the spell.

When Anton memorized the spell Mage Light, a glowing rune appeared in his mind and it only took him about five minutes. Since Anna was busy memorizing, he didn't interrupt her and whispered to Frederick that he successfully memorized the spell already.

"I actually expected that since you're already able to cast very advanced spells. More than likely, the next time you memorize that spell, it will even take you a shorter time to do it."

Then they waited for Anna to complete the memorization process of her first spell but after thirty minutes, Anton decided to browse the internet since he got bored waiting and even the maids surreptitiously retrieved the notebooks that contained the Belgariad series and began reading.

After about an hour, Anna suddenly shouted.

"I memorized it! I'm now a sorceress!

"Anna is actually correct. If she didn't have the talent for wizardry, even after several hours, she wouldn't have been able to memorize the spell. The next time you memorize the spell, it should take you shorter and shorter, and then you will feel instinctively that you can memorize your second cantrip. For now, there should be a feeling of fullness," Frederick said.

"I do feel it! I feel like I'd just eaten in my mind!"

"Your spell capacity would only increase through practice."

"I don't feel that, the fullness. Does that mean that I can memorize more spells?" Anton asked.

"Yes and again not surprising due to your capability of casting advanced spells already," Frederick replied.

Anton then cast the spell Mage Light and a hovering light appeared from his hands and it brightened up the whole carriage. He could tell that the light would only last for around five minutes if he didn't cancel it and he also instinctively knew how to disperse it so he did.

He was disappointed with the spell since he thought that the Mage Light spell would be better than his Fire Ball light spell since he thought that once he cast it, he could just forget the spell not like his Fire Ball light spell that he would need to make sure that his attention, at least a little of it, was on the spell.

Anton then memorized the spell Mage Light again but this time it only took him a couple of minutes and then he tried memorizing the spell Sleep and it only took him five minutes. Frederick kept telling everyone that it was expected since he was already a powerful mage.

Chapter 136

Anton memorized all the spellbooks that they received from the vampires but what he found annoying about this world's magic system was that after he cast the spells, he would need to memorize them again.

Frederick then informed him that that's why a mage would create his or her own spellbook comprised of all the spells that the mage had already memorized so the said mage would only bring a single book comprised of the spell he would use during his or her adventures.

"So should I make my own spellbook now?" Anna asked their magic tutor.

"You will not be able to since you will need to purchase a specially made empty spellbook that was made by a magic crafter and those are only available in large cities."

Anna was disappointed that she couldn't immediately create her spellbook but she was truly enthusiastic since she kept casting her single cantrip and memorizing the spell again. She declared that she wanted to become a powerful mage as soon as possible.

In the meantime, Anton carefully felt his magic ability and told Frederick that he felt that he could memorize more spells or even higher level spells if there were any that were available but to the mage's relief, Anton didn't ask about Frederick's spellbook.

Anton decided that he would not be serious about the magic system of this world. He would create his spellbook but he would not dedicate a huge amount of time pursuing spells since he had his powerful magic system from the world of Diablo II and not only that, but soon, he would be able to create his very own spells and had already made an enchanted item. Basically, the magic system that his Diablo II game blessed him had infinite potential.

At first, he was interested in learning the magic system of this world since he thought that the spells of his Diablo II system were finite but then he learned that with his imagination backed up by the internet of his old world, the possibilities were endless.

Ander's merchant caravan only stayed in the tiny village for around three hours and then they left immediately. One more village which was around four days travel from where they were and then they would arrive in the merchant city of Ruandelle.

During their travel, Frederick kept practicing his spell by expending all of his cantrips by filling a wooden tablet of air conditioner and then memorizing the spells again. Anton could feel that the mage was somewhat desperate to increase their level and when he suddenly shouted that he was successful in memorizing the first level spell Cure Wounds, he then told Anton that he had taught all he could to the siblings and would like to remain in the caravan as a hired wizard.

"It's fine by me, Frederick, but you will need to speak with my Father about that."

Anders did tell the mage that he could remain as a mage retainer for the family and the mage was joyful. He promised Anders that he would try his best to increase his power so he would be useful to the family and Anders told him that he would fund the mage's pursuit of power as long as there was visible progress.

Anton also completed Act III of the Hell Difficulty during those days of travel and he luckily received the armor Skin of the Vipermagi from Mephisto. It fueled his desire to start farming the boss but he held himself off and would continue his plan of starting the farming grind once he completed all of the Acts of the Hell Difficulty.

Because of his scattered skill points to different spells and his mediocre items, Anton was beginning to feel the challenge of killing the mobs inside the game in Act III but that only served to make it more exciting. That meant that with the level of spells that he had right now and the items that he had, it would probably take Anton longer to complete the remaining two acts and there was a chance that it would force him to grind for items before completing the Hell Difficulty but for now, he was making do.

Regarding his enchantment, he was still striving to improve the wooden table of air conditioner but he didn't make any more progress so Anton decided to start studying the passive skill Warmth and he learned that it was truly complex and would probably more time before he was successful in isolating all of the mana pathways of the said spell.

When they arrived at the last village before the merchant city of Ruandelle, They heard the news that the city of Leminthor was now in the middle of the war with the Undead Coalition. The villagers who shared the news with them had worried looks on their faces but they kept comforting themselves that Leminthor was far away from where they were.

That solidified Anders's desire to move past Ruandelle and strive to get to a powerful wizard city. All of their retainers were either single or had their family with them and they were relieved that they were able to leave the city of Leminthor before the war started. They were very thankful that they successfully joined a powerful and rich merchant caravan and were comforted that it was guarded by an extraordinary archmage. They knew this for a fact since they had already seen Anton defeat an army of monsters.

They only stayed in the village for a couple of hours and continued their journey to Ruandelle. Anders informed everyone that they would only stay in the city for around three days and no one complained about that since they still felt that they were lucky to be able to escape Leminthor.

Everyone had no delusion that Leminthor would win the war with the Undead Coalition since the coalition was powerful enough to defeat several cities consequently and was able to start a war with Leminthor while they were in the middle of the battle with the powerful nation of Tiande.

Anton and all the others inside their carriage saw the merchant city of Ruandelle in the distance and it was a grand grand-looking city. He could see the towering spires even from where they were, which told Anders that the buildings were huge indeed.

When they neared the city gates, everyone saw the long line of people entering the city. At first, Anton thought that they were refugees but Frederick informed him that although there were a lot more people than normal, the number was still not extraordinary for the city since the people entering the city could be more than that, especially during festivals.

Anton saw that there were two gates catering to the people who were entering the city. One for those who were on foot and one large one for people who were riding carriages or mounts and for caravans such as themselves.

They were not the only caravan that was entering nor they were the largest one. Anton could see that they were somewhat in the middle in terms of caravan size and he was impressed at how efficient the city guards were in inspecting the caravans. He also saw that there was a mage together with the guards inspecting the caravans and the mage was casting some spells.

Frederick informed him that the mage was making sure that there were no contrabands that could harm the city like undead hiding inside the carriages or materials that could cause untold destruction, things like that.

Chapter 137

Anton was excited to enter the city of Ruandelle. He was planning to explore the city and thought that three days was too few for him to explore but he could understand Ander's desire to leave the city as soon as possible since there was no guarantee that the war with the Undead Coalition would not reach this city. He could see that his sister, Anna, was also highly excited about exploring the city as well.

While they were waiting in the queue, Anton heard Anna's plan about what she would do once they were inside the city since she told it to her maids loudly.

"I'm going to purchase books but this time, I will make sure that they are not garbage. I will also do a lot of shopping and I'm sure Father will give me more coins for that. I will also check if there's any theater so I can watch some plays, although, your shows from your magic are better!" Anna said to everyone but was eying Anton when she mentioned the movies.

Anton ignored his sister but he finally relented.

"Okay, I'll show you a play from my magic globe the night before we leave the city."

Anna cheered when she heard Anton's promise.

Soon it was their turn to be inspected. Anton saw his Father giving a lot of coins to the gate inspector mage and the captain of the guards and knew that it was part and parcel of merchant cities to have something like that. The bribes did made sure that their entrance to the city was smooth.

Upon entering the city, everyone opened the windows of their carriages widely since they wanted to check the scenery inside the city. Normally, all of the windows in all of the carriages that had people inside were closed tightly to make sure that the cold air from the wooden tablet of air conditioner wouldn't escape but this time, all of them opened their windows.

Before they left though the mage who was inspecting the carriages was amazed at the low temperature inside the carriages and when Anders showed the mage the wooden tablet of air conditioner, the mage was amazed then everyone could see the greedy look on his face so to prevent any mishaps, Anders sold one to the mage for a very low price.

Anton's father made sure to let the mage know that the tablet would only last for at most one hundred uses. The mage then asked if they were selling more of the tablets and Anders informed him that he hadn't planned to sell those due to the wooden tablet's low durability but the mage mentioned that it wouldn't matter to the rich folks of the city and that they would pay a very high amount of gold for the tablets.

Anders told the inspector mage that he would have to think about it and could look for him later at the inn where they would be staying. The mage then offered to guide them to the best inn they could stay while they were in the city and Anders accepted.

The mage then cast some sort of communication spell and after a few minutes, another mage arrived to replace Anrius, which was the mage's name, as the gate inspector.

The main road of the city of Ruandelle could be considered a highway in Anton's previous world due to how large it was. It was still made of some sort of stone that he couldn't identify but it brought forth the fact that it was exotic to the eyes of Anton who had never been anywhere aside from his city on Earth.

It was a little familiar to him though since he had seen those types of roads on the internet in the old cities in Europe.

There were so many streets and most of them were full of various bazaars and even just a cursory look filled Anton with amazement since there were so many items that he didn't even recognize. It also gave Anton the urge to go outside the carriage to begin his exploration.

This time, Anton wasn't planning to hire any sort of guide and would explore on his own. The only problem was he might not have enough gold coins to purchase items that he wanted to buy so he planned to create more wooden tablets of air conditioner that he could sell by himself so he would have the coins that he could spend and didn't have to ask some from his Father.

In the distance, everyone could see the grand palaces of the council of mages of the merchant city and it looked like those sultan palaces in the middle east countries in Anton's old world. He could almost imagine suddenly seeing Alladin's magic carpet flying around the round spires of the palaces. The color of the palaces were like marbles but Anton wasn't really sure what they were made of but they were not all white. There were large swathes of colors of all kinds that reminded him of Fenix's clothes, the young man who looked like a gypsy that was his guide in the city of Leminthor.

It would have been better if the inspector mage was with them so he could introduce the local buildings that they were seeing but the gate inspector mage was with Anton's father in the other carriage.

The buildings in the city were comprised of different designs and structures. The majority of them were imitating the palaces of the Council of Mages but some of them were designed differently. Anton was sure that the designs were from the home country of whoever owned the buildings but instead of making the place look chaotic, it only added to the exotic and exciting feeling only a successful merchant city could bring.

Anton did worry a bit if his Father would be able to earn coins from the city since it seemed like the city would not lack the items that they had in their carriages but based on Anrius's expression when the gate inspector mage was looking at Anton's wooden tablet of air conditioner, there would be a market for at least one of their products.

Colin did mention that he once visited the city and according to the man, some of the largest buildings that they could see were owned by different guilds and organizations. The most common guilds were the adventurer guild and the merchant guild.

The city was also full of noise that when they reached the first plaza or center, everyone was almost overwhelmed and Anton almost put his hands on his ears but soon they got used to the noise.

The noise consisted of different things like merchants hawking their products, customers haggling with merchants, minstrels, and bards singing, sounds of carriages and animal noises, people talking about different things, and more.

Anna's face was so full of excitement that Anton almost expected his sister to jump from the carriage to run around the city. He could understand because he felt the same way and Anton was sure that his face had the same expression as his sister's. As a matter of fact, not only the siblings, but almost everyone was excited while looking at the city.

Anrius led them to a large building that was called the Inn of Auspicious Beginnings. Anton, Anna, and her maids, Frederick and Colin joined Anders and the others in entering the huge inn, and being with Anrius made the innkeeper come out and welcome them enthusiastically.

Chapter 138

Anders rented the entire third floor of the inn and a lot of the other free rooms on the other floors. The innkeeper had a wide smile on his face from earning a huge amount of coins from Anton's father.

Before Anton followed the inn attendant that would lead him to his room, he told his father that he would not be joining them for lunch since he wanted to do something first then he would begin exploring the city.

Anders just nodded and told him to be careful and after that Anton followed the attendant. The room that was assigned to him had a bathroom so he immediately took a bath and then spent an hour making wooden tablets of air conditioners. He could create one in ten minutes if he truly concentrated and soon he completed six of them.

Anton was planning to sell the newly created enchanted wooden tablets so he would have coins that he could use to purchase anything that he might fancy. He already asked Anrius, the gate inspector mage, the price that he could sell the tablets for. He didn't know if his father would be angry with him if he learned that Anton was planning something like this but he didn't want to ask his father for spending coins because his family worked hard to earn those.

He filled the wooden tablets of air conditioner mana storage with mana and then he headed directly outside the inn to begin his exploration. Anton didn't see Anna or anyone else that he was close to and more than likely they were already roaming around the city. Of course, some of the people in the inn's common room were familiar since they were his family's employees but he actually didn't know their names and he wondered if he was coming off as a snob for not mingling with them but he was truly busy every day.

Anton just shrugged it off and decided to mingle with the others soon. In the meantime, the city of Ruandelle awaits. He was glad that he was wearing ordinary clothes that were not different from what the other people in the streets were wearing.

This city was truly a merchant city and even though the council was comprised of mages, they were more businessmen than wizards that was why this city was called a merchant city instead of a wizard city aside from not having an archmage in their council.

Just walking in the first street, Anton could see a lot of shops and some of the merchants were outside their shops calling out for customers. Anton was guessing that he was in the poorer part of the city since he knew that the richer shops would not bring their level down to actually calling customers in the street but from what he knew about merchants, he wouldn't be surprised even if the rich stores did the same thing.

Anton was looking at the different stores while walking and he was walking slowly enough so he would be able to browse the store's windows without any issues. There were stores selling clothes, stores that sold books, ones that sold toys, a hat store, a shoe store, and a lot more.

The next street that he arrived into was full of restaurants, bakeries, and cafes. Since Anton didn't have any coins on him since he gave everything to his Father, he didn't have any coins to buy himself food. He did have a lot of food that was stored in his inventory but he wanted a taste of this city's food so he asked one of the guards who were patrolling the place where he could sell an enchanted item.

The guard looked at him askance but did provide the directions to the largest magic bazaar which was three avenues from where he was so after thanking the guard, he headed directly to the street where the shops for magic items were located.

Anton actually took an hour and several more stops to ask for directions before he arrived at one of the unofficial magic streets in the city. He asked the guards standing beside the street entrance the best place where he could sell his magic item and the guard recommended that he go to the largest magic shop since even if he would not get the highest amount, at least he would not be scammed since large magic shops had to make sure that their reputation would not be questioned.

While Anton headed to the largest building in the street, he thought of the fact that this city seemed to be very rich and powerful but he knew that they couldn't stay there since in terms of actual power, it was well-known that Ruandelle didn't have any archmages and that meant that if the Undead Coalition ever reached this city, he doubt that Ruandelle could defeat the undead armies.

The largest magic shop in the street was simply called The Wizard's Emporium and according to the guard, it was owned by one of the members of the council of Ruandelle. The store was really large, almost comparable to some of the smaller malls in his old world so when Anton entered, the first floor alone had multitudes of products and salespeople catering to customers already.

A salesgirl quickly approached Anton.

"Good afternoon, Sir. Are you looking for something specific or do you want to browse first?" The pretty salesgirl said.

"Can you tell me more about this store?"

"Of course. The first floor of our emporium consisted of a combination of regular and simple magical items. Any beginner adventurer would be able to find anything that he would need before they went off to explore the world like regular tents or enchanted sleeping tents, regular traveling cloaks or enchanted cloaks, regular bags, or enchanted bags, and more.

The floors of the store correspond to the level of magical enchantments attached to an item and the truly powerful magic items are located at the top of our store and only our VIP exclusive members are allowed to enter it. We also hold auctions bi-weekly and our next scheduled auction will be tomorrow."

"Can anyone enter the auction?'

"There is at least two gold coins deposit to anyone who wants to attend the auction and it's non-refundable but you can still purchase items from the store worth the deposit if you didn't buy anything from the auction," The saleslady said while smiling professionally.

Anton felt that the salesperson who was talking to him was truly professional since he didn't feel any sort of disdain even though he was a youth and wearing regular clothes.

"I actually want to sell an enchanted item. Do I talk to you about that?"

"I will lead you to a manager who can appraise the item that you have, so please follow me."

The young woman then led Anton to a booth located on the left wing of the first floor. The booth had comfortable seats but it was hot since the windows were closed and it was summer. The saleslady then asked him to wait since she would need to call her manager first.

When the saleslady exited, Anton brought out one of the wooden tablets of air conditioner since it was truly hot and uncomfortable and there were no magical fans that would make the temperature inside the booth bearable.

Chapter 139

Anton waited several minutes inside the private booth but since the small room was now cold due to his wooden tablet of air conditioner, it was now comfortable and since he had been walking before arriving at the store, he needed a comfortable rest.

After around five minutes, the saleslady and her manager still hadn't arrived so Anton opened his browser and started watching some video clips on a famous streaming site. He then heard the door opening so he hastily closed his browser and turned his attention to the two people who entered.

The saleslady and the man who Anton assumed was one of the managers in the store had surprised looks on their faces when they felt the temperature in the booth. The manager's face then focused on the wooden tablet on the table with its floating Frozen Orb rotating above it spewing cold air.

"Good afternoon young sir. I'm called Manus, and I would like to apologize for the delay. I was busy handling a delicate case," Manus the manager apologized to Anton.

Although Anton was impressed by the saleslady's professional attitude when he first came in, Anton had an inkling based on the manager's face that the manager was anything but. He reckoned that Manus was probably going to dismiss anything that he would have tried to sell to the man but he shouldn't judge based on first impression.

"I was informed by Carla here that you're selling an enchanted item to the Wizard's Emporium?"

"Yes. As you can see, this wooden tablet can cool a room and will make it more comfortable."

Manus and Carla sat opposite Anton and studied the wooden tablet of air conditioner. Anton told the manager that the duration of the enchanted tablet was twenty-four hours on full mana storage and that its mana storage would be full of mana with six casting worth of cantrips. He also explained to the man that the tablet would only last for one hundred uses and that it had an indicator by the side for the remaining use which Anton recently added.

Anton also added that the floating orb could also serve as a dim night light and it was beautiful to look at. He also told the manager that the floating orb was not dangerous and he demonstrated it by putting his hand inside the orb. He mentioned that it would only feel like the hand was submerged in a bucket of cold water and would only be dangerous if the hand remained on the orb for more than ten minutes.

The wooden tablet clearly had a lot of limitations like its short duration and its durability but he knew that he should still be able to sell it.

"That is a good item, sir..? The manager asked.

"My name's Anton."

"Yes, Sir Anton. That is a good item and I'm willing to purchase it from you for fifteen gold coins."

"Thirty gold coins, not one copper less."

The manager gasped when he heard Anton's reply but it was obviously a fake reaction.

"That's too much Sir Anton!"

Anton switched off the tablet, picked it up, and made a motion to exit the booth but the manager stopped him.

"You're a good haggler, Sir Anton," The manager said.

"Actually I'm not. It's just that Anrius, the mage in the gate, told me that the tablet could be sold for around fifty gold coins but according to the guards at the entrance of this street, This store would purchase my items cheaper than normal but it wouldn't get scammed."

Manus had a disgruntled look on his face when he heard that a mage from the city advised Anton on how much he could sell the tablet for but it was only for a moment.

Anrius told his Father, which he overheard, that the tablet could be sold for twenty to thirty golds. It could have been more but due to its low durability, which was as much as they could get for the items.

"I'll agree with the price that you have set Sir Anton," The manager relented.

"That's great! I have a second one, are you willing to purchase that as well?"

"Of course. May I know the enchanter who created these items?"

"Yes. He's a mage who was employed by Anders, the leader of Anders Merchant Caravan that arrived today and they will be leaving this city the day after tomorrow."

The manager was taken aback at how brief the caravan would stay in the city but Anton could see that the man was planning to visit their caravan probably to check if they could purchase more items or persuade the "mage" who made the tablets to part ways with the caravan and come under the Wizard's Emporium's management.

Manus then gave Anton sixty gold coins then departed with the two tablets under his arms. The manager left the saleslady with Anton since he was still planning to browse the items in the store.

After exiting the booth, Anton started browsing the items on the first floor. He noticed that all the customers who were roaming around the store were being followed by a salesperson and more than likely, no one was allowed to roam around the emporium without an employee.

Anton first checks the common items that new rich adventurers would purchase before going off on their adventure. He saw a blanket that had a simple enchantment that would keep it dry in all sorts of weather. He saw cloaks that would always keep the wearer warm, mini lanterns that would last for a long time, and all sorts of things.

He didn't find anything that he was interested in although some of the simple enchantments inspired him and he could probably replicate some of them in time.

Anton then went to the second floor of the magic mall since according to the saleslady, the items there had more advanced enchantments. The first item that he was tempted to purchase was a thick sleeping mat that had an enchantment that would decrease its size greatly when not in use which would be very convenient for travelers but he held off. He knew that with his inventory, he only needed to buy a regular sleeping mat and it would be enough.

He enjoyed browsing the items so much that he spent two hours doing so. Anton even suggested to the saleslady that he didn't need to spend her time following him but the woman said that it was her job so he just shrugged, ignored the employee, and continued browsing.

The reason why Anton would have been comfortable browsing alone was there were actually information placards on the items displayed which greatly impressed him.

Anton then asked the saleslady where the magic wands and spell books were located and according to the lady, it was on the third floor so he asked the lady to lead him there.

The wands were nice and again he was tempted to purchase one or two of them but he held himself off since in time, he should be able to create wands of his own. He spent around fifty gold coins to purchase three first-level spellbooks though and they were the spellbooks for Comprehend Language, Detect Magic and Disguise Self.

When he gave the coins to the saleslady, the lady couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Do you work on commission?"

"We do receive a percentage so thank you for purchasing items from the Emporium, Sir Anton," The saleslady said.

Anton was happy with his purchases. When he left the emporium, he was feeling hungry so he headed directly to a restaurant and spent some of the coins that he earned to purchase high-quality food. While he was waiting for his food, he stored the spellbooks in his inventory to avoid losing them since they did cost him a pretty penny.

Chapter 140

Anton went outside the restaurant and saw that it was still early so he went back inside and ordered a lot more dishes. Since he found the food delicious, he would store them in his inventory so he would have a variety of delicious food that he could retrieve anytime he wanted.

When the food arrived, he immediately stored it and was glad that the restaurant allowed him to buy the plates as well. After he stored around thirty dishes, he paid and then left the restaurant again. Before he left, the restaurant people became especially respectful to him since they were now aware that he was a wizard.

After leaving the restaurant, Anton now only had seven gold coins left. He then went and roamed around and found himself in a street that sold different clothing so he went and both a few that he thought looked good and stored them in his inventory. Walking for about an hour made him hungry again so he followed the instruction of a friendly guard and went to a street that was filled with street food.

He first purchased a tiny amount from a street food stall and if Anton found it delicious, he would then purchase a lot more and store them in his inventory. He did these on different street food stalls and the sellers were especially glad to see a customer who purchased a lot of their products. He was so glad that his inventory would keep everything fresh as the day he stored them.

Even though Anton purchased an ungodly amount of street food, it only cost him a total of one gold coin so he still had six gold coins left. He planned to not return to the inn until he spent all of his gold coins so he continued shopping even though the sun had set. The streets were still bright due to some form of lighting that some people turned on. He wondered if it was some magical contraption of some good old gas lights.

Anton stumbled on a shop that sold some sort of art pieces made of different materials like various metals, wood, and stone. He didn't know what kind of metal some of the pieces were. Maybe they were made of copper or steel or a combination of different metals. He was kind of an ignoramus when it came to metallurgy but what caught his fancy were the art pieces themselves.

There we some that looked like different animals made of metals like a hawk, a turtle, a horse, and others. Some were made of stone and some were wood. Some pieces looked like miniature houses and some were sculptures of people like dancers, children, and surprisingly even some naked women and men.

Anton was also surprised to see some pieces that looked like modern art sculptures from his old world and was amazed at the sense of artistry of the people in this world. He bought a huge amount of art pieces with the remaining gold coins that he had thinking that he could use them for enchantment. Anton bought art pieces that were a mixture of metals and stones and held off on purchasing those that were made of wood. He thought that maybe the durability of his enchantments would increase if he used something different from wood.

The owner of the store was delighted at the amount of pieces that he bought and he offered to assist Anton in bringing them to his place but he declined. He then stored the pieces in his inventory to the surprise of the owner but the owner was not truly shocked since something like a pocket dimension, although wasn't common, was known to the people of the city.

Anton was happy with the pieces that he bought and was thinking of adding the air conditioner enchantment to some of them. It would make the enchanted item better aesthetically and it would confirm if other materials aside from wood would increase the durability of the enchantment.

As usual, after learning that Anton was a mage, the owner of the store became especially respectful to him. He said his goodbye to the store owner and proceeded to return to the inn where his family was staying.

When he arrived at the inn, Anton saw his family at one of the tables in the common room so he joined them.

"Anton, what took you so long? I was about to send somebody to find you. Are you hungry?" Anders asked.

"I'm not hungry, thanks. I ate a lot of street food. I roamed around some parts of the city and bought some things. By the way, Father, I made six wooden tablets of air conditioner and sold two of them for sixty gold coins so I could have some that I can spend."

"You don't have any more coins? You could have asked for some from me. We now have a lot of coins!"

"That's okay Father. Here are four of the wooden tablets remaining. You can sell them if you want."

Anton gave the remaining four wooden tablets of air conditioner to his father. He was planning to create some more so he asked Colin to supply him more of the wooden tablets and his attendant said that he would go find some. Colin then left immediately since he was done eating.

"I'm not planning to sell these but use them to grease some palms. I will need at least ten more so please give me those by tomorrow."

Anton nodded to inform his Father that he would give some to him the next day.

"What did you purchase, brother? I purchased a lot of notebooks and books that I made sure were good. I also purchase three cantrips spellbooks and a magic wand!"

"Father gave you a lot of coins?! Three first-level spellbooks cost me fifty gold coins. Did I pay too much for them?" Anton asked Frederick.

"No that was about correct. May I know which spells you purchased?" Frederick asked.

"I purchased Comprehend Language, Detect Magic, and Disguise Self. I thought of purchasing spells that would be useful to me since I know a lot of attack spells, some defensive spells, and powerful healing spells already. Oh, I forgot to purchase a spellbook that I could use to record those that I have already learned! Well, I'll just buy them tomorrow."

Frederick nodded his agreement to the choice of spells that Anton made.

"I purchased Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, and Message and a spellbook that I can use to record my spells. The wand that I bought only had two charges and it's a wand of Mage Armor. All in all, everything cost me twenty gold coins! Father said that he would give me twenty more gold coins that I could spend for the remaining time that we're here."

"Are you able to learn a second cantrip already?" Anton asked his sister.

"No. I still feel very full in my head and it would probably take me more time for me to be able to learn my second spell. I copied Frederick's form of practice of casting my spell on your enchanted item since according to him, it was very effective in increasing his power and it was practical too since it would allow the tablet to last longer. It would still be good to have the spellbooks available when I'm ready to learn a new spell."

"I'm so envious. When I was first learning my spells, I would need to do very dangerous missions for me to be able to afford a second cantrip," Frederick said.

After dinner, Anton's father, and his secretaries, Nemina and Lucas went somewhere to continue their business. Anna went to her room with her maids. Colin appeared with several wooden tablets and Anton stored them in his inventory to enchant later, then he went to his room to rest.

Chapter 141

Anton arrived in his room and was glad to see that it had a bathroom so he conjured mana water and took a bath. After his bath, he activated a wooden tablet of air conditioner since the room was hot and humid and after a couple of minutes, the room was now comfortably cold. He then heard a knock on his door.

"Anton, I want to take a bath. Please conjure me some mana water!" Anna said through the door.

Anton then went outside and went to his family's room one by one to fill their bathtub with water from the Frozen Orb spell. After that, he returned to his room to begin crafting wooden tablets of air conditioners. Colin gave him about twenty tablets so all of them would take him more than two hours to craft.

All that crafting made Anton learn how to focus more and soon he was able to craft faster so after about two hours, he completed the project that was assigned to him by his father. He immediately went outside his room and knocked on his father's room and when Anders opened his door, Anton saw that his father was about to go to sleep.

He immediately gave the twenty wooden tablets to his father and assured him that every one of them was full of mana already.

When Anton returned to his room, he brought out a piece of art sculpture that he would enchant for his final project for the night. It was a metal sculpture of a wizard with his staff being held high as if the wizard was about to cast a spell.

He delicately carved the mana pathway all over the sculpture using a combination of his mana and telekinesis and he placed the switch by the feet. The mana pathway for the durability indicator was located beside the switch and he was correct in assuming that metal would increase the durability of the enchanted item since based on the mana pathway information, the durability was triple that of the wooden tablet.

When Anton turned on the enchantment on the sculpture, the Frozen Orb appeared on top of the staff and now the sculpture of the wizard who looked like it was about to hurl the Frozen Orb at his enemies looked magnificent.

He decided to keep the statue and would personally use it. The good thing about the durability was that Charsi could fix it. That was actually the main difference between him recharging the tablet versus Charsi doing it since with Charsi, the durability would turn back into full so even if the wooden tablet was on the verge of breaking down, Charsi would be able to fully repair it aside from recharging the mana storage. That meant that Anton didn't have to worry about the wizard sculpture being destroyed.

Anton kept the wooden tablet and used the sculpture to cool off his room and while nodding off to sleep, he was looking at the sculpture, admiring the artistry.

The next day, he woke up from the sound of knocking on his door and when he opened it, it was his Father and Anna.

"Come join us for breakfast," Anders said.

"What is that!" Anna exclaimed when she saw the wizard sculpture.

Anders and Anna entered Anton's room to inspect the wizard sculpture with the Frozen Orb on top of its staff.

"I bought a good amount of art sculptures from a shop that I went to yesterday and most of them were made of metal and stone. I enchanted one with the air conditioner and that was the result. Aside from that, the durability increased so it would now last for three hundred uses compared to the wooden table which would only last for a hundred uses."

"It's beautiful," Anders softly commented.

"The good thing about our items is if I repair them using the spell that lets me repair things, the durability will also return to full," Anton added.

"Can you make me one as well?" Anna asked.

Anton said that he would to his sister and he presented several sculptures to her. Anna chose a sculpture of a butterfly. Her sister then asked that the floating orb appears between the butterfly's antenna. He told his sister to get the sculpture from him later tonight. Anna then said that she would use the sculpture to exercise her spell-casting.

During breakfast, Anders reminded the siblings that they would leave the next day so they should fulfill their desire to roam around the city. Anders then gave Anton one hundred gold coins and he happily accepted.

When Anton was about to go to his room to play his Diablo II game for a bit and practice a new enchantment since he planned to roam the city after lunch, a familiar man arrived at their table.

It was the manager of the shop that Anton went to. Anton knew that the manager would be looking for the mage that created the wooden tablet and he didn't want to deal with it so he left immediately.

Before he entered his room, he advised Colin that he didn't want to be disturbed if it was not an emergency and would go outside his room once lunchtime arrived.

Anton then spent a couple of hours inside the World of Sanctuary and completed the first two zones of Act IV of the Hell Difficulty. After that, he went outside the Rogue Encampment to continue with his enchantment project.

The second project that he was planning to create was the Fire Bolt light. He chose Fire Bolt first since Fire Ball was truly dangerous. He planned to create the enchantment for light and then for mana regeneration for the enchanted items based on the passive spell Warmth.

Anton was still using the wooden tablet since it was much easier to use something like that for his first enchantment.

The first thing that he did was summon a Fire Bolt then controlled the mana structure for it to hover above his palm and serve as a light. He carefully studied the mana pathway of the hovering Fire Bolt. Once Anton was sure that he memorized the pathway, he turned to the wooden tablet and carved using his mana and telekinesis the mana pathway for the mana storage first where the duration would be based, the mana pathway for the fire element and then finally the mana structure of the Fire Bolt that would keep it hovering above the wooden tablet enveloped in a mana field to prevent the fire from burning anything.

Anton was surprised that he was successful on his first try. More than likely, it was because the combinations of the pathways were almost similar to the air conditioner so it was successful. The only problem was, it wasn't bright enough so he needed to adjust the structure of the fire element.

After about an hour of trial and error, the light was now as bright as five candles and it was the fire bolt that was hovering on top of the tablet was enveloped in some sort of mana field that even if he poked it, he only felt warmth and it did not burn it. Even when a piece of paper was touching the hovering Fire Bolt that now resembles a tiny ball of fire, for several minutes, the paper did not burn and only got warm.

The best thing about the new enchantment was that the mana storage was about the same as the air conditioner but since the mana consumption was tiny, a full mana storage would last for a very long time. Based on his calculation, a full mana storage would last for a month with the item always on. That also meant that the durability would last longer since durability would only decrease once full mana storage was depleted and filled again.

Chapter 142

Anton's success in creating the wooden tablet of Fire Bolt light had him thinking that he should be able to create a magic wand without any issue so he immediately turned one of the wooden tablets into a stick resembling a wand using telekinesis.

He then thought of the mana pathway that he would carve into the stick. He thought of creating a magic wand of Ice Bolt since the spell Ice Bolt was less dangerous compared to Fire Bolt since it would not cause any accidental fire.

Anton then thought that for the wand, he should make sure that the spell attached to it should be powerful enough to destroy an enemy. That meant that he would need to study the pathway that would increase a spell's power.

After several trials and errors, he found the mana pathway that corresponds to the spell's power and unfortunately, he could only create the pathway to the maximum level of the level of spell that he had. In the case of his Ice Bolt, the spell was only level one so he only had the mana pathway for a level one Ice Bolt. At least his Frozen Orb had a high enough level but it would still be best to start with something simple.

The mana pathway for the mana storage, then the pathway for the ice elements, then the spell structure was carved into the wand. Unfortunately, he didn't have the pathway that would let the wand holder instinctively know how to cast the spell with the wand so he thought of an alternative.

After several tries, Anton stopped since he wasn't successful in creating the wand and it was almost lunchtime. The problem was the trigger for the casting of the spell stored in the wand. With an ordinary magic wand, the user could cast using his instinct but with the wand that he created, the only thing that he had was to create an on-and-off switch which was basically cutting off the pathway to the mana storage.

The problem with an on-and-off switch with a wand, the user needed to point the wand to the enemy first and when it was turned on, the wand would constantly spew out the spell until the mana in the mana storage was spent.

Another problem that Anton encountered was the wooden wand that he made from carving one of the tablets was destroyed when the tenth Ice Bolt came out of the wand. He could create some sort of trigger but then it wouldn't be a wand anymore but some sort of a magic gun but the durability was still a problem.

Since he wanted to explore the city, Anton shelved his wand project and went outside the room. When he reached the inn's common room, he was surprised to see his Father, Nemina, and Lucas eating lunch.

Anna and the others weren't there and he assumed that they were in the city exploring. He joined his father at their table and ordered lunch from one of the waiters.

"Father, did you earn a lot of coins?"

"Yes. We found a merchant who purchased almost all of our armor and weapons inventory and we replaced them with old and broken things that we bought from the merchants so I'm sorry to say that you will have a lot of repairing to do while we are traveling to the city of Zalnothel."

"That's fine with me. By the way, I have a new enchanted item and it's a good one."

Anton retrieved the wooden tablet of Fire Bolt light from his inventory, turned it on, and showed it to Anders.

"It's as bright as five candles and with its mana storage full which was six cantrips spell would fill, it would last for a month of non-stop use. Meaning it should last for more than a month if a person uses it only when it's dark. And since the mana output is considerably low compared to the air conditioner, its durability is longer as well. Meaning, the wooden board would last for a hundred emptying of its storage, which meant a hundred months of non-stop use. Not only that, it's safe and would not cause any fire."

"Can you put the enchantment on something else like maybe an actual lantern?" Nemina asked.

"Yes. I can even put it on an art sculpture. I used a wooden board since it was easier to experiment using a plain wooden tablet."

"How small an item can you enchant the light into? Nemina continued asking.

Anton then calculated the area that he would need to make sure that all the pathway was carved successfully and took out a paper from his inventory. He then drew a simple-looking box size six inches by six inches then gave the paper to Nemina.

"That's the minimum size that I will need to carve the magical runes. It could be a little smaller than that but not much. It could be longer as well, which meant it could look like a regular lantern but I will need one of the sides to be fully enclosed. You can put a mirror on that side inside the lantern to increase the brightness of the light."

"I will have someone create something like this so we can replace the lantern in the caravan. Will that be all right with you?" Anders asked.

"That's fine father. It doesn't take long for me to create the enchanted light. By the way, I started creating a magic wand but I was not successful. I will need to purchase one so I can dismantle and reverse-engineer the crafting process. I will purchase one later while I'm exploring the city."

"Reverse-engineer? Do you need more coins?" Anton's father asked.

"Sorry. What I meant was to dismantle it to learn how it was made and no, the one hundred gold coins you gave me should be enough."

After lunch, Anton went outside to begin his exploration. He first went back to the street that was full of magic shops but this time, he went to a small store since he was only planning to buy a simple wand and one or two second-level spells. He wanted to check if he could memorize a second-level spell.

He went to a small store and told the lady that he was looking for a cheap and simple magic wand. The lady presented him with a wand of magic missile and Anton thought that magic missile should be the most common spell that was enchanted to a wand. It only had three charges so it was cheap at five gold coins. It really didn't matter how many charges it had since he was planning to dismantle it to check the runes that were used to create the wand.

Anton then asked if the lady had second-level spellbooks. The lady answered that most intermediate to large magic shops had up to third-level spellbooks and higher spells than that could only be purchased by VIPs from the largest stores.

The lady then told Anton that he was in luck since she happened to come upon a single second-level and third-level spell each. The second-level spell was Gust of Wind and her third-level spell was Stinking Cloud and he could have both for seventy gold coins.

Anton would have preferred a different set of spells but wasn't picky since he was purchasing the spellbooks to check if he could memorize them. He didn't haggle with the lady and purchased the two spells together with the cheap wand and an empty spellbook that he would use to create his grimoire.

Chapter 143

Anton stored the things that he purchased in his inventory and the Lady that was manning the store wasn't even surprised that he owned a pocket dimension. He continued browsing the magic items inside the lady's store but nothing else caught his fancy so he thanked the lady and exited her store.

He didn't want to go home yet so Anton browsed the other shops looking at the various magical items. Some of them brought him inspiration so he took a notebook from his inventory and wrote down the details of the items that inspired him. He was planning to imitate them using his enchantment process.

At first, Anton encountered some rude people who were asking what he was doing and some of them weren't even the owner of the stores, just salespeople or other customers so he decided to cast Frozen Armor and Energy Shield and allowed the special effect to show so now, everyone was looking at him respectfully since he was clearly a wizard and no one bothered him while he was browsing the items.

Even though people weren't bothering him anymore, at least no one panicked and that meant wizards were fairly common in this city.

When the sun was setting, Anton decided to enter a restaurant to eat so he turned off the special effect of his buff spells and went and entered one of the more expensive-looking eateries. He found the food delicious so he talked to the restaurant manager since he was planning to order a massive amount of food and was wanting to purchase the plates as well. To his delight, the restaurant allowed him to buy the plates and he collected more food from the place and stored them in his private stash. There was now an untold amount of food cluttering his private stash but since his stash was now humongous, it didn't bother Anton too much. Also, no more items are cluttering his stash and inventory since most of them were already stored in the carts and carriages in his father's caravan.

Anton then went to the street that sold art sculptures and he collected a huge number of metal and stone sculptures that he would use for his enchantment. He was so glad again that his private stash was now considerably big.

He returned to the inn and saw that his family was already eating so he joined them although he didn't order food since he was still full.

"Anton, I had someone make a lantern-like woodwork that you can use for your light enchantment, can you check if you can use it?" Anders said then Colin handed him a rectangular wooden craft that resembled a lantern and it even had a hook on top of it. One of the sides inside the wood thing was a mirror.

Anton decided to carve the mana pathways for his Fire Bolt enchantment right then and all the people on the table gasped.

"What?" Anton asked everyone.

"Is it okay for others to see your enchanting process?" Anders asked.

"Why not? No one would be able to copy it since I'm guessing that my enchantment process is different from a regular one."

Anton completed the enchantment within five minutes and the switch for the light was located by the side of the lantern. When he turned it on, the light that appeared was very bright and was magnified by the mirror inside.

"Is that how long you can create that light-enchanted item?" Frederick asked.

"Yes. The air conditioner usually would take me around ten minutes and the light, around five minutes."

"I had someone make around twenty of those so please put your enchantment on them so we could use them immediately in our caravan."

While everyone was eating, Anton asked his sister what they did for the day.

"We still went shopping but this time we only bought a few things. We found a theater but we didn't purchase any tickets since the showing was every night and we will leave tomorrow. You did promise me that you would let us watch a show from your magic globe," Anna said.

Anton sighed and then told his sister to prepare the common room after dinner and to call him from his room once everything was ready. Then he left his family and went directly to his room to take a bath. He spent several minutes washing himself and once he had dressed, somebody knocked on his door informing him that the common room was ready.

When he opened the door, Colin arrived carrying a huge sack filled with the lantern woodcraft that somebody made for the caravan so he stored them in his inventory. He planned to enchant them while watching the movie with the others.

Anton and Colin arrived in the common room arranged like a theater so he summoned the magic globe that would allow him to share his browser with others. He planned to show them the Disney movie Alladin. Since he already started with an animated film from Disney and the main audience was his little sister, he decided to continue with the animated route.

He sat by the side with a table in front of him as per his request so he could do some enchanting while they were watching. They were suddenly interrupted by the people from the largest magic shop in the city. It was the manager that he sold the tablet of air-conditioner to and he was with three other people who looked like mages.

Since the people who arrived were powerful people and one of them was even a councilor, Anders invited them to watch the film with them and Anton wondered if they would encounter any problem because of this but since the people were there already and his friends and family were all ready to watch the film, it would be rude to stop the event.

"What is happening?" Anton heard one of the people who arrived asked. He was introduced to Anders as one of the councilors of the city of Narcone.

"We're about to watch a show that was made by my son, who is a powerful wizard," Anton replied not hiding the fact that one of them was a powerful wizard.

When everyone was seated, the innkeeper turned off the lights as per Anders's instruction and the movie started.

At first, the politician, and even the other people with him including the manager in one of the largest magic stores in the city, had this bored, uninterested look on their faces but when the movie Alladin unfolded, their expression changed to intrigued and soon they had this unbelieving and awed expression.

Anton ignored everyone and started enchanting the lanterns. He still paused for a moment or two while in the middle of enchanting the lanterns to check the audience but everyone was truly focused on the movie. He completed enchanting all of the lanterns before the movie ended so he stored them in his inventory.

At first, he thought that some of the people who arrived would ask what he was doing but all of them didn't take their eyes off the film.

When the movie ended, the applause was earth-shattering and all the people suddenly started talking. Anton dispelled the globe and told his father that he would go to his room to rest and Anders just nodded.

Chapter 144

Anton felt a little guilty about leaving his father to deal with that politician and that manager from that huge magic store but he really didn't know what to do with the situation. He hardly knew how to talk to those people so it would be better for Anders to talk to them. He just wished that no issue would arise.

After he took a bath, Anton ate some snacks that he retrieved from his inventory while watching an anime but he was suddenly interrupted by a knock on his door. When he opened it, it was Colin asking for the lanterns that he had just enchanted so he gave the sack filled with the lanterns to his assistant.

Anton was planning to enter the game to continue completing the Hell Act but the anime that he was watching about an immortal elf sorceress that was part of a hero group who defeated their enemies and then her party members got old and died leaving her alone caught his interest. The emotional upheaval that even the first episode brought him made sure that the anime was currently in his top ten and would possibly move up his ranking during the process of his watching it.

He was about to watch episode three when he heard knocking on his door again. Anton was irritated thinking that it was Colin but then he heard his father's voice.

"Did something happen, Father?" Anton asked when he opened the door.

"The men from that store where you sold the tablet of air conditioner were very persistent up to the point that the politician was beginning to utter some threats. Luckily, the manager who was aware that they were bordering on doing something illegal stopped the counselor."

Anton was beginning to get very angry and he was starting to plan to do hellish things to that counselor. Anders must have noticed since he started reprimanding him.

"Don't do anything to that man since we're leaving this city tomorrow anyway. I had to sell those extra wooden tablets of air conditioner that we're not using and all of the lanterns that you just recently enchanted to them but the prize they paid was very high so we earned a massive amount of gold from them," Anders said then he suddenly laughed.

"That's fine, Father. I'm not going to do anything."

"We will arrive in the wizard city of Zalnothel in about a couple of months and according to some of our people who traveled there before we will pass several villages and towns along the way. I'm planning to collect a lot of items from the villages and sell those you repaired in the larger towns since I wanted to make sure that we have enough coins to establish a merchant business once we arrive in Zalnothel. I'm planning to stop and establish our business in that city since that city is very powerful and even if the Undead Coalition reached that city, I was assured that it was powerful enough to defend itself. Its council consisted of several archmages and there's even a magic academy there."

Anton was intrigued by what his father said about the wizard city.

"Since we're planning to establish ourselves there, do you think it's a good idea for me and Anna to enroll in its magic academies?"

"Actually that was what I was thinking but I thought that it should be just Anna since you do have a lot of secrets and those archmages might get curious and experiment on you."

Anton felt apprehensive at the thought of those powerful archmages getting curious enough to do something about it.

"What if I pretend that the magic I learned was the regular one?" Anton asked.

"I don't know if it will work but if you want to do it, go ahead and do so, I'll support you and make sure that we will become rich enough so we will have influence in the city. Just make sure to be careful. Oh by the way, they were also highly excited about the movie that you have shown us and they were asking if it was for sale. They were highly disappointed when I said that it was a spell."

"What was their reaction when they learned that it was a spell? Did they ask about the specific spell?"

"No. When I asked Nemina, she said that unique and high-level spells were guarded by the mages that owned them, and if they covet something like that, it would be very difficult to get it from the mage who didn't want to sell or give the spell. Devon then asked his mother what if they did something nefarious like kidnapping the mage's family and then asking the mage to pay using the spell as their ransom. Nemina said that there were cases like that and it resulted in the destruction of those who were involved so they hardly happened anymore."

Anton was relieved when he heard what Nemina said about the mages who might covet his spell and he then knew that he would need to talk to Nemina and Lucas about his situation. About what he would need to do to make sure that he was not endangering his family through the blatant use of his power especially since their end goal was a powerful wizard city.

When he mentioned it to his father, Anders said that it was a great idea so his father decided to join him when he talked to Nemina and Lucas. After their talk, Anders then told his son to rest since they would be leaving early the next day.

While Anton was trying to sleep, his mind was full of ideas on what enchantment he needed to do next after the Fire Bolt light enchantment. He thought that his next project should be learning about the mana pathways of his passive skill Warmth so that the mana storage of his enchanted items would regenerate mana on their own. He would also need to find ways to make sure that his enchanted items would not get destroyed over time or at least to increase the durability of his enchanted items.

Anton also thought that he should start learning how to enchant weapons and armor so he could enchant the guards' weapons and armor to make sure that they were powerful enough to contend with the monsters of this world so his family would be safe. Soon, without knowing it, he fell asleep.

The next day, Anton woke up when he heard knocking on his door, and when he opened it, it was Colin asking him to get ready since they would be leaving soon. He then took a bath using mana water that he conjured from the Frozen Orb spell and then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

He was embarrassed to see that he was the last one in the inn and Colin was waiting for him so he immediately ordered breakfast and ate it quickly.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier? Anton asked his assistant while he was eating.

"Your father told everyone to let you sleep and will just wake you up when we're about to leave. Nemina then said that it was fitting since you're the caravan prince and your sister laughed at that," Colin said while smiling.

Anton snorted when he heard what Colin had said then after eating, went and joined his father's caravan to start their journey to their last destination which was the wizard city of Zalnothel.