
Ruby Potter is the boy who lived harry potter's twin sister.

" No one said it will last forever ". ••• James and Lily Live! AU. Ruby Potter ( Oc ) x Brayden Black ( Oc ) Harry Potter x Hermione Granger. Ron Weasley x Victoria Lockhart ( Female! Oc ) Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson

AaliyahGibson16 · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Hogwarts.

" You two have everything right?" Ask James. Today the twins would be finally living for Hogwarts. As good as the twins would be leaving, James didn't want them to go.

He loved them to death, but sometimes they drive him and Lily crazy.

Especially harry with his crazy pranks and tricks. Ruby on the other hand was quiet and prefer to be alone.

Although sometimes she did play with little Sapphire. James watched as Lily adjust Sapphire's hate and kiss her cheek softly.

It brought a smile to his face, he then glances down at his two oldest.

" Yes, we have everything. Now we can get on the train." Said, Harry.

Ruby ran and hugged her father as the train whistle blew in the distance.

James looks at the clock tower and reads the time. Fifteen minutes until the train pull off.

He bends down to both of their heights and kisses both of their cheeks, they didn't pull away. He told his kids to be confident and strong.

They would never make him upset, even if they were in

different houses.

Pulling away James grabs both of their hands as Lily pulled sapphire along and together the family ran through the wall.

It didn't come as a shock when Harry and Ruby saw the trains and such.

They have made it to 9 and half three quarters.

They have been here plenty of times, they know their family history and they study and seen their family vaults.

So they shouldn't make bad grades at Hogwarts, it wasn't like James would punish them.

He just raised them better than that.

" Come on along now, you don't want to miss the train " A soft gentle voice commanded.

James turned towards the voice and saw Molly Weasley. He and Lily were friends during their time at Hogwarts.

He knew who the Weasley was, just never spoke them like that.

They were actually friends, but more so friendly.

Molly's eyes spotted him and she froze. James lifted up his hands and wave.

Harry walks over followed by Ruby, Lily grabbed James' hands and kisses the back of them.

" It'll be okay James, they will know about us soon anyway," Said Lily.

She didn't like that her baby was the boy who lived, but she would protect him forever.

After all, he was still her baby.

James nodded.

As the twins loaded on the train James and Lily watch with sad eyes.

They would miss the twins, but they were glad to be away from their pranks for a while.

Little Sapphire tugged on her mother's pants and pointed at the train.

" I want to go to momma " The small girl whispered. Lily's heart melted as she bends down and picks up the little girl.

" Not yet baby, in a few more years you will be able to have fun " Lily Cooed.

She rocks the toddler gently as the train pulls off. She looks at her husband and smiles.

James wasn't the type to cry, but right now tears were running down his face.

Lily reach over and pulled James to her side and hug him as they watch as the train finally left their sight.

Once the train was nowhere to be seen, she looks at her husband.

" What do we do now James?" Ask Lily. The little girl sapphire was fast asleep.

" We go home " Was James' reply.


" What house do you think we'll be in?" Ask Ruby. The girl's mouth was full, she had bought so much candy on the trolley.

Harry watched with a disgusted face. " I think Gryffindor, but who knows I may be in a different house," he said with a stern face.

Ruby nodded as the door slide open. A redhead boy came in and not just anyone.

Ron Weasley.

The twins recognize the boy from their mother's photo album.

Their mother told them all about the Weasley family. Lily grew up with Molly.

" Excuse me, can I sit here? All the other cabins are full ". Said Ron.

Ruby nodded as she smiled and beckons him over. He sits down and gazes at her with a shocked expression.

Ruby look at him with a confused look " Is there something you like to say?" The girl asks.

". Not to be rude, but who are you? Everyone knows who harry is, but no one mentions you," Said Ron confused.

The dark-haired girl shook her as she smiles. She finished her candy and look up at the ginger boy once more.

" My name is Justice Ruby Potter, but I go by Ruby. I am harry, potter's twin sister and we also have a little sister name Sapphire " Replied Ruby.

Ron was shocked at her words, Merlin three children!? Why haven't the book mentioning the potters are alive? Let alone twins and a young toddler as well.

The three talk and laugh for a while until the door opens once more.

This time there was a bucktooth girl with bushy hair. Ruby didn't know this girl, but she figures she was a muggle.

She knew this because wizards and witches do now wear their hair as she does.

And she carries herself plain, and no witch's teeth were such large as hers.

" Have you guys seen a toad, some boy name Neville lost his toad " The large teeth girl said?

Ruby had to stop herself from laughing, she really was a bossy little thing.

The Muggle girl then looks at Ron and she gasps, pulling out her wand and walking over, and sitting down.

The Muggle girl held out her wand " Are you doing magic, let's see then?" She replied.

Ruby rolled her eyes and look out the window and watch as the world outside came to life.

Eyes drifting softly, Ruby let out a small yawn. She looks around sleepy as she caught hrs brother's eyes.

' am taking a nap, wake me up when we arrive at Hogwarts. Okay harry?' Ruby mentally thought.

Harry nodded.

The two shared a twin bond link, they can easily talk mentally to each other.

After a few minutes, the dark-haired girl was fast asleep with her head on the glass window.

Her brother harry watch over her making sure nothing would happen to her.

He would admit to himself, he wanted to go to sleep as well.

Today has drained them.

But instead, he looks over his twin and talks with Ron and Hermione.

Pretty soon he would be at Hogwarts and he couldn't wait until he gets sorted.
