
Chapter 45

“It must be because you’re in love. How’s it going?” she asked.

“Not so well. I guess I’m not the type of guy to settle down into marriage.”

He looked up as the waitress stood beside their table. He ordered coffee and apple pie.

“Apple pie, huh? And you don’t believe in the American Dream,” Cam ribbed him.

“So sue me.” Pauly shrugged. Cam could feel some tension in him.

“What’s up with Roger?” she asked.

Pauly took a sip of the coffee that the waitress had placed on the table in front of him, then pushed it back to let it cool off.

“I’m just not cut out for this relationship thing, I guess. We’re beginning to get on each other’s nerves.” He bent his head forward to whisper, “Some of it’s money stuff. I know he has a good job but he never has any money. I don’t know what he does with it. I can’t be paying for everything.”

Cam frowned.

“Well, son. Relationships take time. Some work; some don’t.”

“Yeah, but this one had such promise!” Pauly sighed. “I was hoping that…”