
Rude, Yet Still Owns The CEO's Heart

"Leo, don't you love me again?" "I don't, so stop." Leo said, stealing glances at the woman in the driver seat, who doesn't seem to care about the fact that another woman was with him. He was stunned when the woman beside him took advantage of his distraction and sealed his lips with her own. "Don't you miss this?" She asked. "Get out!" He screamed. After getting rid of his ex that kept pestering him, he swallowed hard before, "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said. "What's my business with that?" She fired back. ......... "You know I can't be killed by humans, except you right?" She asked. "I know." "Then what are you doing here? What if this was a trap?" She felt so pissed right now and couldn't get the feeling of his racing heart off her mind. Could it be that he has been in love with her, all these while? She wasn't ready to face the truth and seeing the determination in his eyes before opening his mouth to talk, "let's just leave." She said. She couldn't face his response. ......... "You know, I just feel like kissing you right now." She said and his eyes went huge. Did he hear right? The woman that hated him so much and didn't bother hiding it, actually said that? "Well... umm." He was still searching for a reply, because he refused to believe this is real, but Clara wasn't asking for permission. She just let him know what she felt like doing. She limited the space between their lips to nothing and took his lower one in between her lips, while his lashes fluttered continuously. "Don't let that woman touch you again. I don't like it!" She declared, claiming her man. join the server link: https://discord.gg/Q7tY3F8

May1st · Fantasy
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312 Chs

Erasing her memory

Sonya was sitting on a stool at Clara's side, constantly tapping her feet on the floor while rubbing her palm against each other, looking at her feet.

"I'm doing the right thing, she will forgive me, she won't get angry at me, she will understand it's for her own good and forgive me, yes she will." Sonya kept mumbling to herself.

All of a sudden, Clara opened her eyes. She has been listening to Sonya's soft mutters for a while now. She felt bad for making things this hard for the girl and felt more determined to proceed with her plan. She won't drag this innocent girl in her mess. She even hired a doctor to treat her at home. 

She refused to let Gregory use Sonya against her in the future. After her grandma's story about how they were defeated; she realised keeping Sonya close will not only put her life in danger; she can also be used to get to her and prevent her from serving her purpose.

She suddenly sat up. Sonya who has been looking at her feet as she mumbled to herself felt the movement and look up at her.

"You..... you...how?" Sonya stammered 

Clara turned to face her. She wanted to stand up, when Clara entire eyes turn cloudy white, "sit!" she commanded. 

Sonya immediately sit without even willing to, it felt like her entire body does not belong to her anymore.

"It... it's true?" Sonya couldn't believe her eyes, but the way her body acted against her will on Clara's order make her believe. when she saw Clara extend her hand and held both sides of her head; fear gripped her heart. She tried to shake off her hand by turning her head left and right but the moment the word 'stay still' left Clara's mouth, she found herself looking at Clara's white eyes, not being able to look elsewhere. 

Then suddenly Sonya saw herself back at where she and Clara first met when they were kids, and in an instant Clara image faded away and she found herself not meeting her at all. Just like that, the memory of the day they first met faded away. 

"What are you doing?" she asked, panicking.

"I'm setting things right," Clara replied still concentrating on Sonya's memory. 

"Please don't do this I'm so sorry for doubting you, please don't take this away from me, I admit I was wrong, please do anything else but this," Sonya begged as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It's for your own good, I'm so sorry," Clara said as she kept taking herself and anything related to her out of the girl's memory.

"I don't want this, you don't get to decide for me, please don't! if you proceed with this I will never forgive you. Please I can't live without you." Sonya kept pleading.

Hearing those words; Clara nearly lost concentration. Seeing how her words were shaking her heart; she shushed the girl and immediately after, Sonya could only watched as her friend took her memory without even understanding why, while hot tears kept falling down her face, not being able to utter any statement further.

The two had been best friends since young. After Sonya lost her parents, Clara's family took care of her. Clara family didn't believe in education since their existence is not meant for living a normal human life. 

The only educating Clara got throughout her childhood was history passed down from their generations about Gregory the demon creator. When they took Sonya in, they knew they can't deprive her of normal human ways, but to their surprise; the girl refused their offer to help her further in her studies. 

Since they don't value it as well; they accepted the girl's refusal without trying to persuade her. Sonya knew Clara won't be joining her, which is why she refused. If they believe their Clara could survive without education then she can as well.

Some years later Clara grandmother died and shortly after her parents followed. Being a simple-hearted being, Sonya believed she brought bad luck upon Clara, but to her surprise; Clara did not take their death as serious as she did. She took it as if it was expected. 

Ever since then, the two relied on each other to survive, and just like that, those memories she treasured since young were being taken away from her and she couldn't even fight for it.