
royal or not

" Yes sir " " Ma'am ... yes Ma'am " said chief Venus 'of course she is a woman' thought Noah 'no man is that beautiful with her pretty icy bright blond hair that is left up into a ponytail and her icy light blue eyes but since when women joined the army It's called king's men for a reason Am I right' he thought staring at her

SBL_MHMD · History
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Noah heltmerial

Noah p.o.v

Everyone went to find their room to get settled including Noah who had another plans in mind ... " The camp was big , It was divided into two parts tents And buildings , the tents for strength building training and the buildings includes the soldiers rooms and the high ranked room which is bigger than other rooms of course " Noah observed , observation was like his super power which is really perfect and will trained by his teacher in the orphanage that nothing can go by him unnoticed .

Entering his room , he found that he was the first of his team to arrive which gave him the opportunity to have a look around to know every and each thing about his room every secret place not anyone will be able to notice , if there was any uneven floor area in the room he found two one near his bed and another near the door to the left we you enter the room next to the first bed to the left from the door and also to choose his bed which was good as he there was only one bed under the window in the room ..he started settling when he heard voices from outside the room

" Told you the place is better than the barn " said James laughing

" Yeah three meals , a bed , clean clothes ...It gets better even after retiring " another voice said a voice he know later on belongs to caleb

" Hurry you three so we could settle before dinner ... We can't be late " said said John opening the door

" John is right ... They say this the most strict training camp in the area ... Being late to meals or attending without the any member of the team means no food " said a new voice which the owner will be known as Mark while the four men are now in the room

" So this lady commander is not having dinner for being late " said James making Noah laugh

" You don't learn ...do you ? " Said Noah laughing

" I don't think so .... I'm Mark wilner ,This James former , John makendy , Caleb kelnky " he introduced eachone with pointing at them Noah assumed they are all from average families like himself

" Noah heltmerial " he said his name which was the only thing left from his passed away family , extending his had which all men shakes gladly then Everyone goes to a side in the room to put his belongings.. there were silence was intrupted sometimes by a joke from James or Caleb praising the place and compered by his old room which was a corner in the barn that Noah understood from their talk that they worked at the same farm whose owner died and his heirs decided to lay off most workers to decrease the money spend on them which was really small .

Only an had hour passed and It's time for dinner all the five men stood at the same time when they heard the supper bell .. they looked at each other and laughed at the action Noah was the first to speak

" I guess I'm not the only one starving " the all laughed

" Okay let's get going we don't want to be late " said James

They all looked at him weirdly except Noah how didn't understand

" James don't want to be late ... Since when .. as I recall you love breaking rules " said mark making all of them laugh hard

" well that didn't change but there is only one rule I don't break which and I quote my dad ' never I say never be late to any meal ' plus I love food " he said grinning with that They all started walking to the dinning place smiling .

walking to the dinning place Noah observed that most of the higher ranked rooms are far a way from the a dining and training area and only one room stand out from the others because of the commotion that was heard near it he looked to find that chief Venus and her right hand Andrew was sword training many soldiers went to their direction to see who's going to win " wow , this look like a real battle let's see who's going to win " said James

" and be late for the food , how are you and what did you do to my friend " said Caleb

" It's not every day you see your chiefs training this hard , by looking from this distance they look that they are going to kill each other " said James walking towards the battle

.. the fight seemed really fair they are equal in power of course this is just a training battle but the look of their eyes send chills in the new soldiers around them

Venus advanced with her sword toward Andrew

" just give up your already died " said Venus with her sword directed to Andrew throut only a few inches from killing him for real

Andrew didn't say a word just shifted a little smiling lightly that only Noah saw it and frowning Noah tried to change his position to see them from another angle to know the reason of that smile after a few moment Andrew smile grew into a grin and he started speaking " always protect the death area of the body even when attacking " only then Noah saw the small knife directed to Venus heart .. they both broke into lauphter and took a few steps from each other " will done Andrew as always you won my friend " said Venus laughing then she yanked him to the floor and held him in place by her sword

" okay everyone this your first lesson stay focused and never to trust you enemy even if it was your childhood best friend as cheif Venus here " said Andrew laughing

" Now the lesson is over hurry up before you mess dinner " said Venus helping Andrew to stand

All soldiers did as orderd and went to the dinning place the food was good and time was passed by story and laughter . Noah looked at the scene in front of him and smiled to himself maybe he will get the family he never had maybe everything is going to be good maybe life will reward him for being good and brave .

Hi !

Guys this my first book so please try reading

And comment your opinion even if you don't like it tell the reason you dislike it so I can develop my self and my writing thank you all

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