
Royal Loved

"Run ... run away from here, get out of my life. I can find someone to help you get away, you're coming out of the village far away from me--" I said with fear in my eyes. "When will you understand that I do not run without having you in my hand, I ... I love you" he said and gently touched my cheek, I became a little calmer, but I know that he was not safe here anymore . "Don't you know that it is dangerous to love someone like me, you know if they discover our secret, then you will be punished" I said and a tear came down on my cheek, I just want to protect him ... I will protect my beloved.

xxbiddyxx · Teen
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20 Chs



I have had a holiday and did not have my computer nearby when I had to travel so did not get written or published, I miss having a holiday but I am glad I can finally write again.

Thank you so much for over three thousand views, I really can not describe how happy I feel, this book is the very first I publish. I started writing at a young age and English is not my first language at all so it was really hard to do both at the same time. I love writing and being able to write for five hours without stopping. Thank you very much again and I hope you guys have a good day.