
Rubaru Ishq

~ ZA¥DAN ~ 'Life is a Game of chess' Move in silence only to say CHECKMATE°°° ~ HA¥AT ~ 'Life can be a game of chess' But with a calm mind, Life can be crystal CLEAR°°° ~~~~~~~~ "Your name"? He asked as he stood up from his chair, taking slow steps towards me making me take steps backward, his voice extremely dark with a slightest bit of anger, his blue eyes roaming to every inch of my body taking his pleasurable time, as his blue eyes stopped at my eyes and met mine amber one, A chill rustled through my spine. Confusion spread across my face as fear engulfed me. Why is he asking my name? Like he don't know, I really wanted to roll my eyes but held the urge in. "Hayat" I replied confidently as my back hit the wall. A dead end. "Full name"? He asked fully invading my personal space as he placed both his hands on each side of wall trapping me in. We stared at eachother in silence. "Hayat Malik" I replied still staring at him. As the words slipped out of my tongue, a small smirk made its way to his lips. This was a simple action but I could sense danger from his eyes. "Aren't you forgetting something Mrs...." He trailed off as he took a hold of my face from his right hand, left hand still on the wall. Tinkles spread across my stomach as his hand made contact with my skin. "Hayat Zaydan Malik" He completed and with that he slammed his lips against mine. Update on Monday and Friday.

Etrat_Ejaz · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 18. Picking Up

Should i call him to pick me up? I don't have an option other than to call him. I sighed and called him.

After exact 2 rings, he picked it up. Looks like he was waiting for my call. Before I could greet him, he greeted first in his pure happy and peaceful voice. "Assalam-O-Alaikum Begum «Hello Wife»" That Begum «Wife» word, I tell you always melt my heart.

"Wa-Alaikum-Aslam" I replied softly.

I continued "I am free, If you are busy then no problem I can come by myself, you....." I trailed off when I heard someone calling me from behind.

I turned and saw Dr.Ruhaan running towards me. "Wait Hayat" He was out of breath, he placed both his hands on his knees and tried to got his normal breath. Ya Allah!

Who told him, I was in hospital? I sighed totally forgetting I was on the phone with Zay.

"Assalam-O-Alaikum Hayat. How are you?" He asked cheerfully. I smiled a little and replied. "Alhumdulila totally fine" I don't know why I couldn't ignore him. It's just that I feel sorry for him. I don't want to hurt his feelings, he's hurting himself.

"Haya" Came a bit angry voice from my phone and I remembered I was on the phone with Zay. I hurriedly put the phone back to my ear and whispered "Yes"? I wanted to correct Zay for calling me Haya but seeing Dr. Ruhaan, I kept quiet.

"I am on my way, Be outside in 1 minute" He ordered and cutted off the line. I was going to tell him, I was already outside but before I would tell him he cutted the call. Now why the hell he is angry?

I looked at Dr.Ruhaan, he was already looking at me. I again passed him a small smile.

"How is your foot now? I called you many times but you didn't picked any of my call" He sounded sad and I frowned.

"Called me When? I didn't received any call from you" I was going to check my phone but a car horn from my behind stopped me.

I turned and saw Zay getting out of the car. There was anger in his eyes but it was not directed towards me, I turned and saw Dr.Ruhaan. Why Zay is glaring at him?

Holding my hand he said each word clearly "Let's . Go . Home . Begum" With Zay's words, Dr.Ruhaan eyes got dimmed. Not knowing what to say I said bye to him "Allah Hafiz! Dr.Ruhaan" seconds later came his sad reply "Allah Hafiz! Hayat Take care" I only passed him a small smile.

With that Zay dragged me to the car. First he made me sit in the car, going towards his side, sitting he slammed the door with a thud. I slightly flinched but didn't said anything.

He was angry, I can see in his eyes and his hands were tightly clenched on the steering wheel. Don't knowing what to say or do, the best I thought was to kept quiet.

After 2 minutes when I didn't get to stop myself, I asked him "Why are you angry"? My voice came out extra soft. His hold loosened on the steering wheel and he turned towards me. His eyes were calm and soft.

"I was, but not now" He replied looking towards the road ahead. "Oh!" I averted my eyes from him. A comfortable silence spread across the car.

After some minutes he asked softly "Who was he back there? I saw him the other day also when we last came. He seems to care about you alot" I deeply sighed. Now what should I tell him?

As a wife telling your husband that another man is in love with you, it's highly inappropriate.

Thinking for some seconds I replied 

"He's a Friend" I didn't lied because he really was.

"I didn't get his name. What was it"? Zay asked again. "Ruhaan! Dr.Ruhaan, He is working here for the last 10 months. Why are you asking"? I asked turning my head towards him.

"Just knowing my wife better" He replied casually but there was a small smirk forming on his lips.

You knew me better than anyone else but your stubbornness ruined everything, your hurting words destroyed my hope and now when you are trying, I can't get myself to trust you.

Maybe one day when you explain everything to me but not now at least. I didn't replied him and our left ride was in silence.

We both freshen up, had dinner and after offering 'Esha prayer' together, we slept.

Next day was as usual with me waking up from the voice of 'Azaan', offering 'fajr prayer' together, getting ready for the office and after thinking alot picking his today's wear out.

We went to the office together as my car was still in the company garage, I really wanted to facepalm myself. I was actually missing my car and driving.

Today I will come back in my car.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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