
Ruin's Embrace: The Darkened Legacy

SABEEER/KURT WILSON/JOE ANAVRIN In a dark and twisted world, the protagonist emerges into existence in a tragic manner. His birth was nothing but a horrifying mistake, born into the midst of darkness and evil. Malevolent traits dominate his face, devoid of any mercy. The person closest to him, who should have been his sole refuge in this dark world, departed before the hero could know their love and support. Despair engulfs his dark heart and tempts him with vengeance. Then, the terrifying event occurs as he encounters a deranged individual who unexpectedly gains extraordinary power. Madness and violence manipulate his mind, further amplifying his corrupt strength. He transforms into a cold-blooded mercenary, treading a path that is dark, blood-soaked, and filled with murder and war. Relentlessly, he moves forward, carving his way through destruction and chaos, killing and ravaging in his insatiable rage for revenge. Fates intertwine in a series of horrifying events, as the hero begins to spill blood, spreading panic and terror wherever he goes. Humans await in fear and dread the arrival of the embodiment of evil, prepared to witness the destruction of everything in his path. This is the beginning of the dark ending that promises complete devastation and utter ruin! In this novel, darkness manifests in its worst forms, and evil dominates the heart of its dark protagonist. He ravages souls and instills fear in everyone. Nightmares become reality, and justice transforms into an illusion.

kurt_wilson · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Potentia Surge

Immediately after selecting the level-up option, I began to feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins. This sensation is truly remarkable and comforting, as if I have ascended to a whole new world.

Your level has increased.

Your level has increased.

And suddenly, a purple aura began to surround my body. What is this? "The host has entered the world of Chi" Ah, so this world above the world of principles is called the world of Chi. Very well, Chi is the spiritual energy used by warriors in this world. It seems that the world of principles must be the world of Shinsoo.

! My level has risen to the fifth level of the world of Chi. This is incredibly fast. According to the memories of this body, we are in the Kingdom of Biro, which belongs to the first-level Empire of Knights. Well, that doesn't matter. Empires are classified according to strength, ranging from the weakest Rank 1 to the strongest Rank 9. Damn it! What luck! I am only from a mere Rank 1 Empire, and the family is just a pair of eyes. Curse these memories of this body! This kingdom is considered somewhat important. Since it is under attack, I suppose the Emperor's army will come to help. Why not send them a message?

Not just for them, but for the whole world. Ha-ha-ha-ha! This kingdom has around 50,000 inhabitants, and a real massacre has begun in the world of Chi. Killing these ordinary people is just a piece of meat. And on top of a distant mountain, about 5 kilometers away, an old man noticed something and quickly ordered the guard next to him, "Quickly organize the army! There is something strange happening in the Kingdom of Biro We must move as fast as possible."

The old man was one of the ancient generals of the empire tasked with protecting the kingdom, but he felt that something was amiss.

Meanwhile, the dragons of flames spread in all directions, screams filled the air, houses were in ruins, and fires were everywhere. No one has any idea why the young king is attacking the kingdom's inhabitants. The situation continued for a few hours before silence fell. All that could be seen was a young man of about 15 years old, collecting the heads of the dead in a strange manner.

He used his power to manipulate the flames, using the heads of soldiers and civilians to link them together with chains. He lifted the chain of heads into the sky and reduced the flame intensity so that the heads would not burn to ashes. Then, he formed an illuminating formation that wrote in the center with the corpses,

"O continent... Welcome the arrival of the Agaki Clan. Personally, Commander York Mazino."

The next morning, the Emperor's army arrived, their legs trembling at the sight. What happened here, for hell's sake? The old man fell to his feet out of fear. He was afraid of the person known as Mazino and, at the same time, afraid of the Emperor because he couldn't protect the kingdom. Suddenly, a soldier screamed, 'My lord, we found the bodies of the Blackbird Empire's army. Nearly 2,000 of their soldiers have been eliminated here. The enemy is also dead. What is happening here?

The old man's mind was scattered until he arrived at something. He shouted, "A third party! The Agaki Clan has intervened here. Damn it! I've never heard of this strange name before."


The old man gave orders, and the army of 10,000 knights returned to the capital of the empire, their expressions resembling a child witnessing a murder for the first time in their lives. News of the massacre in Biro spread like wildfire throughout the empire, along with the name York Mazino.

Meanwhile, Mazino found himself deep in the forest teeming with demonic creatures. To him, anything living and moving in this forest was nothing more than experience points to level up. He suddenly noticed several messages from the system that he had ignored while committing the massacre in Biro.

"The host has reached the Chi world. The system can level up to the second level for free."

The host achieved a complete breakthrough in a whole world and received a gift package.

It seems that he receives gifts with every major breakthrough, such as transitioning from the world of principles to the world of Chi.

'Open the gifts.' York didn't expect much, but he was shocked by what he received. His mouth almost dropped to the ground.

Gift 1: Thunder Emperor Skill

Gift 2: Comprehensive Map of the Continent

Gift 3: 10,000 System Points

The process didn't stop there due to the system's evolution. 'The seal on Domain 1 has been lifted.' York didn't know what was happening and asked the system for a specific answer.

'Domain 1 is a world connected to the host's body. A large independent world. The host can enter and gain privileges in the unsealed domain.'

Damn it! A special world directly linked to this. Mazino realized that there was something strange about the system. It can access many different domains, each with unique properties, including numerous skills, medical prescriptions, bloodline strains, and weapons. If someone learns about this, they could use the system to traverse between worlds. And of course, Mazino knows that there are countless worlds, judging from his conversation with the old man about the system.

In conclusion, he must quickly and cleverly increase his strength because he doesn't know who the enemy or friend is.

Haha! Friend? I said that just to complete the proverb. Hahaha! Someone like me doesn't have friends. Be cautious, for you might get a rod in your ass at any moment if you lower your defense

He transformed into the Thunder Emperor skill. The name sounded awe-inspiring, but its description was mysterious.

What in the world is this? Is it higher than the rank of the heavens or what?

The Thunder Emperor is a comprehensive skill from ancient times that includes defense by enveloping the body in a thunderous shield, speed, and attack. Thunder is considered one of the most violent natural elements.

Side skills:

Thunder Shield: Defense

Thunder Spears: Attack

Thunderbolt: Speed

Damn it, this skill is something else entirely! York was very happy and wanted to test his newfound skills. Immediately after that, he transformed into a crimson lightning bolt and disappeared from his location, colliding with numerous trees, causing destruction in a straight line that extended over a kilometer before his body came to a stop, covered in wounds, and blood oozing from his pores.

Damn it, I almost killed myself. He couldn't adapt to his special speed, which caused this catastrophe. Hahaha! How foolish! Mazino knew that he was weak compared to individuals from great clans or other worlds. Therefore, he began a hellish training to accumulate system points in order to acquire valuable items.

He preferred obtaining something powerful to use even in the distant future rather than wasting his points on weak things that he would replace sooner or later.

And thus, the first training journey began in the Dark North Forest."