
Royally Ignited : The Sun And Moon An Empire

Volume One After being forced into a marriage by his father, the Emperor treatment for her depreciates as he believed that she was the cause of the death of his lover. The former Emperor Christian Zoltan Salthon urges him to treat her nicely, but the Emperor faults his promise and instead maltreates the Empress causing her to have the lowest ranking even though she was the first Empress. "Why would you bring me this far just to leave me midway? Was it my fault for loving you? How can you be this cruel and inhumane to the same woman who you promised the entire world? When did you become this person?", the Saxena weeps as she kneels on the ground nursing the bruises on her arm. "You still have the audacity to talk back at me, you insolent fool. You actually thought I love you, and would give you the entire world. I'm sorry my dear, but you couldn't be more delusional. I only married you to exact my long awaited revenge, I simply hate you and your sight disgusts me!", the Emperor yelled to the hearing of all the maids in the room. "You should've just killed me instead", the Empress said in a cold and lifeless voice as she stood up and dusted herself clean before leaving the room. Enjoy the heart warming story of the only Moon borne Princess in Salthon.

Itz_Priscy_389 · Fantasy
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The Lovable Twins

In the palace garden. The Princess is searching for the twins. She looks around the garden then remembers that they were still playing hide and seek.

"Oh so you're still hiding, huh!", she yelled to the hearing of the twins and got little children giggling behind the bushes on the left side of the garden. She smile and walk up to the bushes.

"Where could my little babies be now! Poor old me, what do I find them", she said as she slowly walked behind the bushes and grabbed the two little boys. "Got you!", she yelled victoriously as she tickled the two cute little boys who were now sitting on her laps.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Aunty stop!", the two little boys pleaded with the Princess. "I'm gonna pee my pants", little Prince Rayne cried admit his laughter.

"Okay fine, I'll stop but you both must never dare me again. I'm the greatest, hm?", Saxena said victoriously as she carried the two little boys towards a bench in the garden.

"Of course, of course. Our aunty is the best!", little Raymond said enthusiastically as Saxena placed them both on the bench and placed their sun hats on them.

"Ray, Rayne. Aunty has a big surprise for you two", Saxena said as she pinched each of their cheeks playfully.

"Really!", the twins chorused excitedly and Saxena nodded as a response.

"What is it Aunty?", little Raymond asked in anticipation and Rayne in agreement. But Saxena shook her head at them.

"Come on Aunty, please tell us", this time it was Rayne who begged.

"Come inside during dinner and you'll find out yourselves", Saxena concluded and walked away as the twins trailed behind her begging her to tell them.

Meanwhile, in throne room of Ganesa. The Emperor is seated on the largest throne with his Second Empress beside him. On the left side of the throne room was seated the Duke. and on the right where seated the Duke's Eunuchs. Everyone of them were listening to the Emperor with serious faces.

"... And you're all aware that we'll be having a peace treaty with the Empire of Rablio. The Celestial Knights have come out victorious in the war against the rebelling Duchy of Luxem. That'll be all for today. Duke Saheb, please lag behind", the Emperor concluded and all the Eunuchs bowed and walked out of the throne room leaving the Duke, the Emperor and his Second Empress alone in the huge room.

"Your Highness, what problem made you to tell me to lag behind?", the Duke asked humbly as he resumed his position on his throne.

Not liking the serious look on the Emperor's face, Saheb welcomed the sweet smile on the Empress' face.

"Duke Saheb, we want to ask a favour from you", the Empress said holding her husband's arm...

Later that day;

The Imperial family and the Ganesan Royal family were seated at the dinning table of course except the Princess and the Princes.

"Where is Saxena, she's never late for dinner but shows up late when it's most important", Tanisha whispered in her husband's ear and Saheb shrugged in disapproval.

"We could say the same about OUR sons", Saheb said and almost immediately, the Princess showed up with the twins trailing behind her obediently.

"This is your surprise, now you can stop sulking", the Princess said victoriously pointing towards the dinning table.

"The Imperial family?!", the twins yelled in disbelief as they stared at the diner bewildered.

"Correct! Seems you are very versed with your current affairs ", Saxena said and then drew out two seats for the twins who sat on them obediently.

Luis sat, keenly staring at Saxena's right arm. "There's something about this girl that intrigues me, something... different", Luis said in Lilac's head and Lilac jolted in response making everyone turn to him.

"Lyle, are you okay?", Lilian asked with a concerned expression on her face. Even the Emperor look concerned.

"Why are you so worry about me? I'm fine, I just felt something crawl on my leg", Lilac said in reassuringly before glaring at his brother who gave him an innocent smile.

"Damn you Luis!", Lilac yelled in his hand and heard his brother's laughter in his head.

"Really sorry, LYLE. Ha ha ha ha ha", Luis said in Lilac's head making Lilac wonder how he could keep such a straight face while cackling in his head.

"So, who are we waiting for?", Tanisha asked after a while and the Duke simply smiled and was about to answer when the main door opened dramatically.

"Kids! Grandma's here!", a cute old woman yelled from the main entrance. She wore Ganesa's signature royal attire, a long two sided pleated shirt and long trousers inside.

"Grandma?", Saxena said in disbelief as she stared at the old woman in shock.

"Great-grandma Mandurah!", the twins yelled excitedly and Saxena smiled at the woman. The twins jumped out of their seats, ran to Mandurah and gave her a big hug.

Then suddenly, an old man appeared from behind Mandurah. "Grandpa Alias!", this time it was Saxena yelled and ran to give the old man a hug.

"That's Grandpa's good girl", Alias said as he patted Saxena head. "Hmm, my boys are also good. Let me hug my Saxy", Mandurah whined as she let go of the twins to hug Saxena.

"How have you been my dear?", Mandurah said in Saxena's ear while hugging her but Saxena did not reply. She let go of Saxena and the Princess gave her a sweet smile.

"Oh my, I feel so left out", Saheb said as he pouted childishly and the old couple immediately ran to him.

"Rodney!", the old couple yelled excitedly and the old woman rained kisses on his forehead.

"Okay, that too much attention", Saheb said and then smiled at the Imperial couple who were staring at the Ducal family in bewilderment, of course except Lilian who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Aunty Mandy, how have you been?", the Second Empress said in a friendly tone.

"Oh my, Rosary. Is that you?", Alias said as he tapped his wife's shoulder pointing at the Imperial family.

"Pardon us, your Majesties. We were too busy with our kids to notice your presence. Let me introduce myself, I'm Alias Altair Jades and this is my wife Mandurah Alias Jades. Former Duke and Duchess of Jades and the parents of the late Duchess Regina", Alias said on behalf of him and his wife.

-- To be continued...