
Prologue: 7 mysterious gates

Hi, my name is Felix Kim, and everybody calls me Felix. I'm just 15 years old, and I'm an orphan. I didn't see my parents. They died in a car accident when I was 5 months old. And I grew up with my very kind and strange grandma. Some of our neighbors thought that she was just a psychopath. Because she speaks only about the secret world called Warkinless and the seven mysterious gates. But she died a year before today.

Today I went to a history university to learn about these seven gates. Because they are real and I found nothing about them on the internet except photos.

I arrived at the university and found our city's most famous historian, Professor Park Du Ho, but he was busy with lectures. I waited for him for an hour.

Finally, he finished his lecture. I meet with him and ask my question. But he looked at me like he was surprised!

Professor Park: Why do you want to know about this gate so much, Felix? You are just 15 years old!

Felix: They are so mysterious. I have heard many stories about them. I want to know who built them and when. Please tell me!

Professor Park: To be frank, we have no information about them; we know only some myths.

Felix: Are they about Warkinless?

- How do you know it???

Professor Park looks surprised and scared. Maybe I shouldn't have known about it. Then I whispered My deceased grandmother told me lots of stories about this world every night before I went to sleep".

What was your grandmother's name?

He asked me with a scream.

- Woonsung…

Then Professor Park slowly sat down in a chair and didn't say anything. His hair looked whiter than his shirt, and I started to think that he had a heart attack. Because of his age, he is already older than 70 (actually, I don't know). He never talked about himself. (We only knew his name.) After approximately three minutes, he started to talk again while gasping:

Oh, my dear Woonsung. After all, you said, We will die together. I can't live without you. Our love is forever," and you also promised me that you would not tell anyone about this.

After saying these words, Professor Park started to cry. I was surprised. Because I saw the crying old man. And I just left them without saying anything or making any noise...

I returned home in a depressed mood. I can't find anything. Tomorrow I have to go to school. I ate dinner and had a shower. But I can't sleep. Then I enter my grandma's room to find some books to read.

But suddenly I found a very old book about Warkinless with a map in it. I read it carefully, and I wondered. I have to show it to Professor Park. Now I have to sleep...