
Monsters and Humans

Around this time of the year is when monsters and alike would appear, of course they would always be roaming the Jianghu, but due to the scorching sun shining the brightest at this period of the year, it was always the most active time to hunt. With the intensity of the heat, many monsters come out of their dwellings, hunting for prey to last them for another period of seclusion during the harsh winters, but this also applied to humans as well. Who didn't need resources for times of need.

Sadly, it was not that simple for both sides. Wild creatures would lose their lives before even harnessing a monster core, humans would be eaten alive for their careless mistakes made during combat, there was no truce. That was just how the Jianghu was, a bloody warfare were one must always actively grow stronger, through the most barbarous ways.

Knowing this, old man Zagan still sent his disciples out towards the wild, unleashing the frogs from their well.

Azlan and Denzi quickly got off their bottoms and started running together towards the vast green forest located west from their dwelling.

"Hey, second brother Zi. I know we were told to complete our missions alone, but it wouldn't hurt to let me know about what we're looking for exactly, right?" Azlan asked as the sharp gales drowned down his voice due to his speed running.

Denzi looked back in surprise, almost tripping over. "Old man Zagan said to collect monster cores, the mission is as simple as its said."

"Oh…" Azlan looked the other way, avoiding Denzi's gaze, feeling his face burn up.

"Hehehe, what is a monster core?" Azlan questioned, scratching his head before coming to a stop near the lush green lands.

"Seriously? Ah, I suppose you never read the books master gave us for self-education." Denzi sighed, looking at his fellow brother in disappointment.

"Hey now – "

"Monster cores are the reservations of energy stored within a creature, usually in the form of a round crystal ball" Denzi explained, rudely cutting off Azlan.

"Any being can form monster cores, they're similar to our Dantian's in a way. We, humans must cultivate our Dantian through various different ways, whereas monsters must cultivate their cores through the most tribal way possible. To kill, to eat, to sleep."

"But that is the problem, with mere animalistic instincts taking control of them, they are simply beings with no consciousness, just monsters. However, some monsters are obviously smarter than others, even speaking human tongue. They even transform into a human-like body at some stage of their cultivation, truly amazing creatures."

Looking quite intrigued, Azlan questioned, "So where are these monster cores located?"

"You fool, where is our dantian's located? In the middle of our chest! Denzi scoffed mockingly.

"I see, sorry to waste our time, lets hurry on!" Azlan replied without any regard of his tone.

Denzi nodded and got up.


The two brothers ran through in between the mountains, jumping from steep cliffs to unstable platforms, climbing up the rocky walls. Finally, the mountain view was gone, now in front of their eyes rested a large forest, one that looked straight out of a magical fairy tale.

They had arrived at the Blood Forest, leaving the Mountain of Swords. Azlan took slow steps towards the unexplored lands, feeling nervous just from the sight of it. This was only natural as the brothers had only been raised in the mountains for their whole lives, finally being able to step out of their cages.

"Hahaha! We've taken one step towards the heavens brother Zi." Azlan smiled from ear to ear, clearly excited and nervous for their first adventure.

Denzi smiled back, looking towards the luscious forest up ahead.

"I suppose its time we take our own paths now, what do you say brother Zi?"

"Yes. Though I warn you, the forest is not claimed to be a blood forest for no reason, don't go too far in, else there will be no saving." Denzi looked at Azlan eyes seriously, truly speaking from the heart.

Azlan snorted in reply, going forward into the forest without saying a word.

"Fair well!" Azlan said just before his figure disappeared into the maze of trees, echoing out towards Denzi.

"Very well, you too!" Denzi grinned, before following into a path opposite to his brothers.

And that was that, the start of their adventures would truly start now.


Inside of the Blood Forest, there could be seen two warriors of the Jianghu wondering their own paths. As they ventured deeper, the large tree's towered into the sky, hiding the beautiful sun and the clouds guarding it. What could be seen from the inside was just darkness everywhere, with creeps of little light escaping into the forest rarely.

There was not much wind, not many sounds, just an ominous feeling lingering around.

That was what they thought though, who knew how many monsters were hiding in their dwellings, observing the foolish humans who stepped into their territories.

Or so that's what the monsters would've thought as well naturally, instead the human that ventured into their territories was truly the unruly one. Yes, he was singing at the top of his lungs, carrying a sharp sabre whilst making way through the forest.

"The martial arts world laughs, kindness and hatred ended. People exchange blows, smiles hidden by blades." The man continued singing, laughing every now and then as if there was no one but him in the world.

"Full of righteousness, aspiration and iron character! A genuine hero is lonely, the m- Oh?" The man stopped his grand march, looking towards his left, observing nothing but the dark. His long black hair stood still, whilst the saber in his hand readied into a stance, ready to strike.

"Hmmm? Show yourself, you know it is very rude to not stop by for some drinks!" The man seemed to be speaking to nothing but darkness. But it was not as simple as that.

Sticks started cracking as the grass started whistling, clear small steps could be heard coming from the direction the young man was looking at.

Two leg- no four legs, a tail and 2 ears. Coloured orange with black stripes embedded onto its fur, its mouth was guarded with two sharp teeth that could easily stab through human limbs. It was a lion. Its eyes were glaring daggers at the man, perhaps angry that he was causing so much noise in such a quiet forest, though it was too quiet, giving a weary feeling.

The lion's mouth was dripping saliva, its body was bulging with muscles, ready to leap through the air. But most importantly, it seemed like there was a small round bulge at its belly, as if there was a ball stuck there.

"A lion… Master once told me that to kill a Lion would mean that I've truly stepped into Jianghu. Hmm, well lets see what the Jianghu has to offer!" With a creepy grin, the young man took slow steps towards the lion, showing no fear in his face. His wavy black hair danced upon his steps; it seemed as if their roles had exchanged, the hunter became the prey!

"Grahh!" The adult Lion roared in fury, it started running towards the man, taking a huge leap into the air, aiming at the man. Bang! Within the blink of an eye, the man unsheathed his sabre and clashed against its teeth, deflecting the lion off of him.

But that wasn't the end of the exchange; the man dashed towards the lion, swinging his sabre diagonally, hoping to chop off its head. Corresponding to his swing, the lion swiftly dodged to the side, just barely escaping the butchers blade.

The lion was truly angry this time, the bulging round object stuck on his belly started shining bright. Outside of his body, there was a tinge of red aura emitting from where the object was stuck in.

Surprised from this red light, the Lion jumped once again towards the man in confusion, but this time much faster than before! With a slash of its claws, the man just barely parried it in response, but was still slightly struck, causing two streaks of red blood to drip off his shoulder. A split second later, his left arm would've been resting on the floor, detached.

Smirking in response, the man quickly hid his emotions and instead became even more excited than before. He tightened his grasp around the hilt of the sword, sending a fury of attacks towards the lion.

"Sabre's Dance!" The man continued sending strikes of blade aura towards the lion, but it did nothing. The lion simply endured the strikes, walking towards the man in an increasing pace.

"Hahahah!" Opposite to the Lion's thoughts, the man simply laughed in pure joy, happy in the situation he was in! Even someone with screws loose in their head would fall into their pool of piss, scared to death.

His eyes became more focused towards the moving lion, observing its very movements as it ran head straight towards him.

Bang! The lion's mouth grabbed onto his arm, stabbing straight through with its deadly teeth. However, he swapped the blade with his other hands last second, now piercing through the Lion's chest in exchange for his arm. An auspicious decision he took, but it was worth in his eyes. An injury for an injury!

"GRAHHHH!" The lion simply let go his arm, while the blade slid out of his body. With a stab through its belly, the Lion simply couldn't fight back, so with a simple thought, he turned tail and started running for his life!

"Oh no you don't! How dare you run from this Young Master Azlan!" Azlan started chasing the wild beast, both hot on their heels.

It was quite a pitiful scene, who would've ever thought a lion would be running from a human.

Rushing through the tree's, the lion took twist and turns trying to escape from Azlan's grasp. But nothing worked, he kept chasing the lion unafraid of it completely.

Just when the Lion thought it reached the end of its line, a linger of hope rose through its heart. two men not too far from them were caught in quite a struggle, there were three monsters ganged up on the men. Taking advantage of this situation, the lion switched its running direction, heading towards the men.

Azlan seemed to notice this, hearing the roars of various different monsters erupting ahead of him in the forest.

Ah shit, he thought. It seems like I've been led to a trap!

Although the lion didn't mean to make this a trap, it pretty much was a trap.

Just as Azlan was about to completely give up on his hunt, he saw an encirclement of monsters, inside of the circle was two humans. Although Azlan was no kind saint, he simply couldn't just see two young men around his age be murdered, without even helping just a bit.

With a long sigh, Azlan gave up on his target and sneaked towards the gang of monsters.


"Brother, it seems like we've been caught in a sticky situation" One of the brothers spoke in a panicky voice.

"It seems so indeed! We've yet to make it to the Long kingdom, for what did we find this medicine for? Brother, take this medicine and make your way back home! We must not let our deaths be in vain."

"Foolish brother, we were given birth to at the same day to the same mother, of course we shall be sent to the graves at the same time too! Let's fight to the death!" The man's eyes glistened with small tears underneath the little light there was in the forest, he truly was dedicated to leave his life here for eternity.

"Ahahaa, then let us do so indeed!"

Both the men charged towards the beasts with spears, stabbing through the air. It was a futile attempt, the men simply hit nothing and returned to their spots, cornered.

Just as one of the wolf-like monsters was about to kill one of the brothers, its head fell off its shoulders, almost as if a watermelon splattered onto the ground.

Behind its dead body was a man dressed in black, his black hair was swaying down far to his back, and his long sabre was enchanted with the monsters blood. The two brothers really thought he was a man sent from the heavens to save them, with such a striking handsome appearance, who would appear in the middle of this forest?

Contrary to their thoughts, the man looked towards the brothers and pointed his blade at them.

"You fools! Why are you here? Because of you idiots, my prey escaped!" Azlan's saliva furiously rained down the two brothers, spitting down words of pure anger.


"What y-you?! Would you believe me if I said there would be no remains of your bodies if I were not here?!"

The two brother's faces heated in shame, unable to look at the man in his eyes. Of course, who wouldn't feel shame, talking back to the benefactor of their lives?