
Chapter 20

“Someone get a doctor!” he yelled. “There’s a guy in here having a heart attack!”

One of the people in the lobby ran to the concierge desk.

As people gathered closer, Pauly laid his hand on Cam’s arm.

“Wait here. I’ll see what I can do.” He rushed into the men’s room, leaving two men by the door to keep others out until paramedics arrived.

Cam let the small crowd swell past her as she looked around the lobby. What should she be looking for? Why did she have the feeling that this was not a heart attack?

* * * *

Cam and Pauly were sprawled in the living room of Cam’s apartment when the telephone rang. Both were still in the same clothes they’d worn to the banquet. Pauly, however, had shed the jacket, cummerbund, and bow tie, and opened his collar. Cam had long since abandoned the high heels and panty hose that lay far under the coffee table.

“You missed a good meal,” Maggie said as Cam answered the cell phone.

“Neither of us was very hungry,” Cam admitted.