
Ruin's Embrace: The Darkened Legacy

SABEEER/KURT WILSON/JOE ANAVRIN In a dark and twisted world, the protagonist emerges into existence in a tragic manner. His birth was nothing but a horrifying mistake, born into the midst of darkness and evil. Malevolent traits dominate his face, devoid of any mercy. The person closest to him, who should have been his sole refuge in this dark world, departed before the hero could know their love and support. Despair engulfs his dark heart and tempts him with vengeance. Then, the terrifying event occurs as he encounters a deranged individual who unexpectedly gains extraordinary power. Madness and violence manipulate his mind, further amplifying his corrupt strength. He transforms into a cold-blooded mercenary, treading a path that is dark, blood-soaked, and filled with murder and war. Relentlessly, he moves forward, carving his way through destruction and chaos, killing and ravaging in his insatiable rage for revenge. Fates intertwine in a series of horrifying events, as the hero begins to spill blood, spreading panic and terror wherever he goes. Humans await in fear and dread the arrival of the embodiment of evil, prepared to witness the destruction of everything in his path. This is the beginning of the dark ending that promises complete devastation and utter ruin! In this novel, darkness manifests in its worst forms, and evil dominates the heart of its dark protagonist. He ravages souls and instills fear in everyone. Nightmares become reality, and justice transforms into an illusion.

kurt_wilson · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A Strange Encounter

Name: York Mazino

Level: M1 from the Origin Essence World

Experience: 000 500 / 000 300

System Points: 000 500

Skills: Level 6/9 Flame Dragon L

evel 2/9 Thunder Emperor

Title: None

Damn, it's been over two weeks since the killing. At this moment, there was a young man who appeared to be around 15 years old

eating the grilled meat of a monster. But the strange thing was that there were numerous monster corpses, blood, and organs all around him. It was a disgusting and gruesome sight, yet the young man seemed to be enjoying his meal.

In a somewhat distant corner, there was a bird observing this young man with interest. Despite being far away, it was noticed by the system. Hahaha, while I was eating the delicious roasted bull meat, the system sensed something strange. I had been observed by a bird before, hahaha, what nonsense. It's one of the system's features. The long-range sensing ability is powerful for me right now. Of course, I can sense about 2 kilometers around me due to my training in the Origin Essence World. But the system can sense 5 kilometers. Hahaha, and the strange thing is its ability to analyze targets like this stupid bird.

The system discovered that it was a transformed being observing me. This means it's either a human or a creature using the abilities of the Transformed.

I haven't encountered any Transformed before, so I'll play with it a little.

Meanwhile, a sudden mission came from the system.

"Kill the King of the Forest and his minions. Rewards: 000 100 system points Plus a mysterious gift."

Damn, the system's nonsense again. Honestly, I didn't care about this mission because since the day I entered this forest, I decided to kill all the animals here.

The problem is that training the King of the Forest, the Hell Lion, is higher than me in an entire world. He is at the fourth level of the Sky World. And that's already a problem because those in the Sky World can fly. Ah, flying, it makes you feel free. Yet, I prefer falling. Free falling, I used to do it a lot on planet Earth, hahaha. Of course, I can stay in the air for some time using my lightning abilities, but it's not considered flying.

I stopped and began my usual work: searching for monsters and killing them to gain experience points and system points. But there's something strange today. I suddenly discovered that this bird is still here. The strange thing is that it hasn't returned to its original form even after all this time.

Transformation requires a lot of essence energy. So does this mean that this bird has high-level training? Well, I decided to analyze its characteristics to find out what's happening.


Name: Borus

Level: M1 from the Origin Essence World

Species: Celestial Beast

A Celestial Beast, huh? Interesting, this damn thing has some speeches. A lightning strike crackled, and the distance between us was covered quickly. It appeared directly in front of him. It took some time, but his features turned into shock. It was hilarious, imagining a small bird with a shocked human expression. Hahaha, I couldn't hold back my laughter and burst into hysterical laughter in front of the bird.

Suddenly, it transformed into a human form. It was a 16-year-old boy with a large build, carrying a sword on his shoulder. He looked like one of the heroes from Chinese movies. He spoke to me directly, "So, you're the reason I woke up from my sleep."

What is this fool talking about?

Was he sleeping in some cave or what?

My hand slowly approached his face until I held his entire face in my hands and whispered in his ear, "You damn bastard, peeping is a bad thing. Aren't you afraid I'll gouge out your eyes?"

The boy became pale, but he wasn't scared.

Hahahaha, I started laughing again. This damn guy's body is afraid, but he himself is not afraid. Quite intriguing.

He raised his head and said, "Do you need help in the upcoming battle?"

Yeah, what battle? What is this idiot talking about?

Suddenly, the system's voice rang in my head.

'There is a monster rampage due to an unknown reason.'

I told him, 'What do you think of a challenge? You and me. If I kill more monsters than you, I won't kill you.

And vice versa, if you kill more than me, I'll forgive you. I don't mind eating humans...'

He is quite intriguing, with very strong instincts.

He stood still, but he knew he wouldn't be able to defeat me in a fight, and strangely, he didn't even try to escape. He immediately headed to the forest and started killing monsters. That got me excited. But no matter what, he was stealing my experience points. So, I also headed to the forest. There was a horde of monsters there, and while Borus was preparing to execute a powerful skill, thunder exploded in the sky with a loud noise. It was so intense that it made some monsters stop moving out of fear. I stood there in the sky, feeling like I was the ruler of everything. I raised my hands to the sky, and numerous interwoven lightning spears appeared. The thunderclap echoed throughout the forest.

Damn your mothers, you animals. You're just experience points.


The sky burst with thunder, and the roar of the monsters. Many monsters were annihilated with a single attack, and I charged at them again. A giant vortex of energy formed in my hand.

It contained both the elements of lightning and fire, emitting intense heat and violent pressure.

This was the weapon I was shaping from my own energy, but it was still incomplete. In fact, it was significantly lacking. I aspire to use all five elements and merge them together to form my own weapon. I can't wait until it's finished.

But for now, what matters is the experience points. I started killing monsters with Borus while we were in competition. As time passed, we started talking more. Despite his instincts being scared, he spoke normally.

What's astonishing is that this person loves killing to a great extent. He's wanted throughout the entire empire.

When I learned about this, I knew I would have a fun time. That's why I thought about making him one of my subordinates.

At that moment, the King of the Forest finally appeared with his own army: many wolves, tigers, and lions.

I looked at Borus and found him giving me a strange look.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me and said, "The King of Prey is incredibly powerful. I can't determine his level of strength. How will we fight him?"

It seems Borus possesses remarkable instincts indeed. And here, I recalled the Sky Beast lineage.

I looked at him and said, "Why can you transform for a long time?" He was shocked by the question and sighed in the end.

"I don't know"

hought he was lying and trying to hide his own secret, but who cares? I wanted to scare him a little and said, "The King of the Forest is at level four in the Sky Realm."

I smiled broadly as I looked at Borus and observed his reaction. In the end, my expectations were disappointed, but what Borus said shocked me. It seems he's not a fool, at least.

I hate being surrounded by useless people. If you don't have an important role, I'll rip out your heart myself.

"From your calmness, I believe you can kill the King of the Jungle.

Oh, Commander, leave the subordinates to me; I'll deal with them."

"Damn it, when did you become a commander? Hahaha, are you trying to escape death?"

He looked at me and started laughing. "Oh, Commander, I don't know you, but I can understand you. By hell, you're the first person I've talked to like this. I feel like we'll cause a lot of havoc together."

"Oh, damn you, now you're trying to benefit from me. It seems you're tired of living, H H H H."

I let out a wicked laugh as I looked at him. It's not like I'm forced to kill him because he seems to understand me.

Besides, I was thinking about gathering my own clan that will shatter everything, the 'Akagi' clan."