
Royal hybrid

Lian stared at her little brother's scared expression, not knowing what else to do she pulled him close and obscured him from the view of everyone else in the room. At that moment, she realized she would do everything and anything to protect him. Turning, she stared at the woman who dared to hurt her brother, then at everyone else in the hall. Don't worry. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to go through me first. Be it the alpha, she locked eyes with the expressionless man at the door, the Luna she stared down at the cowering woman in front of her, beta or gamma, who subconsciously bowed in submission to the powerful aura she was exuding or even the moon goddess herself. She made him look at her. No one, I mean not a single soul, will harm a single hair on your head, I promise you that on mother. They will pay with blood. She silently made that vow to herself. Lian Scott has always wanted one thing throughout her 18 years of living. Freedom! She always wanted the freedom to explore and gain experience like girls her age, which her mother seemed too paranoid to give her. But what happens when the freedom she desperately wants comes through her mother's demise? Kian Raul, a dangerously beautiful specimen many have named him, however, when such a beautiful face holds know expression and destroys anything in his path, another title was gifted him "Heartless demon." What will happen when they find out that because of a curse, he holds no heart?

Jessica_Ilalokhoin · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I will be putting a pause on this book for now as my laptop with the draft of this book was stolen. So I am still tying to find a solution to this problem, so for now the book will be on hold. I know I just started this book but I promise to continue the book after I am able get back the draft.