
Rudy the Spirit Eater

Throughout the history of humanity in this world, human lives alongside spirits and monsters. Humans and Spirit, together create a perfect balance making the human stronger than ever, while monsters are an anomaly. A human that merges their soul with the spirit is called a Seeker. As time goes by, humans learn that these monsters in their respective regions contained minerals that can strengthen the seeker's power. In 3045, Rudy Halim, an 18-year-old ordinary boy who lives with his family and is struggling economically needed quick cash, He falls to an ad on the internet that's searching for a lab rat voluntarily. His father is a gambler while his mother executed after committed a severe crime. His only drive to keep living in this hell-like life is his sister. Rudy just gritted his teeth while letting the 'Scientist' do anything to his body, with his sister on his mind, he endures and preserves. Little did he know, the experiment will become one of the best things that ever happened in his life. Watch as Rudy grows stronger to protect his sister and the turning events that will befall him. ------- I do not own this cover, if the maker wants me to take it down please email me at mrboogey13@gmail.com

Mrboogey13 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Experiment

The police department is doing their usual work, some of the police brew themselves a coffee and some are eating their donuts on their desks.

This night is the same as any other night when suddenly


"This is the police department, what is your situation?" a monotone woman voice greeted from the hotline.

A man's voice replied to the police "Halo? Uh yes, my girlfriend, she was...I don't know she sounds okay just a minute ago but suddenly she started... she started.." The man started to stutter.

"Sir please calm down, What happened to your girlfriend?"

The man on the phone took a deep breath to calm himself down, "My girlfriend just got out of work and on the way home, she's fine but suddenly she started to get scared and there is a noise. I heard a munching sound...then it's all silence"

"Where is the location of the scene?" asked the police.

"I live near District V Area 1, so she must be near my place" replied the man.

The night tragedy has come to the ears of the police.

The police are fast-responding.

"Shinta, bring three units and one elite unit with you and search the District V Area 1. There is a chance that there is a murder in that area, from the information we are suspecting that this may be a monster's work" said a middle-aged man with a firm expression, he excluded the aura of a senior officer.

"Boss, No need to bring that much, one unit with me as their leader is enough for this case. We don't need the elite team"

The elite team of the police consists of three seekers per unit, that is used to subdue low-level monsters.

"Don't argue Shinta, that's an order" said the middle-aged man, giving a fierce glance at Shinta.

"Whatever" Shinta rolled her eyes and grabbed her leather jacket as she rushes outside.

After she walks out of the building, she points to two-unit leaders and said, "You two get your lazy ass right here, we gotta work to do"


She rides her motorcycle and started the engine and takes off with two police cars and three shadows following her from behind.

The motorcycle Shinta rides is a Neo-600 the latest and modern police motorcycle, that use a mineral called Romapolite that was found inside a region and it is a very common mineral that is used by humanity for everything because it is a longlasting energy supply that was found in 2219 by Prof. Dr. Andra, a scientist.

After half an hour of searching, Shinta and her team found an incomplete dead body, the strange thing is that the dead body is dried up with no traces of blood as if the perpetrator suck all the blood in her.

Shinta's team cover the scene with police lines, the lines are made of energy beam that shock anything without a police badge that goes past this line.

"This is definitely caused by a monster, no doubt about it," said one of the leaders of the unit to Shinta with a disgusted look on his face.

Then he continues, "But monsters attacking humans is a common thing right? it just bad luck for this poor woman"

Shinta looks around the scene and her expression turns into a frown when she saw that the dead body is spread into three places as if there are more than one monsters attacking it.

"Hmmm, it's weird, why is the body spread to three places if only one monster is attacking?" murmurs Shinta.

"More than one monster? That case never happened Shinta, you are overthinking stuff. Monsters attack individually, they never attack in group" replied the other police.

Shinta is thinking hard, she frowns more as she thinks more.

She finally gives up and said, "Is there a CCTV that get this angle?"

A young police officer walks up and said, "There's one CCTV that get this angle, it is from an alley to our right, right there" the young police officer points to the right towards a CCTV that is still recording them.

Shinta nods and started to conduct an investigation, she took the chip inside the CCTV to make a report about this incident.

The Investigation passed, the other police took over Shinta's shift.

At home, Shinta washes her sweaty body to relieve herself.

After taking a quick shower, she sits down on her desk to make her official report about this incident when suddenly there's a knocking sound coming from her front door.

She looks at her watch and dials the front door to see who was knocking.

A hologram appears, two-man wearing a suit and tie with a silver circle emblem with two black dots on the center on their chest signing them as the agent of the National Seeker Security Bureau (NSSB).

Shinta gets up from her desk and opens the door for them.

"What do I owe the pleasure to meet you fine gentlemen" said Shinta sarcastically.

With a flat expression, one of the agents said, "I'm here to take over the chip that you possess regarding the incident in Block M, We NSSB will take over the case from the police"

"Where are the official documents for that?! and even if you have it, I still have the right in making a report about this matter for the Police Department!" Shinta started to get angry, her voice started to rise in anger.

"We have contacted your supervisor regarding this matter, all matters are settled and the Police Department will surrender the case to the NSSB" replied the agent still with his flat expression and monotone voice.

"You can't d-"


Just as Shinta wants to rebuke, her watch rings. Chief of Investigation popped from her watch as she helplessly answers the phone.

Without even listening to the Chief she said, "FINE SIR!, I'll give the chip to them".

Shinta tossed the chip to the agents and slammed the door to their faces.

'There's something fishy here, why do the NSSB take the chip this fast when it's only an ordinary monster attack' Shinta murmurs to herself while jumping to her bed.

Two days passed, the day that Rudy becomes a lab rat has come.

The person regarding the lab rat matters called Rudy saying that they will pick Rudy up after school in a black jeep where they will go to the lab together.

The school day is the same as the other, the teacher is teaching the students about math using a high tech tablet that can open books and guiding AI like any other day but the difference is that Rudy's heart is beating faster when the end of class is nearing.

'Will they kidnap me and sold me? Or will I be butchered after I get there? no matter what I will not go with them before they pay the money' after nodding to himself, the bell rang and the school is over.

Rudy walks down the school hall slowly as if it's his last time attending, he has a mixed feeling about his situation but he decided to just get this over with.

He got out of the school building and looking around the school parking lot, in this era, some cars can already fly but that kind of car can only be used if they have the authority to back it or a ticket to go to another city, it is not a car used for daily usage.

After waiting for two minutes, a black flying jeep landed in front of him.

A big muscular man walks out of the jeep wearing a sunglass signaling for Rudy to get in the jeep.

Rudy stop and stares at the man then say, "I won't get in if you haven't paid the money yet"

The muscular man frown but still he dialed his watch and show the receipt of twelve billion rupiahs transferred to his sister bank account.

After checking the receipt making sure that it is real, Rudy nods and gets in the car without resistance.

The black flying jeep window is so dark that Rudy cannot even see the outside.

The engine rumbles and the jeep started to fly again, this car is using magnet power to fly because of an invention made by an expert in the automobile industry.

After twenty minutes of flying, Rudy can feel that the jeep has landed.

After a moment, the muscular man gives Rudy a blindfold and say, "Wear it, I think I don't need to force you right?"

Rudy nods lightly as a sign of compliance and wears the blindfold.

All Rudy is thinking is 'This is all for my sister, It is all worth it'.

The muscular man guide Rudy.

Rudy can feel that he is checked multiple times to go through each door and there is no sound, no talking, no nothing he can hear along the way.

After thirty minutes of walking and security check, Rudy is signaled to lie on a cold steel plate, then his blindfold is opened by a man wearing a dark green hazard suit with google and a gas mask that identical to what he imagines an evil scientist would wear.

He adjusts his eyes to the light, after a moment of pause, He looks at his surrounding.

He is lying on a white cold steel, all kinds of machine surrounding him. The people wearing a hazard suit is tending to his body, plucking all kinds of rubber tube in different parts of his body, an electrical scanner was attached to his head.

Rudy cannot help but ask, "What are you going to do to my body? am I going to die?" he smirks jokingly.

Nobody answers.

Rudy glance to his right, On his right he sees multiple scientists wearing a white lab coat looking at him with a tablet on each of their hands as if they are writing something about him, they are slightly arguing with each other while pointing to Rudy and the scanner.

Rudy decided to ignore them and glance to his left.

On his right, he sees multiple big water tubes with different kinds of monsters body parts in it, Monsters head, Monster arms, Legs, Heart, everything is there.

Then Rudy's eyes land on different kind of artifacts placed neatly in some kind of box, there is many artifacts that are eye-catching but his eyes fall on the most basic one on the center.

The artifacts give off a hostile aura to Rudy, but Rudy just ignores it and looks at the ceiling while letting the hazard people do their stuff.

Sometimes he grunts when the hazard people pluck in his sensitive places, but Rudy just gritted his teeth and preserve. With his sister on his mind, he feels like he can take down the world.

After a while, Rudy started to feel sleepy, He surrenders to the sleepiness and closes his eyes.

The hazard people opens every crook of Rudy's body and started to inject different kinds of substance into Rudy's blood, Rudy's body started to twitch uncontrollably and the scanner detects the rising bpm.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

All machines started to gives a danger signal, the hazard people started to panicking while the scientist is giving them pointers and act fast.

After two minutes, the bpm returns to normal meaning the first step is a success.

The scientist wiped off their sweat with a happy expression, they succeeded in the first step! the scientist decided to let Rudy's body rest to advance to the next step.

With that, the day passed and Rudy is still in a sleeping state.

Rudy woke up hazily and he looked around, He is still in the same room, and the hazard people still busy doing their stuff. Rudy is still in a half-sleeping state, he cannot move his body and can only hear and smell.

The hazard people didn't notice that Rudy is awake as they bring Rudy's body to a different room.

Rudy feels that he is taken to another room, He tries to open his eyes but his vision is blurry.

The new room is a different place from the first room, In the new room, he sees a bigger water tube. Inside it, he sees gigantic monsters.

The monster inside the room can reach up to ten meters in height, with scary-looking claws, tentacles, tusks, horns, and even wings.

One of the hazard people notice Rudy looking around then he immediately gives Rudy another dose of anesthetic that sends Rudy back to the dream world.

In the second step, the hazard people put an oxygen mask on Rudy and dipped him into the water tube.

The hazard people looks at the scientist while the scientist gives them a nod.

After receiving the confirmation nod, one of the hazard people press a button on their tablet.

When suddenly.


Electric current run through the water tube, the veins bludge from Rudy's body looking really painful.

The bpm in the scanner started to rise crazily, the water tube is vibrating.

The hazard people are busy monitoring Rudy's condition as Rudy started subconsciously gritted his teeth to endure the pain, the pain is so much that even in his sleeping state Rudy's body is feeling it.

Rudy's body started to swell with muscle, his skin and bones strengthen so much that it looks as strong as iron. The scanner is signing eighty percent complete, and Rudy's body is reaching the limit.

The scientist started to get nervous, all their works will be washed in vain if Rudy dies.

"Stop it! We've come so far, we can research it further to gain more information from this" yelled one of the scientists desperately.

"No! We cannot stop it! We have to take the risk!" rebuked the other scientist angrily.

The hazard people panicked and press on the stop button but it didn't work...

"ARRGGHHH!!!" Rudy screamed with all his power, his eyes are opened wide revealing the white part of his eyes only, even though he is still unconscious.

"STOP IT! WE CANNOT AFFORD TO FAIL!" after hearing Rudy's scream, the scientist agrees to stop it.

One of the hazard people that holds the button glance at them shakingly and said, "I already press it but it didn't work..."

"WHAT?! HOW CAN THIS BE?! All of our works.....will be in vain" said the scientist helplessly.

"AAARRGGGHH!!" Rudy is still screaming and blood oozes out of his body.

"Sir, It is almost finished. five percent left, if he can survive a little while longer..." said one of the hazard people that holds the tablet.

"Four percent..."



TING!, *The process is completed*, a robotic sound echoes throughout the room.

Rudy stopped screaming, the scientist and the hazard people stare at each other and then to Rudy.

After a long moment of silence, the scientist sigh helplessly when suddenly.


The scientist and the hazard people were stunned, they sucked in a cold breath.