
Ruination of Power

In the vast expanse of the many realms, a lone pawn emerges, as a mere piece in an endless power-hungry struggle; akin to a cosmic chessboard between supreme powers. He emerges from a life consumed by ceaseless toil, praised as the sole purpose of his existence, and exalted as a virtuous and divinely ordained decree. Yet, beneath the endless layers of illusioned righteousness, lies a poignant irony; for as the harsh reality belies the façade of celestial existence, the truth unravels, revealing itself as a web of veils, and an amalgamation of lies, leading towards a singular purpose of existence, an existence he once fervently believed in, and was mindlessly dedicated to.... Subservience to the Angelic and the Divine! However, in his waning and final moments, as the veil of deception lifted before his eyes, he finally grasped the bitter truth: his pitiful years of existence had been nothing but a life entangled in invisible chains of mental subjugation and willful enslavement; for underneath the propriety of angelic ideals, lay an insidious labyrinth, draped in tragedy and encapsulated by the many facades of justice... woven under a unified mirage of purity and holiness. The young man, once enamored by the allure of the so-called "Heavenly" beings, now cast out of the life he once thought he needed, bore witness to a stark revelation. Peering beyond the ivory veneer of the angelic, he saw not a life of divine splendor, but rather an intricate cage of suffering and servitude. Thus, the young man who lived by the name of Lucian, now finds himself in a realm beyond his previous existence. Liberated from his previous self, the young man found himself transformed and unfettered... embracing the radically altered state of his being, driven by an insatiable desire to attain the most coveted of all treasures, POWER! His pursuit shall take him down a relentless path, where his desire for power will undergo a volatile and unfounded change. No longer content with mere accumulation, the young man seeks to bend, dismantle, and redefine the very concept of power itself, molding it to his own will! He will become the incarnate of death, chaos, and madness, if need be, to achieve his goals! No obstacle shall deter him, not even the looming presence of death itself, for if death awaits him, so be it! He has come to understand that death is but a mere fragment within the ethereal tapestry of existence. Death is nothing more than a part of the eternal cycle, which we call "Life". Thus, as Lucian descends into a life forcibly imposed upon him, an existence he once deemed impossible, he grapples with a grim revelation... Lucian no longer exists; in his stead, a pit of seething revenge and an insatiable hunger for power now dwells, feeding a gnawing void that constantly grows within him. The weight of his past reality shattered his former self, metamorphosing his soul, as he was reborn into Felrith Caelithor Sil'Avaris.... A forsaken prince, and an individual whose ambition knows no limits. Eccentric, unpredictable, witty, charming, manipulative, cruel, ruthless, loving, protective, controlling, an unstable yandere, and insane are words to describe him. Though only one word does him justice, which would be free. Felrith will seize control of his own fate, fulfilling his wishes and desires without restraint. He will do what he pleases, wherever he pleases, and whenever he pleases! Otherwise, damn the consequences... he will become, The Ruination of Power! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author's Note: After countless months of constant writing, I have finally become fairly confident in my ability. Therefore, here is ONE of my VARIOUS stories I have been wanting to write. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter Uploads: 5 - 15 a week. More Reader Interaction = More Chapters Every 100 Power Stones/10 Golden Tickets = 1 Chapter! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The cover art is not owned by me.

SpatialDevil · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Birth of a Prince

A HOLLOWED SILENCE fell like a gentle mist, blanketing the Sil'Avaris Kingdom, particularly the capital and the palace grounds. With a thickened silence and a cool breeze that rustled the vibrant purple and pink-leaved vegetation, whispers traveled from ear to ear and mouth to mouth, accompanied by the faint scent of blooming jasmine in the air.

Wispy clouds, full of fluffy volume, coasted the eternal starry skies. As did the twin moons, mysterious and bewitching, adorning the night sky. Currently in the cycle of 'night', the second moon emerged behind a wispy veil of clouds.

Bathed in its soft but radiant luminescence, the lands of Drak'Moria glistened with liquid silvery stardust as the cascading beams shone down upon all. The palace grounds, grand as they were, were not exempt from such beauty, as the moon's enigmatic tendrils caressed the curtains of various rooms.

One such room exuded an aura different from the rest, for the silvery moon seeped through diaphanous curtains that swayed like ghostly dancers in regal grace, casting an otherworldly glow upon the splendid tapestries within.

The opulence of the chamber was awe-inspiring, with vaulted ceilings gilded with adorned gems and gold, reflecting the moon's ethereal light. Paintings and sculptures beyond value littered the rest of the space, accompanied by the bustle of various handmaidens.

The palpable excitement and anticipation in the room mirrored that of the rest of the kingdom; the air resonated with jubilation. This eve heralded the birth of a new scion, and a potential heir to the throne!

At the window, illuminating the attractive yet elderly appearance of a tall silhouette, stood a butler—a sage-like figure steeped in ancestral knowledge, his greenish-blue eyes hinting at unfounded excitement.

He was a venerable figure etched with loyalty. However, unlike the handmaidens and everyone else in the kingdom, his loyalty did not lie with the throne and the crown in particular. Even so, he was associated by extension.

His sole loyalty remained with the babe in the enchanting Dark Elf, who clung to dear life as she screamed in pain yet underlined with anticipation and maternal love.

He perceived it all; through the hours of her birth, he remained vigilant, a potent mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through him. He knew that this night marked the inception of something grand.

Thus, he turned towards the center of the chamber, where the enchanting, gray-skinned queen—a figure with a gentle but powerful demeanor—reclined upon a plush bed adorned with purple and silver.

Her handmaidens flanked her on all sides, whispering soothing words and tending to her every need. The young heir's impending arrival was eagerly awaited, though the joyous atmosphere was tinged with an undercurrent of uncertainty.

The queen's pregnancy had not been without complications, and with birth rates so low for immortals like themselves—Dark Elves—the King and the entire Kingdom were hoping and praying for the baby to be a male.

Although the butler and his mother couldn't care less, they knew the trajectory of not only the kingdom but also their lives rested on the gender of the child; archaic as it is, in this time of turmoil, marriages needed to be formed, and alliances needed to be secured.

Thus, he watched on in trepidation as the birth unfolded.

"Is everything prepared, Helen?" Queen Felroria hesitantly inquired, her voice barely above a murmur, directed at her most trusted handmaiden, before her groans of pain overtook the room again.

"Yes, your Majesty," Helene replied with a reassuring smile, her eyes gleaming with pride and admiration for the queen. "Everything is in place, and we are ready for the prince… the heir's arrival."

The butler observed the exchange with nervousness and relief. Helen's presence greatly soothed him, as she was very adept at healing, for her cultivation path focused on that. Leaving him with a respite, knowing she would do everything in her power to ensure a smooth and safe delivery.

- - - - -

THE HOURS PASSED as the room seemed to hold its breath, awash with groans of pain and anticipation mounting with each passing minute. The queen's soft gasps filled the chamber, her yells growing louder with each attempt, "A-H-H-H-Ahhh!"

The butler felt a tightening in his chest, praying fervently that this was it, and that both the mother and child were in good health. And then, as the first rays of the green-hued moon painted the horizon—indicating their version of a dim-lit dawn and darkened day cycle—a cry pierced the thickened silence, filling the chamber with the sweet sound of new life.

The queen's handmaiden held up the bloodied child, quickly cleaning him up, swaddling the bundle, and then handing the child back to her queen; tears pooled under her eyes. "It's a boy, your Majesty," the handmaiden announced, her voice trembling with emotion, reciprocated in sighs and joyous chuckles by the others in the room.

The Queen smiled, her face radiant with motherly affection, as she cradled her newborn son. The butler's heart swelled with pride and happiness, witnessing this moment of love and devotion; a moment that would chart the rest of his immortal life.

"Welcome, my son," the queen whispered tenderly, pressing a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead. "You are a gift from Drak'Moria itself." The queen then turned to the butler with a widened smile before the baby cried out for nourishment, which she happily obliged to.

The butler, turning to leave and give privacy to his queen and his prince, was stopped by her soft words, "Lath'Or." He turned around with the call of his name, raising his eyebrow in confusion, which elicited a chuckle from her before she murmured her next words, knowing only he could hear...

With a wide smile upon his face as he walked out of the room, Lath'Or closed the door gently behind him. He did so, while replaying the words she had spoken to him many times over.

"Felrith, eh?" he whispered to himself, grinning at the good choice of name picked by his queen.

- - - - -

AS THE DAY BROKE, the palace was abuzz with the news of the prince's birth. Lath'Or watched from the sidelines as the royal court celebrated, but deep within him, a sense of concern gnawed at his heart. He knew that the prince's journey would be anything but easy, for the child bore the weight of the kingdom's expectations, and even more heavily, his father's, upon his tiny shoulders.

In the years to come, the young prince would face trials that would test his spirit and soul, and it was Lath'Or's duty to stand by his side, guiding him along the path to find his place.

Little did he know that this newborn prince would be more than anyone could have imagined, for both the right and wrong reasons.

Unbeknownst to him, the young prince would one day awaken to a journey of self-discovery, loss, redemption, and love.

And little did he realize that from birth, he had been assigned to watch over one of The Fallen... But for now, as the palace and kingdom rejoiced in the birth of its prince, the future remained shrouded in uncertainty and possibility.

Thus, the butler remained joyous and gleeful at the prince's healthy and successful birth, as was the kingdom.

For now, at least...

- - - - -












A/N: I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the readers who have journeyed with me thus far. As the creator, I must admit that the outcome of this book remains uncertain–it might continue to be available freely or, should it gain significant popularity, I might explore the possibility of signing a contract. Regardless, what I am certain of is the sheer joy I experience while crafting this book and how it continually refines my writing skills.

With that being said, I want to take a moment to give a special shoutout to everyone who has reached this point in the story, and in particular, I want to express my gratitude to AbyssalHunger for their unwavering support throughout my journey as a writer.

To all of you, I wish nothing but the best! Welcome to my tale, where I offer my unique spin on the beloved themes we all cherish!

- Spatial Devil, The Author.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Like it ? Add to library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. LET THE STORY BEGIN!

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