
Chapter 320: Who is trapping who?

Only to be shocked at the scene in front of them, Tianlong Yun was just lying down, with his head over Yu Qing's thighs as he looked sleepily towards the door.

Seeing all of them enter he didn't look worried or bothered in the least, in fact, he looked like he was bored waiting for them, as he said,

Tianlong Yun:" You guys sure took your time, I was thinking of having a light sleep before you entered!"

All the people inside were looking at him with shocked and surprised expressions as if he was a retarded person or something.

But it couldn't be said that it was their fault, after all, there were more than 30 people waiting outside the room with good knowledge in martial arts.

Lining up, from Masters and Grandmasters of martial arts to the Foundation Establishment Real, and even a cultivator in the 3rd level Golden Core Realm in their ranks.