
Royal Families

Chloe the president's daughter Liked by prince Kennedy the son of Louis he's going against his parents it his usual says "When I love means I love" but let see if their relationship will accepted by two different Royal Families.

Cute_531 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 13;..Wasn't a Nightmare

After Lissa said Frank agreed they walked towards so as to get in the Royal party buuuuut.....they bumped into Kennedy who held Chloe's hand.

"Lissa,I have been waiting for you for so long, girl"

Chloe said it, immediately after saw her then she waited for answer as threw her eyes she saw beside Lissa there is a young man.

"I was about to come, I have a huge, heavy news to talk with you,Chloe"Lissa said.

"Wait.....Your Chloe?"Frank asked

"Yeah, I am Chloe"

"What's wrong then?"Kennedy said and then Lissa started explain to them.

"It's about Ariana"Lissa said

"What's happened to her?"Chloe said with worry voice.

"Are you insane?, she's a wild animal she plans to vanish you out of world"Lissa said.

"I don't get it at all...."Chloe said with bit confusing look.

"We was walking as talking...."Lissa tried to explain but before she could finish Chloe who has thirsty to finds out what is going on so she interrupted her

"with Ariana?".

"Chloe?....you wanna listen or you wanna guessing?"Lissa said

"I just wanted to know walking, talking with who?"Chloe said

"With Frank...then we saw Ariana and your bodyguard were talking"

Lissa explained to them as she can definitely it helped Chloe to realize why her bodyguard was talking with Ariana, frequently.

"Are you sure you heard that from her..... I mean what did I do to deserve this from her.....as I trying to remember I didn't offend her since our childhood till now,why would she dare wanna do that to me?"Chloe said.

"Wait.... maybe she got pay to ruined your reputation"

Kennedy said after saw Chloe crying he make a illusion thoughts.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore I just....I just Don't wanna talk about it anymore"Chloe said.

"Chloe that's will not help, we must use our plan as she plans hers"Kennedy said.

"Great Idea....I have one plan"Lissa said.

"How about we pretend like we don't know anything....."Lissa said

"I can say it's great idea...but no, I'll have to face her,if I ask Ariana maybe she can tell me"

Chloe said then they both fell into silence for a moment.

"Look Chloe, right now you're in panic mood....on what Lissa said it's good and only way to find out what she planned, and if you face her she might make sure her plans to work faster and effectively than compare when she didn't know you found out"Kennedy said

"Then I should be more careful and I will act I know nothing"Chloe conclude

"Then Chloe, would you be able to continue with party?"Lissa finally asked and Chloe thought in second then....

"Nah... I think I won't be able to face her today....things might ended up being worse,it will ruined everything"Chloe said

"Okay ,so we all don't proceed with part"Frank asked

"Of course not.....Ariana will get suspicious so Lissa and Chloe will leave, me and Frank are staying in the party"Kennedy said

"Then we should go..."Lissa said then they turned to leave.

"Wait... Lissa thanks for today"Frank said

"Oh! Thanks too"She replied after turned back to face him.

"Wow! so romantic, Ok it's my turn.... Chloe? thanks for your time today"

Kennedy made a romantic look ,at least that made Chloe smile.

"Thanks too"That was only word from Chloe then they left.


"Ugh!!!!..."Chloe left sighs relief on her bed,she was still stressed out with yesterday situation.

Chloe wake up on her bed and took her phone it's was 7:09am.

"I did'nt see who win the best outfit queen an king ,ughh! Ariana?? Ariana? what did I do to you"

"She made my day worse and too bad it wasn't a nightmare, damn it"

Chloe's thoughts made a discussion on how she can face her beloved friend turned to be evil.

In quickily movement she wakes up, then walked towards her bathroom with her pajamas.


Chloe got out wore a jeans and pink T-shirt with her shoes.

"Girl ,you wake up...come and sit right here"Lissa said

"Are you feeling well, girl?" Lissa asked after see chloe is so quite.

"Let's say I'm fine and Thank you"Chloe said

"What's happened yesterday?"Chloe asked.

"Mh?...I mean What did you mean?"Lissa said

"I meant about King and Queen of best outfit"Chloe saud

"Oh!! maybe look at Royal newz yourself"Lissa said

"Why? "

"Because...you know.....Ariana..Ariana won Queen of best outfit ,yesterday"

"(Smirks)....you know what?, I'll be able to pretend like I know nothing about her plans"Chloe said

"(Smiles),So can we start?"Lissa asked then chloe smiled back.

"Yes ,sure, but let's forget about that tell me ,your encounter with Frank"Chloe said

"I real like your mood"Lissa said

"Come on girl stop run away from my qustion, tell me who is he?"Chloe asked

"He'll be my friend I met him yesterday....surely he was polite....."Lissa explained all situation from start to end.

"That's is great for you, you don't know, he might have got interest on you"

"Chloe, not too far like that ,I think he was just need someone to talk with"Lissa said

"As long as your girl and he is man, I'm surely you will tell me the result"chloe said

"He is handsome though"Lissa agreed with sympathy eyes and blushes on her face.

"Girl, You're blush...."Chloe teased her.

"Doesn't mean I feeling him....."Lissa reacted.

"Girl, I know you are feeling him ,yes you are"Chloe said

"Nah... forget it, let's go to eat, I was waiting for you,cause I already prepare some food"Lissa said

"Wow!, let's go then"Chloe replied then they started walk to the dinning room, but suddenly.....the knock Interrupt their walk.

"Who is?...."

"I guess let's go find out,it might be your friend,Ariana"Lissa said and they both walked to see who's knock the door.

"Hi ladies, good morning"Lucca said

"I know... I know but I'm just here to bring massage to both you"Lucca said

"From who?"Lissa asked

"Who else could be.... it's Kennedy and the new guy"Lucca said

"New guy?"Chloe asked

"I pretty sure he means Frank"Lissa said

"Yeah I think that guy falling in love with you,But I'm not sure and this is your letters and byeee"Lucca turned and left them.