
Royally Screwed

AuthorSaraOmar77 · Teen
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85 Chs

Chapter 19: The Habsburg Effect

As the train sped its way towards Italy, Sebastian, Leonardo and I slipped through the cars, careful not to draw anyone's attention from the other passengers as we made our way from the VIP car to the door leading to the fifth car.

'The letter said to meet in the fifth car, right?', Sebastian asked as he fiddled nervously with his fingers.

'And to come alone', I reminded him and gulped hard. The thought of someone in there who was only pretending to help me and was actually trying to get rid of me one way or another never left my mind since last night.

I barely slept and could barely down my breakfast. But it was going to be a long ride to Italy, and I knew I needed a good morning's dose of protein and caffeine to make it through the day. They only offered light snacks on the train, as we were expected to have a hearty dinner at the stateman's estate. Italians dined and wined like there was no tomorrow, so we were advised to build up an appetite.