
Ruination of Power

In the vast expanse of the many realms, a lone pawn emerges, as a mere piece in an endless power-hungry struggle; akin to a cosmic chessboard between supreme powers. He emerges from a life consumed by ceaseless toil, praised as the sole purpose of his existence, and exalted as a virtuous and divinely ordained decree. Yet, beneath the endless layers of illusioned righteousness, lies a poignant irony; for as the harsh reality belies the façade of celestial existence, the truth unravels, revealing itself as a web of veils, and an amalgamation of lies, leading towards a singular purpose of existence, an existence he once fervently believed in, and was mindlessly dedicated to.... Subservience to the Angelic and the Divine! However, in his waning and final moments, as the veil of deception lifted before his eyes, he finally grasped the bitter truth: his pitiful years of existence had been nothing but a life entangled in invisible chains of mental subjugation and willful enslavement; for underneath the propriety of angelic ideals, lay an insidious labyrinth, draped in tragedy and encapsulated by the many facades of justice... woven under a unified mirage of purity and holiness. The young man, once enamored by the allure of the so-called "Heavenly" beings, now cast out of the life he once thought he needed, bore witness to a stark revelation. Peering beyond the ivory veneer of the angelic, he saw not a life of divine splendor, but rather an intricate cage of suffering and servitude. Thus, the young man who lived by the name of Lucian, now finds himself in a realm beyond his previous existence. Liberated from his previous self, the young man found himself transformed and unfettered... embracing the radically altered state of his being, driven by an insatiable desire to attain the most coveted of all treasures, POWER! His pursuit shall take him down a relentless path, where his desire for power will undergo a volatile and unfounded change. No longer content with mere accumulation, the young man seeks to bend, dismantle, and redefine the very concept of power itself, molding it to his own will! He will become the incarnate of death, chaos, and madness, if need be, to achieve his goals! No obstacle shall deter him, not even the looming presence of death itself, for if death awaits him, so be it! He has come to understand that death is but a mere fragment within the ethereal tapestry of existence. Death is nothing more than a part of the eternal cycle, which we call "Life". Thus, as Lucian descends into a life forcibly imposed upon him, an existence he once deemed impossible, he grapples with a grim revelation... Lucian no longer exists; in his stead, a pit of seething revenge and an insatiable hunger for power now dwells, feeding a gnawing void that constantly grows within him. The weight of his past reality shattered his former self, metamorphosing his soul, as he was reborn into Felrith Caelithor Sil'Avaris.... A forsaken prince, and an individual whose ambition knows no limits. Eccentric, unpredictable, witty, charming, manipulative, cruel, ruthless, loving, protective, controlling, an unstable yandere, and insane are words to describe him. Though only one word does him justice, which would be free. Felrith will seize control of his own fate, fulfilling his wishes and desires without restraint. He will do what he pleases, wherever he pleases, and whenever he pleases! Otherwise, damn the consequences... he will become, The Ruination of Power! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author's Note: After countless months of constant writing, I have finally become fairly confident in my ability. Therefore, here is ONE of my VARIOUS stories I have been wanting to write. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter Uploads: 5 - 15 a week. More Reader Interaction = More Chapters Every 100 Power Stones/10 Golden Tickets = 1 Chapter! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The cover art is not owned by me.

SpatialDevil · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Fall of a Prince [2] — Suffocating in Solitude (1)

TIME HAD FLOWN BY, as two years seamlessly melded into the cyclical nature of life, and now the long-awaited day of awakening had arrived for Felrith—bringing with it a unified sense of anticipation that enveloped the kingdom. From humble farms to bustling villages, and from vibrant cities to grand castles, the Kingdom of Sil'Avaris was poised on the delicate balance between trepidation and unbridled joy.

However, it was within the palace walls that the fervor and excitement reached its pinnacle, resonating through every chamber and corridor.

The Kingdom still vividly remembered the momentous Soul Pact ceremony that took place two years ago. The sacred ritual, which bound the new prince to four influential figures; thus, instilling hope among the common folk that such a union would bring prosperity and abundance.

As a result of the day, powerful and notable individuals, both local and from distant lands, gathered once again in the resplendent grand hall of the Sil'Avaris Kingdom.

Accordingly, whispers and murmurs reverberated through the chatty and anxious crowd, much more fervent than on the previous occasion; today's ceremony held far greater significance.

Within the Elvish tradition, when a child reached the age of six cycles, they were eligible to undergo an ancient ritual—though it was limited to those who had the necessary resources—to expedite the awakening of mana within them, rather than waiting for its natural emergence. Undoubtedly, the purpose behind this ritual was to enhance the children's training period and unlock their mana early.

Therefore, in hopes of utilizing their full potential. The ritual was aimed at molding these children who underwent through such a ritual into formidable individuals—into potential powerhouses, as expected of them.

The young prince, like his predecessors who had taken this path—or rather, forced into this ritual—was expected to become nothing less: an exceptional prodigy to be reckoned with.

Thus, he stood at the center of attention, just like he did during the previous Soul Pact ceremony. Likewise, his heart raced, and his breath quickened, mirroring the nervousness that permeated the crowd and was evident in his mother, Queen Felroria.

Her heart weighed heavily in her chest as she stood alongside her husband, King Nelerthro, and his other six queens, along with their few children.

The entire royal family had assembled, eager to witness Felrith's magical awakening unfold before their eyes. Though each member had different expectations and hopes for how the event would play out.

It was no secret that the expectations for children fortunate enough to undergo such a rare opportunity were exceedingly high, with formidable standards set for them to meet, but Felrith bore a burden unlike any other.

Not only was he a member of the royal family, but he also hailed from two of the most powerful Dark Elvish Houses; bearing a lineage that carried immense weight even for one as young as him.

Hence, this day held unparalleled importance in Felrith's life, for the fate of his magical abilities hung precariously in the balance. The outcome of this magical awakening would profoundly shape the trajectory of Felrith's entire existence.

Success would propel him towards greatness, while any sign of mediocrity would be an unbearable setback.

In a world where life was not solely defined by material possessions but also by ethereal forces, magic held paramount significance.

No, it was everything.

And so, the same could be said about an Elf's awakening…

As such, the time had come...

- - - - -

NOW AT THE—awakening—age of merely six years old, Felrith had grown slightly both in size and intelligence, as any child naturally would. His personality, however, remained mostly unchanged; he still relished solving puzzles, detested his various classes which he often found 'boring' or 'pointless', and much preferred spending time playing with his butler, whom he referred to as 'Old Man'.

Although, despite these typical childish quirks, Felrith was not oblivious to his so-called 'duty' and the immensity that came with being a prince…

With these exact thoughts swirling in his mind, Felrith found himself standing in the center of the grand hall, adorned in his finest attire—a silken robe-like suit of a deep obsidian hue—struggling to put on a brave face.

His nerves were unmistakably evident in the trembling of his hands and the flickering uncertainty in his eyes. You see, in stark contrast to the Soul Pact ceremony held before, where attendees were limited to those directly related to the previous event, this occasion held no such guidelines, and thus attracted a far larger audience.

People from within the kingdom and even spying eyes from neighboring and distant lands filled the hall to the brim. The overwhelming presence of this massive crowd only heightened Felrith's apprehension, and the atmosphere nearly suffocated him.

Low murmurs and whispers of the crowd flitted across his ears like restless winds, adding to his existing dread and anxiety, which clung onto him like essential companions on this momentous day.

However, as he crossed the hall's black marbled flooring to the raised dais, Felrith realized that the most significant pressure he felt wasn't coming from any external source. Instead, it came from his own internal expectations.

Despite his attempts to avoid dwelling on it until this moment, he knew he had to measure up to a standard few achieved. The weight of the situation rested on his young shoulders. Felrith knew he needed to showcase an extraordinary display of magical prowess or demonstrate his potential for a remarkable future.

The burden of such a responsibility weighed heavily on him as he took his place at the center of the raised dais; in his case, on the main stage—the crowd whispering louder and looking around at him with apparent interest.

Meanwhile, Felrith's gaze avoided them and remained fixed on a familiar group of faces—the esteemed Grandmasters who taught at the Royal Academy—as they set up the ceremony.

Hovering runic symbols, bathed in an ethereal shade that effortlessly shifted from blue to black and even to purple, gracefully swirled around the black-marbled platform on which Felrith stood. These delicate yet powerful symbols exuded an otherworldly presence that seemed to require the utmost respect.

And as the ceremony unfolded in the next minute, the runes slowed their swaying dance and contracted inward; forming a mesmerizing circular ring—made up of vibrant colors, pulsing and throbbing—around Felrith's feet.

And gradually, as they slowed, the runes descended upon the obsidian flooring with a sudden *SWOOSH,* imprinting their intricate patterns in a chalky-blue glow visible to all present.

As young Felrith observed the intricate display unfolding before him, he couldn't help but feel a nervous lump forming in his throat. He understood that this awakening ritual would unlock any dormant mana within him.

However, it also came with the undeniable truth about his magical abilities—it would be openly displayed for all to see.

The prospect of having his capabilities laid bare, for better or worse, added to his anxiety, making him painfully aware of the weight of expectations resting upon his small shoulders...

In fact, there was a peculiar connection between awakening one's mana and gaining access to something integral in the various realms—The Index. This enigmatic aspect of magic serves as a representation of a person's power and prowess, effectively encapsulating their 'status' within the many realms.

And while the Index still remains a mystery to those who ardently study magic, it is best estimated to be an amalgamation of remnant power left behind by the ancient Primordials and the Divine before their departure or extinction. Additionally, according to the royal scholars, Felrith's teachers, it also acted as a guiding path towards increasing one's power and reaching one's destiny.

Upon awakening, The Index would reveal certain requirements, as well as present various tasks, referred to as 'Quests,' aimed at guiding the individual towards the realization of their true potential.

Again, speculations were all the many realms had... but The Index was reputed to be a neutral entity, offering fair opportunities to each individual, devoid of bias.

The Index was also said to have been created by an amalgamation of diverse entities and powers that had been compelled to merge into one during the cataclysmic event known as the late apocalypse. This was otherwise known as the 'Dawn of Deities,' or in some instances, 'The Fall of the Primordials.'

Consequently, ever since its birth and the introduction of once-a-rare-phenomenon, but now an acclaimed and thought-to-be-indispensable system, historians and scholars extensively studied The Index; eventually, reaching a consensus that The Index operated with checks and balances, guided by certain unbreakable principles akin to the laws of nature themselves.

However, none of that was relevant at the moment...

At least not to the young prince who stood before the watchful gaze of thousands of eyes. All the information he had learned from his teachers, the Royal Scholars, led to a singular thought and emotion—helplessness.

Felrith, replaying the facts he knew about The Index, knew he could not evade the impending scrutiny of countless onlookers. Frustration and anger surged within him, directed towards whoever or whatever had devised this seemingly burdensome and quite frankly stupid Index!

In that brief moment of childish anger, Felrith's emotions briefly flared, though as fast as they came, they left. Subsiding with an overwhelming resignation, he watched the Grandmasters declare the completion of their preparations.

"Your Majesty, the preparations are complete," they announced solemnly, their words echoing through the grand hall.

As the head Grandmaster's words reverberated through the vaulted chamber, settling into a thickened silence, Felrith's mind was consumed with a single thought:

'There's nothing I can do…'

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