
Rude, Yet Still Owns The CEO's Heart

"Leo, don't you love me again?" "I don't, so stop." Leo said, stealing glances at the woman in the driver seat, who doesn't seem to care about the fact that another woman was with him. He was stunned when the woman beside him took advantage of his distraction and sealed his lips with her own. "Don't you miss this?" She asked. "Get out!" He screamed. After getting rid of his ex that kept pestering him, he swallowed hard before, "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said. "What's my business with that?" She fired back. ......... "You know I can't be killed by humans, except you right?" She asked. "I know." "Then what are you doing here? What if this was a trap?" She felt so pissed right now and couldn't get the feeling of his racing heart off her mind. Could it be that he has been in love with her, all these while? She wasn't ready to face the truth and seeing the determination in his eyes before opening his mouth to talk, "let's just leave." She said. She couldn't face his response. ......... "You know, I just feel like kissing you right now." She said and his eyes went huge. Did he hear right? The woman that hated him so much and didn't bother hiding it, actually said that? "Well... umm." He was still searching for a reply, because he refused to believe this is real, but Clara wasn't asking for permission. She just let him know what she felt like doing. She limited the space between their lips to nothing and took his lower one in between her lips, while his lashes fluttered continuously. "Don't let that woman touch you again. I don't like it!" She declared, claiming her man. join the server link: https://discord.gg/Q7tY3F8

May1st · Fantasy
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312 Chs


Clara curved her mouth in the shape of an O, and raised her brow.

"you are beautiful" Tim complimented as he stared at her mesmeric face. 

"What the heck! how is that related to what we were discussing?" Clara asked.

"Sorry, I was mesmerized by, you know, the way you curve those lips," Tim said with a serious look, which make him look more attractive to Clara.

'He's flirting again.' Clara thought and rolled her eyes.

"By the way, didn't Leo informed you about Mick later on?" Tim asked. 

"Inform me about what?" Clara asked. 

"Mick get this kind of switch once in a while, it's like he got possessed or something. He would start nagging around like an old woman, and torturing the life out of anyone in sight, but after a night's rest, he would be back to his old self, and it will seem like what he did and said was not done by him." Tim explained. 

Clara: "..."

Tim: "Leo did not tell you about it?"

Clara: "he didn't,"

"Ok, don't let Mick bother you, he doesn't get like that often. It's a once in a blue moon thing, you don't have to avoid him, he's a good man." said Tim. 

Clara doesn't care about all Tim was saying anymore, the only thing she's concern about now is that, she seem to recall how she has caught Leo smile twice, when she avoid Mick. 

She doesn't mind it then, as she felt like he might have his own reason for smiling, since it's not as if she could just ask him why he smiled, but now she understands why he did it.

'That guy has actually been taking pleasure in my sorrow and probably mocking me in his mind?' she asked herself and felt herself burning with rage.

'No wonder he didn't mention about the call that day.' she thought. It seems you are created to make my life a living hell right? fine, watch how I pay back the favour.' she thought in her mind.

She has totally forgotten Tim even existed at the moment, as she was deep in her thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Tim asked,  noticing her changes.

Tim understand how it must have been hard on her. Even he, as a man has purposely not visited the mansion since then,  due to anger. 

Even though he's tempted to come and see Clara sooner, he still felt like he could bite Mick if he meet him, and he doesn't understand why Leo did not say anything to Clara, since Mick has clearly stated that he's going to meet her that day.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you for taking care of me." Clara said politely, unlike her former manner. 

"You are welcome." he replied.

I need to go now, she said and stood up, only for Tim to hold her hand.

Clara looked back at him and their gaze locked, before she looked down at his hand that held hers. "I will come find you tomorrow, take care my fairy." he said and turned to leave after letting go of her hand. 

Clara was no longer in the mood for fantasy or joking around, she was really pissed right now.

"Don't bother course I won't be available to play fairy with you,'' she said as a matter of fact, but Tim always find it fun when the woman resist.

"If you are not available tomorrow, then I will come the day after. Thanks to your boss, I have a lot of free time on my hands now." He said and left the puzzled Clara.

She watched him leave, while she shook her head, before leaving for her room as well.

She couldn't deal with demons today, since her face is not good to go. If it were other mark, it will heal itself, but Leo was of course her weakness, so it will heal in the normal process a human wound heals.

She headed towards her quarters and as usual,  she switched on the television and decided to watch the news. She was still very pissed that Leo didn't tell her and make her hiding around in the mansion. 

It was as if the news was waiting for her presents. 


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