

Prince Nic?' said someone a young man giggling at the corner

'gottya!!! hahaha i knew it you were hiding there. ' my older brother jordan said , the crown prince

'HaHa funny Older brother Jordan' i said jokingly while i punched him lightly on his shoulders

'Nic! its royal highness to you '- said my 2nd brother a strict one

'come on John dont be too hard on nic'

'but your the crown prince -'

'yup ! hes the crown prince your second in line and im the mr nobody hahaha' i laughed sarcastically . hi there let me intruduce myself.

Hello i am Nicolas a prince , the 3rd prince to be exact i have 2 older brothers it is said My first brother , the crown prince , Jordan is the public figure my second brother John is the brain of the kingdom they said he will one day be a good advisor and will help my brother in international affairs , while me??? im the third prince nothing special about me im just me . even though people said ill one day be the kings sword . 1st prince is the crown the 2nd prince the pen and the 3rd prince the sword we three were expected to lead our country to greatness no one has ever seen.... at least thats what people expected of us and im not sure if i should go down that path.

*Meanwhile in the Philippines *

'Datu!!! Si Shanaya ! She went to train with the soldiers AGAIN ' one of the aliping namamahay said

'That girl when will she learn she will one day marry one of our neighboring Datus sons ' my dad said then face palmed he was busy managing the soldiers.

Running to the forest with all my might jumping on stones grabbed the vine , swung outside of the cliff and the the sun greeted me. What an amazing view . this is the land i want to protect i refuse to be someones offering i will not bow down to a person i don't choose i know myself and i will achieve my goal with my own strength . Giving my all for this land for prosperity and peace.

' So who's next?' i said while looking at the crowd looking at the men on the ground, what can i do i have my fathers genes one of the greatest chiefs ever ,born to be a warrior .

'SHANAYA!'i recognize that voice and my brain went uh-oh here we go again . 'stop right there young lady how many times do i have to tell you dont crush our warriors pride anymore than this ' my father said who was near now to me in a whispering way.

'Papa this is what you called warrior? if they cant even beat one girl how can they protect our tribe . WE are surrounded by other tribe who wants our land Papa why not let me train with them at this rate we can wi-'

'Nonsense.!' my father cut me off 'we dont need to fight if we can talk it out and establish an agreement'

'And what ? make me as a sacrifice?!' i said angrily and in disbelief

' if we can avoid bloodshed ,make our peoples anxiety and fear of war go away then i will , it is our duty as the head family of our tribe . ' papa said trying to soothe me

' where is the chief i once knew the pride of tribe? the chief who is fearless to even beat a bear?'

' believe me Shanaya ive been on the battlefield too many times and i dont want our young ones to even see that '

i know it but ' i cant accept that we will just bow down to them and make me a sacrifice i will choose my own future ' i sprinted out of that place after saying my stand every word emphasized . i wonder in this world is there someone who has the same resolve as me ? who can sympathize who i can talk to . *sniff* aaah stop crying shanaya you are a woman with a strong heart and will .

"Whats gonna happen? whats in store for me? God how will my future unfold?" both said unknowingly in different places and time zones and at the same time.