
Royalty tale

royaltytale this my au of undertale it starts with the story of Asriel and his lover and later with my oc-

Malik_druinace · Video Games
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10 Chs

prolog- the two kindoms

Malik was the prince of Castilla it was the neighboring kingdom next to the kingdom of monsters Malik was curious about it

and he asked his parents if he could visit it

but they refused his parents weren't found of monsters- but nonetheless he didn't listen to his parents and sneaked out

Malik wasn't entirely human and his parents had hid it from him but he found out that he had powers- or a power- and it was quite useful- he could phase himself through doors

and that's how he was able to escape

and he ran off to the kingdom of monsters

and all the monsters were kind to him

there was no war between them yet

so it was peaceful but it was still strange to see a human there so someone reported it to the king and queen- and the royal guards

asked for him to come along and he followed them he wasn't scared of them or what the queen and king of monsters were like

he didn't believe In the rumors he had heard

and he wanted to meet them

and when he finally got there he was surprised to learn that they had a son

"I'm prince Asriel dreemurr-"

Malik shook his hand

"I'm prince Malik druiance-"

the dreemmur's eyes widen

they didn't know that the druiances had a son

and they hadn't heard from them in years

"It's nice to meet you Malik- I hope we can be great friends-" Asriel replied

"Me too- Azzy-em- Asriel- I like to the bestest of friends-" he replied

"were best friends then!" Asriel exclaimed

"Yep best friends forever-" he replied

"best friends forever!" Asriel exclaimed

and hugged him

Malik giggled his new friend was adorable

the queen laughed as well

she was glad to see her son happy

but sadly that wouldn't last and Malik's parents found out and was taken away from them Asriel cried and Malik shouted

"let me go!Azzy needs me!"

but they didn't listen and brought him home

and his parents were mad

[domestic violence-]

his mother slapped him and told the guards to bring her the whip

"Malik first you disobey us and sneak out

and go to the kingdom of monsters

when we deliberately told you not to

and now you were get all comfy with the queen and king of monsters Malik are we not enough for you? and you had to make friends with their son- don't you know that someday you'll both be Kings? you will be enemies

there is no reason to be buddies- and I believe you degrade yourself with their kind and if you want to be an monster then I'll make you one and treat you as such- and from now on you are no longer my son-"

and then she slashed him with the whip

making marks on his back he groaned

and cried out but she didn't stop until

he was completely broken down

she made sure to make him scar and bleed

and she told the nurses to not take care of him and she told her staff to not feed him

and he was locked in his bedroom

he cried into his pillow it hurt so much

it wasn't fair he just wanted a friend

and now that he had one he got in trouble

and he didn't care that he wasn't supposed to go back he had to he would sneak out again

he phased through his door and sneaked past the Guards- and he was able to make it back to the dreemurrs and Mrs dreemurr was shocked to see him and she saw the scars

and she immediately healed him

Malik's eyes widen he didn't know that monsters had magic- his parents didn't tell him anything about them except that were vile creatures that eat children but he clearly see now that was a lie

he didn't feel pain anymore and he felt brand-new

"how did you do that miss dreemurr?" he asked

she giggled

"You don't have to call me dreemurr child you can call me Toriel or mom if you want-"

"miss toriel then-" he replied

"aw aren't you adorable you're perfect for my son-" she replied

"hmm? what do you mean miss toriel?" he replied

"I mean- you're his first friend and you two instantly clicked- he's never acted the way he did with you with other monsters-" she replied

"my mom-said that I was an monster- am I?" he replied

toriel shook her head

"No child you are no monster she's the one who gave you those scars?" she replied

he nodded his head

"hmm then she is no longer your mother- you will be my son in law-" she replied

"son in law?" he asked

"You and my son will become really close friends-" she replied

Malik looked at her confused

"But we are already best friends what's more than that?" he replied

"that's for you to find out- but trust me the two of you will be really close and be unsepretable-" she replied

and then Asriel came out

"Malik!" Asriel exclaimed and hugged him

"I'm alright Azzy-" he replied

"Azzy? hmm can I give you a nickname too?"

"sure-" he replied

"Yay! I'm going to call you Mai-" Asriel exclaimed

"Mai?-" he replied

"like the month - and may brings flowers-

and you are a yellow one- because you are bright-" Asriel explained

Malik felt his cheeks turn pink

he had never been complemented before

Asriel giggled and booped his nose

"are humans supposed to turn pink?"

"um-it happens when a human is embarrassed-" he replied

"You were embarrassed why?" Asriel replied

"I never received a complement before-" he replied

"not even from your parents?" Asriel asked

Malik shook his head

"even though they called me their son- I never felt like it- and they never paid attention to me- and told me to leave them alone-" he replied

"that's mean! it's good that you have me now

and mommy toriel-" Asriel exclaimed

"I guess-" he replied

"what's wrong?" Asriel replied

"It's just strange-I never expected to be treated so well-" he replied

"Well you should expect it more- you'll be living the life of a king-" Asriel replied

"You give up your spot for me?" he replied

"No- we'll rule together!" Asriel exclaimed

"What? but- there can't be two kings-" he replied

"Well then let's make it happen!-" Asriel exclaimed

"But how?" he replied

"we'll find a way-" Asriel replied

and so the two of them ended up ruling a kingdom together- but it was now in the underground and the two of them had been driven apart by the war between the humans and monsters- but they were reunited