
Rubrum Lunae

“Fate has something planned for you…” The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely…among the victims,a boy whose existence was completely erased… After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International High School, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World, decided to investigate what happened on that fateful night… A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student who resembles that boy who disappeared…he returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland… Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past projects “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” and “Crimson Moon” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY… What to expect: A Long Story with Real World Settings in Modern Times, with realistic historical event references and unique cultures and traditions loathed around the world… A slow start and plot development that will escalate with every chapter… Character driven plot and Character development… Slice of Life with School settings and Romance… Mystery and Horror in some cases… with Mythological creatures and many legends that many of the readers haven’t heard before as they are from across the world Debate between Good and Evil… Unique Powers and Abilities with Action pack scenarios similar to manga/anime style attacks Note: This is a new and improved story of a project that I’ve been working on for several years. This is a long story with great characters, and incredible settings. Please enjoy the story, feedback is always welcome as long as it’s not offensive or just wanting to attack the author…I am a novice who writes for the readers to have fun…

Crimson_MZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Vol. 2 - Chapter 4: The Surprise Attack and the Unexpected Date

At the southeastern part of Sun City, there is a suburban area of houses located away from the tallest buildings. The sun is setting, creating large shadows that cover the area. The "Sombras" or "Kages" begin to move. Carlos and Chelsea begin to hunt them down as part of their mission:



"That's one down." Carlos brags as he watches one of the Sombras disappear. He wears a black jacket with blue borders and black military pants. He also has black military gloves with blue edges.

He beat the Sombra using a black kunai with blue edges; "This is easy…come on…I know you're there…"


A Sombra approaches from the back. Carlos turns around feeling relaxed:

"Prepare to meet your…."


A bullet hits Sombra's head, making it disappear.

Carlos looks disappointed and exclaims:


Chelsea appears jumping down the ceiling. 

She is wearing a black vest with light blue borders with a long shirt below her vest. She has black shorts with leggings and military boots. She has headphones with a special blue lens on her left eye.

Chelsea makes a smirk; " Well too bad, I was just faster."

Carlos sighs, he puts his hand in his ear and gives a report:

"This is Carlos, mission accomplished."

"Excellent, come back to the base. We will begin the meeting shortly." Jairo informs both of them.

"Right…" Carlos sighs with his eyes closed.

"What's wrong? You look down on the dumps…" Chelsea asks Carlos, Carlos looks at her and doesn't respond.

Chelsea makes a smirk and teases Carlos:

"Are you jealous of Uriel?"

Carlos stops walking as he looks away nervously; "N-N-No…" He begins to explain nervously:

"It's just that I never imagined that Uriel was strong enough to beat Senpai."

"You're so predictable…" Chelsea licks her lollipop and nods in agreement:

"You got a point, that Uriel appears to be stronger and more handsome than you…"

"NO HE IS NOT, WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON ANYWAY?" Carlos's face gets red as he walks in front of Chelsea.

"I'm with the most handsome of course…" Chelsea teases Carlos. Carlos crosses his arms and stops walking; "Screw you then…"

Chelsea smiles and grabs his shoulder:

"If you keep working hard, I'm sure Senpai will someday notice you…"

"You think so?"

"HELL NO!" Chelsea burst in laughter. Carlos makes a fist; " Damn you…"



Carlos drools as he imagines something naughty; "Senpai's boobs…"


Chelsea slaps his head; "You're such a perv…"

"Oh shut up…I know your worse than me…" Carlos exclaims as Chelsea walks forward; "Anyway…we must hurry…or we'll get into trouble…"

"Yeah yeah…"

Chelsea turn around a corner; "What is this?"

"Hey…why did you stop? Did you see a ghost?" Carlos chuckles and opens his eyes wider:

"What the hell?"

Carlos and Chelsea see an empty street that has a dead end, the lights are off, there are no cars, only clothes float around the block. Carlos and Chelsea look terrified:

"What's going on here…"

"You sinners, should pay…" 


Carlos and Chelsea are frozen as someone slowly walks past them. A girl with black cloak and white hair slowly walks to the center of the street. She lifts her head revealing her green eyes.

Carlos looks at the clothes and with a furious tone screams:


"You sinners should pay because of what you did to the "Ales." The Ales took revenge against you sinners. Everyone here was a tribute to him…"

Carlos and Chelsea look at her wondering what she was talking about. Carlos communicates with Jairo:

"Jairo can you hear me? We have a situation…"


Suddenly, something falls from the sky, a winged monster spreads its wings and roars.

"It can't be...that's the Chupacabras," Chelsea looks with nervousness. Carlos is also in shock; "Damn it…what do I do?"

Suddenly, he smiles with confidence:

"This is perfect, now I will demonstrate to Kasumi-Senpai that I am the only one that should be her right hand."

Carlos takes out two kunai knives and heads straight at the Chupacabras.

"Wait Carlos, it's dangerous…" Chelsea tries to warn him. The girl looks at both of them:

"You two will also serve as sacrifices."

Carlos and Chupacabras clash with great force.


"Damn it…" Chelsea makes her rifle appear, however she is suddenly frozen as someone appears behind her. A man with a black cloak comes out from a portal:

"Wait a minute young girl, it's better to not interfere…"

Chelsea slowly turns around with fear as she sees the face of the man:

"It can't be...you…."


El Muerto attacks Chelsea without giving her time to react.

Meanwhile, Carlos attacks the Chupacabras trying to cut it; "This monster is fast…" The Chupacabras flies to the sky, Carlos get angry:


Carlos summons multiple kunais and throws them towards the Chupacabras, the Chupacabras dodges most of them. Carlos misses and hits the houses.


Carlos looks at the houses on fire; "Oh damn it…Senpai is going to kill me…"


The Chupacabras flies down with great speed. -PPPUUMMM- It attacks Carlos without giving time to react.


Carlos flies towards a house, and crashes with it, he flies towards the living room. -COUGH COUGH- Carlos coughs up blood as he chuckles:

"That beast…is strong, I guess I can't play around like this…"


Carlos looks at the window, the Chupacabras gathers mana in its mouth. Carlos opens his eyes wider; "N-N-No way…is the monster going to…"


The Chupacabras releases a powerful mana roar in the form of a laser. The attack hits the house, destroying it completely, creating a huge explosion.

After a few seconds, Carlos comes out of the smoke running towards the monster:

"That was a foul move…now I will kill you…" 

Carlos gathers mana in both of his hand and summons two kunais; "Now prepare yourself." Carlos increases its speed. -SSSLLLASSSHHH- He cuts the Chupacabras in the side. The monster roars, Carlos throws the kunai above the Chupacabras:


He throws another with greater force, the second kunai hits the first, changing its direction and hitting the beast in the eye.


"OH NO…ALES…" The girl in the hood looks nervous. The Chupacabra takes out the kunai and destroys it; "Y-Y-You are strong…"

"I guess it won't be that easy…" Carlos breathes heavily; "Did that beast just talk…I see you're not just a monster…well then…I will kick things up…"

Carlos releases more mana and puts his hands together, suddenly a portal appears between them; "That's enough…"

The man in the hood appears holding Chelsea by the hair. Carlos looks in shock; "CCCHHHEEELLLSSEEEAA!!!"

"Surrender or I will kill her" The man in the hood lets her go. Carlos attacks him in a blink of an eye. -PPPUUMMM- The man in the hood grabs his head and slams it into the ground; "Don't get cocky…"

"You coward…" Carlos tries to stand up, the man chuckles:

"I think I will have some fun too…"


Meanwhile, at the secret base, the meeting about the plan was in motion…

"Two days ago, the town of Ascencio was attacked by the monster…" Shion explains as she shows Uriel and company the newspaper:

Muerte en Ascencio ( Death in Ascencio)

"So that's where the Chupacabras went, it went to get stronger by feeding with other people." Uriel looks at the paper as he analyzes the situation. 

"You are correct, aside from Ascencio, two other towns were attacked.The information was the same; everyone vanished leaving their clothes behind." Shion finishes explaining.

"Thank you Shion…" Kasumi stands up:

"Very well…tomorrow, Uriel and I will go to the banquet. Chelsea and Carlos will be at a distance in order to perform backup. Shion, you will be on standby for medical assistance. Jairo and Rosa will remain here to keep us informed."

Alejandro and Tiwa wait for their assignment; however, Kasumi finishes speaking.

Alejandro and Tiwa look at eachother; "Hey teacher, you forgot about us…"

"No I didn't, you two will stay here with Jairo and Rosa. It's too dangerous for the two of you to go…."

"Huh…wait a minute...I can defend myself just fine…" Tiwa gets angry at her, Alejandro tries to say something but gets interrupted by Kasumi:

"Look, I know that you want to help but you are not part of Yggdrasil, if anything happens to you, it will be at your own risk, besides you are my students and I don't want you to get hurt…"

Alejandro and Tiwa remained speechless. Uriel looks at Kasumi and asks:

"Kasumi, is the information you have accurate? Who gave you that information?"

"My friend Johanna and I do trust her…"

"Very well, I have no choice but to trust you…"


"Kasumi we have a situation…" Jairo puts an image on the screen. In the image, everyone sees the houses on fire. The Chupacabras is holding Carlos who is covered in wounds and blood.

"Carlos…" Everyone is in shock, suddenly, a hooded figure appears on the screen.

"Greetings Yggdrasil, as you can see, your agents are weak… This young one tried to attack the Chupacabras; however, the boy was no match for him."

The hooded figure lifts his arm showing a beat up Chelsea.


"Yggdrasil, may this serve as a warning, don't interfere with my plans…"

The hooded figure throws Chelsea to the ground. Without warning, three Sombras appear and begin to attack Chelsea:


Kasumi heads to the door with anger, Jairo notices and with great speed, he grabs Kasumi:



Kasumi struggles to get released, Jairo continues to speak:

"Even if you, you won't get there in time..we are too far away!"

Kasumi sheds tears of anger; "I CAN'T LET THEM DIE!"

"What should we do?" Alejandro and Tiwa look at each other horrified.

"Uriel, maybe you should…" Alejandro turns to speak to Uriel but he is not around.

"Huh, where is Uriel?" Tiwa asks Alejandro, everyone looks around but he is nowhere to be seen.


Suddenly, an explosion occurs between the Sombras sending them flying.

The hooded figure turns around; "So you decided to appear, Charro Negro…"

The smoke clears revealing Uriel holding Chelsea.

"HOW DID HE GET THERE SO FAST, WE ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY!" Kasumi exclaims looking surprised.


The Sombras try to attack Uriel.


"Viento Divino; Sable" (Divine Wind; Saber)

Uriel gathers wind and slashes the three Sombras, defeating them in an instant. He looks at the Chupacabras, the beast lets go of Carlos and flies straight at Uriel.

"Stop…" The beast stops and flies back. Uriel looks at the hooded man; "So then…are you going to…"


" Why are you attacking us?" The hooded girl asks Uriel as she stands behind.

"This girl...I didn't sense her presence…" Uriel looks at the girl and responds:

"Because you attacked us…"

"But you are part of us…"

The hooded figure stands in front of the girl:


Uriel grabs Carlos and Chelsea. He stretches his arm, he makes a red portal appear next to him.

"Charro Negro...I warned you once again..if you interfere with my plans...you will die…"

Uriel smiles and replies; "Good luck with that…"

Uriel crosses the portal, the portal closes.

"HAHAHA…THAT BOY SURE IS BRAVE TO PICK A FIGHT WITH US!" The hooded figure reveals his face. That man has the face of a skeleton:


The Chupacabras stands in front of him:

"D-D-Don't interfere…"

"I'm sorry…I just didn't want to see you kill…you see…those two are more dangerous than what they seem…"

"D-D-Don't interfere…"

"I understand…you have my apologies…my pet…" The man opens a black portal below them and slowly sink as he chuckles:

"Things are getting super interesting…"


A portal opens at the hideout, Uriel comes out of the portal with Carlos and Chelsea. He lets go of Carlos and puts Chelsea on a bed.

"CARLOS…CHELSEA!!!" Everyone runs to see them. Kasumi looks at Shion:

"You need to hurry, she lost too much mana.She'll die if she is not treated…"

" Right…" Shion quickly runs to her side. She puts two talismans that has the kanji;

"マナ" ( mana) on the table. Shion closes her eyes and makes a hand sign, the talisman begins to shine along with Chelsea.

Carlos regains consciousness; "What happened? Where is Chelsea?"

Carlos sees Chelsea on the table, he opens his eyes wider.

"You disobeyed an order and attacked the Chupacabras…. Chelsea was attacked by the Kage. Fortunately for you, Uriel was there to save you,"

Kasumi bows to Uriel, thanking him. Uriel doesn't say anything. Carlos stands up and looks at Chelsea, he begins to shed tears feeling useless:

"Damn it, why am I so weak? Chelsea, please forgive me…"

Carlos begins to walk to the door. Kasumi stands in front of him and asks:

"Where are you going?"

"I need to take revenge...I will…"


Kasumi slaps Carlos; "Please stop, you fool…" She hugs him with tears; "If anything were to happen to one of you...I wouldn't forgive myself."

Carlos calms down and with a somber expression, apologizes:

"I'm sorry...Senpai…"

"Don't worry, I'm glad that both of you are fine…" Kasumi replies, she walks away as he wipes her tears and takes off her glasses:

"Carlos, for your actions, you will be suspended from this mission, tomorrow, you will remain here with the others."

Carlos cries out of frustration; "I understand…"

Tiwa pulls Alejandro's arm and whispers; " Let's go…"

Uriel notices and smiles; "It appears they have an idea…very well…"

Kasumi looks at Uriel; "Uriel…we shall meet tomorrow outside the banquet…we will move forward with the operation…"

Uriel nods in agreement; "Very well…take care of them…and try to rest…" Uriel opens a portal and slowly disappears.


After having received Kasumi's orders, Tiwa and Alejandro walk down the street disappointed.

"Aww man, I really wanted to help out...were we supposed to be a team?" Alejandro puts his hands on the back of his head.

"I know how you feel, Ms. Miyazono should give us more credit, I mean, I am a member of the Ysleta tribe…"

"Yeah, yeah, but that doesn't help us right now…"

Both of them sigh with their eyes closed feeling disappointed. Suddenly, Tiwa opens her eyes with excitement:

"I GOT IT!!"

"Mhhh...You got what?"

"Listen...I just came up with a way for us to be there…"


Tiwa pulls Alejandro close and begins to whisper in his ear. Alejandro opens his eyes wider and exclaims:

"That's brilliant Tiwa, you sure are a genius.."

Tiwa blushes; "Well, I am smarter than you…"

"Hey shut up…" 

Tiwa shuckles, she and Alejandro continue to walk. 

On the other side of the street, Angela Conte stands behind a light pole. She saw Alejandro and Tiwa together as she thinks:

"Is that Alejandro and Tiwa? It can't be…are they dating?"


February 5th; Sun City, Sun City International School

In the Student Council, an interesting conversation was being unfold:

"Hahaha, are you serious? That loser dating Tiwa?" Aleister bursts into laughter. Angela lowers her head feeling down as she explains:

"It's true, I saw them yesterday walking together and she even whispered in his ear."

"Now that is hilarious...don't you think so Marjorie?"

Marjorie looks surprised and makes a fake smile:

"Y-Y-Yeah, I never thought he would get himself a girlfriend."

"Well Tiwa is also a weirdo so that doesn't surprise me…" Raul types on his laptop.

"Hhhmmpphhh…"Victoria puffs her cheeks:

"Well who cares about it, Angela and Raul, are you going to the Mayor's Banquet with me?"

"Sorry, I have dinner with my father…" Angela apologizes nervously. Raul continues to type:

"Sorry, but I don't care about that…"

"Aww, come on guys...Marjorie, you and Aleister are going right?"

"Yes we are..I will go representing my father because he is out of town at the moment...Your father is the chief of the police of Rio Grande city, right?"

Aleister replies as he puts his arm around Marjorie. Victoria nods in agreement. Marjorie stands up and begins to leave the room:

"Sorry, I have something to do…"

-TCH- Aleister gets angry; "Where the hell is she going?"

Marjorie walks down the hallway thinking:

"What is this sensation? I felt angry when I heard that Alejandro was dating Tiwa...but why? I need to confirm it by myself...."

Marjorie sees Alejandro carrying a box we walks smiling:

"Hey, Alejandro…" Marjorie runs to his side. Alejandro stops smiling:

"Oh, Marjorie, did you need something?"

"W-w-well, I have something I wanted to ask you…"

"HHEYYY ALEJANDRO, HURRY UP, WE NEED TO GO!" Tiwa waves at Alejandro.

"Coming…" Alejandro begins to walk forward:

"Sorry Marjorie, I'm busy…"

Tiwa glares at her; "Don't bother us…you witch!"

Marjorie is left standing alone, she makes a fake smile thinking:

"So, you finally moved on...."

At that moment, the windows next to her slowly begin to freeze as she walks back to the student council room.


Sun City; Kasumi's apartment

Night begins to fall, and Kasumi has a great dilemma:

"Gyyyaaahhh, I can't believe I'm going on a date with Uriel…" Kasumi rolls on the floor.:

"What should I wear? I can't wear something casual, do I?"

Shion, who is sitting on her bed looks at Kasumi acting weird; "Senpai, I think that dress will suit you...I know that you are nervous but remember that this is a mission…"

Kasumi puffs her cheeks and replies; "Aww, I know already but this is the first date I have with a man...I am really nervous…"

"Don't worry Kasumi...Jairo and I will help you on your date…he will fall for you for sure" Rosa speaks through the earphone. Kasumi blows steam off her head; "N-N-No…it's nothing like that…"

Shion chuckles; "Don't worry senpai...I will also help you…"

Kasumi looks at her with happiness; "Thank you, Shion…"

"You must hurry up, Senpai, or you are going to be late…"

"That's right...I must….Gyahhh" Kasumi trips with her stuff, Shion blushes:

"Senpai sure is clumsy…but even so…she's always so perfect…"


Rio Grande City; Mission of San Juan

Uriel gets ready to go with Kasumi to a famous restaurant in Rio Grande city. Uriel wears a black dressing pants, dressing shoes, a dark blue button shirt with a black tie. 


"May I come in?" Sister Carolina opens the door, Uriel gets ready looking at himself in the mirror; "Sure…no problem…"

"You look so handsome, Uriel...however…" Sister Caroline enters Uriel's room, she begins to straighten up his tie:

"You still need some practice…"

"I see...thank you…"

"Hey Uriel, where did Alejandro go?" Sister Carolina looks around. Uriel looks at the window:

"He said he would work at the cafe tonight...it's better that way...for him to stay away from danger…"

"It seems you really do care about him huh ...well that's what it means to be friends" Sister Carolina chuckles, Uriel doesn't respond as he thinks about the word "Friend."


"Sister Carolina, there is someone at the door…" Mariana comments to Carolina.

"I think your date has arrived…"

"This is not a date, it's a mission…" Uriel responds as they walk down the stairs. 


The person outside knocks once more, Sister Carolina runs straight to the door:

"Coming, coming"

Uriel opens the door to see who it was. Suddenly, everyone is in shock because of how beautiful Kasumi looks.

  Kasumi is wearing a long red dress; the dress went to her knees with one leg showing. She's wearing makeup, and black dressing gloves. Her hair has a curvy ponytail that hangs in her right shoulder.

"Hello, I came here for Uriel…" Kasumi stands looking shy.

Uriel walks towards her; "Good evening Kasumi, I hope you're ready…"

Kasumi blushes and asks; "Does this dress look good on me?"

Uriel nods in agreement; "You look beautiful…" Kasumi blows steam off her head feeling embarrassed. 


"I'm sending this picture to your mother...she will be surprised…" Sister Caroline writes down a message on her phone. Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; "I guess she will be glad…"

"Could you...take a picture with my phone as well?" Kasumi asks Sister Carolina with a shy tone. Sister Carolina nods with a smile; "Okay you two...ready...and smile…"


Sister Carolina takes a picture of Uriel and Kasumi together. Kasumi bows her head; "Thank you…"

"Wow, she looks gorgeous...I guess Uriel likes older women…" Abril looks at Mariana and both of the girls chuckle. 

"I'm sorry I changed our plans, but I needed to speak to Father Clemente and Sister Carolina.

"Sure…Father Clemente is in his office, come with me" Sister Carolina replies as both she and Kasumi walk towards the office. 

Uriel notices someone on the roof; "I understand now…I guess I will talk to her…"


Father Clemente's Office…

Kasumi decided to speak with Father Clemente and Sister Carolina regarding the mission…

"Oh Kasumi…you're looking beautiful tonight…" Father Clemente greets her, Kasumi bows her head:

"Thank you Father…"

"Now then…what did you want to talk about?"

Kasumi takes a seat; "Father…first I must apologize…we have invaded your territory and took over your mission…I hope this doesn't bring a future dispute against the church…"

"Not at all…" Father Clemente stands up and looks at the window; "In fact, we are grateful for your help…you and Uriel have volunteer in a suicide mission…it is I who should be apologizing to you…"

Kasumi gets nervous; "Oh no… I can't…we just accepted this mission because it intertwines with ours…"

"I see…very well…then we will support back up…Sister Carolina will be close by along with two other members of the church…although I doubt you will be alone on this right?"

Kasumi shakes her head; "Oh no…Shion will also be there to provide support…"

"Excellent…but judging from your reputation and power…I think you could handle it alone…"

'No please you're too kind…"

"We mean it…during your duel with Uriel…we noticed that you only showed like 10 % of your power…" Sister Carolina comments, Kasumi blushes; "You noticed…how embarrassing…"

"Don't worry dear…I know you had your reasons…"

Kasumi smiles at her; "Thank you…"

"Kasumi…be careful…"

"I'm sure Uriel and I…"

Father Clemente looks at her; "You know what I mean…be careful with him…"

Kasumi changes her expression; "I understand…if he does anything that results in treason…I will do my best to stop him…"

"Excellent…he may be on our side…but he is also El Charro Negro…"

"I understand…thank you…Father…"

"Now then…you better keep going or you will be late…" Sister Carolina grabs her shoulder, she gets close to her and whispers:

"You don't want to be late for your date huh?"

Kasumi gets embarrassed; "Right…"

Kasumi and the others walk to the front door where Uriel is waiting for her…

"W-W-Well, time to go to Uriel…" Kasumi bows once more. Uriel nods as he walks with her to the door. He turns around and looks at the others:

"I'll be back…"

"Have fun…" Sister Carolina waves with a smile.

They get into Kasumi's car and leave the mission. Everyone in the Mission runs outside and see them take off. Sister Carolina smiles:

"Well, that really looks like a date, what do you guys think?

Father Clemente and the other sisters nod in agreement.

Father Clemente begins to pray:

"May God help Uriel and his companions beat that monster so this city can find peace…"

Sister Carolina looks at Father Clemente; "I'm off…"

Father Clemente nods in agreement.

Fabiola looks from the ceiling; "I shall get ready as well…ready for my revenge…"

This is Jairo, we are commencing with the operation ; "Getting a Boyfriend for Kasumi"


El Planeta de Diamante Restaurant…

El Planeta de Diamante Restaurant (The Diamond Planet Restaurant) is the fanciest and most expensive restaurant in Rio Grande city. The restaurant is located in the richest part of the city near the Sun City border. The restaurant is on the highest floor and it is shaped as a sphere with crystals that makes it shine.

Meanwhile, on the base, Jairo and the others look at the date on the screens of the hideout. They are communicating with Kasumi through her earphone…

Kasumi managed to put their names on the list using her advanced technology and Rosa's knowledge…

-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-

Classical music plays as people eat their dinner with pleasure…The Mayor gives a speech…



Everyone applauds as they continue with the banquet.

Uriel and Kasumi are eating dinner with everyone staring at them. Kasumi is eating some chicken with vegetables and Uriel is eating steak with mashed potatoes.

"Do you like your dinner, Uriel?" Kasumi asks Uriel with a low tone. 

Shion: That was lame Senpai, try to be more creative...

"It's not bad, how about yours Kasumi?" Uriel answers Kasumi thinking to himself:

"This place has a very sinister rhythm..."

"I-I-It's good…" Kasumi replies nervously as she thinks; "Oh no…I screwed up…"

"Kasumi, how did Johanna know about the Chupacabras?" Uriel asks Kasumi. She finishes drinking water and replies:

"Johanna works for another agency different from mine. We have been friends for a couple of years now, so I trust her..." 

"I see" 

Jairo: Kasumi, you must feed Uriel...that always works…

"Are you sure about that? It's embarrassing…" Kasumi whispers in her ear.

Uriel notices Kasumi whispering; "Is something the matter?"

"So they are communicating through an ear piece…" Uriel thinks to himself.

"No, no, everything is fine…" Kasumi feeling really nervous, begins to ask:

"Hey Uriel, this is the first time I've been on a date so....can I feed you some of my chicken?" Uriel is skeptical for a couple of seconds but he finally agrees by nodding. 

"Well then…say ahh…" Kasumi feeds Uriel a piece of chicken. Kasumi blushes thinking:

"Uriel's lips touched my fork, is this maybe an indirect kiss?"

"Thank you, it's really good."

Rosa: Excellent, now you must ask him to do the same….

"Whaaattt? I can't do that…" Kasumi whispers once again.

Uriel knows what's happening but he ignores it. Uriel slowly analyzes the situation, he sees that on the other side of the restaurant the mayor of Rio Grande City was eating with his son. 

  Nathaniel Gonzalez (Age 50) is a middle aged bald man; he has overweight and brown hair on his side with a brown mustache. He has brown skin and eyes as well.

"So, he is the mayor of the city…"

Uriel opens his eyes wider as he sees that next to them, Aleister and Marjorie are eating at the dinner table:

"Marjorie? Why is she here?"

Kasumi looks at Uriel feeling tense and asks:

"Uriel, is something the matter?"

Uriel comes to his senses and replies; " It's nothing?"

Shion: Senpai, hurry up...or he will lose interest…

"Right...Hey Uriel?"

"Excuse me, would you like more tea?" The waiter interrupts Kasumi.

  "No thank you…" Kasumi looks up and sees Alejandro. Alejandro has a waiter uniform and a blond wig:

"Alejandro? What are you doing here?"

Alejandro makes a smirk; "Well, we had a great idea to support you guys…"

"That's right...we will be your back up…" Tiwa stands next to Alejandro wearing a black wig and a waitress uniform.

"No, it's dangerous, besides I gave you an order…"

Tiwa and Alejandro chuckle; "Sorry to disappoint you, but we are not members of Yggdrasil and you are not a teacher here…"

Kasumi sighs with her eyes close and replies:

"Fine, but if it gets dangerous, promise that you will run for safety…here take these communicators...Jairo will help if there is a problem…"

Both of them nod in agreement and place the communicators onto their ears.They continue to work as servers in disguise. Uriel chuckles:

"Those two are quite interesting…"

Kasumi puffs her cheeks; "They are interfering with our date…"


On the other of the restaurant, another conversation was unfolding:

"It's too bad that your father couldn't come…" Nathaniel looks at Aleister. Aleister makes a fake smile and replies:

"Unfortunately, he is out of town and my mother had another meeting...but fortunately, me and my girlfriend Marjorie were able to come…"

"Aww yes, Marjorie...lovely and beautiful as always…" Nathaniel grabs Marjorie's hand, Marjorie smiles at him:

"Thank you…" 

Aleister glares at him and releases mana:

"Can you please let her go?"

Nathaniel apologizes nervously; "Aww yes, sorry, I got carried away…"

Sitting on the next table, Victoria and her father eat their dinner. Victoria puts her head down on the table:

"Aww, I'm so bored...I should've brought a boyfriend…"

"Isn't your father enough, I am here with you…" Officer Rodriguez plays with Victoria.

"No offense papa, but you are too old for me…" Victoria and her father laugh.

Officer Rodriguez decided to adopt Victoria after her parent's death 5 years ago…

"Here you go…" Tiwa who serves them more water. 

"Thank you…" Victoria looks at Tiwa who is in disguise. Tiwa avoids looking at her directly. Victoria with a face full of suspicion asks:

"Hey, you look familiar, have we met before?"

"N-n-no we haven't…" 

"Yes we do...aren't you Tiwa?"

Tiwa opens her eyes wider as she replies; "I'm sorry, my name is Carlota"

Tiwa quickly walks away from the table.

"Phew...that was close…" Tiwa continues to serve to another table.

"Carmelo, please deliver this wine to the Mayor's table…" The head waiter asks Carmelo (Alejandro).

"Sure thing boss…" Alejandro walks toward the Mayor's table, he stops as he notices that Aleister and Marjorie are also sitting next to the mayor.

"What should I do?" Alejandro walks towards Aleister. Aleister makes a face full with disgust:

"Hey waiter...this food is disgusting…"

"I'm sorry, I will change it right away…" Alejandro grabs the plate. Marjorie looks at him and asks:

"Hey, have we met before…"

Aleister looks at him. Alejandro gets nervous, Marjorie tries to get close to him. Tiwa looks at the situation:

"This is bad, if he gets discovered then everything will be over. Jana go help him…"

"Sss...alright...I will.move quickly…" Jana the serpent appears, she turns invisible and slowly moves to the table.Without anyone looking, she spills Marjorie's glass of water onto Aleister's pants.

"Gyahh…Aleister are you alright…"

Aleister stands up and notices the serpent. He chuckles and replies; "Clumsy me, I must go to the restroom to dry off...Waiter please bring more water to the lady."

Carmelo (Alejandro) bows; "Right away sir…"

Alejandro passes next to Tiwa. Tiwa winks at him;"Thank you Tiwa…."

Carlota (Tiwa) looks away; "It's not as if I wanted to help you or anything…focus on the mission…"

Sitting on the right, Alberto Gonzalez, the son of the mayor, looks at Kasumi. He makes a sinister smile:

"Father, I have found the ideal woman that will keep me company tonight…"

"Oh you did son? Well then…why don't you bring her here…"

"That I will…" Alberto stands up as he licks his lips; "What an exquisite woman…"

Meanwhile in the tallest building of Sun City, El Muerto and the hooded girl have a conversation:

"The moon shines bright…I think it's time to make our move…don't you think so…Estrella?"

"..." The girl doesn't say a word. El Muerto chuckles:

"Very well…call the Chupacabras so we can finish this…"

"He's called Ales…not the Chupacabras…you insolent fool…"

"Hahaha ... .I like your attitude girl…remember…finish this job and you will be free…"

The girl takes out her flute and calls the monster.


The Chupacabras roars as it finishes eating a goat and it spreads its wings to fly towards the City…preparing for the