
Royal Romance ( the princess and the demon)

Princess Eleanor make a deal with the demon to win the war and save her people and kingdom. Her heart was the dues. The only thing the Demon asked of her in return. will she love the demon and win the war?

Love_Essien · Fantasy
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48 Chs

chapter 25

One of emperor Cassius warriors ordered minister Mammon into the brothel. At the door post minister Mammon met with other warriors whose face was forbidden to smile.

They were a dozen of them standing at different corners of the brothel. Their shoulder was as broaden as it could be. The wore gothic clothing's. Frightening and intimidating looks.

Half dressed damsels gathered round minister Mammon like fleas. He was already thrilled by their groping's and was responding sheepishly.

As they walked further he saw some of the harlot serving different tables with liquor. Some just patrolled around with trays of drinks.

One stopped before him and handed him a cup. He refused. She dumped the tray on the nearby table.

She then threw her left thigh in-between his legs and stroke his third leg gently.

He folded his hands on his chest, with closed eyes. He was licking his tongue vigorously. The warrior pushed the lady away. She fell on a table. They men at the table make jest at her.

The warrior gave minister Mammon a painful nudged to continue walking. Minister Mammon saw others dancing and whining and twerking on raised platform, on tables and on men's thighs.

A man who sat by the side of the closed door stood up and blocked minister mammon. He was smoking from a pipe. He exhaled the smoke on minister Mammon's face and he coughed sickly.

He ran his hands on the entire clothing of minister Mammon. He was checking for weapons. When she found none, he signaled the first warrior who was behind.

He led the minister further to an inner court where they saw emperor Cassius and some other men extravagantly dressed. Drinking and laughing hastily. Half dressed and naked ladies were everywhere in the room. Two for each rocking the men.

Minister Mammon stood by the door while the warrior went and whispered something into the emperor's ear.

He lifted his gazed and stared at the minister. The minister bowed with a sheepish smile.

The emperor once jovial laughter turned into a stern look. With the snapped of his fingers the ladies left.

They glared at minister Mammon on their way out that he was frightened. He thought if they have dagger they would ripped off his intestine for shortening their pleasure. He stepped aside for them and signaled them to pass with his head.

"What brings you?". Emperor Cassius asked him after the ladies were gone. His voice was deep and intimidating.

"I bring news about the king's stone". Minister Mammon went and sat opposite emperor Cassius. The other four prime minister and ministers of the emperor royal council stared startled. Emperor Cassius asked the warrior to excused them.

"Why would you betrayed your kingdom" the emperor asked minister Mammon knowingly.

"Oh a king who only filled his ban with all the spoil and attained only to his princess is worth betraying. King Ephraim of Golden Hill, my king is aged. All he does is spent the remaining days of his life with the child of his old age and forgot about the affairs of the kingdom.

I asked for money for my business but he bluntly refused. One of matters he judged, he gave money to one commoner, Joe Miller to start up a business.

I really thought there was no money. I came here to make a deal with you". He paused and looked at them. They were giving him hard glares but he was not bother. All he was interested in was what brought him.

"You shall give me one thousand gold and thirty thousand silver that I may tell you where to find the kings' stone".

Emperor Cassius looked at his ministers. They went to his seat and put heads together.

Minister Mammon gave them all the time they needed. He picked one of the golden wine cup he saw on the table and gulped it content. He crossed his legs and threw his gaze around.

The room was large with high ceiling. Beautiful long brown drapes cover the windows. A fireplace was adjacent the door.

A raised upper surface held things he knew not of. There were covered with red velvet material. Different inscriptions and paintings on the wall. His eyes was still roaming when emperor Cassius clear his throat to called for his attention.

"I have discussed with my ministers".

Minister Mammon looked at him with a smirk. He was expecting him to not considered anyone's opinion on matters like this. He knew him to be evil and determined. Minister Mammon never knew he also listened to council for advise.

"I have come to the conclusion that when you take me to where the kings' stone is and I possessed it I shall give you what you asked for". Emperor Cassius continue.

Minister Mammon countenance changed. He sat upright.


Emperor Cassius lift his index finger in the air and cut him off. Still staring at minister Mammon he clapped his hands. His warrior entered with a sack.

Emperor Cassius took the sack bag and poured it on the table before minister Mammon.

"That is ten thousand gold coins. Like I said before, I shall give you what you asked for when I have the kings' stone". He said warmly

Minister Mammon hurried to retrieved the gold that fell on the floor. He stared at them mouth agape. He gathered the ones on the table and fixed them back in the sack. Quickly he pursed the sack under his left armpit. Letting his cloak cover it properly.

"What I demanded for is lower than this your imperial majesty, emperor Cassius of Black Dust Empire and you still wished to give me more".

The faces of the ministers were looking at him with wicked smiles. Two of them took their cups and sipped from it.

"Now tell me where can I find the kings' stone?". Emperor Cassius said in a cold tone with a serious expression.

Minister Mammon stood up.

" you must escort me to half of the way to my kingdom. Then shall I tell you. To ensured that I leave in one piece and safely back home. I don't trust you".

Emperor Cassius smiled. He smiled again and he laughed. He couldn't controlled it.

His ministers and warrior joined him. After he hurled the laughter into the shadows, he took a sip from his wine. All of them did too, except the warrior who had no such option.

"You talk of trust. What man betrayed his kingdom with the one thing that can destroyed it forever". He pointed his fingers to minister Mammon.

"And you expect the people you betrayed your kingdom to, to trust you". He laughed a cunning laughter again.

His ministers joined him again. They solo perfectly. Emperor Cassius then paused as if he was upset. He was good at it.

"Let's go" he said to minister Mammon.


Princess Eleanor went with Francis to the river faraway from the palace the next day. It was the second time she went that far without the king.

The water was calm and colourless. Trees stood like canopies. Some shrubs took shade there. Others did bountifully well without their shade.

She saw some birds basking in the early morning sun and cajoling their mates. Others which already had were singing. The sky was grey and white with dots of turquoise blue.

She stood still on the small dock to view the expanse of the river and it scenic environment.

"I have never left the palace without my father, the king or any member of the royal palace".

She said as she closed her eyes to soaked the sun rays. Francis couldn't stopped admiring her pretty slender face that radiant with the sun. Her dimples was making him lose his mind.

He wondered if she feels the same way about him. Or she might be upset if he tells her about his intension. Not what queen Charlene expected of him.

She didn't know why her father and queen Charlene wanted him to convince the princess to fall in love with him. When he asked them. They would say to get the crown into their family.

He wave it off. "Our friendship is still very young" he thought. " I wouldn't want to mess it up. I shall cherished every moment I have with you princess".

He looked at her . She was looking at the water as if she saw her most cherished item.

Suddenly the smiles on his face disappeared. He remembered what she said the last time at the museum. How did she even know that?.

It true his grandfather and aunt Charlene would do anything for them to be together. But he has come to like her, to love her. Again he didn't want to bother her.. he wanted to love this moment with her.

"If you would permit, we could have more adventures without the king or any other member of the royal household my princess". He told her.

"Aye" she was loving the tranquil atmosphere. Everything seems to unite. The breeze blew so chill. It blows away the worries of the world and left them in a world of fairies. Happy, careless and loving

Their eyes locked. She couldn't think of what to do. Few young men had dared to locked eyes with her. Lord Zane and him, Francis.

Others always looked down while she spoke or when they addressed her.

The only person she loved locking eyes with was her father. Each time it happened. She feel bless to have him as a father.

"It an honoured to be called your child, father". She once told him.

She feels thankful for the time, care and affection he has showered on her.

But today she felt different. Francis grey eyes sent sensations into her body. As grey as it was like her father eyes, the king. It gave a different feeling looking at this particular pair of greys.

She never thought she could feel so strange by just looking into a pair of greyish eyes. she blushed away. She felt terrible for doing that. How could she? A warrior princess be so nervous.

"My princess are you alright". Francis questions.

" Of course I am". She lied.

They were quite for a moment listening to the small talks of the birds. Francis dropped his quiver and bow on the dock.

She turned to him. As if she just saw him for the very first time.

"I thought you used sword" she said pointing at the quiver and bow on the dock.

"I do my princess. I used both as a matter of fact but I used arrow if I'm going for adventure like this. Incase any thing wants to go wrong. I quickly put it right from a distance".

" Interesting" she said and smile. " Put it right from a distance". She repeated.

She motioned her guards to wait behind. There were two of them, Ken and Damian. They were the best in their set whom the general set aside to be her personal Knights.

Ken has been following her every where. She never wanted that. She wanted him in the dungeon, suffering.

Ken is dark and huge. His hair was amazingly dark and kinky. Full of luster. It boosted his ever serious face.

The very guard she had a duel with. His stature is intimidating and even more to people who would dare crossed the princess. On the day he was made the princess's knight.

He told the princess point blank that he didn't like her but since he was assigned to her. He shall served her with his life.

The princess too didn't like his guts and arrogance. She didn't have a choice, the king had already approved of him. She crossed her hands and waited for him to messed up but today, she had free those hands. She loved him more than any of his knights.

Damian was the new knight after some of her knights died in battled. He is average and fair skin with a black long hair. He always wear a smile. Too beautiful to be a knight.

"You need to scraped that smile off your damn Damian face". The general often told him.

" How can you guard the princess with that. If you are asked to interrogate someone you would just start smiling at them".

The general wore a happy smirk and turned his face to a corner. "Did you do that to my princess?" He shoot his right legs forward and put a hand on his waist. "How could you planned evil against my lady. You can't denied".

He stopped and looked at him. Damian looked down trying too hard to contend his laughter seeing the drama the general just performed.

" I tell you, you would get no information from them". General Frederick added.

The princess heard when the general was discussing with her father. To consider Damian as one of her personal knights.

"My king I can bet with my life that he is good but he has a problem with his face".

She could remember the king saying the should test him for sometime. He turned out to be second to ken. The best.


She ushered Francis to lead the way into the small boat. Francis left his belt and sheathed sword on the dock.

"You came prepared " she said

"I am with the princess. I need to be well armed" he responded.

He went and untied the dock line and stepped in the boat. He helped the princess got in and off he paddled away.

"I see the way you look at the water. This might be your first time in a boat my princess".

She was shy. She didn't know why. It wasn't the first time. She had boarded a boat in Serpent Land.

"It not" she said

She knew she was strong like her father used to praised her. Never has she been the way she is now. Feeling withdrew and nervous and weak or maybe excited that she was with him. She couldn't tell. She just stared at him.

"I'm honoured to be among the captains that has paddled your boat". He was looking at her face. In ways he couldn't help, making her heart skipped each time. The wind blew her hair into her face. He helped her with it. She didn't bun it well.

"Look!" Francis showed her under the water a fish aiding to paddle their boat. She giggled.

"It small and fragile. It swims too weakly". He turned to her. Her pupils dilated. She looked away blushing.

"You looked beautiful when you do that"

"What" she shrugged her shoulders.

He held her hands and kissed. She gulped.

"Can you swim... My princess?".

"Eleanor" she said. Maybe if he calls her by name she would be more relaxed. His deep voice echoed with respect. It was calm like the waters, gentle like his paddling but most especially it was melting her nerves.

"Just called me Eleanor". She said again

He stopped paddling and turned to face the princess. He put his hands on his broad chest. What she imagined to see without the covering. His strong and wide arms made her craved for it around her.

" Forgive me my princess but I'm not ready to face the king's wrath..." He paused and looked at her. Her mind seems far always.

He was wondering why she was so fragile like the fish he showed to her. Other times he had had encounter with her. She has always been mean and dismissive but that was changing.

Maybe he should asked her to court him again. He thought.

"Princess Eleanor!".

She answered in a husky tone. Her mind was far from him. She gave him a questioning look.

"I said princess Eleanor is fine by me".

She heaved. " Just called me Eleanor when we are together. She insisted

"Ok if you insist and you must stop calling me sir Francis. Just Francis is fine"

" Okay... No I can't swim". She said happily

"Shall I teach you?"

" This water is too deep. Don't you think".

"Then we shall go to the shallow side but before then let hunt for fish".

He took a spear from the boat and gave to her.

" My princess... Princess Eleanor... I mean Eleanor". They both smile.

" We are approaching where we shall catch bigger fishes. So you hold this spear...

"Why me?" The Princess said cowardly

"Because you are my student.." he said in a sonorous voice.

"Alright master"

"Francis! please I meant what I told you. Just Francis is fine".

"Just Francis". She said teasingly.

" Francis" he said with a chuckle

" My father is not a mean king". Eleanor spoke with a calm tone.

" Any father would do anything to protect his child". He turned around.

"Eleanor give me a hand shake"

"A hand shake" she was reluctant. Removing the hand as if it would be taken away from her. He gave her time to decide, still holding out his hand at her.

He was admiring her beauty. Her pink dress. He noticed there was a bracelet in that hand she was indecisive of giving out in a shake.

She latter decided to. He put the edge of the spear in her hand instead. "Like that" he said

"Now! look over there" They went the direction. A fish just surface. " Strike now Eleanor" he yelled.

She did but missed.

"ok give me that. This is how it being done".

He targeted another fish under the transparent water. He struck the spear and it got the fish.

"A trout" Francis said.

He dumped it in the boat. She tried to touched it but the fish was still dangling

" It scared of it new environment" Francis teased.

" It can never be used to this environment that is brutal and wicked. You just got it injured at the point of death".

"would you rather let it live and go hungry?".

Francis held it firm and gave to her. she feared and changed position. Her elbow hit the fish back into the water. Francis deep his hand immediately and recaptured it.

"So the brave also fear". Francis mocked. She felt embarrassed. Francis was sorry for what he said. He changed the subject.

"Let go swimming" the paddle to the dock and handed the trout to Damian who was smiling at this two.

He has never seen the princess this happy. Francis took off his tunic.

This arrested the princess's eye to his upper side. Her mouth was agape. She has never seen a bare upper body of any man before.

Princess Eleanor closed her eyes to snapped a short of him in her mind.