
chapter 1-7 God Blood Warrior

Chapter 1

A purple crescent moon hung high in the sky, sprinkling down strands of purple brilliance like a purple curtain, rendering the world a mysterious color.

In the purple light, a pointed white stone castle stood tall, majestic, and rough.

On the balcony of the third floor of the castle, a black-haired young man looked at the purple crescent moon in the night with a bitter smile on his face.

He was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with short black hair and a delicate face with a little immaturity, but in his pair of blue eyes, there was a depth that was different from that of a young man.

A cool breeze blew, bringing with it a slight chill. He couldn't help but shiver a little. It was a little cold.

Ta ta ta!

Behind him, there were hurried footsteps approaching. The black-haired young man looked back, and with the help of the light in the castle, he saw a young girl in a black dress and a white apron.

The young girl was tall and had fair skin. Her brown hair was tied up with clips, and there was a white bow on her head. This was the standard maid attire.

She was holding a white feather cloak in her hand, and there was a trace of anxiety on her face. When she saw the black-haired young man on the balcony, she sighed softly and said.

"Young Master Gray, your injuries haven't healed yet, so you can't be exposed to the wind."

As she spoke, she had already stepped forward and considerately put the white feather cloak on the black-haired young man.

When the young girl's hand touched him, the black-haired young man's body tensed up slightly, but he relaxed again. He looked at the purple moon outside again and said.

"I'll go back now."

The young girl immediately wanted to help the black-haired young man, but the young man waved his hand and stopped her. He walked into the white stone passageway and walked towards the brightly lit castle.

The young man's name was Fergus Gray, and he was the son of the castle's owner, Viscount Fergus. Of course, this was his current identity. In fact, a few days ago, he was still an ordinary office worker.

It was a very ordinary night, no different from the busy day of work in the past.

But when he woke up, he realized that he was no longer in the small rented apartment. Instead, he appeared in a spacious bedroom with a white feather quilt. His body was no longer his, and at the same time, he had an additional piece of unfamiliar memory.

To be honest, he was a little excited about this sudden change at first.

Nobles, maids waiting on him, clothes being handed to him, food being served to him … How similar was this to the life he had once imagined?

However, after the initial excitement, he gradually became depressed. He missed his parents, his friends, and his mobile phone that could connect to the Internet at any time. Most importantly, he realized that this sudden "comfortable life" was not necessarily "comfortable."

First of all, she was the viscount's "child".

In terms of marriage, this world was the same as Europe in the Middle Ages. It was strictly monogamous. Even the king was no exception. At most, he would have many lovers.

However, his current identity was that of an illegitimate child. In other words, he was not the child of Viscount Fergus and his wife, but the child of Viscount Fergus and his lover.

In this world where the concept of monogamy was strict, the status of an illegitimate child was not inferior to that of a servant, but the treatment was definitely not good. At least, it could not be compared to the children of Viscount Fergus and his wife.

In fact, in the past sixteen years, Viscount Fergus had rarely asked about his "son." He had only brought him to the castle two months ago.

Secondly, he was now facing a "life-threatening crisis."

The original owner of his body was assassinated. Although the assassin had already committed suicide by taking poison when he was caught, the mastermind behind the scenes was not found. In other words, there was a mastermind secretly eyeing his life.

In the face of this life-threatening crisis, even if he lived a life of beautiful maids waiting on him, he would absolutely not be in the mood to enjoy it. Of course, the thick-skinned people were an exception, but he was obviously not one of them.

There was also the danger of being exposed.

In this world, there was a mysterious power called "Blood Force." The original owner of his body had practiced it before, and was slightly talented.

He started practicing it at the age of fifteen, and in just one year, he cultivated "Blood Force" and became a lower-level Blood Warrior. Even his viscount father, who had always ignored him, saw him in a new light and brought him to the castle.

However, he did not know whether it was because the original owner of his body had been killed, or because he had somehow transmigrated, but this Blood Force had disappeared.

Yes, it had disappeared. In other words, he was now a "fake" lower-level Blood Warrior.

He could imagine how Viscount Fergus's attitude toward him would change if he knew that his Blood Force had disappeared. He might even be driven out of the castle immediately, and his treatment might not even be as good as when he came to the castle.

Therefore, although his current life seemed beautiful with maids waiting on him, and he did not have to worry about food and drink, in reality, it was "dangerous on all sides." He could be driven out of the castle at any time, or even lose his life.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Gray walked in.

The spacious room was more than twenty square meters. What entered his eyes was a row of long cabinets. They were divided into a formal wardrobe, an ordinary wardrobe, and a shoe cabinet.

Among them, in the formal wardrobe, there were two sets of formal clothes with beautiful feathers on the shoulders. In the ordinary wardrobe, there were five sets of daily clothes that were slightly plain but could still be seen to be of high quality. In the shoe cabinet, there were three pairs of brand new leather boots.

These were all purchased after he came to the castle. Before he came to the castle, although he would not starve, he would not have been able to wear such good clothes and boots. In fact, the beautiful personal maid following him now was also assigned to him when he came to the castle two months ago.

Against the wall in the room was a bed with a white velvet feather quilt. It would not be crowded even if two or three people slept on it. Against the window, there was a desk and a chair.

On the desk, there was an oil lamp with a glass cover at the top. It was emitting a soft light. Gray could see everything in the room because of this oil lamp.

The oil burning in the oil lamp seemed to have some kind of spice added to it, and the room was filled with a faint smell of incense.

"Brother, where have you been?"

Seeing Gray push open the door and enter, a girl of about fourteen years old wearing a white gauze dress jumped down from the chair beside the desk. She ran towards Gray in three steps and tightly hugged one of Gray's arms.

The girl's facial features were delicate, and her skin was white with a tinge of rosy. Like Gray, she had black hair and blue eyes. Because Gray had already appeared, her face revealed a light sigh of relief.

The girl's name was Sarah Fergus. She was Gray's sister from the same father and mother. She inherited her black hair from their mother who died of depression, and her blue eyes from Viscount Fergus.

Just like the original owner of this body, she had also been brought into the castle by Viscount Fergus two months ago. Clearly, the reason why the viscount was brought into the castle was most likely because of his brother, who shared the same father and mother, being valued.

After a slight hesitation, Gray stretched out his empty hand and touched the girl's head.

"Go to the balcony and get some fresh air."

Gray was a little uncomfortable being so close to an unfamiliar girl. He was no longer the girl's brother.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just didn't see you and was a little worried. I was afraid that you would encounter another assassin!"

The girl Sarah shook her head and said.

"Don't worry, this is the castle. Assassins can't sneak in."

Gray smiled and comforted her.

"But, they —"

Hearing Gray's comforting words, the worry on Sarah's face did not fade.

"Okay, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Gray directly interrupted her because some words could not be said, especially in this castle.

At this moment, his chest was still wrapped in gauze, and it was faintly painful. It was left by the assassin.

The attack was vicious. If not for the timely protection of the viscount's guards, he would not have had the chance to take over this body. After all, if the heart was pierced, even if he took over the body, he would still die.

As for the mastermind behind the "assassin", he and Sarah both had their own guesses.

In the past 15 years, the original owner of the body had lived outside the castle without any guards, but he had never encountered an assassination attempt. This time, he had just moved into the castle and immediately encountered an assassination attempt. Obviously, the assassination attempt had something to do with the original owner of the body moving into the castle.

When the body's original owner moved into the castle, the ones who were the most unhappy were naturally the Viscount's wife and his two brothers and one sister born from the Viscount's wife. According to his estimation, the mastermind behind the scenes was very likely one of these four people, or perhaps all four of them were involved.

In other words, it was very likely that he was living with someone who wanted to kill him, and was being watched by the other party with killing intent. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a trace of haze in his heart.

He could not think of a way to return to his original world. Even if there was, it was not something that the original owner of this body could come into contact with. After all, the original owner of this body was only the illegitimate son of a viscount.

Since he could not find a way to return, the only thing he could do was to survive in this world. And the mastermind behind the assassin obviously did not want him to live.

He did not know if he would have the chance to take over the body if he died again, but he definitely did not want to take the risk.

"I have to heal my wounds as soon as possible and start cultivating. I have to confirm whether the Force of Blood has really disappeared or if it is temporarily hidden due to my injuries."

Gray decided in his heart.

In the face of such a hidden danger, relying on the protection of the castle guards obviously could not guarantee absolute safety. The only thing he could do now was to increase his strength as soon as possible so that he could have the power to protect himself.

Moreover, if the worst case scenario was that his Force of Blood had indeed disappeared, he had to find a way to cultivate it again before Viscount Fergus noticed.

Viscount Fergus's regard was his only "protective umbrella". If he lost it, his situation would be even more dangerous.

Chapter 2

A few days later, in the morning.

After eating a breakfast of lamb chops, fruit salad, honey bread, and sugar milk, Gray, who was wearing a light gray battle suit, walked towards the castle's outdoor training field, followed by his personal maid.

The breakfast made by the castle's chef was to Gray's liking. Although it was a pity that he couldn't eat the dishes from his previous life, it was definitely not hard to swallow.

It was understandable that the nobles, as a group of people who knew how to enjoy themselves, would not let their tongues be 'wronged'. The chefs they hired must be excellent cooks.

"Greetings, Young Master Gray!"

Walking along the corridor leading to the outdoor training grounds, from time to time, there would be maids and male servants bowing respectfully to Gray. Their attitudes were all extremely respectful. Even though he was an illegitimate child, he was still the illegitimate child that Viscount Fergus had 'valued'. These servants obviously wouldn't be so stupid as to give Gray a hard time.

Gray nodded slightly as a greeting "as usual" and walked all the way to the outdoor training field.

The training field was paved with white stones, about half the size of a football field. There were clusters of colorful flower beds around it, and there was a pavilion with a stone table next to it. If one was tired from training, one could rest here.

There was already a person in the training field. This was a young man in his early twenties. He wore a white leather battle suit, had a handsome face, and a head of golden hair, shining under the sun.

Seeing Gray, the young man's expression flashed. He stopped training and walked over. He took the towel from the maid and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He said to Gray.

"Gray, why don't you rest for a few more days before starting training?"

As he spoke, the young man smiled slightly. His attitude was very amiable, but Gray couldn't help but feel a trace of vigilance in his heart.

The young man was none other than the elder brother of this body, the eldest son of Viscount Fergus and his wife, Bernal Fergus.

If it was the original owner of this body, he might have been deceived by the young man's "amiable" scene just now. However, as a person who had been in the society for several years in his previous life, he noticed the gloominess of the young man when he saw him. Although he quickly covered it up, he still noticed it.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Bernal. I'm almost recovered."

Gray imitated the tone of the original owner of this body and said.

"Is that so? Then you go ahead and train."

The blonde young man Bernal nodded and walked to the pavilion.

After watching him leave, Gray walked into the training field and recalled the training method.

In this world, there was only one type of cultivation system, and that was the Blood Warrior. This was a cultivation system that humans learned from the Blood Fiends in the process of fighting against them, so the related cultivation method was called the "Blood Method".

Gray and his Fergus family's training method was called "Wolf of the Wind". This was a training method derived from a blood fiend called the wind wolf. It was divided into four training postures: crawling, pouncing, biting, and facing the sky.

Crawling, imitating the movements of a wolf patiently waiting for its prey.

Pouncing, imitating the movements of a wolf pouncing on its prey.

Biting, imitating the movements of a wolf opening its sharp teeth to bite its prey.

Facing the sky, imitating the movements of a wolf howling at the sky.

After going through the four postures in his mind, although he was no longer the same person, his memory of training was still there. Gray began to practice from the first posture, "crawling".

He half squatted with his legs apart and his body bent forward. He stretched out his hands with his palms facing down, like a wolf waiting for its prey. At the same time, he visualized a green wind wolf crawling in the grass with its green eyes staring at its prey in the distance.

He maintained this posture for a full ten minutes. Suddenly.

He stomped his feet and pounced forward. His five fingers opened into claws, like a wolf pouncing on its prey instead of waiting. The Wind Wolf he visualized in his mind also turned into a pouncing attack.

He maintained this posture for another ten minutes. Then, his pouncing claws changed. He put his hands together and his wrists touched. He quickly stretched out his hands and closed them like a wolf's mouth. The movement of the wind wolf in his mind became a biting attack.

Ten minutes later, he slowly half squatted with his hands hanging down. He raised his head and opened his mouth as much as he could, like a wolf howling at the sky. The movement of the wolf in his mind also became a howling wind wolf in the moonlight.

Gray was sweating profusely by the time he finished practicing the whole set of postures.

He didn't know if it was because of the memories of the body's original owner, or because the body had formed memories, but when Gray performed this set of training postures, although not perfect, it could still be considered standard and didn't show any abnormalities.

Originally, he wanted to find another place to train. However, he usually trained in the training field. If he suddenly changed places, it might make him suspicious. Therefore, he dismissed this idea and continued to train in the training field like the body's original owner.

He stopped training. His expression didn't change, but his heart couldn't help but sink.

"Sure enough, it's the worst result. The blood force cultivated by the body's original owner has really disappeared."

He originally hoped that through training, he could once again stimulate the blood force hidden in his body. Now, it seemed that the blood force had really disappeared from his body.

Although he didn't know the reason why it disappeared was because the body's original owner was attacked and died, or because he transmigrated, but in general, the disappearance of the blood force was a fact.

Losing the blood force was a very bad result for him. The reason why Viscount Fergus valued him as an illegitimate child was because of his talent for training.

If Viscount Fergus knew that his blood force had disappeared, even if he didn't immediately chase him out of the castle, at least he wouldn't value him as much as before. Losing the favor of Viscount Fergus and facing the assassination of the mastermind behind the scenes, his ending could be imagined.

"After losing the blood force, my physical fitness has deteriorated to before I started training. I've almost reached my limit after just one round of training."

Gray thought to himself as he wiped away the sweat that slid down his forehead.

Under normal circumstances, a low-level Blood Warrior would be able to train two rounds of the blood technique in a row. However, just now, he almost couldn't even withstand one round.

"The only good news is that the blood wolf blood in my body hasn't disappeared."

The training of the blood technique wasn't just about possessing the blood technique. In fact, other than the blood technique, one also needed to possess the corresponding blood beast blood. Only by possessing both the blood technique and the corresponding blood beast blood at the same time could one become a Blood Warrior.

Naturally, it was impossible for humans to possess the blood beast blood. Therefore, generally speaking, clans that possessed the blood technique would implant the blood of the corresponding blood beast in their children before they started training.

The specific method seemed to be to use the most precious blood essence in the blood of the blood beast and mix it with some medicine before giving it to their children to consume.

Chapter 3

In fact, the original owner of this body was already "overwhelmed by the favor" at that time.

As an illegitimate child who was not valued, he had originally thought that he would not have the opportunity to cultivate blood techniques. After all, such a situation was very common in noble families.

"My body is clearly restless. This restlessness will only appear when I have the corresponding bloodline. Clearly, the Wind Wolf bloodline has not disappeared."

When a person with a bloodline cultivated the corresponding bloodline, their body would show obvious agitation. Every inch of the body's muscle tissue would be extremely active, as if lead and mercury were washing through the body. However, a person without the corresponding bloodline would not have such a feeling.

He could clearly feel this feeling just now, which meant that the Wind Wolf bloodline implanted in his body had not disappeared. This was obviously good news for him.

After all, if the Wind Wolf bloodline disappeared, with his current status, he would not be able to bypass Viscount Fergus and implant the Wind Wolf bloodline again.

"Looks like your body has not fully recovered!"

At this time, Bernal, who had rested and was preparing to cultivate again, walked up and said to Gray.

He naturally noticed Gray's sweaty appearance, but he thought that it was because Gray's body had not fully recovered and his strength had not yet recovered.

"Yes, Brother Bernal. I'll take my leave first."

Gray's face revealed a trace of "helplessness" from not being able to continue cultivating.

"Go, take care of yourself!"

Bernal's face had a smile like a spring breeze, like a good brother who cared for his younger brother. However, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Receiving the towel handed over by his personal maid, Gray wiped himself and then walked along the corridor back to his residence in the castle.

The personal maid's name was Barbara. She did not have a surname. To a commoner, a surname was a luxury in this world, and only nobles and their descendants could have one.

Therefore, when a person's name had a surname, even if they were not nobles, they would have some kind of relationship with nobles.

Pa pa pa!

Gray walked along the corridor and came face to face with a young man and a maid following behind him. He was walking towards Gray.

The young man had dazzling blonde hair and was slightly older than Gray. He should be around 17 or 18 years old. He had a high nose bridge and a handsome face, but there was a hint of arrogance on his face.

Stopping in his tracks, Gray tried his best to imitate the tone of the original owner of this body.

"Brother Elise."

The young man was the second son of the Viscount, which was also the second brother of this body.


Faced with Gray's greeting, the young man snorted coldly and walked past Gray. Instead, it was the male and female servants following behind him who bowed to Gray.

Receiving such a cold response, Gray did not mind. He did not have the slightest intention of pleasing the young man in front of him. The reason why he did this was only to maintain superficial etiquette so that he would not be picked on.

In fact, compared to Bernal, the eldest brother of this body, he was more willing to deal with this "second brother" in front of him, who always showed his emotions on his face.

This was because people like this were simpler. It was easy to distinguish friend from foe and would not act one way in front of others. It was easier to deal with people like this.

For the next few days, Gray persisted in practicing the blood technique "Wolf of Wind" twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

After a few days of practice, he gradually had an idea of the condition of this body.

Although this body had lost the power of blood, its innate talent should not have been abolished or damaged.

After a few days of practice, he could clearly feel that his physical fitness had increased slightly. Compared to the first time the original owner of this body had practiced, the progress of his practice was almost the same.

However, the original owner of this body had practiced for a full year before he was able to practice the power of blood. If he wanted to practice the power of blood, he would obviously need to practice for at least a year. To be honest, he had no confidence that he would not be exposed in this one year.

Originally, with the physical fitness of a lower blood warrior, practicing the "Wolf of Wind" twice in a row was not a problem at all. However, he had been using the excuse that his body had not fully recovered as an excuse to practice only once. If he took too long, it would inevitably arouse suspicion.

Although he could find a remote place to practice, the entire castle was filled with Viscount Fergus's spies. It could be said that it was extremely difficult to not be noticed.

"Young Master Gray, this is your share for this month."

At this moment, the maid Barbara walked in with a tray in her hands. On the tray was a bronze container the size of a wine cup. Inside the container was more than half a cup of red liquid.

"Just put it here."

Gray pointed to the tea table beside him and said.

The maid Barbara placed the tray on the tea table. Gray waved his hand, indicating for her to leave. His gaze, on the other hand, was looking at the liquid in the bronze container. The thick smell of blood had already entered his nose.

The liquid in the bronze container was indeed blood. However, it was not ordinary blood, but the blood of the blood beast, the Wind Wolf.

The blood of blood beasts generally had two uses. One was to extract the essence of the blood to implant into the bloodline. The other was to be consumed during daily practice.

As a blood warrior who practiced blood techniques, consuming the blood of the corresponding blood beast was extremely beneficial to their practice. Therefore, any family that could afford it would hunt or purchase the blood of the corresponding blood beast for their descendants to consume.

However, although this type of blood was not as precious as blood essence, it was still extremely valuable. Therefore, even in the Fergus family, every descendant only had one chance to consume it every month.

Gray extended his hand and picked up the bronze container. Although he was extremely resistant to drinking blood, his current situation was not the time to be "hesitant". If he could slightly increase the speed of his practice, he would definitely not miss this opportunity.

"Gugu ~ ~ ~"

Forcefully enduring the smell of blood, Gray swallowed it down in one gulp, just like when he drank syrup when he was young.

His mouth was filled with the taste of blood. A wave of disgust arose in Gray's heart. He resisted the urge to vomit. Suddenly, his expression changed.

"How can there be … such a strong effect?"

At this moment, a burning sensation appeared in his stomach. Then, his face and neck turned red. His entire body was like a cooked lobster.

His face was bright red, showing an abnormal shade of crimson.

With his stomach as the center, a terrifying heat radiated outwards. He felt as if his entire body was being roasted in flames. Drops of sweat slid down his forehead.

"What … is going on?"

The blood of a blood beast was a high-grade item. Before the original owner of this body came to the castle, he naturally did not have the opportunity to consume it. However, in the two months since the original owner of this body came to the castle, he had consumed it twice.

He had consumed the blood twice, and each time, his Blood Force had increased slightly. It was obvious that the effect of this blood beast's blood was very significant.

Chapter 4

A long while later, perhaps ten minutes, or perhaps half an hour.

The intense heat had already blurred Gray's perception of time. The boiling heat rising from his stomach slowly disappeared, and Gray's body temperature also slowly returned to normal.

At this moment, his entire body was soaked in sweat, and his hair was stuck together. His clothes were drenched, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

At the same time, he felt extremely fatigued, as if he had gone through an intense battle. Every muscle in his body was filled with fatigue.

In contrast, he felt that his strength had increased by quite a bit. The most obvious feeling was that when he clenched his fists, they were no longer as weak as before, but filled with strength.

Also, he felt extremely hungry, so hungry that he could eat an entire pig.

Picking up a brass bell with a handle from the side table, Gray shook it a few times. Barbara, dressed in a black and white maid uniform, pushed open the door and walked into the bedroom.

As Gray's personal maid, other than taking care of Gray, she was not in charge of the castle's daily affairs. Thus, she had been guarding outside the bedroom. When she heard Gray ringing the bell, she immediately pushed open the door and walked in.

"Young Master Gray, what are your orders … Ah, what happened to you? I, I … I'll get someone to invite the Pharmacist over! "

Seeing Gray sweating profusely, Barbara was shocked. She immediately wanted to run to find someone to inform the Pharmacist. As a maid who took care of Gray's daily life, if anything happened to Gray, she would definitely be severely punished. She might even be beaten to death.

In the territory of the nobles, the nobles had the power to kill the commoners.

"No need, I'm fine. It's just that I'm a little sweaty after consuming the blood of the blood fiends. Just get someone to prepare a bath for me!"

Gray hurriedly stopped her. Although he was unsure of the reason for this change, it was obviously best not to let too many people know, especially Viscount Fergus and the rest.

"You really don't need it?"

After being stopped by Gray, Barbara's face was still filled with worry.

"Hmm, it's probably because my body hasn't fully recovered and I'm sweating a lot after consuming the blood of the blood fiends. Just get someone to prepare a bath for me."

Gray stood up and stretched his body, indicating that he was fine. Thinking of his inexplicable hunger, he added.

"Also, get the kitchen to prepare another set of breakfast for me. I'm still a little hungry."

"Yes, I'll go now."

Seeing that Gray was indeed fine and had a good appetite, Babla heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly left.

Not long after, she returned with a tray in her hands. On the tray, there were three pieces of honey bread, a large piece of ham, and a cup of milky white milk.

"Young Master Gray, the bathroom is already preparing the bath water. You should be able to go over after you finish your meal."

Babla said to Gray as she set up a folding table in the room and placed the food on it.

During the period when Gray was injured, he had been eating in his bedroom, so there was always a folding table in his bedroom.

"Got it."

Sitting at the table, Gray picked up his knife and fork and eagerly started eating. His stomach was empty, as though he had been starving for several days. It was really uncomfortable.

It had been less than two hours since he finished his breakfast, but now he was hungry again. Without a doubt, this was one of the "side effects" of the mutation just now.

Barely maintaining his elegance, Gray gulped down a large piece of ham, three pieces of honey bread, and a cup of milk. He felt that he was only half full. To avoid appearing too abnormal, he did not ask Babla to go to the kitchen to get more food. Instead, he went to the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, he changed into dry clothes and put on his combat armor. Gray went straight to the training ground. He was eager to know how much his body had improved after the "mutation".

As it was almost noon, there was no one else in the training ground. Gray immediately started practicing the blood technique "Wolf of Wind".

Half squatting with his legs apart, body bent forward, hands extended, palms facing down, like a wolf waiting for its prey …




Facing the sky.

After more than half an hour, he had practiced the four postures of "Wolf of Wind" one by one.

After that, he did not stop practicing like he did a few days ago. Instead, he started a new round of practice. In the end, he only stopped after he had finished practicing the first posture, panting heavily.

Taking the towel handed to him by the maid Babla, Gray wiped his sweat and sat on the stone bench in the pavilion. There was a trace of joy in his eyes that could hardly be concealed.

Without a doubt, his body had improved greatly.

With the physical strength of a lower-level Blood Warrior who practiced the power of blood, he could probably practice twice in a row.

Due to the disappearance of his Blood Force, his physical fitness had deteriorated. In the past few days of cultivation, he could only barely endure one set each time. Now, however, he could already endure one set and one position. Clearly, his physical fitness had undergone a great improvement.

"This blood beast's blood is really good stuff. It can actually improve so much just by taking it once. Based on this improvement, the time it takes for me to become a lower-level Blood Warrior should be greatly shortened.

"Hmm, let's not talk about whether there will be such a big improvement the next time I take the blood beast's blood. The effect of this blood beast's blood is really too remarkable …"

Thinking of this, Gray could not help but raise his eyebrows.

The original owner of this body had already taken the blood of the wind wolf twice. Although there was a certain degree of improvement in each of the two times, the effect was definitely not as remarkable as it was now. The improvement in one go was so great that it could not even be described as remarkable.

"Could it be because this body is no longer a lower-level Blood Warrior?"

"No, that can't be right. If it was because of this reason, the two brothers and sister of this body in name would not have taken a full two years to become lower-level Blood Warriors."

Gray thought of the fact that he was no longer a lower-level Blood Warrior and that his body was weaker. However, he immediately dismissed this thought.

Before the original owner of this body became a lower-level Blood Warrior, he indeed did not have any blood beast's blood resources. However, the two brothers and sister born to Viscount Fergus's official wife did.

Even so, the three of them still spent a full two years to raise their strength to lower-level Blood Warrior. It was also because of this that the original owner of this body, who had raised to lower-level Blood Warrior in a year, was valued by Viscount Fergus and received into the viscount's castle.

"Could it be because of this body's aptitude? No, that can't be right. No matter how good the aptitude is, it is impossible to improve so much just by taking the blood beast's blood once."

"The sudden disappearance of the power of blood, and then such a huge improvement just by taking the blood beast's blood once. These two things can be said to be extremely strange. Could these two things be related in some way?"

Gray could not help but connect this to the sudden disappearance of the power of blood.

According to his estimation, the biggest possibility was that some strange unknown change had occurred when he had occupied this body, and it was this change that had prompted this current phenomenon.

"From what happened to my body, this change is very likely to increase my absorption efficiency of the beneficial components in the blood wolf's blood."

"No, perhaps it is not just an increase in absorption efficiency. I'm afraid there are other changes. Otherwise, I would not be hungry again so soon after eating breakfast."

Thinking of his suddenly extremely hungry stomach, Gray felt that the change in his body should not be just an increase in absorption efficiency. Otherwise, his stomach would not have become so hungry.

"The body becoming hungry is due to insufficient energy supply. The reason for insufficient energy supply is that the body's tissues and cells have consumed a large amount of nutrients in a short period of time. Most of these consumed nutrients should have been used to improve my body's fitness."

"Speaking of which, I just exercised a bit, and now I feel hungry again. How could I be hungry so quickly? Could it be that my power of blood has not disappeared and only needs a large amount of nutrients to recover? No, this conclusion is a bit forced. "

Gray once again denied this conjecture of his.

"Before consuming the blood wolf's blood, my appetite was just average. I did not urgently need a large amount of food. Obviously, this craving for a large amount of food only appeared after consuming the blood wolf's blood."

"Speaking of which, the blood wolf's blood has not been processed in any way. It is considered to be a living organism. Could it be that by consuming the blood wolf's blood, I have obtained some kind of biological change?"

Based on his knowledge from his previous life, even if he ate raw blood, he would at most be infected with parasites. It would not cause any kind of biological change.

But in this world, it was not the same world as in his previous life. At least, the existence of the Blood Warriors who had strange powers was not something that existed in his previous life.

In addition, there was the precedent of using the blood essence to implant blood vessels. It was not impossible for some kind of biological change to occur.

"What kind of biological change is this? It feels like the current me is in a rapid transformation. My body needs a large amount of nutrients. "

Gray's furrowed eyebrows relaxed. If he wanted to understand the changes in his body, he was afraid that he would have to observe for the next few days to come to a complete conclusion.

Chapter 5

Half a month later, in the evening, in the dining hall of Viscount Fergus' castle.

On the ceiling, a huge lotus shaped crystal lamp shone brightly. Just one lamp was enough to illuminate the spacious dining hall as if it were daytime.

The crystal lamp wasn't the oil lamp in Gray's room, but a rune lamp made by a runemaster.

Upon closer inspection, one could see that the center of the huge lotus shaped crystal was surrounded by a circle of strange runes.

Some of these runes looked like beasts lying on their backs, some looked like the movements of a sacrificial ritual, some looked like snakes standing up … and most of them were strange lines that couldn't be seen.

These rune lamps were extremely expensive to make. Even with the resources of the viscount's family, they couldn't set up one in every room. They could only set it up in some important rooms, such as the banquet hall, the dining hall, the conference room …

Under the illumination of the light, seven people sat around a long dining table.

At the head of the table was a blonde middle-aged man. He wore a long coat with two rows of buttons in front of his chest, and a collar around his neck.

He had a golden beard, a pair of blue eyes, and a dignified aura about him. He was the owner of the viscount's castle, Viscount Emerson Fergus.

Sitting opposite him was a brown-haired woman.

The woman wore a low-cut black gauze dress, and a huge sapphire necklace hung around her neck. Her entire person looked graceful and luxurious.

Although her face was already slightly aged, one could still see the beauty of her youth. It was just that her lips were slightly thin, giving people the impression that she was a mean person.

This person was Viscount Fergus's wife, Milan Harris, a woman from the baron's family.

On the right side of Viscount Fergus sat two men and a woman. They were the eldest brother of this body, Bernal Fergus, the second brother, Elise Fergus, and the third sister, Caroline Fergus.

The first two had inherited Viscount Fergus' blonde hair and blue eyes. The latter's eyes were inherited from Viscount Fergus, but her hair color was inherited from the viscount's wife. She was about a year older than Gray. She was tall and had a high nose bridge. She had the excellent genes of Viscount Fergus and his wife.

On the left side of Fergus sat Gray and his sister, Sarah Fergus.

Both of them had black hair, which they inherited from their mother who died of depression. Their eyes were blue, which they inherited from Viscount Fergus.

Ding ding!

The sound of the table knife clashing with the white porcelain plate was heard.

In the dining hall, Viscount Fogus and the rest had finished their meal. Only Gray was still eating. This was already his second dinner.

This was the first time Gray came to the dining hall for a meal since he was injured.

Seeing Gray eating his second dinner, some of them were calm, such as Viscount Fergus and his wife, and Gray's eldest brother, Bernal. They had heard from the servants that Gray's appetite had increased tremendously in the past few days. He had to eat two servings for every meal.

Some of them stared at Gray in surprise, such as the third sister of this body, Caroline. She was more indifferent and indifferent to the two illegitimate children that her father brought back because they had almost no influence on her.


Placing the table knife and silver fork on the porcelain plate, Gray took the tablecloth from the maid beside him and wiped his lips and hands. He appeared to be a little uneasy as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Father, Madam. My appetite has suddenly increased recently."

He had originally planned to only eat one serving and was going to ask Babla to get another serving when he returned to the bedroom. However, thinking of the sudden increase in his appetite, he was afraid that Viscount Fergus already knew about it, so he didn't hide it anymore.

"It's fine."

Viscount Fergus said faintly.

"You're still growing. You should eat more."

Viscount Fergus's wife, Milan, said with a faint smile on her face.

The smile on her face was perfect and impeccable. It carried a sense of familiarity and didn't seem distant at all.

However, Gray knew that it was all a disguise. She was probably the most unhappy when the original owner of this body and his sister were brought to this castle. After all, they were the children of Viscount Fergus's lover. Which wife would be happy to live with the children of her husband's lover?

Moreover, if that assassination really came from one of the four people, it was likely that this Viscount's wife was the middleman. After all, if she wanted to mobilize people without alerting Viscount Fergus, she could only use her family.

"How are your injuries recovering?"

Viscount Fergus asked again.

"Thank you for your concern, Father. It's almost healed."

Gray said with a slightly "excited" expression.

After saying this, even he felt a burst of goosebumps.

The one in charge of this body was no longer the original Gray. There was no father and son relationship between him and Viscount Fergus. However, in order to not show any abnormalities, he could only "act" like this.

The current him was facing the threat of the mastermind behind the scenes. He simply couldn't leave Viscount Fergus's protection. If he lost Viscount Fergus's protection, the assassin would probably immediately come. Therefore, he couldn't lose Viscount Fergus's protection.

Moreover, he didn't think that Viscount Fergus was really very good to the original owner of this body. At least, it wasn't always like this. In his opinion, Viscount Fergus was a person who cared more about benefits than family.

In the previous sixteen years, Viscount Fergus almost didn't care about the Gray siblings. The number of times he went to see them could be counted on one hand. It was because of this that the two's mother died of depression.

When Gray displayed his outstanding talent as a Blood Warrior, it was as if he had suddenly discovered his conscience and brought the two of them into the castle. Obviously, all of this was because of the talent that Gray had displayed. In the end, it was still because Gray's current talent was worthy of his attention.

"That's good."

Viscount Fergus seemed to be very satisfied with Gray's performance. He said with a faint smile on his face.

"You can ask your elder brother Bernal for advice on cultivation. He is now a middle blood warrior."

"I will, father."

Gray first "respectfully" responded and then looked at his nominal elder brother Bernal.

"When the time comes, I might have to disturb Big Brother Bernal."

"You're welcome at any time."

Bernal said with a sunny smile on his face.

Beside him, Gray's second brother Elise restrained his usual contemptuous expression when he saw Gray because of Viscount Fergus's presence. He coldly watched the two's "interaction".

He did not know much about Gray, but he knew his elder brother well. His hatred and disgust for Gray far exceeded his own.

The conversation after dinner only lasted for a while before it ended. After greeting Sarah, Gray returned to his bedroom and lay on the soft bed. His mind was in a whirl.

"My body is indeed in the midst of some kind of transformation …"

It had been half a month since he last consumed the blood of a blood fiend. In this half a month, his appetite had greatly increased. Every meal was twice that of a normal person, and this was only barely enough to fill his stomach.

If not for the fact that he was afraid of being too abnormal, he had even planned to eat three portions at a time. But after careful consideration, he gave up on this idea.

A meal for two could barely be covered up by his increased appetite, but if it was three portions at a time, that would be too abnormal.

And after eating such a large amount of food, the changes in his body were obvious. His physical fitness was growing at an observable rate every day. After half a month, he could already complete the second posture for the second time.

"And this rapid growth is obviously not due to practicing blood techniques."

In order to determine if this growth was related to the cultivation of the blood technique, he did not practice the blood technique for the entire day yesterday. However, on the second day, he still felt that his body's quality had increased. Moreover, it was not much different from the day before.

Obviously, the increase in his physical fitness did not come from practicing blood techniques. At least, most of the effects did not come from practicing blood techniques, but from some unknown "transformation".

"What kind of transformation is this? At the end of the transformation, to what extent will my strength increase? "

Gray was almost certain that the reason for this "transformation" was the blood fiend's blood that he consumed a few days ago. But as for what kind of transformation was taking place in his body, and how much his strength would increase at the end of the transformation, he had no idea.

He searched through the memories of the original owner of his body, but there were no memories that had the slightest resemblance to this transformation.

"Now it seems that the blood power of the original owner of this body did not completely disappear, but was only hidden. This conjecture cannot be completely rejected. I'm afraid that only by raising my blood power back to low-level Blood Warrior and seeing if my physical fitness will increase rapidly can I determine the validity of this conjecture."

"Also, the original owner of this body was only an illegitimate child. The level of contact he had was too low, and the amount of information he knew was too little. It seems that I need to go to the castle's library tomorrow to look up books related to blood techniques."

No matter how he thought about it, he could not come up with a reason. Gray skipped over matters related to the transformation of his body, and thought about the benefits this transformation brought.

"This transformation allows my physical fitness to increase rapidly. For me, this is absolutely good news."

At his current rate of improvement, he was afraid that it would only take a little more than a month for his strength to return to low-level Blood Warrior. At that time, the risk of him being exposed would be greatly reduced.

In the entire castle, Viscount Fergus and the others did not know much about him. They only knew that he had already practiced blood power and had reached the realm of low-level Blood Warrior. After all, they had only known each other for a little more than two months.

And as long as he regained the strength of a low-level Blood Warrior, the possibility of him being exposed could be said to be extremely small.

Chapter 6

The next day, Gray found a secluded place and dismissed the maid Barbara. He then began to practice the blood technique "Wolf of Wind".

It had been more than half a month since the assassination attempt, and the injuries on his body had long since healed. He could no longer use his injuries as an excuse that he could only practice the technique once. Thus, he did not go to the training field, but instead found a secluded place to practice.

Although this would raise suspicions, and after a while, people would definitely notice. After all, there was no such thing as a secluded place in the castle. However, he could not care less about that now.

Fortunately, as long as he could endure this month, he would be able to recover the strength of the original owner of this body, a low-level Blood Warrior. At that time, even if someone noticed something unusual, it would no longer matter.

In the secluded place, Gray half squatted with his legs apart and his body bent down. His hands hung down, palms facing down, and he began to practice the first posture of the blood technique "Wolf of Wind" — crawling.

The four movements of "Wolf of Wind" were crawling, pouncing, biting, and facing the sky. They were all deduced from the Wind Wolf's combat habits by observing the Wind Wolf's life.

These four movements condensed the essence of the Wind Wolf's life habits. During this period of time, every time he practiced, Gray could not help but recall the Xingyi Fist from his previous life.

In his previous life, Gray was only an ordinary office worker. He had never come into contact with martial arts, so naturally, he did not know Xingyi Fist. However, there was no harm in learning what kind of fist technique Xingyi Fist was from the internet.

According to the introduction on the internet, Xingyi Fist was a fist technique formed by simulating the life forms and fighting of twelve different animals. It had the effect of improving one's physical fitness. How similar was this to the "Wolf of Wind" he was currently practicing?

The movements were also deduced from the life forms and fighting of animals, and they also had the effect of improving one's physical fitness.

Of course, there were differences. To a certain extent, the blood technique was of a higher level than Xingyi Fist.

Based on Gray's experience in his previous life, the highest achievement in Xingyi Fist, apart from the effect of prolonging one's life, was that one could at most fight better than an ordinary person. However, the blood technique was different.

Not to mention the terrifying experts that he had only heard of who could destroy a city by themselves, just the Xingyi Fist that the original owner of this body had seen had already surpassed the Xingyi Fist of his previous life.

The highest achievement of the original owner of this body was the cultivation of blood energy, reaching the level of a lower-level Blood Warrior. At that time, under the orders of Viscount Fergus, he had single-handedly challenged five adult soldiers who had not cultivated blood energy and won.

And this was only considered ordinary. The original owner of this body had once seen Viscount Fergus, who had reached the level of a Ferocious Warrior, display his strength. He had actually spat out a huge green wind blade from his mouth, directly cutting a tree that required one person to wrap their arms around it into two.

Every time he recalled the memories of the original owner of this body, Gray couldn't help but be shocked. Through cultivation, a person could actually reach the level of spitting wind blades. This really subverted the knowledge of his previous life.

If a tree that required one person to wrap their arms around it could be cut into two, how could a human's body of flesh and blood withstand it?

If such a person had appeared in his previous life, perhaps he would have immediately swept away all the martial arts experts of his previous life. And according to Gray's knowledge, in this world, although there were not many existences with the strength of Viscount Fergus, they were definitely not few either.

Above the lower-level Blood Warrior was the middle-level Blood Warrior, above the middle-level Blood Warrior was the high-level Blood Warrior, above the high-level Blood Warrior was the Ferocious Blood Warrior, and above the Ferocious Blood Warrior were the Berserk Blood Warrior, the Barbaric Blood Warrior, the Desolate Blood Warrior, and the Royal Blood Warrior. Obviously, the Ferocious Blood Warrior was far from the peak of this world's cultivation realm.

After completing one cycle of the blood technique "Wolf of the Wind", Gray had only stopped after he had already practiced some of the second and third postures due to his lack of physical strength. Compared to yesterday, his physical fitness had once again increased by a large margin.

After finishing his cultivation, Gray went to the study on the second floor of the castle.

The main building of Viscount Fergus' castle had a typical Gothic architectural style, and was divided into three floors.

On the first floor, there was a luxuriously decorated banquet hall, a hall for receiving guests, a dining room for dining, and a spacious sink bathroom.

On the second floor, there was a meeting room for important meetings, a library with many books, a study where the Viscount handled his daily affairs, and many other rooms with different uses.

And on the third floor, there were many bedrooms.

Now, he was going to the library on the second floor, where the books were stored.

In this world, there was also a saying that knowledge was wealth. Therefore, the aristocracy paid great attention to the collection of books. Almost every aristocratic family would have a library. The only difference was the number of books in the library, and this often showed the depth of a family's resources.

Pushing open the door to the library, what entered his eyes were three rows of black wooden bookshelves. On the bookshelves, there were many books with leather covers densely packed. Looking at the number, there should be more than a thousand books.

Although this amount of books wasn't much in Gray's previous world, in this world, it was a very large collection of books. Many viscount families didn't have such a collection of books. Just from this point, one could see the depth of the Fergus family's resources.

According to the memories of the original owner of this body, Gray knew that the Fergus family was a viscount family with a history of more than a hundred years. Among the surrounding viscount families, the Fergus family's resources were relatively deep.

After entering the library, Gray didn't go straight to the three bookshelves. Instead, he looked at the right side of the library and walked over.

There was a white round table there. Around the round table, there were six black armchairs with hollowed-out patterns on the backs. At this moment, a maid wearing a black and white maid uniform was standing next to one of the armchairs, and a young girl wearing a yellow pleated skirt was sitting on the armchair.

The young girl was holding a book in her hands and was reading it with great interest. When she felt someone push open the door and enter, she raised her head, revealing her beautiful blue eyes.

This person was the third sister of this body, Caroline.

"Big Sister Caroline."

Gray walked over and greeted her politely.

Although he didn't have a good impression of the viscount's wife and their three children, since he lived in this castle, he had to show some basic courtesy.

"Oh, you're here to look through the books?"

Caroline asked indifferently.

"Yes, Big Sister Caroline. Then I'll go and look."

Gray said.


The young girl nodded, paused for a moment, and then said.

"The first shelf is the history of the continent. The second shelf is about blood magic. The third shelf is filled with miscellaneous books."

"Thank you, Big Sister Caroline."

Gray looked at the young girl with slight surprise, then turned and walked to the first shelf.

Although it was a very ordinary reminder, Gray couldn't help but have a slightly better impression of the young girl.

In the half a month that he had occupied this body, he didn't have much contact with the young girl. At most, he would greet her when they met in the corridor. The young girl gave him the biggest impression of indifference.

She wasn't as "warm" as the eldest brother of this body, Bernal. She also wasn't like the second brother of this body, Elise, who showed contempt and hatred on her face. She was more indifferent to him, as if he was a stranger.

Now it seemed that she was cold on the outside but warm on the inside. Among the viscount's wife and the three siblings, the one who was the friendliest to him was probably the one who was "indifferent" to him.

Coming to the first shelf, Gray began to take out one book after another and flipped through it.

Originally, he had planned to read up on books related to blood arts. However, considering that the original owner of this body had limited knowledge of this world, and that he was just a young man who had never traveled far, he decided to first learn about this world through history books.

"The Chronicles of the Purple Moon Kingdom" was a book that recorded the major historical events of the Purple Moon Kingdom, which was the kingdom that Viscount Fergus was loyal to.

Among them, there was a certain king's hard work, a certain count's and the Marquis family's decline, a certain major natural disaster, and a certain family that was destroyed by the kingdom due to rebellion …

From the text, it wasn't hard to see that the Richardson Wang Family had been completely beautified. The kings of the past were either wise, philanthropic, or wise, while the rebellious families were all sinful and had committed many crimes that angered the heavens and the people. This clearly proved a sentence that Gray had said in his previous life — History was often written by the victors.

"The War of the Four Kingdoms" was about the major battles that happened between the four great kingdoms of the continent, the Flame Kingdom, the Purple Moon Kingdom, the Scarlet Kingdom, and the Jewel Kingdom, as well as the consequences of the battles.

Compared to "The Chronicles of the Purple Moon Kingdom," "The War of the Four Kingdoms" was undoubtedly more objective, but this was only relative.

For example, it recorded a major battle that happened a few decades ago that the original owner of this body had heard of.

In that battle, the alliance army of the Purple Moon Kingdom was defeated and was chased by the Blazing Sun Kingdom for hundreds of miles. However, in this book, it was said that the commander of the Purple Moon Kingdom had great foresight and strategically retreated hundreds of miles.

"The Geography of the Four Kingdoms" was about the geographical locations and topography of the Flame Kingdom, the Purple Moon Kingdom, the Scarlet Kingdom, and the Jewel Kingdom on the continent.

The Flame Kingdom was located in the center of the continent, while the Purple Moon Kingdom, the Scarlet Kingdom, and the Jewel Kingdom were located on the three sides of the Flame Kingdom, bordering each other.

The Blazing Sun Kingdom had high temperatures all year round, and its territory had many plains and lakes.

The Purple Moon Kingdom had low temperatures all year round, and its territory had many hills and valleys.

The Scarlet Kingdom and the Jewel Kingdom had low temperatures all year round, and the former had many valleys and valleys while the latter had many mountains and valleys.

Gray's gaze swept across the books one after another. Many of the books only had a glance at their titles, and after guessing what they were about, he no longer paid attention to them. He only wanted to understand this world, and not to become a historian. Naturally, he didn't need to be too meticulous.

"Hmm, 'The World is Flat'?"

Suddenly, he saw the title of a book with a black leather cover. He could not help but flip it open in surprise.

Chapter 7

Flipping open the cover, the first thing that came into view was the title page. It was an introduction to the author of the book, Collins Felix.

Collins Felix was a traveler who had no fixed abode all year round. He had been to the Flame Kingdom, the Jewel Kingdom, and the Scarlet Kingdom. He had even been to the ice fields outside the Four Kingdoms that were covered in snow all year round.

Flipping to the back, it was his general conjecture about the world.

In the eyes of the other, the world was an irregular, flat mass, and the sun was a luminous sphere revolving around this irregular, flat mass. When the sun appeared on the front side of the mass, it was day, and when the sun appeared on the back side of the mass, it was night.

The end of the ice fields outside the Four Kingdoms was the end of the world. If someone could reach the end of the ice fields, they would be able to see the end of the world.

Seeing this, Gray smiled in his heart, and continued to read on without much concern.

Although this world had extraordinary powers, in terms of understanding the world, it was ultimately inferior to his previous life. After all, the space technology of his previous life had allowed them to visit planets other than Earth in the solar system. In the process, they had completely confirmed that the Earth was spherical.

The latter part was the evidence and observations that the other party had made in order to prove his theory that the Earth was flat.

He had once organized a team of powerful blood warriors to head to the end of the ice fields to verify the conjecture that the end of the ice fields was the end of the world. However, they had been attacked by blood beasts many times along the way and suffered heavy casualties. In the end, they could only give up.

Then, he had observed the ships on the largest lake in the Flame Kingdom, the Azure Lake. He had discovered that as the distance increased, the hulls and masts of the ships in his line of sight would gradually shrink. In the end, they became smaller and smaller, just like a model ship. In the end, the hulls and masts of the ships disappeared from his sight at the same time.

"Disappeared at the same time? This, this … doesn't make sense?! "

Seeing this, Gray's indifference disappeared. His eyes widened and he almost blurted out. Fortunately, he held back and didn't disturb Caroline who was also reading in the library.

Collins Felix had made this observation in his previous life. However, the result of the other party's observation was that the hulls were the first to disappear, and the masts were the last to disappear. Obviously, the result of the observation was completely different from Collins Felix's.

"Is there a problem with the observation, or is it really so?"

Gray was bewildered.

If it was just a problem with Collins Felix's observation, or if it was deliberately falsified to prove that the earth was flat, then the earth was round in his previous life and could still be applied in this world.

If there was no problem with the other party's observation results, and if there was no deliberate falsification, then whether the theory of Earth's circle in his previous life could be used in this world was up for debate.

Continuing to flip through the book, Gray became serious this time. But after flipping through the entire book, Gray did not find any evidence that could prove Diping's theory better than the previous "observation."

Gray raised his eyebrows slightly and then quickly relaxed. He put the book back on the bookshelf.

Whether the world was round or flat didn't mean much to him now. The most important thing for him now was to strengthen his ability to protect himself. He seriously lacked a sense of security now.

In order to increase his ability to protect himself, it was necessary to figure out what kind of transformation his body was undergoing.

In addition to the book he had just flipped through, he already had a rough understanding of the continent's history. Thinking of this, he walked to the second row of bookshelves and began to flip through books related to blood arts.

"Summary of Common Blood Beasts" was a book that introduced common blood beasts. The book listed more than a hundred types of blood beasts that were more commonly seen. Each type was accompanied by a picture and a description, allowing the reader to have a clearer understanding of the blood beasts' appearances and abilities.

There was a description of the Wind Wolf. It was a type of blood beast that had green fur all over its body. Its appearance was similar to that of an ordinary wolf, and its adult body was strong enough to spit out wind blades.

When it was young, it already had the strength of a low-level blood warrior. When it reached adulthood, its strength was comparable to that of a ferocious blood warrior. The nominal father of this body, Viscount Fergus, was able to spit out wind blades. Presumably, this was the result of practicing the blood art "Wind Wolf" to the extreme.

"Origin of Species" was a book that described the origin of the blood beasts.

According to the book, if one traced the origin of any blood beast's bloodline, it could be traced back to a certain high-grade blood beast. Some could even be traced back to legendary sacred beasts or even mythical beasts.

The book used the Shadow Bug as an example to explain.

The Shadow Bug could be traced back to the more powerful Shadow Bug, the Shadow Bug could be traced back to the more powerful Dark Bug, the Dark Bug could be traced back to the Shadow Bug, and the Shadow Bug could be traced back to the bloodline source, which could be traced back to the Hidden Butterfly.

This was a terrifying king-level blood beast with the ability to conceal itself. Its strength was comparable to that of a king-level blood warrior. Due to the uniqueness of its ability to conceal itself, ordinary king-level blood warriors were no match for it.

It had once appeared in the Purple Moon Kingdom. The Richardson royal family had used all their resources and dispatched three king-level blood warriors, but they were still unable to stop it.

The other party's ability to conceal itself was simply too difficult to guard against. When fighting it, one would be completely in the dark and would not know where the enemy was.

The book was not too thick. It only had a few dozen pages, and the font was rather large. Gray easily flipped through the entire book.

Gray could not help but think as he closed the book and placed it back on the bookshelf.

"If the theory of the origin of the bloodline is correct, then the blood technique 'Wolf of Wind' might have a follow-up blood technique. No, I'm afraid that it can no longer be called 'Wolf of Wind', but some other blood technique."

"Even the Fergus family should be in possession of the blood arts that follow up."

An adult Wind Wolf's strength could be comparable to a Murderous Level warrior. This was probably the limit of the blood technique 'Wolf of Wind'. If he wanted to progress further, he would have to cultivate a blood technique of a higher level.

The father of this body, Viscount Fergus, had been a Murderous Level warrior for many years. After so many years, he still persisted in cultivating. It was obvious that he was not cultivating the 'Wolf of Wind', which had lost its effects. Instead, he was cultivating a blood technique of a higher level after 'Wolf of Wind'.

"Blood Beasts' Atavism Chronicles" was a book that recorded historical examples of blood beasts evolving into other species. The existence of such examples proved that there was indeed a bloodline connection between different species of blood beasts.

"Encyclopedia of Blood Techniques" was a book that recorded all the blood techniques that had appeared in the Four Great Kingdoms. There were detailed descriptions of what kind of blood techniques one cultivated, what kind of performance they would have, and their abilities.

"Experts of the Kingdoms" was a book that recorded the lives and deeds of all the blood warriors that had appeared in the Four Great Kingdoms.

… …

Gray searched through the books one by one, trying to find a book that was related to the "changes" in his body. However, after searching through the entire bookshelf, he could not find a description that corresponded to his current situation.

There were hundreds of books, many of which introduced blood beasts. There were even some that focused on investigating the habits of a particular type of blood beast. There were less than ten books that were related to the cultivation of blood techniques. Gray flipped through them one by one, but could not find a description that was related to the "changes" in his body.

However, in a book that recorded the habits of blood beasts, he came across the term "transformation period".

This referred to a special period between the growth and adulthood of blood beasts.

During this period, although blood beasts were still in the growth stage, they were already close to adulthood. Their growth rate was at its fastest, and their need for various types of nutrients had increased greatly. They also had an extremely strong desire to eat.

This phenomenon was rather similar to the changes that had occurred to Gray's body. The only difference was that Gray was a genuine human, while this phenomenon occurred to blood beasts.

However, Gray's intuition told him that the changes that had occurred to his body were closely related to the "transformation period" of blood beasts. At the very least, there was some kind of special connection.

However, he did not know what the specific connection was. After all, the amount of information that he currently possessed was too little.

After flipping through hundreds of books, even if he only skimmed through them and skipped some titles, it was already close to noon.

Gray was just about to leave the library when he saw Caroline, with her long brown hair hanging behind her head, stand up from her chair. She was also about to leave the library.

"Let's go to the dining hall together!"

Glancing at Gray, Caroline extended an invitation to Gray.

"Okay, Sister Caroline."

Faced with Caroline's invitation, Gray was slightly taken aback. However, he immediately reacted and nodded in agreement.

Through today's interaction, he felt that Caroline was relatively easy to get along with. At least, she was easier to get along with than the seemingly "enthusiastic" Madame De Milan and Bernal, as well as Elise, who had a look of contempt on her face.

The other party's attitude towards him was more like facing a stranger. She was not overly "enthusiastic", nor did she display any hostility.

Of course, one may know a person for a long time without understanding their true nature. Gray could not let down his guard against the other party with just this little bit of interaction. Until now, the mastermind behind the assassination had still not been found.

After the assassination attempt on Gray, the mastermind seemed to have disappeared. There were no more movements. However, Gray knew that the mastermind did not give up. They were definitely waiting for an opportunity to strike.

However, Gray felt that the possibility of Caroline being the mastermind behind the assassination was not high. This was because he did not have any conflict of interest with Caroline.

As a woman, Caroline would definitely marry out in the future. Regardless of whether Gray appeared or not, the wealth of the Fergus family did not have much to do with her.

Although this world also had the saying of looking for a son-in-law, and there were even women inheriting the title of nobility, with Bernal and Elise around, the possibility of Viscount Fergus looking for a son-in-law was not high.