
Royalty Love Triangle

(part 1) Prince Leon Tsunatsu and Prince Andrew Lloyd Mia both are after Princess Sasuko Heartless Mia. Each are aware of such thing, so that leads to a complicated life. Sasuko is also aware of this, but acts as if she doesn't know to see how far will they go to claim her. Eventually, one of them is able to steal the princess's first kiss which irritated the other. How will this love triangle be solved? With or without bloodshed? Or would it result in someone's death? genre: romance, action, BL, supernatural ----------- Hello readers!!! Be aware, each story I'll ever make here are all going to be based on my ocs. Some of the ocs I use are not mine but a friend's. Since I'm using her ocs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't mind a bit. So, with that said, please rate, post a review, comments, and vote!! I would love to know what you think of this story and my other story "Can you really be the one?" !! Cover: credits belong to MissDangerousAnti

SasukoMia · Fantasy
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26 Chs

RLT (15)

About ten minutes later, Phantom gave Leon and Andrew Sasuko's current location. The Urishio gang's hideout was literally in the middle of nowhere. 

"Alright, I think it would be better that I stay here and you go for her." Leon told Andrew.

"I'm guessing for you to keep track of movement?" Andrew asked.

"Exactly. By the looks of it, there is a force which prevents anyone from being able to teleport in or out of that area. So, it'll take about a day or two to get there. In the meantime, I have backup ready if you end up needing one."

"Alright, sounds reasonable."

"Of course it does. Head out asap."

"Will do." Nodding small, Andrew leaves the corporation.

"Phantom, I want you to keep track of Andrew's movements 24/7. If you need a break, tell your partner Zero to take place." 

"Of course, sir." 

~back at the mansion~

Pacing back and forth, Pakura was extremely worried. She was trying her best to remain calm, but never got successful.

"Miss Pakura, you should relax. Don't forget, Sasuko can feel how worried you are. This isn't good for her, less if she is going through a lot." Yuuki said, desperate for her master to calm down.

"You are right, Yuuki. I must calm down. Okay.." Pakura sits on the couch, and looks at her. "Please, prepare any type of tea for me."

"Right away, ma'am." Yuuki bows before turning around and walking to the kitchen to prepare the tea. 

"So," Pakura turns her attention to Nala and Asuna. "What was happening earlier? You two seemed very stressed."

"Well... she was trying to contact us.. but we were unable to connect." Nala answered.


"Ma'am, we just received a call from Prince Leon informing that they have her location. Someone was already sent out to get her." A maid said with a hint of relief.

"That is excellent news!" Pakura exclaimed as Nala and Asuna sighed in relief.

"Yes, they should reach her by two days. Or less, depending on the pace of their travel."

"I see. Alright, thank you for the information."

The maid bows before leaving. Yuuki comes back and hands Pakura a cup of tea.

"Your tea, ma'am."

"Thank you." Taking the tea from her, Pakura takes a sip. "Now, let's all take things easy."

Nala and Asuna both node in agreement. Once Creed, Ash, Atsushi, and Jewel heard the news, the mansion had a relaxing, calm atmosphere. Everyone was now stress-free for they knew Leon and Andrew wouldn't fail them.