
Two Sides Of A Coin

"Yuka. Hey, can you hear me?"

The second prince groaned as he slowly came to, Hazel's voice sounding like it was coming from far away.

"Can you hear me?" Hazel asked one more time as she gazed at him. He squinted at her when she finally came into focus. "How are you feeling?" She asked and his eyes widened when he realized that she was in his chambers again.

"No, no, no. Hazel, you shouldn't be here. The queen-" he began but was silenced by the finger she placed across his lips.

"Forget about the queen. You lied to me" she said, her brows furrowed.

He sighed and lowered his gaze. "You told me that the effects of the poison was only going to last for a night" she said. "Hazel-"

"Don't 'Hazel' me. What the queen has been doing to you is just not right. How can you even stand it?"

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to blame yourself for my punishment"

"How are you feeling?" She asked and he gave her a half smile. "I've had better days. The truth is that the effects of the poison was supposed to last for...."

He grimaced and Hazel narrowed her eyes.

"For how long, Yuka? Don't you dare lie to me again"

"It was supposed to last for seven days and although I have adapted to it, I'm going to feel it for three days" he said and she frowned.

"I can't believe you've been going through this. Since when did the punishments start?"

He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Since I was four"


Hazel clenched her fist, her eyes narrowed.

"Why isn't the king saying anything about it?"

"He has no choice but to obey the queen. She's a half blood, a very powerful one at that and most of my father's men have sworn their allegiance to her. If we decide to rebel against her, we're toast. I mean, all my life, I've been rebelling against her. But, I always get punished for it. There's nothing much one man can do" Yuka said and Hazel's gaze softened.

"What about your mother? She must have been a black blood" she said and he nodded.

"Yes, she was. I have heard stories of how she rebelled against Clarice. She was brave, if only she was still alive..."

"I'm so sorry for your loss. How did she die?"

"She died a few minutes after I was born"

Hazel fiddled with her fingers, a far away look in her brown eyes.

"My mum died after giving birth to me. I guess, we do have something in common" she said and he squeezed her hand gently. They both shared a moment of silence for a while.

"Do you think Caden will be searching for me, right about now?" She asked and he raised a brow.

"I think so"

Yuka suddenly sat up, his violet eyes glowing.

"Caden is making his way here right now. You need to leave" he said and got out of bed. He grabbed Hazel's hand and instantly transformed into his shadow form. They both walked through the wall and started to head towards Hazel's chamber without anyone seeing or sensing them. When they got to Hazel's room, she held his hand as he made to leave.

"Get some rest. I'll come by to see you at night" she said and he shook his head.

"Hazel, you shouldn't be-"

"And who gets to give me an order? You? I don't think so" she said with a smirk on her face. Yuka grinned.

"I'll see you later then"

He vanished from sight as he became invisible once more.

On getting to his chamber, he found Caden standing by the door of his chamber.

"What do you want?" He asked and Caden stormed towards him, his silver eyes glowing ferociously.

"Where. Is. The. Scepter?" He demanded and Yuka shrugged.

"Why do you assume that I know where it is?"

"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make sure that I don't get married to Hazel! Let's face it, she's mine! Not yours! Tell me where the Sceptre is!"

"I don't-

Caden wrapped his fingers around Yuka's throat and slammed him against the wall, his hands already glowing a bright silver.

"Where is the Sceptre?"

"Even if I know where the Sceptre is; which I don't, why do you assume that I'm going to tell you where it is?"

"You have a death wish, don't you?" Caden growled, tightening his grip on Yuka's neck. "Get your dirty, sausage fingers off me, Caden" the second prince said calmly, his eyes shimmering.

"Tell me where the Sceptre is"

"My goodness, you are so stupid. Let go of me, right now. No, wait. You won't do that even if I ask you nicely. So, I'm just going to pass out on you. Is that better?"

Caden released his grip on Yuka's neck and took a step backwards.

"This is not over yet"

"Sure, you're welcome anytime" Yuka drawled and Caden stormed off, Yuka's mocking laughter chasing after him.

Yuka laid down on his bed, a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips. Riling up Caden was one of his favorite things to do and with Hazel already taking a liking to him, it seemed that things were about to get even more exciting.


"Where were you?" Caden asked Hazel when he found her walking along the palace hallway. "I went to the garden, relax"

"I don't want you to keep hanging out with my brother, do you understand?"

"Of course, your majesty"

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?"

She nodded and watched him walk away.

Caden was not convinced by her answer. He knew that Hazel wasn't the type to follow rules and he was worried that the more he asked her to stay away from his brother, the more she hung out with him.

While Hazel continued down the hallway, she suddenly heard the Queen's voice. She immediately stopped and listened carefully, hoping that she wouldn't get caught.

"That girl needs to be humbled, Captain. I want you to send men to Rubia. Find her brothers and kill them. Do not spare a single one"

"Yes, your highness. I will send men by dawn"

Hazel's blood ran cold and just before she was discovered, she took off. She locked herself in her room, angry tears filling her eyes.

She couldn't believe the queen would do such a thing. This just proved how much of a threat the queen truly was.

She needed to warn her brothers, but she didn't know how.

"Maybe Yuka can help me" she thought aloud and angrily wiped off the tears from her face. She would not accept defeat.
