

Our India is a land rich in sacred, lovely, and enigmatic things. Many courageous and wise people have immortalised their bravery at this place. This tale also has a courageous individual who, using his aptitude, has unravelled a number of mysteries. In addition to being a writer by trade, Rudra Roy also leads a double life. He enjoys solving mysteries and incorporating them into his writings. And this time he is going to the sandy land of India, also known as 'The Land of Kings'—Rajasthan—where a curse is waiting for him that holds many secrets with it.

Binit_kumar_Singh_3031 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


As they proceeded along the corridors, which were decorated with sparkling chandeliers, Mr. Roy and Jaydev's eyes were pulled to each wall painting.Each painting depicts the old kings of Akal, whose period of existence is written on the lower part of the painting. "Beautiful artwork" Jaydev said.

"Yes, they are all excellent.These depictions of the ancient Akal kings are what keep them in our memories."The manager said. "Prince Meghraj will be the subject of a fresh painting that will go on exhibit here tomorrow." He continued.

They were now in front of a large set of spiral steps that went in a clockwise orientation. "These stairs really don't appeal to me."Jaydev muttered softly as he climbed those stairs.

The palace was so quiet that all of them could clearly hear the sound of their footsteps.Through the stairs, they reached the corridor on the first floor.The walls of the passageway were adorned with animal heads and several swords, which glittered in the light from the chandeliers.There were also numerous wild animal effigies maintained there for decoration, which had a rather ominous appearance.Jaydev perceived those dead eyes to be staring at them as they crossed the hallway.They continued walking till they came to another corridor with numerous doors constructed by clinging to the walls.

"My sincere desire is that you like your room."The manager said as he opened the nearby second door. The chamber was enormous and stunning, and in the light of the lamps, golden objects such as antique flowerpots and shields that were hanging from the walls shone throughout the space. "Soon, your dinner will be delivered to you.Press the bell if you require anything more, and a servant will come to your aid.A pleasant night to you both." The manager then walked out after saying this. Mr. Roy took a glance around the room, which had two beds draped in white sheets and plush pillows, several fine chairs, and a stunning window with crimson curtains. Two servants enter the room after a while, carrying large trays.While eating, "What are you thinking, Master Roy?"Jaydev asked to Mr. Roy.

"Why is it so weird" Mr. Roy said softly.

"The food is a little bit greasy."Jaydev made a comment as he lifted the water jug.

"It is, but I wasn't referring to the food."Mr. Roy said.

"Knew it."As he took a sip from his glass, Jaydev said.

After dinner, "I think you are in dire need of rest, Master Roy."

"I'm thinking of staying awake tonight."

"But why?"

"Some secrets only allow themselves to be discovered at night. Goodnight, Jaydev."

"Goodnight, Master Roy." After saying this, Jaydev retired to his bed.With a drink of water in hand, Mr. Roy relaxed back on one of the elegant chairs.Looking at him, it seemed as if he was engrossed in some deep thought.

After a while, the whole palace had become silent; there was no sound except Jaydev's snoring.That's when Mr. Roy heard a quiet voice, almost like a whisper.These whispers were a little more sinister than usual.Mr. Roy slowly got up from his chair.These whispers could be heard coming from the side of the passageway.The whispers were calling someone, but Mr. Roy could not hear them properly as to whose name was there in those whispers.He cautiously opened the door of the room; some lights were still on outside, but no one was in sight.He could still feel the whispers in his ears.He was moving slowly down the passageway.Following the whispers, he turned to the other side of the corridor, where the voices got louder. The corridor was reverberating with the sound of Mr. Roy's steps as he quickened his pace.He was getting very close to the sound when the door of the room right next to him opened and a woman came out.Mr. Roy paused and turned to face the woman.She was staring at Mr. Roy with her gorgeous brown eyes.The mere sight of that woman was enough to divert Mr Roy's attention from those whispers.The woman had lovely long hair, some of which covered her eyes.Additionally accentuating her beauty was the woman's choice of blue nightgown. "Who are you?" Looking at him suspiciously, the woman said.

"Rudra, Rudra Roy" Mr. Roy said in a firm tone. Hearing this, the expression on the face of that woman became a little soft.

"Ohh...the author, but what exactly are you doing right now?" She asked him.

"I am doing what I have been called here for." Mr. Roy said. She responded with a tepid smile before shutting the door in Mr. Roy's face.The whispers had vanished by this point.Mr. Roy heaved a sigh and started walking back towards his room.

He entered the room and observed Jaydev still soundly dozing.He slowly went towards the window of the room and started looking outside. "Even in the dead of night, there is a different kind of tranquilly." He said to himself. There was a blissful expression on his face.But then suddenly his facial expressions changed, as if he had seen something that he did not expect to see.

But what?