
Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She was a simple girl who was brought up in a simple household, or at least that was what others thought about her. She is full of mysteries and secrets but was always seen as naïve and innocent girl. Or, simply…it is more precise to tell that she keeps that facade for her own good. But why?? Only she knows the answer. However, unlike other girls of her age, who dreamt of getting married to rich and famous guys, she preferred to find someone who has simple life and easy going family. In short, she just wanted to lead a happy and ordinary life. However, she uses to believe that it would only be possible if her life partner was an common, uncomplicated guy. But why?? Was the reason behind her beliefs had something to do with her past? Or, was she vexed with her life to the extent of sticking by her self-made rules? On the other hand, he was the CEO of one of the most prestigious companies across the world. He was cold and aloof, someone who despised any sort of intimacy with women, be it physical or emotional. His world revolved around his work and his family business. Though he has complicated family, he love them to his core….and, apart from them and his friends , no one matter to him. But, for the first time in his life, he fell for a woman just with a glance. It all happened when she was turning down her Boss's love proposal. Despite of her simple attire, he found her enchantingly beautiful. He could tell that she had so much more to herself than she let others see. He wanted to be the only person before whom she could be her true self. The very moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew deep down in his heart that only she could be his soul mate. And, he was willing to go any lengths just to make her his. Even if it meant working as an employee in his own company. Just like he wanted, she fell for him. But would happen when she ends up catching his lies? Even if she agrees to accept him, what will be awaiting for her in the life she opted to live with him? Moreover, who exactly is she? Why does she prefer to be low-key? And why is she being so secretive about her past? What and all troubles she might have to face because of his complicated background? What would welcome her when she stumbles back into the very life she wanted to run away from? More importantly, will their love be strong enough to face all those odds that are waiting for them? ......... No misunderstandings between couple. Lovely and understanding couple with mature communication skills. ....... #Comedy #Love #Friendship #Mystery #Thriller #Family #Revenge This book is perfect blend of everything. I hope you will give it a try. ....... I am also author of Ms. attractive and inciting CEO The devil's little Villainess. Please do check out the books ..... Discord sever https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK Please feel free to contact me....

Har_V · Urban
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408 Chs

Whole family scheme's against her

'This might be the true love like brother use to talk about whenever it comes to sister-in-law.' Brina thought as she detangled herself from Louis who is wrapped around her like a vine.

Deciding to make breakfast for both of them, she quietly tiptoed to the bathroom to freshen up.

While, closing the door, she missed the moment Louis opened his eyes, his lips curved in a happy smile.

Louis at that moment, felt like his life took the happiest turn of his life. A smile blossomed on his face again.

He is already awake like almost an hour ago, but he didn't want to wake up his sleeping beauty from her precious sleep.

So, he just cuddled up and snuggled into a comfortable position and continued enjoying her warmth and fragrance.

But who would have thought that she will confess to him, thinking that he is asleep!! Well, he didn't expect that!!

When Brina's soft, slender fingers combed through his hair, Louis almost felt his heart going erratic….. still, he pretended to be asleep.

He never thought such an action would be so comforting and intimate. A small smile adorned his face when her fingers moved to his cheeks.

This girlfriend of his, truly knows how to make him go crazy.

He was already in seventh heaven when she started loving him with her tender actions. But when she confessed her feelings, he totally was over the moon.

He felt like he is the happiest man alive in this whole galaxy.

'You better confess to me soon, my love. Or else I will go berserk with excitement.' Louis thought.

He continued pretending as if he is still asleep even after Brina went to freshen up.

He wanted Brina to wake him up. Well, to be honest, he is actually looking forward how it feels like, to get woken up by the only woman he loves.

Meanwhile, Brina came out of the bathroom in her bathrobe and took a glance at Louis who is still 'pretending' to be asleep.

However, Louis felt his throat go dry when her scents wafted his nose. It is an aromatic strawberry and chocolate flavor that was emanating from her. Louis felt his self control started to shred away. Her scent is too intoxicating

'Damn.' cursed Louis.

He tried so hard not to open his eyes to look at her. But his desire won over him and he couldn't help but take a little peek at her like a thief eyeing his target.

And what he saw make him right away regretted doing so. Her bathrobe is considerably thin, bit of the water droplets from her wet hair dabbed the robe and in result of that, her robe is almost translucent.

'Is she intentionally trying to tease my self control?? If it is her true intention, I swore not to show any mercy on her after we get together.' he thought.

Meanwhile, Brina noticed the naughty peeking act of Louis and she secretly chuckled.

'So, he wants me to wake him up. Hmm?' she thought and deliberately ignored him and made her way to her closet.

Louis pouted his lips as he looked at her receding figure.

He wanted to see her more, however, she disappeared from his sight.

(A : Don't worry Louis. She will be all yours to see and touch. You just need to sit and wait patiently. Okay?

L : Dear author, if you don't make that happen soon, I will throw you to my sharks. *evil glares*

A: *scared and shivering* It will happen next week. I promise. Don't throw me away.

L : You are the best!! -evil laughs-)


After Brina finished cooking. She then went to wake Louis up who have actually fallen asleep for real.

She affectionately smiled at him and pecked his lips. Brina is about to move away when, Louis abruptly pulled her towards him.

And, with that sudden force he exerted, Brina fell on Louis who is grinning from ear to ear.

"Louis!!" Brina shouted in shock as she balanced herself on him.

Louis chuckled and flipped her, now, on the top.

"Good morning" he said and he kissed her forehead.

Brina smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Good morning to you too." she happily greeted.

In fact, she loved this kinda style of greeting.

"You know what Brina, I had a wonderful dream this morning. In my dream, you were proposing to me while I was asleep." Louis said as he buried his face in her neck and nibbled on it.

Brina's face blushed red but she quickly composed herself. With the indifferent voice, she replied, "Hmm… that's a good dream. Isn't it?"

Louis chuckled. "Is it?? I have heard that morning dreams meant to come true." he whispered against her neck, intoxicated with her scent.



Charlotte who was invited by Brina for the breakfast, excitedly reached her flat. She knocked on the door for almost two minutes but didn't get any reply.

So, she directly get inside the house and it didn't take her any long to find where those two are.

However, she didn't think that she will see them in such an intimate position.

"Hello? You know what? You guys can continue later. For now, I am famished. So, come out and let's eat breakfast." Charlotte said as she pretended to close her eyes with her hand.

Brina who saw Charlotte, right away blushed and pushed Louis aside, before standing up.

Louis pouted and narrowed his eyes at Charlotte.

Perfect timing!!!

"I'm gonna go and freshen up first." Louis said as he sulked.

"Ohh here, I brought your suit." Charlotte said as she throwed a bag towards him.

"Thanks Char." Louis said and went to the guest room to freshen up.

Later, the three of them had a lively and happy breakfast, talking some random stuff.

Mostly, it was a banter between Charlotte and Louis.



In Russell's mansion.

Nadia sat in the dining room with her hands crossed her chest arrogantly.

"I won't go till you promise to revenge me dad. That bitch humiliated me!!" Nadia shouted.

"Not now, Nadia. We still have some things to take away from Brina. Till then, be patience my daughter." Carson said.

"Dad!! Nadia is right. We have to eliminate Brina otherwise it will become even more difficult to get our hands on aunt's assets and orphanages." Nolen, Carson's eldest son said.

"I heard that Brina is selling away some assets of aunt to Smith's family. The Smith's are trying to establish their company here as well and it seems they have contacted Brina." Nolen said.

Carson wriggled his eyebrows and slammed his fist.

"That bitch!!" he yelled.

"Nolen, call your maternal uncle and inform him that we have a work for him to do." Carson angrily said.

Nadia and Nolen smirked.

Their dad is truly a fool who trusts his children blindly.

What are this Nadia and Nolen are having in mind??

Guy's, please don't forget to vote and review the book.

thank you and be safe

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