
Rubrum Lunae

“Fate has something planned for you…” The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely…among the victims,a boy whose existence was completely erased… After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International High School, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World, decided to investigate what happened on that fateful night… A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student who resembles that boy who disappeared…he returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland… Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past projects “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” and “Crimson Moon” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY… What to expect: A Long Story with Real World Settings in Modern Times, with realistic historical event references and unique cultures and traditions loathed around the world… A slow start and plot development that will escalate with every chapter… Character driven plot and Character development… Slice of Life with School settings and Romance… Mystery and Horror in some cases… with Mythological creatures and many legends that many of the readers haven’t heard before as they are from across the world Debate between Good and Evil… Unique Powers and Abilities with Action pack scenarios similar to manga/anime style attacks Note: This is a new and improved story of a project that I’ve been working on for several years. This is a long story with great characters, and incredible settings. Please enjoy the story, feedback is always welcome as long as it’s not offensive or just wanting to attack the author…I am a novice who writes for the readers to have fun…

Crimson_MZ · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Vol. 3- Special Chapter: Getting My Brother His First Cell Phone

February 6th; Rio Grande City

Uriel encountered his younger sister Valerie, as the two left the school, an uproar began because people did not know who she was...as the school went into chaos because of them…

Meanwhile, Uriel was about to face one of the toughest things of his life...getting a new cell phone...This is the story of the siblings, who went to the mall…

"Seriously Big Brother...why didn't you contact us?" Valerie walks in front of Uriel, she puffs her cheeks feeling angry. Uriel, not knowing why she was angry responds:

"I was busy, when you travel across the continent, you don't have time for that…"

Valerie stops and walks towards him; "Well, you could at least call from your cell phone…"

Uriel avoids looking at her, he feels embarrassed as he replies; "Well, the truth is, I don't have a cellphone…"

"You what?" Valerie begins to laugh; "Hahaha, in what era do you live in? You need a cellphone to live your life…"

Uriel sighs and walks past her; "I don't care about that, besides when you hunt Sombras, you don't need that stuff…"

"Uriel wait…" Valerie pulls his arm; "Even if you are El Charro Negro, you are still a teenager, you need a cellphone ASAP, and I will buy you one…"

"Valerie, I don't…" Uriel sees Valerie with tears in her eyes, people around them begin to look and whisper; "What a bastard…making that pretty girl cry…"

 Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; "Very well...just because you're taking your time to do this for me…"

"HURRAAY...THANK YOU!" Valerie hugs Uriel with him trying to push her away; "Get off me, come on let's go…"

As they crossed the bridge to Rio Grande City, Valerie used her "SUBER" application to get them a ride and head towards Rio Grande City's biggest mall; "Las Misiones." 

Las Misiones mall is a great establishment like any other, has multiple stores, and restaurants….it had two floors and a movie theatre...

"We're here…" Valerie and Uriel head inside, the mall is full of people. Valerie and Uriel walk side by side, and they are the center of attention.

In one side, the guys are looking at Valerie with heart-shaped eyes with some of them saying:

"Who is that? She's a beauty...Is she a model?"

On the other side, the girl and woman are head over heels for Uriel; "Wow he looks so wild with those scars...He's so handsome…"

"Valerie, we're here to buy the cell…." Uriel turns to see Valerie; Valerie interrupts him and pulls his arm:

"Uriel, let's go over there…" 

Valerie pulls Uriel and drags him to a store. Valerie went ahead and tried outfits that she liked and bought. After visiting 10 stores, Uriel and Valerie walk around carrying multiple bags and boxes with just Valerie's new clothes.

"Valerie, why did you buy all this?" Uriel asks her, Valerie, who is really happy replies:

"Because I like clothes, and make up...and I didn't have anything new to wear from this region…"

"I see…"

"We're here…" Valerie and Uriel enter the cell phone store. Uriel looks around the cellphones, they come from all shapes and sizes with multiple colors to pick.

"So, which one do you like?" Valerie asks Uriel, Uriel looks clueless and points at random; "This one…"

"Eww... that one has little memory...like... you won't be able to store your pictures. Uriel thinks to himself; "Why would I need pictures fighting Sombras?"

Uriel points at another one, Valerie makes a cross with her hands saying; "Not that one, that is so...like…last year...you know what I mean?"

"Valerie, I don't know about this stuff…" Uriel scratches his head, Valerie chuckles and replies; "Don't worry, how about I pick one…"

Valerie goes to the counter; "Excuse me, I need some help…"

Suddenly, every male worker comes to offer services; "How may I help you...do you need a cellphone...which color would you like…"

"Thank you, guys, but it's actually for my brother…" Valerie points at Uriel who is testing one.


Without warning, Uriel is surrounded by all the female staff; "Let me help you...NO ME...I'll; help you…"

Uriel sighs with his eyes closed thinking; "Valerie…" Valerie only chuckles thinking; "Big Brother is so popular…"

After a while, Uriel finally obtained his cellphone, the latest model of an "I Zhone", they decided to go to the Food court to get some ice cream...Valerie decided to teach him how to use it…"

"And that's how you save a contact…"

"I see...that viejo used to give me this type of phone but I always broke them or lost them when training or on a mission…"

Valerie looks down asking; "Was it hard to be by yourself?"

"No...because I was only fighting...I had no time to think about anyone…"

Valerie puffs her cheek; "Not even your family?"

"No…" Uriel opens up the frontal camera; "So that's how you do it."

"Big Brother, how can you say that so casually?" Valerie gets mad:

"Uriel...you're doing it wrong, are you dumb or what? Sheesh, everyone knows how to take a picture…"

Uriel puts the phone down and doesn't reply; "You know, I didn't remember that a sister could be so annoying…"

Valerie drops her cone; she stands up and makes a scene; "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT? YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE…I HATE YOU..."

Valerie walks away, everyone looks at her. Uriel looks at her and thinks; "What about your boxes?"

"Big Brother can be so stupid sometimes…" Valerie has tears in her eyes. She walks towards a section of the mall that is under construction.

"Hey gorgeous, why are you crying?" Suddenly, she is surrounded by three men. These young men get closer to her; "Are you alone? Why don't you come with us?"

"No thank you, I'm already with some…" Valerie remembers her words, one of the men grabs her arm:

"Come on babe, let's have some fun…"


Valerie kicks him away; "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE…"

The man stands up; "You bitch, come on guys help me…" The other two grabs her from the arms, the other gets closer to her and touches her skirt:

"Come on babe, I want to see what color those panties are…"

Valerie's eyes turn hollow; "I said to leave me alone…"

"Excuse me…would you mind letting go of my little sister?" Someone grabs the man's shoulder, he turns around saying; "HEY PUNK I'M BUSY HERE…"


Uriel gives a slight punch to the man making him fall unconscious. 

"BIG BROTHER!" Valerie screams with excitement. The other two let go of Valerie and charge at Uriel. Uriel evades their attack, he kicks one of them and sends him to the construction sites.


Valerie kicks the other on his testicles so hard that he faints. This causes a commotion, the security guards run towards them; "HEY YOU STAY RIGHT THERE…"

"Uriel we need to.." Uriel carries Valerie; "Hold on…"

Suddenly, a massive wind blows inside the mall creating panic. The wind lasted for only an instant but that was enough for Uriel and Valerie to disappear.

On the rooftop Uriel and Valerie stand as they look at the sunset; "Uriel, why did you save me?"

"Because, I'm your brother…"

Valerie feels guilty; "I'm sorry, for saying that I hated you, that's not true…"

"You don't need to apologize...besides I'm the one who is sorry...you're not annoying...sometimes…"

"Mmmhhmmmppphh...Uriel, you're a meanny…"

Valerie hugs him; "I know you're in pain…I know that she left you…but please remember this…you're not alone… you're still my brother...and I still love you…"

"Love..huh…" Uriel remembers a girl with pale skin and reddish eyes. Valerie takes out her cellphone; "Let's take a selfie…"

"A what?"

"Just smile…"


"Perfect…" Valerie then gets nervous; "Oh no… I left all my stuff at the mall…"

Uriel grabs her shoulder; "Don't worry...I already took care of it…"

"You did?"

At the Ministry, Carolina walks out the door and finds a lot of bags and boxes; "Oh my, what is this?" She looks at a note that says; "PLEASE DELIVER TO VALERIE'S ROOM"

Later that night, Uriel sleeps in his room; -ZOOM ZOOM- Uriel looks at his phone, he received a message from his sister:


Uriel opens the attachment and sees a "selfie" of him with Valerie they took at the mall's roof. Uriel smiles and thinks; "Maybe having a sister is not so annoying at all…"

The End…