
The Long Brothers Parting

Shortly after some time, Azlan quickly returned to the duo with a dead boar on his shoulders.

Snapping out a large tree branch, he pierced the boar through its body with the branch, leaving it ready to roast.

Noticing this, O'ren started up a fire in the meantime, hastening up the process.

The large boar spun around and around in circles, with the effort of Azlan spinning it. O'ren fanned the flames, making its tender meat drip juices onto the already provoked fire.

As the two men worked hard in preparing food, Teren sat there on his bottom, eyeing the meat with his mouth dripping, looking like a hungry dog.


O'ren broke the suspense, not only literally fanning flames, but metaphorically as well, and that to his very own blood related brother.

Teren snorted in response, ignoring him, and continuing his pursuit.

As the boar meat slowly roasted, night began to fall. The very small rays of light that could be seen before had already disappeared, leaving the group of three and a sizzling barbecue in the middle of nowhere.

"Ai, it's quite hot. Brothers, don't be shy, eat up!" Azlan invited his companions, offering slices of meat.

Both Teren and O'ren gladly accepted, starting their feast.

Bit by bit, the trio ate until their hearts were content, leaving a pile of bones and a campfire.

"Ah, how could I forget such an important thing! "Azlan said to himself, facepalming at the same time.

The two brothers looked at each other in confusion, only for it to be replaced with pure shock because of what was to come next.

Azlan swiped his hand, bringing forth bottles of wine out of thin air. Within a blink of an eye, the very thing men craved in times of celebration appeared!

Wow! The siblings looked at Azlan in genuine surprise, never did they think such a young man would hold an auspicious ring.

Resting in Azlan's ring finger was a spatial ring. In the roaming lands of the Jianghu, treasures alike were vast in quantity, but the pockets of man were not large enough to occupy such loot. Thus, the concept of spatial rings was introduced, a ring holding a pocket dimension which a person could easily navigate through with their mind, placing and taking out objects. Other than objects, living beings would quickly destruct the space within the ring, causing all the objects to be lost in the dark void.

It's said that the spatial ring was in fact created by a madman who went by the name Ko'ser, or otherwise known as the 'Grand Architect of Nirvana.' No one knows why he called himself that, but all that has seen him has said the same few words about him. 'Who would dare claim to be a madman when facing Ko'ser?'

Ko'ser came and went like a star, his feats were unimaginable in the world of cultivation, almost 3000 years ago he created spatial rings. After a short 50 years, he disappeared without a single trace. However, even till this day, the legend of the madman still exists within the people of the Jianghu.

No one knew whether the legend is just but a legend, or he exists somewhere out there.

"Brother Lan must be very powerful to be able to obtain a spatial ring, even I, a royal prince from the grand Long kingdom am unable to afford one." O'ren exclaimed in slight jealousy.

"This… brother Lan, do you really just hail from the mountains?"

Azlan fell into a moment of shock before feeling proud.

"My master gifted both me and my martial brother a ring, he never told me it had such amazing origins. It seems even I did not know the implications behind this ring. Two brothers have really opened my eyes to the world today!"

"Your master must be one of high status then. This little brother hopes Brother Lan will take care of us in the future" O'ren commented, shamelessly asking for benefits.

"Hahaha, it is fine. I've come to take a liking to two brothers, if fate holds it, I will visit the Long kingdom! Drink! Drink to your hearts content, tonight you will not leave without being drunk!" Azlan laughed haughtily, pouring cups of wine.

About an hour after drinking, Azlan seemed to recall something. He couldn't help but ask again, as they've grown much closer now.

"Teren, O'ren, if you don't mind answering, what was your reason for entering this forest?"


After a moment of hesitation, Teren replied.

"Us two brothers are here on a mission; our royal father has fallen ill due to a poison inflicted by our enemies. We have come to find a cure personally, because there are many spies within the kingdom, we decided it would be safer to instead find the cure ourselves, having a higher chance of saving royal father.

"I'm sorry to hear that, have you had any luck in finding a cure?" Azlan sighed emotionally, unsure whether it was the effect of alcohol which made him more emotional, or his connection with the two fellows.

"Yes! We found the flower of hope, the chances of one being born is incredibly rare, especially because it is only raised in area's filled with darkness, having only a single ray of light to shine bright upon it for multiple years."

"Luckily, we met Brother Lan… If not- if not for you, not only would our lives be taken, but millions of the Long kingdom would be implicated as well!" Teren started crying uncontrollably, hugging Azlan.

"Hahaha, it is fine. Two brothers, I really must go now, I promised master I would return at night, it is getting very late now." Azlan noticed Teren was incredibly drunk compared to O'ren, he awkwardly backed off from his hug, feeling it being a bit too intimate.

"This… won't you come back to the Long kingdom with us? Your status would not be low!" O'ren looked at Azlan gratefully, hoping he could rope him in.

"I am sorry to disappoint you brothers, but I must return. In the future I will make sure to come visit." Replied Azlan.

O'ren and Teren looked at Azlan sadly, unable to part with him. However, no relationship could last forever, they had to let go at some point.

Although it was a short encounter, it felt as if the brothers knew each other for a long time, as if they had been warriors under the same army from a different life!

"Time is of the essence; I will be the first to leave. Till next time!" Azlan waved at the brothers, before abruptly turning around and disappearing into the mist.

"Goodbye! Make sure to visit the Long Kingdom!" The two brothers yelled out in unison.


"Denzi, do you have any clue where Azlan is? This unfilial child couldn't have forgotten about us, it's been so long!" Old man Zagan shouted angrily, clearly worried about Azlan's late arrival.

"…." Denzi stared at Old Man Zagan quietly.

"Hmph!" Old Man Zagan grunted, walking back to his chambers.

However, as he was about to return, an ear-piercing sound started awakening. It grew louder and louder. Followed by the sound was the howls of many beasts.

"Old Man Zagan! Help!" the shout of a young man quickly broke the nights silence. Old Man Zagan's face slightly brightened up before he acted angry again.

"You little brat! Not only have you arrived late, but you even brought a bunch of unwelcomed guests!" The old man grew angrier by the moment, his body slowly levitated into the sky, the winds under his feet rustled, prostrating towards him.

The howling winds screeched, Old Man Zagan's aura gradually covered the area, the very law of the world had fallen into shambles. In this area, the ruler was not the heavens, but Old Man Zagan!

"Come!" Without an effort, Azlan's body rag dolled towards Denzi. The force of Old Man Zagan sent Azlan flying, it was as if he weighed nothing.

"Ahhhh!" Azlan screamed in his flight, flying directly towards Denzi.

Denzi's eyes widened instantly, without being unable to react properly, the flying Azlan crashed into him.

Bang! Azlan's course of flight collided with Denzi, the two brothers both slammed against the hard wall of Old Man Zagan's hut. Instead of the building breaking apart, it was the brothers who were strikingly miserable.

"Y-you fool!" Denzi smacked Azlan's already injured head, creating another lump.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault." Azlan moved his hands up, looking innocently towards the aggrieved Denzi.

"Wait, look over there!" Denzi pointed up into the sky.

Azlan's eyes followed where his finger pointed, finding Old Man Zagan who appeared completely irritated.

"Disappear!" Old Man Zagan roared out.

As if the world responded to his call, a sudden vortex of darkness appeared within the night sky, illuminating the whole mountain. Although it was a space of pure darkness, it contrasted completely from the night sky that was filled with stars.

The many beasts who were chasing Azlan quickly came to a stop, they all looked up into the sky.

"Awooo!" The creatures howled towards Azlan, as if giving him a threat that this wouldn't be the last time they would come. But the howls quickly stopped. The beasts realized they were now in hot waters; a strong master had arrived.

The monsters tucked their tails in and started fleeing towards the other direction.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they made absolutely no progress. The strong gravitational force of the vortex in the sky absorbed everything, even the trees as well! The monsters were no exception, the force slowly became so strong that their enormous bodies couldn't hold anymore to the ground.

In a flash, the whole tribe of monsters disappeared. None was left.

The vortex midair slowly started rotating in reverse, flashing out of existence. Old Man Zagan's long white beard slowly came to a standstill, the gales of the wind calmed down, and he levitated back towards the land.

Standing on his two feet, Old Man Zagan hands rested behind his back. Facing him was Azlan and Denzi.

The young disciples looked fearfully towards Old Man Zagan; they had never seen him use his abilities until today. They finally realized how wide heaven and earth was, they truly were nothing in comparison.

"What, do you think I will eat you?" Old Man Zagan jokingly said, trying to break the tense atmosphere.

"Hahaha, I always knew Old Man Zagan would hold even the heavens if they fell." Azlan took this chance to bootlick his master, afraid his mood would worsen.

Old Man Zagan snorted in response, clearly aware what Azlan was trying to do.

"Denzi, you've brought two monster cores back. Good! And what about you Azlan?" Old Man Zagan favored Denzi, questioning his brother.

"Hehehe" Azlan laughed cheekily, rubbing the back of his head as if embarrassed.

"This disciple travelled far, from east to west, looting and fighting, saving people from distress, admiring beauties and – "Before Azlan could continue blabbering, Old Man Zagan's eyes sharpened, making Azlan stop his nonsense immediately.

"This humble disciple has brought merely four monster cores; I am ashamed to say so." Azlan once more smiled shyly in order to anger Denzi.

"Hmph! Not bad, well go on then. Absorb the contents and return to me once you are finished, I have a surprise awaiting both of you" Old Man Zagan shooed the brothers away, displaying a rare tone of happiness in his words.

Azlan and Denzi bowed towards their master, they quickly retrieved their belongings and left.

As the two were about to part, Azlan stopped and gazed at Denzi's fleeting figure.

"Denzi, wait!" Azlan called out.


"I have four cores with me, and you only have two. It'll be unfair if I am able to cultivate more than you, take one from me and we'll be even.

"I don't need your things!" Denzi turned back around, ignoring Azlan.

"Here!" A flying round rock flew towards Denzi.

Denzi reacted swiftly, catching the rock. Before he could say anything, Azlan had already disappeared from his sight.

"Fool." Denzi mumbled under his breath, leaving as well towards his chambers.