

Mike is 30 years old Supreme Alpha of Blood moon park . The most powerful Alpha ever hear of . The Lycan who never meet his mate for many century_one day he mistook young beautiful girl for his Mate. "Your my mate, my life and the one I will spend the rest of my life" Said the cool man and looked at the cut delicate girl without shift his gaze away . The young girl widened her big green eyes in shook ;but soon she recover in her shock and said with calm voice "So is you who came in my dream?" "What do you mean? " A twenty_two you girl whose life was not that good her fiance left her because of her young sister; the one she loved and cherish, she left home two years back because of her evil young sister; Her life changed when supreme Alpha of the lycanthropes mistook her to be his mate and take her to his world. What will happen when her real mate came and wanted to take her away. And what will happen when Mike came and want the girl that he think to be his mate and loved her was not his mate. And what will he do when get to meet his real mate?

Charity_Tenga · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

His Mate


"What?" The Gamma that was driving shouted, but he soon shut his mouth after felt the cold gaze of the devil on him. He stop the car at the side off the road and turn to look at his supreme Alpha.

That road was quite, only few car that was passing by.

Mike opened the car door and got down, follow by his Gamma, Beta and Liam.

Mike started to smell stronger unique scent that make his blood rushed in his body. It's make his heart to beating so fast for the first time.

They started at their Alpha with question look on their face, when they hear sweet voice of the woman who screaming in anger.

They turn their gaze at the other side of the road where the sound come from, their jaw dropped to the ground when they saw a tall girl, slim, as her fair snow white skin glow in the sun, she have silver long straight hair that reached her waist and was flowing on her back for the wind that blew gentle at her.

"Mine" Mike said in deep voice, and started to walked at other side of the road.

Their eyes widened, looked at their supreme Alpha in shock for a moment before they snapped out of their shock; and started to follow him in hurry steps.

. . .

When June left ROSE entertainment. She was plan to go home and stayed with little Snow, but she spot black car that was following her slow, so she take a U-turn and change the road. June wants to take the person who followed her to the quite road. So she could fight him/her if he has bad intecion.

But she was in bad luck. Because when she changed the road, she didn't even drive for long when another car that was coming in front of her in full speed hit her car.

Aah! no, what is this now....

She tried to evade the car from hitting her but she failed. She opened the car door In hurry and jumped outside; Before the two cars meet.

When she land on the rough road and hide her head with her hands, from hitting the land she got some scratches on her hands and legs but she was okay. she closed her eyes when she hear 'Boom' the sound of the cars crash.

Bang! Bang! Bang!..

Her car was pushed on other side of the road turn upside down, but the car that was hitting her car was looking little fine. The driver of that car, smirk when he see her on the ground; he start his car engine and drove of in a full speed.

Ugh! That bastard, I swear I will kill him when I got to know who he was.

She stood up in much difficult, and finally she got the strength to stand after trying few times. But as soon she seen her car in that state she screaming in anger and tug her hair in frustrated.

But she stop screaming when she saw group of four handsome man followed her,. and another group of people got out of they're car stood near their cars. Her eyes stack on one man that was most handsome out of all; the way his black long coat swing on the back and make him looks like a god of hell that came to earth to take there souls.

She just stared at him. Stared at his face for a long time and watch him come closer to her. Mike had the looks of god. That was undeniable. She got the perfect of his handsome face when he stood in front of her like a god. His eyelashes were perfect. It was long and curled as if the gods especially made it fore his face; his nose was tall and straight. His cold thin lips looked pinkish. He looks like a god of hell but the goods one.

The man blue eyes, brooding eyes narrowed down at her, emotional but its disappear as soon as its come. And cover with a cold and serious aura.

Her heart started to beating faster than normal when the most handsome man who look like the leader of that group walking closer to her and put her in his cool embrace, rub his head on her neck. And murmured in her neck "Mine." she want to push him away from her but before doing that; she start to feel dizzy and her vision turn black.

Mike roar and embrace her tight. His cold heart stop beating for a moment when he saw his mate faint in his hand.

"Brother, is she your mate?" Liam asked him with frown on his face.

"Yes" he carry his mate and walked to his car with hurry steps " All of you go and rescue Erica, Zach will go with me." he said that and put June in the back seat after his Gamma opened the door.

"Okay Alpha Mike."

After Mike enter inside the car. Zach starting the car engine and drove off.

"Go and call doctor to come immediately" Mike put her mate down on his big king size bed after they reach his Golden Villa. "I will do that" Zach said with full respect voice, bowed his head and left.

Mike stared at her small delicate face and caressing it with his big cold hand "I finally find you. I will not allow anyone to hurt you like this again.. your mine, only 'Mine'" he murmured as his eyes turn more dark like deepest pit of hell.

He kissed her forehead and stood up to leave after the maid he called came. He told her to wipe her mate well and help her wear his clothes.

"Yes Alpha" the middle age woman said with respect. she started to wipe June with hot water after Mike left the room.

. . .

Mike went another room to fresh up and go down the stairs to the larger living room.

"Zach, I want to know why my 'Mate' was in that state. And find all information about her" he seat at the black single sofa and cross his long legs "I don't want to see any mistake on this" he spoke with his cold Alpha voice.

Zach bowed his head and said "Yes Alpha, i understand." While they were talking. The female doctor that Zach called; enter the living room in hurry steps. "Alpha Mike" she stop walking and great her Alpha with full respect.

When Mike saw her he stood up and walked upstairs without saying anything. That female doctor followed him while Zach left the house after his Alpha went upstairs.

He took out his phone in his pocket and called someone "Hey Antonio, help me to look for someone's information."

"She's okay, she only have some scratch but don't worry Alpha. I already take care of it" Doctor Elsa says and start pack her things.

Mike didn't say anything he only look at June's face. he felt relieve after hearing doctor's result; Doctor Elsa leave after finishing pack her things.

"Mate" he whisper and sat beside her; he didn't shift his gaze away from her since he enter the room.