
Royalty Chp. 1

The morning sunlight shown through Daichi's Windows. The young man shifted In his bed and squinted to get used to the early morning light In his room. He heard a quiet knock at his door as the voice of his mother spoke softly, "Hey, honey I just came to check if you're awake." Daichi slowly sat up, he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands "Yeah I'm up mom" he said groggily as he shifted his legs under the sheets. "Make sure you get up and get ready soon remember the ball is today~" his mother sang. "Yes, I know mom" Daichi said as he slowly got out of bed. "Alright, Sugawara will be up here soon to help you pick out an outfit" His mother told him as she walked away from the door. Daichi sighed as he looked out the window, He didn't want to be having this stupid ball today. Daichi groaned as he heard another knock at his door "what?" he asked slightly annoyed. "O-oh its just Suga but you sound annoyed I can come back later to help you pick an outfit out for the ball" Says Suga in a soft voice. Daichi softened when he heard the boys voice "No its fine Suga you can come in." "Oh good" Suga said as he opened the door and entered Daichi's room.

Daichi smiled at the silver haired boy that had just entered his room, Suga returned the smile and said "So shall we pick out your outfit we only have a couple minutes." "a-A COUPLE MINUTES" Daichi screamed in shock. "Well this is what you get for sleeping until 12:00" Said Suga while he checked his pocket watch "But it's fine we still have some time."

Daichi sighed and muttered "I don't even wanna go to this dumb ball." "Hmm what'd you say." Suga asked while he was looking for an outfit in Daichi's large closet "I said I don't wanna go to this ball" Daichi said a bit louder than he meant to.

Suga turned around to see Daichi sitting on his bed looking at his hands. Suga walked over to Daichi and crouched in front of him so he could look Daichi in the eyes "why not?" "It's.... complicated" Daichi said quietly.

"hey, Daichi you can tell me" Suga said softly. Daichi looked into Suga's light brown eyes he felt like he could stare into them forever "well you know how this whole thing is because my parents want me to find a bride but... I don't know if I want a wife" Daichi said. "Why wouldn't you want a wife don't you wanna be with someone" Suga asked while tilting his head but never moving his eyes from Daichi's face.

"Well I wanna be with someone I just don't know if I want it to be a woman" Daichi said quietly, he hoped Suga wouldn't think he was weird for this. Suga smiled "I understand, I feel like that to, but why didn't you tell your parents?" Daichi was happy that Suga wasn't grossed out by him maybe Daichi actually had a chance with Suga he thought to himself.

"Well I didn't tell them because I know they really want grand kids and stuff and I don't want to let them down." Daichi said. Suga smiled and said "Maybe there will be some men there who you might li-" Daichi cut him off "I'm also already interested in someone" he mumbled.

Suga was a bit shocked by this and kinda sad he had liked Daichi for awhile now but if he was interested in someone he had no chance at being with Daichi "O-oh I see" Suga said softly "who is it?" "I-I don't know if I can tell you that" Daichi stuttered as he felt his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Oh it's fine you don't have to tell me" Suga said as he started to stand up.

Daichi grabbed Suga's wrist "um no its fine I can tell you" He said while looking down. Suga crouched back down and said "well who is it?" "Umm uh I LIKE YOU SUGA" Daichi slapped his hand over his mouth he had said that louder than he was supposed to and now Suga was probably grossed out by him "d-do you like me back?" he said quietly. Suga was shocked, and overjoyed Daichi liked him DAICHI LIKED HIM he screamed over and over again in his head. "Yes, yes I do Daichi in fact I've liked you for awhile now" Suga said softly as he felt blush rise to his cheeks.

Daichi looked at the blushing boy crouching in front of him and smiled he leaned forward placing his hand under Suga's chin and turned the boys face to look at him. Suga blushed deeper as he looked into Daichi's warm brown eyes he smiled. Daichi leaned in and kissed the boy, Suga kissed back as he felt his face turn even redder. Daichi quickly pulled away after he heard someone clear their throat.

The brown haired boy looked over at the door way to see his mother standing in the doorway with a happy smile on her face "Sorry to interrupt but its only 5 minutes till the ball starts and Daichi the only thing your father and I want more than grand kids is for you to be happy so if you want to be with Suga your father and I completely support your choice, but still you really need to pick out an outfit and I can get one of the maids to get Suga an outfit to" She said while turning and walking out the door.

Daichi looked back at Suga who was still staring at the place where his mother had stood "So are you gonna pick out an outfit for me?" Daichi said with a laugh. Suga shook his head and said "O-oh yeah" He said while standing up and walking back over to Daichi's closet. Daichi smiled as he watched the boy fumble with the clothes in his closet as he tried to pick out an outfit "H-here change into this" Suga said as he pulled some clothes out of the closet. Daichi nodded and took the clothes from Suga's hands "Thanks, now you should go find a maid to help you find an outfit." Suga nodded "Yes of course" Suga turned to walk out of the room when a maid quickly appeared in the doorway, "Hello I'm here to take Sugawara to find an outfit for the ball" She said with a smile on her face. "O-oh well then I guess I'll just follow you" Suga said. "Great, now if you'll come with me over here" she said as she turned and walked out of the room, Suga quickly waved to Daichi then followed the maid to another room

Heh heh grammar

So this story is just something my friend asked for so my actual stories will have nothing to do with anime so this story will not be properly edited

AndyetImstilldumbcreators' thoughts