
Ruin's Embrace: The Darkened Legacy

SABEEER/KURT WILSON/JOE ANAVRIN In a dark and twisted world, the protagonist emerges into existence in a tragic manner. His birth was nothing but a horrifying mistake, born into the midst of darkness and evil. Malevolent traits dominate his face, devoid of any mercy. The person closest to him, who should have been his sole refuge in this dark world, departed before the hero could know their love and support. Despair engulfs his dark heart and tempts him with vengeance. Then, the terrifying event occurs as he encounters a deranged individual who unexpectedly gains extraordinary power. Madness and violence manipulate his mind, further amplifying his corrupt strength. He transforms into a cold-blooded mercenary, treading a path that is dark, blood-soaked, and filled with murder and war. Relentlessly, he moves forward, carving his way through destruction and chaos, killing and ravaging in his insatiable rage for revenge. Fates intertwine in a series of horrifying events, as the hero begins to spill blood, spreading panic and terror wherever he goes. Humans await in fear and dread the arrival of the embodiment of evil, prepared to witness the destruction of everything in his path. This is the beginning of the dark ending that promises complete devastation and utter ruin! In this novel, darkness manifests in its worst forms, and evil dominates the heart of its dark protagonist. He ravages souls and instills fear in everyone. Nightmares become reality, and justice transforms into an illusion.

kurt_wilson · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The Inner Domain


Name: York Mazino

Level: M5 from the Origin Core World

Experience: 000 650 / 000 30

System Points: 0

Skills: Thunder Emperor (9/3), Dragon of Flames (9/9)

Title: None

This is a terrible feeling, having 0 system points. I am the poorest person in the world.

Luckily, I reached level nine in the Dragon of Flames skill. It's somewhat satisfying. "Let's get out of this place first. Do you have any idea where we should go?"

I turned to Borus and asked him because he knows this place better than I do. Well, it seems I'll be accompanied by a monster, at least better than some humans. Hahaha.

"Oh, Captain, it seems you don't know what we did, or rather what you did because I didn't help much."

"Hmm, what are you talking about, damn it... Was this forest special or something? It will attract a lot of attention. Ah, well, as if I care."

"This forest is called the Dark Forest for a reason. The strongest demonic beast in the entire empire lives here."

What? Is there still a monster stronger than the Hell Lion here, or what? But the system didn't tell me anything. What is happening here? And while I'm thinking about it, Borus continues his words, saying, "Congratulations, Captain, you are now the strongest person in the empire..."

What nonsense. I know this is just a weak-level empire, but I didn't expect it to be this weak. Oh well, regardless, let's get out of here first.

"I said I'm the strongest person here now. What did you mean by that??"

"Oh, Captain, the Emperor is a level one warrior from the Sky World. The King of the Forest was much stronger than him. The gap between each level is significant, even though they are in the same world."

So, no wonder this forest is devoid of humans. Damn it, where is their sense of adventure? This empire doesn't deserve the name of a Knight's Empire.

"System, show me the map."

A black screen appeared before me, displaying a map with many detailed features about this continent. It's a blessing to know the exact details of your location. I don't want to waste my time with nonsense.

I will devise a meticulous plan so that I don't deviate from my main goal amidst all this nonsense.

"All right, Borus. Guard the place for a moment; I'll try to do something."

I'm not quite confident in Borus. All I know is that he is weaker than me, even if he dared to attack me suddenly, he wouldn't be able to do much.

Well, it's time to explore the Inner Domain. I sat cross-legged in a contemplative position and tried to send my consciousness into the domain, but I couldn't enter. What nonsense is this? Didn't the system say that the first level of the domain has been unlocked? Then why can't I enter?


"Although the domain is linked to the host's body, it is also independent at the same time. This means that the host must transfer their entire body into the domain, not just their consciousness."

Damn it, is it an independent world or something? This system never ceases to surprise me. "Do you want to enter the domain?"

Confirmation - Rejection

Upon entering, a dark aura immediately enveloped my body, and I vanished from my location. It was as if I had suddenly entered a state of unconsciousness. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't close them again. Curse this! What I saw was unimaginable. I found myself sitting on a floating throne in the sky, with three paths laid out before me. Each path led to something resembling an island, but larger than any island I had ever seen, and at the same time smaller than what could be called a continent.

I turned around and discovered a dense barrier of darkness enclosing everything, uniting this small world in a circle. A system sign appeared before me to explain the situation, as usual:

'Welcome to the First Domain'

The domain is divided into three parts:

The first part is dedicated to the host and their allies (clan, tribe, empire, etc.), according to their desired establishment.

he second part is the training ground, starting from the first level: 'Hell of Hells,' consisting of 99 training towers.

The third part is dedicated to resources. This world possesses abundant energy from the sky and the earth, surpassing even the continent in abundance. Training speed will increase when the host possesses energy-specific techniques.

Other parts of the domain will be revealed as the host reaches the required level."

Damn it! I can't believe this. I'm beginning to regret my attempt to escape from this system. Can something like this really exist?

Very well, I chose to first head towards the third part. It seemed somewhat peculiar.

Damn it! When did anything in my life make sense? This island resembles one of the fairy forests, with numerous giant trees. Damn it! It's incredibly gigantic, appearing like a bug compared to this island. The island is so large that one could almost call it a continent. And as soon as I set foot on the island, a skeletal structure materialized before me, seemingly out of nowhere. You probably think it scared me to death, hahaha! Do you think I'm someone worthy of pity, or what? As soon as this thing appeared before me, it seemed like it was trying to kneel or something, but my kick had already reached its chest and exploded in the air...

In that moment, my mind went blank. Isn't this my inner domain? What is this moving skeletal structure doing here????

Suddenly, the bones started assembling themselves until the structure stood completely still once again. But I watched everything calmly, prepared to engage in battle at any moment. However, what surprised me was its ability to regenerate. I have no guarantee of victory in a direct fight against this thing, not to mention that I can't even determine its power level.

The situation is becoming increasingly strange...

Suddenly, the skeletal structure started advancing towards me once again, but this time I didn't do anything. I was certain that it didn't intend to fight. A crimson flame appeared in its eye sockets and began to burn, making the atmosphere incredibly heavy. I started feeling a terrible sensation, but suddenly, the structure knelt on one knee in a manner reminiscent of medieval nobles.

I smiled because I realized that from its perspective, it considers me the king here.

A gaze of respect and complete reverence. All I can see in its eyes is utmost respect and reverence. Well, it seems like it would feel good, but I don't like it. There should also be a gaze of fear.

Even if people respect you and hold you in high regard, without fear, someone will eventually turn against you, sooner or later.

Suddenly, a harsh voice emanated from this structure, a voice that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

I don't know what this thing used to do when it was alive, but it seems to have claimed a lot of blood and souls with its own hands.

Damn it! I don't like this type of person, hahaha!

"Acroos welcomes the arrival of the king."