
Royal Madness

A vampire falls head over heels for his enemies daughter who was set out to take revenge for her people

Rahmatu_Jibril · History
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4 Chs


I was running late and didn't want to miss the bus I quickly ran down the street with my books in my hands yes I have a back pack but thats not enough its a new semester and I have all my books here with me when suddenly someone or was it something that hit me so hard that I fall straight to the ground with my books a complete mess a tall figure came out of the car and that thing is not normal I wanted to scream for help but my lungs betrayed me and no sound came out but vision was basically going and it was kinda hard to see but now he is so close and......

Hey!!! Human person!!! get up you can't sleep on the road someone will hurt you !!! hey!!! Girl!!! what's wrong with her I could swear my car didn't touch her but lemme check her heartbeat... I put my left ear on her chest and her heartbeat was just fine even due I could hear her heartbeat beat from a distance I just decided to confirm her pulse on the other side was kinda weak so I decided to take her to the hospital I opened my car and put her in then drove as fast as I can