
Royal Thief (BL)

Alone in his huge room, no people roaming in their dark alley, not enough good guards guarding their manor. Soon to be Duke, Lord Idris Gastrell was left alone that night, his father brought almost all the guards from their household for a trip to the Mermolt's Kingdom of the East, feeling safe and secured he decided to take a bath, slept in the tub later and let the lonely night past not knowing that in that night he'll saw a thief, holding the most precious and valuable thing for him- his mother's very last gift for him, the heirloom necklace! Unraveling the thief's identity was a big challenged for him but his world will turn upside down after their head butler hired a new helper in their household. Solving the case while day dreaming about their mysterious helper will unravel the biggest plot twist of his life, making him asked, "Who is the real Royal Thief?"

Reventhum · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Stepping down from his carriage, Lord Idris Gastrell didn't fail to draw an attention from the people around him even though he often visits the town, he just arrived from their manor to visit the Tailor Shop located in the Middle Caste of the West where he is known as one of the loyal customers of the said stop despite being the rich son of a nobleman in their town.

"Lord Idris!" a man in his mid-40's greeted when he opened the door for the Lord, "Come in, come in! Ah, the clothes, I'll get it, please give me a minute."

The man sat on the couch located in the middle part of the shop while waiting for the personalized clothes he asked last month, he guessed his timing's just right, as always. The tailor is known for making such good clothes. He discovered the shop when he was a teen when he was roaming around on the outskirts trying to trick his guards so he could play freely. After seeing the suits on display outside the shop he didn't think twice to go in and check the other clothes inside the shop, all fabrics are nice and thick, the tailor's hand is great too especially when doing the details. It's just that… the tailor doesn't give a specific time, so he really needs to get the right timing. Fortunately, he's good at it. Well, doing it for years… who wouldn't be, right?

"Thank you so much, James." Lord Idris stated with all smiles, satisfied with the man's work as usual.

"Oh, that's nothing, My Lord. I should be the one to thank you, you've trusted your clothing on me for years now." The man replied, delighted.

Who wouldn't be? A nobleman visiting the middle caste is not that common what more when it comes to purchasing something, and he's a son of the duke at that. They can ask for a known tailor whenever they wish too, but he chose to interact with their people. Which, most likely uncommon for people at the upper caste to do.

"I'll be off now, James. I'll see you again." He bid his goodbye and went to his carriage, parked in front of the shop.

His attendant offered his hand to get the clothing for him, but he just shook his head lightly, the man nodded and opened the door of the carriage for his Lord. Idris went inside and placed the clothing beside him carefully. When he felt the carriage moving, he pulled the curtain lightly to peek outside the glass window of the wagon.

He sighed when he saw a bunch of old people and children being chased away by some middle-class people outside an eatery. This is the reality that he hoped would change someday. Bet, most nobles will never agree on it, he thought. Which is true since most of the people in the upper caste are arrogant and selfish, they want to get richer and richer, either to gain more respect or to be noticed by the higher ups and be appointed in a much higher position they desire for, which is also impossible because they follow a fixed hierarchy.

His forehead knotted when he saw a familiar dark alley, way to the lower caste. All kingdoms are divided into three sections. The upper, middle, and lower caste. The upper caste, where the palace of the king and noblemen are located from the Lord up to the highest position in their kingdom which is the king and divided by lively trees surrounding the whole upper caste. Followed by the middle caste where the ordinary civilians are, people with wealth but aren't considered as nobles are found in here too, some peasants are here also, either to work, ask for money… or do some crimes. Lastly, the lower caste, outskirts, where the poor people, neglected ones and bandits are located. He'd been there once when he was a teen… and the lives of people there are not that good compared to people from the middle caste. He wants to resolve that too but it's harder than he expected, it's him vs the whole nobility, that's why he started to interact with them, to know them more. He decided to explore more, hoping that maybe, he'll be recognized by the arrogant nobles and be inspired and follow him. Small progress is still progress.

"Open the gate, the lord is coming!" a guard shouted upon seeing the wagon of his young master.

He sighed before walking towards their manor where the head-steward waits for him.

"Welcome home, my lord." greeted by a man with the same age as his father.

"Where's my father, Henry?" he asked after taking off his coat, he handed it to the steward before facing the big window in their receiving area.

"Your grace is out for a trip, he told me that you must fulfill some of his duties, my lord." James explained while folding the coat of the young master.

"Again..." he sighed.

He didn't bother asking where his father went. He is probably off to the Mermolt Palace of the East again.

The set up in their house is always like this, his father on a trip, mostly about trading. And his mother, his mother is long gone. Duchess Matilde Jironus-Gastrell also came from an aristocratic family, a foreign aristocrat. Both of his grandmothers are friends, that's why they decided to marry off their son and daughter… and that's how he came into the picture. They don't love each other but they act civil and… sometimes sweet to each other. That's why he adores his parents so much, he grew up being loved by everyone in their household. Both of his parents are not the typical arrogant nobles, they are kind, but he can't say the same to his grandparents… all of them are strict and kind of harsh but not to him, he is the only grandson, the only heir of Jironus and Gastrell.

"To his office then?"

"Yes, my lord."

"He went to the east about 30 minutes ago." the steward informed him while following behind.

He picked his pocket watch then stared at the time, probably 2-day travel since it's the east and it has a lot of mountains.

"I see, please make tea for me, I'll work now."