
Suanggi Ritual (1)

The news was like a bomb dropping on every student that gathers in room number three.

Seeker is the protector of humanity, they are needed to sustain the survival of humanity.

Although a Seeker is like a god in front of normal people's eyes not everyone wants to become a Seeker, Why? Because a Seeker has to fight the monsters if needed.

In the people's perspective, monsters are akin to the devil simply because they are the most ruthless being that humanity has ever seen.

Once a student enters high school, they are permitted to watch the Seeker battles the monsters.

Some students cry, vomit, and even traumatized while watching the battle between a Seeker and a Monster, it is like watching a horror movie plus a gory movie combined into one.

Limbs upon limbs are ripped apart by the monsters, the monsters have no regard for humans as they butchered every Seeker that step into the wrong path, some even die disturbingly.

What makes them so scary is that even if the monsters are losing, they didn't show any fear in their eyes, they simply think that dying while 'Hunting' is the noblest death.

The monster's territory is called a Region, every District or human territory will always neighboring a Region which they need to occasionally subdue so that the number of monsters that can break the seal lessen.

A region can be divided into four parts, Outer area, Inner area, Core area, and Heart area. The deeper into the Region, the stronger the monsters become.

A region can be destroyed by killing the monster overlord of the designated region, the monster overlord has a crystal heart on its chest that when it's broken, the region will crumble too.

Monster overlord can vary in power and are hard to find, an A-rank region monster overlord can sometimes have the power of a Normal rank monster which is lower than the region rank, and sometimes an E-rank region monster overlord can have the power of a Legend rank monster.

These uncertainties make humanity hesitating in confronting the monster overlord, in the history of Indonesia there are only seven regions destroyed, four E-rank, one D-rank, and two C-rank.

Jakarta City is neighboring a region called 'The dark chamber of Scisuro', it is a B rank region that is in the middle threat level of a Region.

The dark chamber of Scisuro has only been mapped until the Core area, the monster overlord of this region 'Scisuro' once made an appearance when a group of Elite Seeker is mapping the core area, Scisuro obliterated every single Elite Seeker in Marsekal rank in the blink of an eye.

Thus, the dark chamber of Scisuro is limited to only the inner area whereas the deeper is prohibited by the NSSB.

Even if the monsters are terrifying, the people thought that the Seeker present is enough for protecting them, making them think that becoming a Seeker is just an option.

By robbed of their rights and knowing the horror of becoming a Seeker, some students can't help but protest.

A chubby teen stands up with anger, "You can't force us to become a Seeker! there are other jobs that are also needed other than becoming a Seeker! this violates my human rights to choose how I live!", he shouted with all he has until even his voice becomes hoarse.

Other students started to back the chubby teen out but they didn't dare to stand up, even Erick joins in the protest.

Rudy is spectating this event calmly, 'There's probably a reason that forces the NSSB to take such measure' he thoughts.

Rudy glances at the stage to only see the man wearing a black and white suit's sour face, the man's hand turns fiery.

Just as Erick wants to stand up to protest more, Rudy's hand gripped his shoulder and yank him to sit back down forcefully as a fire beam flew past his head.

Erick was stunned, he looks in Rudy's direction with a questioning gaze.

Rudy was shocked, he looks to where the chubby teen stands so do Erick to only see the chubby teen is missing his head!

The man wearing black and white suits glance in Erick's direction while mumbling, "How did he dodge that?"

Erick can only see Rudy with appreciating gazes, if Rudy didn't yank him to sit back down, he will probably end the same fate as the chubby teen!

Silence covers the whole room, some students even peed their pants in shock.

A chill runs to every student's spine as they sucked in a cold breath with beads of sweat covers their forehead, they didn't expect that the events turn out this way!

The man on the stage tidied his sleeves as he glances fiercely towards every single student and giving Rudy a longer glance than any other student.

Rudy feels confused, 'Did he see me yanking Erick before? Probably just my imagination'

The man then says, "As I was saying, rejecting to become a Seeker will be put to death"

After saying that while emphasizing the word 'Death' the man continues, "Now, everyone will follow the NSSB agents, we will go to the field"

Hearing what the man says, all the students stand up in an orderly manner and follow the agents as they are still scared and shocked by what just happened.

Rudy sees Erick's pale face with concern.

"Erick, it will be okay, they didn't specify that we have to go to a region, they only say that we have to become a Seeker," Rudy said trying to calm Erick down.

"Don't be a sissy, Even I'm braver than you" Lucia follows with a mocking face.

Looking at his friends trying to comfort him, Erick can only smile wryly.

Meanwhile, Rudy is panicking inside his head.

'I'm already a Seeker! what will they do if they know that I'm an unlicensed seventeen years old Seeker, furthermore, what will happen if another spirit enter my body'

Something insides Rudy's conscious replied, 'Let them come', the astral voice rings inside Rudy's head making him rooted on the spot.

Rudy then decided to talk to this Spirit but the spirit didn't reply anymore.

But still, Rudy got a gist of what is the spirit trying to say, 'If another spirit enters my conscious will there be a clash? Is this spirit inside me strong? it probably is judging from its confident tone'

After five minutes, the students arrive at the field.

The students form a tidy line with the man standing at the front of the line.

The man says, "Now, this is the newly invented ritual suit that will help you to enter a meditation state and sustain the aftereffect of the Suanggi Ritual", while the man is speaking, the agents of NSSB started to distribute the suit to each student.

The Suanggi ritual consists of five steps, the first step is to enter a meditation state, second, the user will try to enter their spirit conscious, third, in their spirit conscious they will meet the spirit who chooses them, fourth, they will make a contract to become a Seeker, the last one is the after effect where they will try to adapt with the spirit inside their body causing numerous event depending on the spirit.

After every student gets their suit, they proceed to go to the toilet to change into the suit.

Rudy and Erick separated with Lucia, inside the toilet, Rudy enters one of the empty booths and change into the suit.

While changing, Rudy accidentally sees two black pointy lines on his collarbone, Rudy then turns around to look at his back in the mirror.

What greeted him is a black mark that resembles the spirit that he saw when he was in his conscious, the difference is that the spirit is opening its mouth wide showing its scary razor teeth.

'Wait, there's no record of a Seeker marks that is located on the user's back' Rudy thought inside his head.

After assimilating with a spirit, a mark will appear.

The location of the mark signifies the rank of the spirit assimilated, basic rank spirit has a mark on the user's hand, normal rank on the user's arm, mesial rank on the user's shoulder, legend rank on the user's stomach, and finally mythic rank on the user's chest.

Rudy tries to think of a case such as his, after two minutes of thinking something came to him.

The NSSB once specify that a spirit alignment also affects the location of the mark, the difference between good and evil spirits located in the mark of a legend, and mythic rank spirit.

Good spirit's marks appear on the stomach and chest while evil spirit's mark appears on the user's back.

'Well, judging from the first time we met, it is indeed can be classified as an evil spirit, how can I explain this later' Rudy thought with a hopeless expression on his face.

'Yo dumb spirit, can you give me a break of endless trouble' Rudy thought annoyedly.